
Chapter 18 Orientation

Our immersion orientation was still ongoing and not even a single word passed into my mind. I can hear but I can't understand or simply all the statements got into the other side of my ear but it passes through the other side. It seems I was listening but my mind was wandering. In short, I was physically present but mentally absent.

I still can't get over enough what had happened earlier. I got into a fight and I had the feeling that Asher and his friends saw what had happened, Gelou mentioned expulsion then this boring orientation and the embarrassing moment that happened when I was about to enter this facility.

Is there some worst scenario that might happen this day?

I just don't know.

I was in the middle of daydreaming when Amber shove her elbow at my side who's sitting next to me but I didn't mind her. I was sure that she was tripping me. Then, she shove me again but I didn't give her attention.

My sanity came back when she pinched my cheeks and I can't feel the discomfort. "Why did you do it?"

"Wake up, will you? Sir Morris called your name," she hissed. The realisation hit me. I heard Sir Morris mentioned my name again and I feels like cold water splashed in my face. What did I do?

"What?" I whispered to myself.

"Ms Madrigal from ABM strand," he paused and gestured me to stand up so I did.

A teacher from another strand handed a microphone to the students near me and passed it to me. This is the worst part for me when one of the presenters called your name and asked questions. In my case, it is better to answer his query than humiliating myself. I dare to be preoccupied with something else and if I will not rescue myself, I will end up a laughing stake.

"Just like what I've said, why is work immersion is important? Let's hear from you if you understand?" he said and I swallowed hard trying to generate ideas. I heave a sighed. I looked at Amber but she smiled a little bit and pinched my hand. Another worst scenario.

"It is important because its primary goal was to demonstrate to students the realities of the world, their interaction with their surroundings, their ability to apply what they had learned, and to provide an in-depth learning experience of their future workplace, regardless of the career path they chose. With this program, students will be able to demonstrate that they can learn not only from textbooks, from their imagination and other resources. but also prove the importance of John Dewey theory of learning by doing," I explained but I don't know if it is correct.

"And Work Immersion Portfolio is needed but why it is needed?" Sir Morris added. All I thought, there is no additional question. Even though the whole place has centralized air conditioning, the sweat on my forehead continues and does not swell.

"Portfolio," I started but there was something in my throat stop me so I tilted my face sidewards and cough but sounds so fake.

"It is a live proof or evidence and a constantly changing collection of all of each student's outputs, such as reflections on what occurred during the immersion days, personal statements, documentation, and so on. It also indicates greater productivity, assesses one's competency, and demonstrates effort range."

I held my breath and sat down because I appeared to have run out of energy. I don't know if what I'm mumbling is right. I don't know because I'm not paying attention and even more, I don't know where the words I let out came from. I didn't say I had stock knowledge because I haven't read a book with that kind of content. It's not acceptable as a basis that I just hear those words when I passed by the other day.

Except for the very nice smile from Sir Morris I heard nothing more com remarks about my answer, maybe I got the point. He went back to the slide of his presentation and resumed it. I tried my best not to space out again and be attentive enough for me not to create another special mention of my name.

Being attentive was worth it. I smiled when his last question was flashed on the screen after and I guess I got it right.

"I just don't know how your brain works," Amber sheepishly commented, whispering that enough for the two of us can hear. "I know you can but I just can't believe that you still managed to answer. Imagined you space out?"

"Amber, I've been in a much worst scenario," I said thinking those days when Auntie Julie always humiliate me when I was unable to answer her question before and that she disgrace me for not being on top but it was still an achievement on my part.

Amber nodded as she got what I mean. "Speaking of, did you not combed your hair? New outlook? But in fairness, it suits you." I slightly chuckled. It flashed on my mind why I ended up not combing my hair. She tucked some strand of her hair at the back of her ear and let out a smile.

After a minute, Sir Morris was done with his presentation and another topic was opened by the next teacher before our lunch break.

"Let's go first in the cafeteria before we went to the Talisay," Amber said and we went to the cafeteria. "I'll just buy bottled water."

While Amber went to the first stall, I took the opportunity to check on my phone. Since there was free internet access here, I took the chance to connect and check if there was an update in the story of my favourite author but I ended up checking on my social media.

There was numerous status of my friends on their Facebook account and I didn't bother to leave any reaction.

A familiar scent came near me, it's Amber. "Let's go!"

Before I decided to leave on the home page, a status from Asher caught my attention and it was posted five minutes ago. It was a simple statement but it flooded with many comments asking who is the lucky girl.

"That's my girl! No wonder!"

Even I was wondering who is the girl he was talking about.

Amber, who asked to let's go to the Talisay, took out her phone and open her account when she saw the status flashed on my screen. She gasped and started murmuring all possible scenarios.

"I think, I get what she meant by his post," she confidently said and out of curiosity, I asked her in curiosity but she said nonsense words. "You are asking me then you won't believe me?"

"Then, what made you think that I was the girl? Don't assume too much," I finally said but some part of me hoping it was me. Because as expected, there was a feeling involved deep inside my heart and whatever it is, no matter how I tried, it is not new to have small hope even in the vaguest hints.

"Coming from you?" she jokingly said. "Check the comments." I tap the comment section and read it.

Ken Fugado

'Of course. I witnessed how brilliant a girl she is.'

Joshua Peralta

'Now, I understand why she was your type'

Robin Damian

'Huh? Mr President, the lover boy'

Ken Fugado replied to Robin Damian

'Yeah, should we mention her'

Robin Damian replied to Ken Fugado

'Sure, she was my friend'

Lila Santiago replied to Robin Damian


Ken Fugado replied to Joshua Peralta

'Brother, mention his love of his heart'

Asher Valderama replied to Ken Fugado

'Want to taste my fist?'

Robin Damian replied to Asher Valderrama

'I will rephrase my statement. Not a lover boy but a timid boy. Hahaha'

Asher Valderrama

'Robin, Josh, Ken'

Ken Fugado replied to Asher Valderrama

'Okay, keep quiet! Insert laughing emotions!'

Amber Cruz

'I have a hint?'

I tapped Amber's shoulder upon reading her comment on Asher's status. "Let's go. Don't involve yourself. You might say something bad."

I put my phone back in my pocket without reading any of the other comments. Amber didn't protest and walked with me but her playful smile didn't fade. The weather was hot and the sun was scorching, but that didn't stop me from going for a walk. We didn't have an umbrella and could bear the heat, but others didn't seem to mind that our skin would scorch and turn black.

When we both arrived in Talisay, it didn't seem to sink into my brain that a group of students was already in our favourite place with Amber because we both gasped in awe. It's just refreshing that nobody wants to go here and we both knew that a place like this fit the both of us but now, some familiar face was here except Asher who came here some other time.

They are having fun.

"Hello girls," Ken called us with a wide smile and that caught the attention of his companions.

I looked at Amber and her gaze was sharp enough to penetrate them.

"What are you doing here? Of all places?" Amber spoke and irritation was evident in her tone.

"Amber," I whispered attempting to make her calm because they are not doing bad things. It's just that they are in our usual spot.

"No, Amber. Of all places? Can you still remember the scene caused by that possessive girl?" she blurted out pointing to Lila who is in the circle.

"Easy, girl."

"Shut up," she said fiercely. I let out a sigh and walked to the next bench to sit. Amber followed me and sit in front of me.

"This bench is their usual spot. The two of them hang out here during lunchtime," Asher came in the picture but instead of understanding his point, a teasing scenario flared up.

What was that?