
Chapter 1 maybe....

I sat back down on my desk after what i had just done, maybe i shouldn't have said those words to him, i actually thought something would have changed but thought wrong.

I sigh as i lay my head on my desk thinking of thinks i could have done better, after fifteen minutes or so i heard the bell ring my driver should probably be waiting for me at the gate i thought as i crossed the halls trying not to mind all the looks i was receiving. I walked fster as tears started gathering in my eyes 'i can't let them see me cry they don't deserve it' i hastened my steps till i finally arrived at the school gate, i entered the car and immediately started crying, i see my driver take a pick at me and just starts the engine, it aggravates my moo though i know we ain't close at least he should ask what's wrong, why do i feel like the world is against me what did i do wrong just what...

***Earlier that day***

During break

I made my way toward Gregory Blackwood my crush since I was in grade nine, we were friends not close friends but srill has this familiarity between us cause we had kniwn our self for almost more than a year, he's the quiet bad boy type, standing 5ft8, black hair, blue eyes. Maybe his eyes were the cause of my downfall i don't quite know but i fell hard really hard. I sat next to him and prepared myself to receive an answer from him let me rehears what happened, last night i texted him telling him my feelings for him cause i had kept it for long enough and not gonna lie i was embarrassed as heck, he read my message and said i shoyld give him some time tk think about it, don't get me wrong i didn't expect anything positive but still i had some hope i shouldn't jinx myself right?

So here we are he looked at me seriously and said "no" then he broke into laughter with his friends who i didn't even5 realise were there ici t was all it would had been okay but noo Mr decided that he wouldn't stop there "you really thought i would want to date a girl like you who is at the edge of emotional break down?, though at first i thought it would've been a great idea since you're rich and all that but eww you're gross in all aspects and you thought i will ever think of dating you. I was never really your friend and i doubt anyone in this school is we're just acting nice to you cause your father is rich, so you better get you take your filthy self to your mother's grave and go mourn some more, suck up"

Wow that was alot, a whole lot am not a pushover and i never was just i was too naive "sigh" i walked back to my sit avoiding the gazes of those who were looking at me with, spite, pity, ridicule i really flet like crying but i promised mom I won't i will never


Sorry mom i broke my promise.

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First novel, please go easy on me

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