By Cowboy Alchemist,A Tale of love, friendship, and savagery. A long time ago, Frank Ramirez and Anne Boonchuy were once best friends. Brought together again, these two will be magically teleported to the world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of dangerous creatures and anthropomorphic frogs. Bond together in an unlikely partnership, while also living with the local frogs, these two will rediscover what real friendship is and become heroes.
"Hop Pop, we've got to talk," said 13-year-old Frank Ramirez and he, Anne, Sprig, and Polly stood in front of the elder frog. "It's not you, it's us…Oh, who am I kidding? No, it's definitely you."
Sitting on the couch, Hop Pop looked absolutely horrible. He smelt terrible, had flys over his head, and he hasn't shaved in days. He was dirty, with a stained under-shirt on, tired eyes with bags under them, and looked absolutely miserable. And it was evident how miserable he was when the old frog looked at the kids. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Hop Pop, it's been two days now. You've been sitting on the couch and haven't moved an inch," Anne said, being very worried for him.
"Not to mention getting all gross." Polly added, which earned her a nudge from Anne.
"Are you feeling any better," asked Sprig.
Hop Pop sighed and looked down at the photo he had in his lap. Showing him standing next to the family stand. "No. Ever since we lost the vegetable stand I've just felt, well, lost. I was fine the first couple of days, but it's really starting to catch up with me."
"Well, maybe this will cheer you up. Pa-pow!" From her pocket, Anne pulled out a job pamphlet for the Grub-N-Go.
"The Grub-N-Go's hiring greeters!" Sprig explained. "All you gotta do is smile and be friendly."
"You can still smile, right?" Frank asked.
Still looking miserable, Hop Pop sighed miserably. "Just another job for me to lose," he moaned, slouching on the couch.
"Yeah? Well like it or not, you're getting a job. Even if I have to drag you there myself!" Frank said, grabbing the old frog and picking him up. Peeling his back off the couch. "Now let's get you back in the game."
"Put me down! The couch is the only one who understands me!" Hop Pop yelled, struggling to break free of Frank's grip.
"Don't worry. It'll be here when you come home," Frank said, carrying him to the door. However, he stopped and turned to Anne. Whispering, he said, "If the couch can't be saved, burn it."
Anne winked and nodded. And with that, Frank left to get Hop Pop ready.
After finally getting Hop Pop dressed and looking nice, Frank walked Hop Pop to the Grub-n-Go to give him some tips. His dad was the supervisor of the local Spendco back home, and would give Frank advice on everything to do in an interview. And with that knowledge, the young boy passed it down to Hop Pop.
While waiting for the old frog, Frank sat on the ground with his back against a crate while eating an apple and wrote in his journal. As he wrote about his current experiences in this strange world, Frank hummed Binary Sunset to himself. It was one of his favorite songs.
"Thank you, Mr. Plantar. Don't call us, we'll call you," said the manager inside the shop. Frank looked up and saw Hop Pop walking out of the store, before the manager shut the door behind him. Frank sighed, closed his journal, and ran towards his friend.
"Didn't go too well," Frank asked, already knowing the answer.
"Let's just go home," Hop Pop said, looking down at the ground in depression. How, he stopped when he noticed something up ahead. Up ahead was a large crowd of people that seemed to be surrounding something, or perhaps someone.
Standing high above everyone else, Frank saw that they were all gathered in front of the greedy mayor of the town, Toadstool. Glaring at the mayor that nearly got him killed, Frank asked, "What's going on here?"
"Sign-ups for the election!" exclaimed Wally, popping out from behind Frank, much to the boy's shock. "You been living under a rock? 'Cause I have and even I knew that."
As Wally walked off, Frank shook his fist at him. "For your information, Wally, I've been living under a tree!"
"Election," Hop Pop asked.
Next to the mayor, Toadie wrote down Toadstool's name on a piece of paper and handed it to the mayor. Toadstool took it and placed it into the voting box. "Vote Mayor Toadstool! If reelected, I will always look out for the little guy," the toad said, giving the people peace signs as he walked to his snail.
However, in contrast to his words, Toadstool uses his assistant as a stool to climb onto the saddle of the snail. Toadie then jumped onto the driver's seat and took off with the mayor. Kicking up dust into the face of a little girl, who started coughing.
"What a bastard," Frank said.
Hop Pop scoffed. "That's putting it mildly, Frank," he said, glaring at the toad driving off.
"How did a guy like that get to be mayor?" Frank asked, wondering if there was any reason why the nice people of the town would do such a thing.
"It wasn't by our vote, Frank. That's for sure," Hop Pop said, gaining the attention of his fellow frogs. "That guy keeps raising our taxes, and what do we got to show for it? Our snail-ways are a mess."
This was demonstrated when a frog and his snail fell into one of many potholes.
"Our buildings are falling apart." This was demonstrated when the front of a building fell down, revealing a frog taking a bubble bath. The frog screamed and ducked into the water.
"Heck, we ain't even replaced the schoolhouse after last year's millipede incident!" This was demonstrated when the school kids, who were happy playing in the rubble of the schoolhouse, found themselves running for their lives when a centipede burst from the ground. Scaring off the kids and then crawling away.
"Am I crazy, or is he making sense," asked Felicia.
As the other frogs gathered around him, Hop Pop continued. "Maybe we need a mayor who looks out for the people he's mayoring. 'Cause ours, well…" He stopped to chuckle in contempt. "He's only looking out for himself."
Frank looked down at his friend with wide eyes. "Wow, Hop Pop. Never knew that you were a great speaker," he said with an impressed face.
"Heh. Thanks Frank," Hop Pop said before turning away and looked down again. "Anyway, good afternoon, everybody."
However, before he could start walking away, Wally suddenly ran up to Hop Pop and wrapped an arm around him. "I nominate Hopadiah Plantar for mayor!"
"What!?" Frank and Hop Pop exclaimed
"I second that!" Felicia exclaimed, writing down his name and slipping it into the mayor nomination box. This started a chain reaction from everyone else, as they all started to cheer for the old frog. "Hop Pop for mayor, everyone!"
Wally pushed Hop Pop in front of the crowd and started to play "he was a jolly good fellow" on his accordion. As the crowd continued to cheer and applauded, Hop Pop was taken aback by how supportive they all were for him. But at that moment, Hop Pop began to smile.
When Frank and Hop Pop got home, the old frog burst through the door with a skip in his step. "Guess what, kids!"
Anne, Polly, and Sprig were sitting around the couch when he and Frank came in. When the two entered the house, with Hop Pop looking happy, they immediately got excited. "You passed the interview," asked Anne.
"You got the job?" Sprig added.
Frank sucked in air through his teeth and scratched the back of his head. "Well, not exactly," he said before Hop Pop jumped in front of him.
"I'm running for mayor!"
"Huh?" said the other kids.
"Don't you see, kids?" He walked over to a mirror on the wall and started combing his hair. Which became bushy. "If I win this election, I'll prove once and for all that Hopadiah Plantar ain't no loser!"
As the kids watched him, Anne got a worried look. "This is bad."
"Actually, this could be a good thing," Frank said, walking over and sitting next to her on the couch. "Hop Pop's a great speaker, he knows the town and what it needs and people know him. With him in office, we can get rid of Toadstool and make living here, well, pleasant."
"But if he loses, he'll be more down than ever," Anne said.
"And we just got the couch cleaned," Polly said, not wanting to have to go through the trouble again.
"But if he wins, maybe we'll get the old Hop Pop back!" Sprig said, siding with Frank on the matter.
"True that./Fair point." Both Polly and Anne agreed together.
"Hop Pop, we're all in!" Frank told the old frog, who rushed over to the kids with a giant smile and stars in his eyes.
"Really? Aw, kids. I won't let you down. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom practicing my distinguished expression!" He tried looking all presidential before running off while laughing
"Ugh. Politics are the worst," Anne said, standing up and walking away.
"Yeah, especially the people that are way too into politics," Frank said.
Polly said, "Yeah. The monster fights are pretty cool, though."
Frank turned to her. "Wait, what now?"
Frank and Anne thought that the mayor election would involve things like speeches and that sort. What they were not expecting was it to involve trials and physical challenges. But leave it to Amphibia to subvert their expectations.
Both them and the kids were among the people of Wartwood. They were all standing in front of a large cave entrance. The crowd cheered for either Hop Pop or Toadstool, who were both in leotards. Duckweed was there as well, in charge of the elections.
"You've made a powerful enemy today, Hopadiah," Toadstool said. Punching Toadie by accident as he stretched his arm, but he didn't care. All he could do was glare at his rival. "Toads have run uncontested for decades. This is a disgrace."
"The only disgrace is you as mayor." Hop Pop shot back as he stretched his legs.
"Oh, I like this Hopadiah," Mrs. Croaker said, impressed.
"I don't know," one villager said, narrowing his eyes at Hop Pop before raising his fist. "Toadstool is tried and true!"
"Ahem!" Albus Duckweed silenced the crowd as he raised his hand. "Welcome to the official mayoral trials, where the candidates try to win your vote."
"I'm suddenly very interested in politics," Anne said, with Polly on her head eating a hotgrub (hotdog with a grub). She then blew the horn she had loudly right next to Frank's head.
"I'm gonna shove that horn up your nose if you don't stop," he said.
Duckweed pulled out his own horn and said, "Our first trial is all about strength. The first candidate to mount the beetle wins!"
He blew on the horn, which actually let out a whistling sound. This summoned a large beetle with a spiky horn on its head to come crawling out of the cave.
"Ready, set, go!" Duckweed yelled as he and everyone else but Hop Pop and Toadstool made a run for it. The beetle stood on its hindlegs and let out a loud roar. Hop Pop and Toadstool made a run for it as the beetle chased after them.
"Oh, my giblets!" Toadstool yelled, jumping out of the way of the beetle as Hop Pop jumped on a tree stump. The mayor then tried to jump onto the back of the beast. "I've got you! No, I don't!" He was swatted away with the big horn of the beetle.
Hop Pop tried to jump on the beetle, but was hit in the face by the horn of the beetle. He was sent flying towards the tree stump. However, as he got up, Hop Pop looked at the stump and an idea started to form in his mind. Picking up a rock, he threw it at the beetle.
The large insect turned towards him.
"Hey!" Hop Pop laughed, shaking his butt and spanking it. Trying to get the bug to charge at him. "Come and get it."
The beetle let out a loud shriek, puffing smoke out of its nostrils, before charging at Hop Pop at full speed. However, this is what the old frog wanted. He jumped out of the way at the last moment, causing the beetle to get its horn jammed into the stump. With the beast now down, Hop Pop jumped onto it. Winning the first trial of the day.
The crowd all cheered for Hop Pop, with Frank and Anne waving flags for him. Toadstool on the other hand was not happy. Growling as he stomped his foot on the ground.
"The second trial is about sensitivity," Duckweed said, standing in front of a large nest of giant baby chicks that were right on the edge of a cliff. The citizens all gathered behind Hop Pop and Toadstool. "Can you figure out what these hatchlings need? A good mayor would."
Toadstool scoffed at this. "I know what these dumb birds want. Money!" He pulled out a sack of coins from his back. Where he was keeping them on himself, no one knows.
As he walked up to the chicks, Frank looked at him like the mayor was crazy. "The fuck are birds gonna do with money?" He asked no one in particular.
"All right, all right," Toadstool said, reaching into the shack. "Here's your handout."
He throws a handful of coins at them. His delusions of grandeur believed that this would be enough to win the love of the chicks. However, the coins bounced off the chicks, and after letting out screeches, they began pecking him. Tearing up his outfit and causing giant pain to the fat toad.
With little choice, Toadstool backed out and ran back to the crowd. There, Toadie tried to comfort him. "There, there, sir."
With his opponent having failed, Hop Pop pondered on a way to succeed. Toadstool's way, obviously, wasn't going to work. So he needed a new plan. And that's when he got an idea.
Walking over to a log, he lifted it up and some worms under it. Picking up some of them, he placed the worms in his mouth and chewed them up. He then approached the birds, he opened his mouth as wide as he could.
Happy, the baby birds chirped and gobbled like turkeys as they fed from his mouth. Afterwards they happily tweeted and nuzzled Hop Pop.
"Aww…" the crowd gushed at the adorable sight before clapping for the frog.
"That's how he fed us when we were babies," Sprig said to Frank and Anne.
"That's gross dude," Frank said.
The moment ended when the mother bird suddenly returned. Landing on her nest and placing her body over her chicks. Everyone ran off screaming as the bird screeched at them.
After escaping the bird, Duckweed had everyone return home and introduced them to wait until he called them all back. Once he did, he gathered the crowd in the forest. "Being mayor is a lot like being dropped in the woods naked and forced to find your way home," the newt said.
"How…What? No it's not!" Frank exclaimed.
"Oh. Well that's what we did!"
Frank would have face palmed, but he was interrupted when there was ruffling coming from a bush. From it came Hop Pop, covered in mud and looking like Tarzan. He was accompanied by some smaller, cat-sized beetles. One of them was a blue beetle with a light marine blue head, a darker thorax, and an even darker abdomen. He had a dull-gray underbelly with 6 legs, two antennae, and a pair gray-blue mandibles. He was about the length of a frog's head.
"Thanks for showing me the way, Jeremy," Hop Pop said, placing one of his badges on Jeremy. Jeremy blushed and chirped happily, before flying off with his friends. Hop Pop watched them go while waving goodbye. "Safe travels, brother."
That was when the crowd came to him and started cheering for the old frog. Frank even picked him up and placed him on his shoulders. As his chances of winning grew higher and the love of the people turned in his favor, Hop Pop felt like he was on top of the world as everyone chanted his name.
However, as night fell on the town, Toadie remained. Awaiting his boss to come out of the woods. If he ever came out. But fortunately, he did and from his appearance, it was evident that his time in the woods was less than ideal.
Toadstool was covered in bruises and leaves. He lost all of his clothes and his butt was being bitten by a rat creature that would make New York rats blush.
Things were not going as Toadstool hoped it would. For years, he never had to deal with any opposition to his position as mayor. Especially from a frog! The toads made sure that no matter what town it was, there would always be a toad in charge of the frogs. To keep them in line. Toadstool only got the job because they had no other choice.
For years, he ruled over the frogs, but now, it was all coming to an end. And by a frog no less.
As his assistant covered the shivering mayor with a warm blanket, Toadstool said, "This is getting out of hand, Toadie. Tartarus' death was one thing, but I could actually lose! And if that happens, I'm ruined!" He yelled, as Toadie was about to pull the rat off his butt.
Toadie stopped and looked at him.
"...oh, yeah, and the toads would come down and destroy the village. Looks like we'll have to stop him…" Toadstool yelped in pain as Toadie ripped the rat off his butt. "Ow! the old-fashioned way," he said, before rubbing his hands together. "Illegally."
Later that night, the Plantars, Frank, and Anne returned to the house. As the girls tried to come up with a speech for Hop Pop once he won the election, Frank was helping Hop Pop in his own way. Tomorrow's final trial was a boxing match, and Frank wanted the frog to be ready for anything. So, he had Hop Pop put on some boxing gloves and start punching a log.
A moment later, Sprig came over to the table with a tray of cups filled with coffee. "Excited for the final trial tomorrow, Hop Pop?" He asked.
However, instead of being excited, Hop Pop sighed and walked over to the table. Taking off his gloves as he sat down with the girls. "Not really. I know I've been doing well, but if I mess up tomorrow, it could cost us the election," he said.
Just then there was a knock at the door. Grabbing his sword, Frank walked over to the door. Opening it slightly, he saw Toadie standing there in the rain with a cloak over his head. "Toadie? What are you doing here?" Frank asked, opening the door wider so that everyone could see the small frog.
"Mr. Plantar, an anonymous associate would like to speak with you," Toadie said, trying to act mysteriously.
Anne wasn't fooled. "You mean the mayor?"
"No comment."
"Come on, dude, you only know like one person!"
"And his snail's right there," Frank said, pointing to the snail with the luxurious tent on its shell.
"I said no comment!" Toadie yelled.
"This is definitely a trap," Frank said, hand on his sword's pommel.
"I'll be fine, Frank." Hop Pop patted his arm. The old frog then followed Toadie out into the rain towards the snail. Entering into the tent of the snail, Hop Pop found (surprise, surprise) Toadstool.
"Ah, so glad you could join me, Plantar," the fat toad said as Hop Pop sat down next to him. "I'll give it to you straight. I want you to lose tomorrow's trial."
"Well, yeah. I figured," Hop Pop said, oblivious to what Toadstool was saying.
"No, you dimwit! Lose on purpose!" Toadstool exclaimed. "In return, I'll give you a new vegetable stand. Heck, I'll put it in the center of the market, tax free! You'll make tons of money."
As Toadstool wrapped his arm around the frog, Hop Pop looked away. While he knew that the mayor was trying to bribe him into quitting so that he could win, Hop Pop wouldn't lie and say that the offer wasn't appealing. After all, that's all he ever wanted. To get his family a new stand to provide for them. However, he was so wrapped up in the election that he forgot about it. "That's, uh...hard to say no to," he said with hesitation in his voice.
"Well, then, don't," Toadstool said, before pushing him out of the tent.
Dripping wet from the rain, Hop Pop walked back into the house, his mind still thinking about the offer that Toadstool made him.
"Hey, Hop Pop," Anne said, but the frog didn't greet him. He just walked over to the fireplace and sat down on his chair. Sighing as he stared into the warm flames. This was not a good sign to the kids, as they walked over to the old frog.
"So, uh, what did the mayor want?" Frank asked, knowing that it couldn't be good.
Hop Pop told them, "If I lose on purpose, Toadstool will give us the stand back."
"WHAT?!" The kids gasped in shock.
"Hop Pop, you can't just throw the match!" Frank exclaimed in anger. "You've got a real chance to win."
"He'll also make us rich. We'd be set for life," Hop Pop argued.
"Oh, in that case, take the deal," said Polly.
"POLLY!" Frank, Anne, and Sprig yelled at her.
"We were all thinking it!"
Hop Pop sighed in defeat. "Polly's right, guys. It's just too good to pass up."
Frank, Anne, and the two frog kids' tones started to change when the old frog said this. "Are you sure that's what you really want to do, Hop Pop?" Frank asked, as he and the others gathered around him. "Do you really want Toadstool to give you back the stand if you throw away everything?"
"I…I don't know," Hop Pop admitted.
Anne then placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well, whatever you pick, we'll be behind you, dude," she said, smiling with the others.
"All the way," Sprig said, showing his grandfather the support he and the others had for him. Together, they walked out of the room.
"Thanks, kids," Hop Pop said, appreciating their kind works of support. He then sighed to himself, however. He was now left alone to think about his next course of action. "Guess I've got some thinking to do."
The final trial for the position of mayor was something no one in town wanted to miss. Everyone from the youngest Tadpole to Mrs. Coaker gathered inside the City Hollow. In it was a fight ring, where Duckweed was standing. "Ladies and gentlephibians, you know the candidates, you've seen 'em fight monsters. But for the final challenge, you'll see them fight...each other!" He announced as the crowd went wild. Cheering and screaming for the two candidates.
Toadstool entered the ring the way that he would. Having Toadie jump onto the rope to bring it down for him, before stepping all over the little frog to get in. Launching Toadie away after stepping off. Hop Pop went under the ropes to enter the ring.
After recovering, Toadies put on a pair of blue mushrooms on Toadstool's hands to act as boxing gloves. He then did the same with Hop Pop. Putting on his hands a pair of red mushrooms.
"Now you both know the rules," Duckweed said as the two fighters met in the middle. "Fight starts as soon as the bell rings."
This had the effect of waking up the official, old bell ringer, who was sitting high up next to the bell. "What? Ring the bell?" He asked, before hitting the bell with his tongue. Ringing it and beginning the fight.
Toadstool attack first. Swinging a fist down at Hop Pop as Duckweed got out of the way. Hop Pop jumped back to avoid being pulverized, but it caused him to go into the rope of the ring. The ropes, acting like bungee cords, launched Hop Pop back towards the toad. Toadstool looked up just before Hop Pop's little body slammed into his face, knocking him back on the ground, before the orange frog landed on one of the posts.
Frank and Anne cheered with the rest of the frogs.
Hop Pop chuckled for a moment before turning back to Toadstool, who was getting back up. Jumping up into the air, the old frog came falling down towards the fat toad and punched him in the face. After the punch, Toadstool tried to punch him again, but Hop Pop jumped over him and punched him in the back of the head.
He was about to attack again, when Toadstool suddenly turned around and punched him in the face. Sending Hop Pop back into one of the posts. The crowd gasped at this. Toadstool saw his opening and rushed in. But just as he was about to punch the frog in the face, Hop Pop jumped up, avoiding the hit. He then landed on Toadstool's arm and ran up it towards his head. Punching him in the face on one side, before jumping over to his other shoulder and repeatedly hitting him.
As was punched over and over again, Toadstool started to become very annoyed while also in pain. "Ow! Okay, Plantar! You've put on a good show but... that's enough!" He yelled, throwing Hop Pop off his arm and into the air.
"This can't be good," said the old frog before falling back down.
Seeing him coming towards him, Toadstool growled and jumped up, hitting Hop Pop with his fat body. The frog bounced off the chest of the mayor and was flying towards the ground. Hitting it hard as everyone gasped in horror.
Panting from exhaustion and from the pain from Hop Pop's surprisingly hard punches, Toadstool stared down at the frog. Hop Pop was laying near the edge of the ring, face down. "Like we talked about. Stay down, Plantar," he waid with a victorious grin.
With the sound of his heart thumping in his chest, Hop Pop lifted up his head. He felt so tired and weak. His aging body wasn't used to this. The old frog was just about to throw in the towel. At least he'll have a stand again.
But when he looked at what was in front of him, Hop Pop saw everyone. They were all cheering for him to get up. Frank, Anne, his grandkids, Mr. Flour, Felicia, Loggle, Wally, and all of the frogs of the town were begging him to get back up and fight on.
"Stay down!" Toadstool yelled over the shouting.
However, Hop Pop shut his eyes tight and reached up. Hooking his hand onto the rope, before pulling himself back up.
"I didn't hear no bell," he said with a grin.
Toadstool couldn't believe his own eyes. "Wh-What are you, crazy?" He yelled, approaching the old frog and started punching him over and over again as he ranted. "You could have been rich. You could've had your stand back. All you had to do was give up!"
However, after just a few punches, the overweight toad stopped punching. Panting from exhaustion, he placed his hands on his knees while sweating. All he could do was look up at Hop Pop and ask, "Why?"
"Because this is about more than just ME!" Hop Pop yelled, and with all the strength he had, launched his fist at Toadstool.
Delivering a powerful uppercut that sent Toadstool flying up into the air before landing hard on the ground. Completely out cold. "That's a knockout!"
"Huh? Ring the bell!" The old bell ringing frog rang the bell two times.
The crowd erupted into cheers of joy as they rushed onto the fighting ring. Cheering and chanting his name as Frank placed the old frog on his shoulders while Anne held up Hop Pop's right fist in the air. Insighting more cheers for him as Hop Pop smiled. The fight was over, and Hop Pop had undeniably won the hearts and minds of everyone in Wartwood.
After Toadstool regained consciousness, the crowd was gathered outside of the City Hollow to see the results of the election. Hop Pop and Toadstool stood apart from one another at the top of the steps, with a large map that said election map hanging in front of the building.
"Well, folks, that wraps up the trials. Now it's time to tally the votes!" Duckweed said, pulling out a stained piece of paper. "With 88 votes, 100% of Wartwood, Hopadiah Plantar!"
"What? I won?" Hop Pop asked with excitement. However, before he could start celebrating, Duckweed held up his finger.
"And with 22,000 votes, the entire rest of the Valley, Mayor Toadstool!" Duckweed said, presenting the very smug looking Toadstool as the winner of the election.
"...What?" asked Hop Pop, utterly confused.
"Congratulations, sir," Duckweed said, placing a red sash that said mayor on it in gold colors.
"Thank you. Thank you all. You're all too kind. Democracy wins again!" Toadstool said victoriously as confetti was shot into the air from the building's statue.
But there were no celebrations from the frogs of the town. No one, especially Frank, Anne, Sprig, and Polly, could believe their ears. This had to be a joke. There was no way this was real. And yet, it was. This was confirmed when the other frogs groaned and walked away. Leaving Hop Pop alone with Toadstool as confetti fell on his head.
"Well, you certainly gave this toad a run for his money. Good thing you didn't win though, huh?" Toadstool asked, brushing the confetti off Hop Pop's head before laughing. "A frog beating a toad. That would have made headlines! Just be proud the whole town loved ya. I'm surprised the rest of the valley didn't."
"Wait, what?!" Frank yelled, getting the toad's attention. "How is it that the other towns outside of Wartwood got a vote on this town's mayor!? It doesn't make sense!"
"Well of course it does!" Toadstool insisted. "But you'd have to be a toad to understand."
"But…but…but how was I supposed to know the rest of the valley got a vote?!" Hop Pop exclaimed, throwing his arms up. "I'm a theater major, for cricket's sake!"
Toadstool turned back to him with a look of confusion. "Wait, wait now. You didn't campaign outside Wartwood?" He asked, before his eyes widened. "Oh, son. That's just sad. Really is. Almost takes the joy out of my victory."
"The victory piñata is all set up in the lobby, sir," said Toadie, running up to his boss.
"Well, I did say 'almost.'" Toadstool said with a smile, patting Hop Pop on the head. He then started cheering and running off. "Wahoo! Piñata! I'm gonna hit it."
"You don't deserve that Piñata, bastardo gordo (you fat bastard)!" Frank yelled at the mayor, but there was nothing they could do. It was over.
And Hop Pop knew this. He sat down on the steps of the City Hollow in silence as the kids approached him from the side.
"Hey, Hop Pop...You okay?" Sprig asked nervously.
However, to the complete shock of both the human and frog kids, Hop Pop looked…happy? "Yep! I've never felt better!" He exclaimed with a big smile on his face.
"Really? You know you lost, right? Are you in shock?" Anne asked, before leaning to Frank. "Is he in shock?"
"He doesn't look like it." Frank shook his head, before speaking to the old frog. "Hop Pop, you lost."
"It's like you said before, Frank. I didn't lose," Hop Pop said before standing up and looking proud of himself. "I merely failed to win. I may not have won, but I stood my ground and fought for something important. And that feels good."
Hearing the wise words of the Frog, Frank smiled and knelt down to Hop Pop's size. "Well, if it's any consultation, you're a winner in our hearts," he said, as the others behind him smiled and nodded.
"Thank's kids. Let's go home," Hop Pop said. The five of them were about to head back to the house when they were stopped.
"Hopadiah?" the five turned to see none Wally, Mrs. Coaker, Felicia and her daughter, Loggle, and Mr. Flour. "Uh, may we have a word?" Asked the local crazy frog.
Curious as to what the frogs wanted, Hop Pop and the kids to the farmers market. "We all pitched in and built you a stand," Felicia said, presenting the Plantars their brand new stand. It was much nicer than the previous one, with the family name hanging high up over the many fruits and vegetables set up. "For giving us something better than produce…"
"Hope," Wally said.
Hop Pop started to tear up as Mrs. Croaker placed her hand on his arm. "You've made us all proud," she said. Hopadiah looked back at the kids, who gave him thumbs up.
Walking up to his new stand, Hop Pop ran his hand over the smoothly sanded counter. "I may have lost the race, but I'm back at the market with all of you. And that makes me a winner. This is perfect," he told everyone. However, he then noticed something about the stand. "I wouldn't have put the root vegetables with the tubers, though."
Frank deadpanned. "Hop Pop…"
"You're right. It's not important," he said. "I'll fix it later."