
living with Mr sex freak

Evelyn_Chidera · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

am sorry mum



I shed tears till we got home. Mother was so mad that she didn't say a word to me till we got home.

I knew this time around seeking for her forgiveness won't go easy. After damaging our only source of livelihood.

"Mother please let me explain." I said as she dropped her bag on the couch.

"Nothing you say will justify the fact that we are doomed! We have nothing at home! No money that can last us a week!" She yelled and I bowed my head.

"Mom I swear it won't happen again." I muttered.

"Yeah. You say that every time and we are always back to where we started. Lecturing you like you are some baby." She said sheding more tears.

"You have done nothing more than make me want to regret having you! Because of your reckless behavior." She added and more tears rolled down my eyes.

I fell to my knees with my head Bowed.

"Mom please just this last time, let me make it up to you. I am so sorry, please forgive me." I said and she stared at me for some minutes before sitting on the couch.

"I am tired of trying to believe you Mara." She said tiredly and I crawled up to her.

"This will be the last time Mother. I promise,I will fix this. We will get the grocery shop back to the way it was." I said with confidence.

Though I didn't know how but I really meant every word I said.

She heaved and nodded looking at me.

"For the very last time Mara, i forgive you. And you need to fix this." She said and I nodded.

"I swear I will." I said and she smiled faintly standing up.

"I will be in my room. I need to clear my head." She said and I nodded smiling.

She walked to her room and I headed to mine. I needed to talk to someone and then I thought of only one person.

Cindy, my best friend. I brought out my cellphone from my bag and dailed her number. I laid on the bed waiting patiently for her to pick up.

📲Hey baby girl!

📲Hey. *Sadly*

📲What's wrong this time Mara?

📲I got mother angry. And this time more than ever.

📲Oh my.... Mara!

📲It's not my fault. The guys were so annoying so I trashed one of them and they found me to Mom's shop. I tried hiding and then they started destroying the things in the shop!

📲Oh my God. So how did you stop them?

📲I escaped. Using someone else's car. An handsome dude.

📲So this handsome dude let you use his car to escape just like that?

📲Nope. It was in form of a force, and then we parted ways in a memorable way.

📲Why do I feel you did something to him.

📲I did. I kicked his balls so hard because he touched my b**bs

📲 *Laughs*... You know what? Why don't you let us talk about how to fix the issue on ground about your mom.

📲To be honest, I have nothing in my mind tonight. But by tomorrow I should have come up with something.

📲We will talk tomorrow then. I will also do some thinking here.

📲Thank you Cindy. Good night.

I hung up the call and shut my eyes. In the next five to seven minutes, I found myself In the dream Land.


"Mara!! You need to see this!" Mother yelled from the living room interrupting my sleep. I groaned rolling on the bed weakly.

"Mara get down here before I drag you here myself!" Her voice came again and I sluggishly got out of bed with murmurings.

I walked to the living room dragging my feet on the floor. She raised her head to look at me and I saw she had this happy face one.

"Mom what's up?" I asked sitting on the couch and she passed me the phone.

"Read this." She said and I rubbed my eyes with my finger before I began to read.

"This is a letter which states the poster is looking for a maid." I said and she nodded standing up.

"My friend got this and sent it to me quickly. Mara you can go for this. The pay is good. And right now we need the money." She said.

"You want me to apply for the post of a maid?" I asked and she nodded.

"Do you have any ideas on how to feed us?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Not yet." I said scrolling up to see who wanted this maid. And then I saw the name "Christian Stone."

I decided to search for his picture and when it loaded and I saw it my mouth dropped open.

"The demi God?"