
Living in a Novel World

Nothing more than an ATG fanfiction.

Only_an_ATG_Lover · Livres et littérature
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21 Chs

Showdown 2

"Damn you, you can barely use the techniques taught to you by our sect, and yet you try to show off and make us lose face, you worthless, you will be punished severely when we return to the sect."

Soon after, a thick and angry voice was heard, it was the elder in charge of Yan Ming's sect, he was completely annoyed.

"Huh, so that was it, that boy only won because his opponent was bad at using his own techniques, after all New Moon Profound Palace is just that." Someone commented among the crowd.

Meanwhile Wu Chen was there, standing and calmly observing the whole situation, his expression was calm and relaxed, it was as if his previous battles were the same as nothing.

"I will challenge you, I am 16 year old Feng Guangyi from Storm Profound Hall." A young man whose easy expression was ugly and smug climbed into the arena as he screamed.

"At first I didn't want to fight you, you weren't in my eyes, but now I want to crush you like the insect you are." He added.

"Wooooooaaaaahhhhhhh, are you done yet? If so just fight, I don't have time for your ravings." In response Wu Chen gave a big yawn, and then said a few words, there's nothing more annoying than these ants thinking they're elephants.

"Hey, did I hear that right? That arrogant boy is belittling senior Feng, he will definitely pay for it." Someone said from a distance.

"Damn it, I'll kill you, feel my sect's special technique, Storm of Nine Shapes, Swift Wind Form." As soon as he said those words, Feng Guangyi took off, and all over the arena it seemed like a whirlwind of wind had arisen.

Wu Chen still stood still while watching such a technique, it seemed a somewhat interesting technique. Seeing that Wu Chen stood still, Feng Guangyi let out a confident and evil smile, then continued to attack.

"Storm of Nine Shapes, Foma of the Wind Clones." The next moment he used what would be the second form of the technique, immediately several illusory images of himself emerged.

"It's an interesting technique, but you're very weak." Wu Chen said lightly before moving at high speed. This left behind an image that was identical to him, Feng Guangyi attacked with all his might.

"Did he get it? Senior brother Feng really did." Someone commented in the audience.

"Hahaha, I knew I'd beat you, there's always a price to pay when you're arrogant." Feng Guangyi celebrated while smiling, but when he stopped he saw something unbelievable.

"You how?" he asked feeling unbelievable.

"Just sum it up."


When Feng Guangyi stopped his movements, he just saw Wu Chen standing there, as if he was calmly waiting for him, and before he could even say much, he was greeted with a kick and flew like a bullet against a wall outside the arena.

"Next." Wu Chen repeated his previous attitude.

"How is that possible? How can he be so strong being only in the 2nd Level of the Nascent Profound Realm?" Someone asked out loud.

'Damn, he's too strong, if Xiao Luocheng doesn't make a move and kill him, I'll be in a lot of trouble.' Not far away Murong Ye had an icy expression on his face, he had taunted Wu Chen earlier, and now fears for his own life.

"Junior Brother Yuanba, is it true that you two came from Floating Cloud City?" On the other side Lan Xueruo and Xia Yuanba were chatting amicably, Wu Chen brought surprise after surprise for both of them.

"Senior sister Lan, actually the brother-in-law doesn't want this information told to anyone, you'd better ask him when you get the chance." Xia Yuanba replied politely.

Hearing the other party's answer, Lan Xueruo became even more curious about Wu Chen, she would definitely investigate him when he got the chance... A woman's curiosity is really a scary thing.

"This is taking too long, how about the strongest of you come face me? That way everyone will see my full strength, and then they will know the strength of the elite disciples of New Moon Profound Palace." Wu Chen said after not seeing anyone approach.

'Hahahaha, Xiao Lie really raised a good grandson.'

Sikong Han thought while smiling happily, he does not doubt that Wu Chen can beat Xiao Luocheng, this is due to the fact that the more deep entrances open, the greater the talent of the practitioner, Xiao Luocheng has only 9 deep entrances open, while Wu Chen has 20 , overcoming a small kingdom is very possible.

"Arrogant, how dare you belittle our seven sects? Who gave you such courage?" Someone said angrily.

"When did I belittle someone? Are you the ones who use low words to offend others, are you the ones who underestimate my New Moon Profound Palace, are you now trading right for wrong?"

Wu Chen then said, as much as he tries to remain neutral and not get angry at these people, they act very irrationally, maybe Yun Che wasn't wrong to kill some of them.

"So, where is Young Master Xiao Luocheng? I want to fight with New Moon City's number one junior. If you want to accept, just go up to the arena, otherwise don't waste my time." Wu Chen added before some more idiot interrupted him.

"I, Xiao Luocheng, accept your challenge."

"Wait a moment brother Xiao, let me crush this boy."

At that moment Xiao Luocheng replied and approached the arena, but before he could go up he was stopped by another teenager.

Turning to look whose voice it was, Xiao Luocheng recognized him, this was Lu Zhanan.

"Brother Lu, why are you stopping me? I really want to fight this Wu Chen, so don't get in my way." Xiao Luocheng then said, he had previously felt that he must crush Wu Chen today, or his position as number one would be threatened in the future.

Hearing Xiao Luocheng's words, Lu Zhannan just had to accept it and then walk away with a bad expression on his face, he might not be as strong as Xiao Luocheng, but he's still among New Moon City's first young geniuses.

"Wu Chen, right? I declare on behalf of the Xiao Sect, there will be no consequences for any injuries acquired in this battle, be it him or me." Xiao Luochen uttered a few words and then climbed into the arena.

Seeing this, the elders of the other sects gave a meaningful smile, who didn't know the purpose behind those words? Xiao Luocheng was clearly announcing that he would destroy his opponent.

It's a shame that he chose the wrong opponent, and he will pay shamefully for that choice.

"He really challenged Xiao Luocheng, he might be terribly strong, but the gap is too big." Suddenly someone commented, this was Ye Hongling, she has been paying full attention to Wu Chen since the beginning.

"Yes, Junior Sister Ye is right, I need to take her place and fight Xiao Luocheng." Then another person commented, this was Lan Xueruo, she was impressed with Wu Chen, and she didn't want to see this genius fall here.

"Big sister Lan, don't worry, brother-in-law is well prepared, even if I didn't believe it either when I heard his plans earlier, just from the things I've seen so far, I can indeed believe him, and you should too." This time it was Xia Yuanba who spoke.

Just then both girls breathed a sigh of relief, in the distance Murong Ye watched all this while grinding his teeth in anger, but he was still excited to see Xiao Luocheng crushing that arrogant rookie.