
Living As Trash Villain.

Liam, a 26-year-old guy, gets transmitted into a novel he read before his operation. And the body he possesses is going to die soon. How he will change the story to stay alive.

Tse · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter-26 East Dungeon(3)

"Liva, do you know about the Healer Ring?"

"Yes, master" Liva popped out in thin air.

"Tell me about it"

"Okay Master, Healer Ring is a legendary artifact. The first queen of this empire created the Healer Ring, Master."

"Why she would create the legendary Ring?"

"Master, she created Healer Ring to cure her only son. It said the child got an incurable disease when he was five years old. The queen's power was healing but still, her healing power didn't work on her child. So, she gathers all the healing grandmasters from around the world. And with everyone power combined the Healer Ring was created after the struggle of ten days. After creating the Healer Ring, the queen's power was drained. She died after a year of creating the Healer Ring but she was successful to cure her son. Not only that master, whoever uses the Healer Ring. They won't be affected by any kinds of disease or illness and the recovery rate will be four times faster."

Liva explained to me about the Healer Ring but if that's the property of Royals but why it appears in a new dungeon.

"I understand Liva but how does it

appear in the new dungeon?"

"About that matter master, I also don't know. I only heard about this story from my old master. She said, after the first war the empire was collapsed and along with the empire the Healer Ring also disappear."

"I see, I got it Liva you can go back to rest"

"Thank you, master. Please let me know if you need anything" Liva went back to sleep.

The legendary Healer Ring, whoever wears the ring, becomes similar to the immortal. Hmm, no wonder everyone is here. I should grab it first than anyone else, I thought and went to sleep. 

After two days, the group was finally ready to enter the dungeon. Some were getting excited and some were nervous and some were wanting to withdraw.

Everyone knows about the news of the elite group from the White Rose Clan. They were afraid but their confidence and hope was increasing after looking at their leader

Among the one hundred people, only their leaders know about the Healer Ring and even the Wolf Solider doesn't know about the Healer Ring. They were sent to slaughter the monsters only. 

Everyone enters the dungeon one by one. Inside the dungeon, it was a different world. There was nothing besides only deserted land everywhere. The lands were filled with dryness and holes and cracks. Also, the temperature might be around or higher than the 25°C.

We continue to walk and the temperature continues to grow higher and higher. Not even a single greeny or living being can be seen. After walking for a hours, everyone was getting thirsty and exhausted due to the heat. They took a ten-minute rest and after the rest, we continue to walk. 

It was starting to get dark and everyone hurried to find a safe place. And soon there were camps build. Everyone was having meals and enjoying their free time. Also, guarding the place turn by turn. Princess Aamel was with her handmaiden having a meal and Seth was trying to approach her. She avoided him as much as she can giving the cold shoulder toward him.

"She doesn't like being approached I guess" I finished my meal and went to guard the place. 

Most of them already went to sleep but when I was guarding I crossed my path with Princess Aamel. She was roaming in the night wearing thin clothes. Her black hair was loose and she was wearing a light purple large t-shirt than her size and black tight trousers. She was looking here and there searching for something. She looks like she was in trouble. I walked toward her and with my gentle and low voice "Did you lost anything Princess"

She turns her head, for a second her face shows a glad expression but soon she maintains her cold expression like usual.

She didn't speak anything and she was tightening her grip and continue to ignore eye contact. 

"Hmm, Princess if you don't say anything to me how can I help you?" I folded my hand.

After thinking for a while she replied, "Show me the way" she only said one sentence. 

Like I guessed, she lost her way back. "Sure" I smiled at her. 

She quietly followed me and she wasn't saying anything. Nor I tried to speak anything. And when we reached over her tent, she looked at me before entering the tent. 

"Thank you for guiding me back. Can I know your name?" She smiled and it was enough to melt me.

"This servant name is John, John Williams princess"  

Her eyes little widen but her cold expression wasn't changed. I can guess she might thinking why this useless is here. But I was wrong. 

"John Willams, the sixth child of Great Red Dragon Clan" She speaks in a soft voice. 

"Yes princess"

"I heard, you have done some achievements" Aamel tuck her hair behind her ears. 

"Y-yes" I start getting a little nervous around her. 

"Keep on good work" she smiled warmly at me and went inside the tent.

I was shocked to hear Princess Aamel response. After hearing my name, I thought she might insult me or she might feel uncomfortable or she might laugh at me like others but I was wrong. Her voice, her words, her expression, and her smile weren't showing any indication of the hostile or the negative impacts. It was pure.

"She is beautiful" I murmur to myself. 

I look at the dark sky and feel around me being peaceful. I went back to my room after finishing my duty.


On the other side, inside of the Princess Aamel tent.

"Princess why did you go out alone" Carla starts whimpering. 

"I wanted to take a fresh air" Aamel smile while patting Caral's head.

"You should have woke me up" Carla pouted "what happens if you forget the direction"

"I did forget my way back but someone helped me out" Aamel chuckles softly looking at Carla pouting.

"Did that person bother you by asking many questions?" Carls raises her voice angrily. 

"No, that person didn't ask me any question. Instead, that person was quiet the whole way" Aamel smiled.

"Really?" Carla was surprised to hear it.

"Yes, Carla. Now let's go back to sleep. We have travel a long way tomorrow" Aamel lay on her bed.

"Okay princess" Carla tuck the blanket and turn off the light.

Carla knows her master more than anyone. Her master doesn't like to speak too much and hates anyone who keeps questioning her. Her master shares everything with her but it depends on time. Thinking about the person, the princess told her. "They might understand princess a little," Laya thought. 


Around the two in the morning, we were attacked by a group of Ogres. The bell rang. 

"Everyone, get ready" everyone was shouting and running while carrying their weapons. 

There were twenty Orges in total and they were ten feet tall. They were the same as I encounter on the north side. Seth was there already fighting with the orges. I joined too with others. The battle continues for hours and soon the orges were slaughtered down.

"We are moving from here" everyone gets ready to move but was again attacked by the next group of orges. This time, there were more than fifty orges and in the middle of the orges, there was a huge orge than others. It was taller than ten feet and had a huge body.

"It's a boss monster" 

"Kill the boss"

"Take over the army and kill the boss"


Everyone shouted while wielding their swords toward the rival troop. Seth was leading and Aamel was attacking with her bow. Behind the Seth, I was massacring the orges with my axe and dagger. The peaceful night suddenly filled with the roar of orges and the cries of the warriors. The dry ground was painted with blood and the sounds of clashing weapons were getting louder and louder. The air filled with the scent of sticky blood.

The battle continues fiercely, most of the warriors are injured, and more than ten warriors died. Seth killed more than twelve orges and I slaughter down some. And soon when the boss of orges realizes they were losing, they quickly retard toward their den. Seth and I quickly followed them. Behind us, Salmond and Aamel were following. 

We reached the den of orges but suddenly I was terrified after seeing more than hundreds of Orges army. They were in a ready position like they were waiting for us. Seth attacked the orges with his all power. Aamel and Salmond also attack with their full power along with others. Looking at the Aamel how she was piercing the skins of the orges as well as firing the bow with the same cold expression, she was looking attractive and wonderful.

I couldn't summon Liva in front of everyone. So, I continue to slaughter the orges with my axe and dagger and I notice something suspicious. The orges don't leave their den entrance. They keep fighting and guarding tight the entrance. 

"Healer Ring must be inside," I thought and looked at others. They all were busy fighting and especially Seth. The more he slaughters the orges the more he is surrounded by large numbers of orges. 

"I must get inside anyhow"