
Living my New Life as the Frail Son of the Duke

Renharuu · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Prologue: A wish of a dying person

When my doctor told me and my parents that my life expectancy was only three months, my world suddenly crushed down.

Although it was expected, hearing that my life on Earth was numbered, I wanted to scream and curse at my fate.

I was never ill. In fact, I have been a healthy person since I was born. Although my parents found it strange, they didn't suspect that my life would be shortened because of it.

In my eighteen years of life, I never felt the need to rest. I was overflowing with vitality and strength. Yet, a week before my nineteenth birthday, I fainted. After a day of not waking up, my parents decided to take me to the hospital. The doctor at that time didn't find anything strange. The doctor told my parents that I was only fatigued and resting was the only thing I needed.

After three days since I fainted, I woke up. Feeling refreshed, my parents didn't make any more fuss and only regarded it as something normal. But, my fainting occurred again, and as the number of times I fainted grew higher, the time I woke up from sleeping also lengthened.

It was not until the time of my sleep was at least a whole week before they decided to find the cause by finding experts in different fields.

After a month of ups and downs with their search, a shaman told my parents that my body was special. I wouldn't feel tired, ill, nor fatigued for my whole eighteen years of life, but I wouldn't also live until twenty years old.

My mom didn't believe it so she went to another hospital. After a series of testing, my life expectancy was only three months. It was exactly three months and a week before my twentieth birthday came. The doctor couldn't explain my condition but they knew that my body was slowly dying.

As if to prove their point, after a month my body started to get thinner. After another month, my hair grew whiter. It was as if my life energy was being sucked off of me, I grew weaker as the days passed by.

Now only a day was remaining for my life, I wouldn't hear my mother cry every night while praying for God about transferring my condition to her. Yet, her prayers were never answered.

I still have a lot of things I wanted to do. Things I wanted to share with my family and friends, yet as the day slowly turned into afternoon and into night, my breath was slowly being sucked out of me. Before I closed my eyes, I prayed...

To live my new life healthily beside the people that I love, never seeing the misery that I brought to them because of dying first before them.

As that final thought flashed before my mind, I took my final breath before my life ended.



...At least that's what I thought. After a lot of time passed by, I slowly opened my eyes, but the view that presented itself to me was different from the room where I took my last breath. As if to give me a second chance, I started my life in a new world. A world of sword and magic.

Although there was a catch, I was the son of the duke... a sickly and frail son.

Oh geez. Hello readers, this will be my first work before finishing the MLL. I wanted to rewrite it, but before that I wanted to gain more experience with this novel. I hope you'll like this one :))

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