
Living Carefree in the Cultivation World

Liao Ping is a transmigrator who has read web novels throughout his life while being an author, teacher, and doctor. He taught interns about what to do as a doctor when they start interning at his workplace while being an author who writes web novels at night. He is a lazy person when it comes to cultivation but loves to do the other hobbies that he couldn't do in his busy previous life. (I'll eventually come back to do this or I dropped it.)

NotAFellow · Oriental
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19 Chs

Chapter 2-He has a secret

When Liao Ping arrived at his destination, he saw a busy restaurant that had customers going in and out satisfied. Even as he stepped into the restaurant, the aroma of the dishes was wafting in the air and out into the streets. "Um, excuse me, is the owner called Ms.Chang in here?"

"I'm here, in the back resting, and who might you be?" "I am Liao Ping, who was told by Mr.Lui that you could teach me some cooking fundamentals" "We'll see if you're qualified, but first can you prepare a dish that can be judged by me" "alright". Liao Ping heads into the kitchen and starts cooking while Ms. Chang watches him so that if he fails, she can still be polite by giving him some tips and advice.

After he finished cooking, he presented his dish to Ms.Chang, who took a bite out of it and told him his results, "Your roasted fish with vegetable soup tastes alright, but some parts of the fish are charred while your soup is quite good since you used ordinary ingredients for both, did you also feed them with spiritual herbs?" "I did indeed feed them with spiritual herbs" "You can be under my apprentice-ship and help me cook dishes in the restaurant to improve your cooking skills and understand how you can improve on your own and you start tomorrow in the late morning, just after the sun has risen for a while" "Oh okay, I'll be here tomorrow" and he leaves her restaurant then heads out of town towards the Immortal Dragon Sect.

As he is heading out of town, he buys some books that have been worn out and are almost falling apart as well as some new books he hasn't bought yet. When he gets back to Bronze Dragon Peak, his juniors and master are waiting for him since they were told that he left the sect to go to the nearby town. "Liao Ping, you now have to show your junior sisters around the sect and all the important areas!" He makes an ok gesture when he is heading past them. "You get what I have to deal with, *sigh* he's so different from everybody in the sect, he doesn't try to socialize with anyone besides those who are close to him" "I don't think so" "Why do you say that?" "Well, he was walking back from the nearby town, so that implies either he has a lover or he has a secret" "Let's follow him the next time he goes out" "I don't think so, Liao Ping hasn't done things considered weird, nevermind" They agreed to follow him for the next day.

Liao Ping came back and gestured for his junior sisters to follow. They followed after him as he walked out of Bronze Dragon Peak and while Liao Ping was going to introduce to his juniors the areas of the sect, Master Hu Tu went to look around Bronze Dragon Peak and as he looked around, there was a lot of forestation on Bronze Dragon Peak and animals were roaming around near Liao Ping's hut. When Master Hu Tu entered his eldest disciple's cultivation hut, he found a neat hut which surprised him when he thought that it would be a mess. He didn't notice it at first but he saw a painting hanging on the wall which contained a Daoist meditating with his sword on his knees. Even though it didn't contain any sword intent, it did look normal since his disciple is eccentric.

As Ma Shu and Gao Shi followed after Liao Ping as he introduced where the critical areas are like the mission pavilion, the alchemy pavilion, the rewards pavilion, and other areas. By the time they had returned it was already sunset, and their senior brother went to his cultivation hut to rest. "Ma Shu, your hut is on the left of your senior brother's while Gao Shi's is on the right of your senior brother" they go to their cultivation huts and sleep for the night.

In the morning, just before they go to their master's hut to learn for the day, their senior brother gives them a painting each. "If you guys have any questions about cultivation, you should be straightforward with the master, but if you want to be taught about other miscellaneous things, come and ask me" "oh okay" "thanks" then their senior brother goes back to his cultivation hut, "So, what do you think of our senior brother?" "I think that he is quite nice, but I'm still going to follow him" "Let's tell the master that we're going to follow his eldest disciple so that he can come along as well!" "All alright" then they headed toward the master's hut.

As Liao Ping started his daily activities in his cultivation life, he suddenly remembers that he has to go help Ms.Chang with her restaurant and hurriedly heads toward the sect gate then towards Fallen-star town. When he arrives at the restaurant, he knows he should have gotten to the restaurant earlier, but decides that if he can redeem himself then he will take the opportunity to do so. "WHERE WERE YOU AT HUH, DIDN'T YOU AGREE TO BE HERE TO START WORKING IN THE RESTAURANT!" Liao Ping just stayed quiet and walked into the kitchen and started doing his best to improve his shallow understanding of cooking. Ms.Chang yelled for a while then stopped because she wasn't getting any responses from Liao Ping, who is under her apprentice-ship. She then watched as he cooked food and delivered them to the customers who ordered them. She noticed that he was improving his skills slowly but steadily while cooking since he would sometimes charr some parts of a dish or cook with the wrong ingredients.

While he was cooking dishes and serving them, his master and juniors had followed him. They were watching the restaurant with interest but wondered why their senior brother/the eldest disciple was in a restaurant. It didn't take long before they had asked some people and got their answers,

"Oh, you don't know? Rumor has it that Ms.Chang has taken in an apprentice who came to learn cooking from her" "When has this apprentice started learning?" "Oh, he hasn't started learning yet because she wanted him to get some hands-on experience and understand how to cook dishes by himself" "Why did she have him learn from the experience?" "I had gotten some news from the people who were there yesterday that he wasn't really experienced in cooking" "So, he wanted to learn how to cook but will need to gather some hands-on experience first" "Yeah, and he was late today so he got yelled at by Ms.Chang but is trying his best to accumulate experience" they thanked the man before going inside and ordering some dishes as they thought about why he would want to learn how to cook.

'I still think that this senior brother of mine is learning just to impress or cook for his lover'

'My eldest disciple is learning how to cook, I wonder why'

'Why would he want to learn to cook? What will he do with that skill?'

As their imaginations got wild, Liao Ping served them their dishes and headed back to cook more, and by the time they came back to themselves, Liao Ping had already left.

So, was this chapter okay? Does it need polishing?

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