
Chapter 04 Cleaning duty

Words can hit harder than fists, that's what they say and it was true.

Auntie Julie was so furious and keep on talking, scolding and telling hurtful words. I didn't know when will be the time I will use it.

"You are worthless. You have done nothing decent and you are carrying problems and headaches in this family. You give a family a shame and you just hit it. Do you even realize what my friends will say, the staff in the school? What kind of mind do you have and fight with that stupid student like you? I regret my decision to accept and embrace you if this is the only way you will pay. If only I could put you back in your mother's womb, I would have done it," she exclaimed her litany.

I tried hard to put away her words. I tried my best that whatever I will hear should leave on the other side of my ear.

True, what is learned can be unlearned. It should be like that. But I can't help it.

I don't remember how many times in a day that Auntie Julie wished I'd never be born. Why would bother a daughter's mistress? I was always given the message that I was a bad daughter or not good enough to carry the surname Madrigal. That I'm a burden and have no sense of reason in living.

"It's all your fault, Andrea," she constantly blamed me. I feel like a failure. God knows what had happened.

"Mom, Andrea is not at fault. She was a victim," Frida interrupted defending me. I came to be teary-eyed when a glimpse of what I saw earlier flashed in my mind. But I fight my inner feelings to outburst. I know it will in vain. No matter how hurtful her words are and it will stay the scar with me for days, even weeks. She was still the mother who raised and nurture me after my mom died. I still respect her.

"Even if," Auntie Julie paused. I waited for her next statement but she did not let it out. It odd and walk out. Dad has a business trip and even if he's around, he doesn't have the guts to defend me.

When there's no sign of her, my feet softened. I held on to the couch and calmed my nerves. Frida approached and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Andrea. I'm apologizing on behalf of mom. You know she didn't mean it," I didn't answer back because I know if I talked, the tears I'm holding back will make a way to run through my cheeks.

I didn't attempt to utter a single word and thanks to Frida, she's didn't break the silence. I stared at nothing and my mind went black. It was empty. Frida stood up and headed back after a minute holding a glass of water. She gave it to me and gulped it all. I put it down on the table.

Frida stayed beside me until I feel lulled.

"Thanks, Frida."

"No worries, my dear sister. You always got my back," she smiled from ear to ear. It was contagious. Then, her phone suddenly rang and I saw Dondi appear on her phone's screen.

"I'll just take his call," she excused herself as she taps the accept button.

I heave a sigh.

What a great day!

Another heart wrecking. I don't know how to start. I was contemplating if I will tell her the truth that Dondi, the jerk was cheating or let my sister marry a guy like him. Whether I will tell her or not, the result will be the same. Frida was too good to be true and doesn't deserve to feel betrayed.

I don't know what to do. Can problems come one by one first? This dilemma is no joke.

After the call, I earned some strength to ask her. "Frida, are you happy with him?"

"Of course. I didn't foresee that I'm experiencing this kind of stuff. You know, preparing for my wedding. I didn't expect that after we've been through, we ended up being together," I can see in his expression how happy my sister is. Her expressive eyes are evident when she's happy.

"I'm glad," I halted from asking her. But my mouth was a traitor.


"What I mean, what if he will cheat? I mean, Dondi," I said. I'll just reap the outcome. But her reaction, made me frowned. She's laughing.

"How silly you are! Your thinking too much."

I left empty but a big question in my mind. The hurtful words from Auntie Julie were mixed with confusion about Frida's action.

The next day, I was like a walking zombie. I didn't have enough sleep and my brain was flying. Still, I decided to prepare myself to go to school.

I opened the door. To my surprise, Dondi's face greeted me holding flowers. I stared at him from head to toe. He is disgusting. He even has the face to step in our territory when he's a cheater. Unfortunately, I smiled at him widely.

"Good morning, Andrea! Where's Frida?" he asked politely but instead of answering him I pass through in front of him and ignore his question.

I arrived at the school early than I expected. I'm walking in the hallway going to our building when someone taps my shoulder slightly, a familiar scent. No other than Asher Valderama.

"Don't forget about cleaning the school auditorium after class," he reminded me. Then, an invisible light bulb opened. I almost forgot about cleaning. Why do my worries don't lessen?

"Okay," the only word skip from my mouth.

"I got to go," he said and went straight to their building.

I sighed. When I can't see any trace of him, I giggled like an idiot. Despite everything, there is something good happened.

The rest of the day went peacefully and normal. In the morning, was only pure discussion. I'm grateful that there are no quizzes. In the afternoon, all teachers have a meeting. They just give us a seatwork to finish.

When it's our dismissal time, I got all my things and put them in my bag.

Amber and I went together to the guidance counsellor office to get a slip as proof that we cleaned the assigned place given to us before and after. We'll go to do it until the last day of cleaning. After the last day of cleaning, we are going to writes five pages handwritten saying that we will not do it again back to back pad paper. We should follow because it was the school rule. If not, the punishment will be worst.

After that, we proceed to the school auditorium. Asher and Lila are already there.

"Lila is an early bird. I thought all she knows is proclaiming her so-called beauty," Amber murmured enough to hear. I tapped her shoulder trying to make her calm but she just rolled her eyes.

Asher opened the door and lead the way where we can get cleaning materials and started cleaning.

The school auditorium is kept clean because janitors are assigned here always cleaning so somehow the work is easier. It was large enough to accommodate at least half the number of the students.

We divided the task and cleaning the house was given to me. Amber is in the backstage and control room. Lila will clean the lobby and stage. Whoever finishes first will help others and no one complained.

The flow of our cleaning session went well because we have our area. Asher just came around to supervise us if we were doing the right thing.

I kept on wondering why he's doing this if he was the school president. His work was no longer covers such things. Or he did this in exchange for a request. Or perhaps, he did something wrong so he has no choice but to supervise us as a consequence of his actions. But I doubt. Being a school president must be a role model to all students. Whatever the reason is, I don't care. The thing I should be to finish it all and went home though I'm expecting Auntie Julie to enumerated her long speech.

After a moment, we are already done with our task. We are now outside the gate.

I heard Amber sighed at my back so I looked at her. She's scratching the back of her head in pain. I felt pity for her. She was not used to doing this kind of thing. They have helpers to do at their home.

"I'm sorry. You ended up cleaning," I genuinely said.

"No worries. I didn't regret that I fought for you because there are people around there who just rush and blamed others because they broke up with her boyfriend," she let out as a reason for Lila's blood to heat up.

"Are you referring to me?"

"Oh," Amber paused. She chuckled. "Did my statement hit your ego?"

I looked at Asher and he narrowed his eyes at the two. I was about to stop them but Asher didn't let me.

He cleared his throat. "What was done is done, right? Will you stop? Can you sort out your issues? You're just digging your own grave," he said in a calm voice but he has an authoritative tone that made Amber and Lila stop arguing. Now, I understand why others want his leadership. He can tame a roaring lion.

He stepped closer to Lila and whispered something that made her shocked.

"Go," and Lila ran back inside the school.

"Andrea, what did he say to her?" Amber whispered to me, even me, I don't know the reason.

After a second, a car stopped in front of us owned by Amber's family. Amber invite us for a ride.

During the whole ride, I saw again Dondi and the girl. For real? What should I do?