
Living As Trash Villain.

Liam, a 26-year-old guy, gets transmitted into a novel he read before his operation. And the body he possesses is going to die soon. How he will change the story to stay alive.

Tse · Fantaisie
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30 Chs


After two weeks, I finally can get rid of the bed. My body is healed all and the wounds are nowhere to be seen. I am back to my old healthy appearance. "I am glad" I was able to survive from the door of death. I remove the left bandages of my body and wear the clothes Chief men has prepared. They took good care of me and did all of my treatments. If they hadn't saved me on time, I would have been dead meat. I walked outside of the hut and feel refreshed after taking a breath of fresh air. Everyone in the village keeps looking at me and smiling. The group of children run toward me and start hanging around me. While I was playing with children Village Chief walked in.

"How are you feeling child?"

"I am good and thank you for saving me" I speak while carrying a child in my arm. 

"I am glad you have healed all, this evening we are having a feast. I hope you will enjoy it" Village Chief smiled and went back to his work. I nodded and continue playing with the children. While playing one of the children asked me. "Brother, everyone says you are a hero. Are you?."

I chuckle softly after hearing this. Me being a hero is just a joke I ponder "No, I am normal people like you" I patted his head.

"But everyone in the village is saying" 

"No, As I said I am a normal person like you. I have no power and I am not strong too. Let me tell you, a hero means he or she is an extraordinary person who saves good living being and eliminate the bad ones". Like a Male lead who saves good ones and kills all of his enemies and villains, I thought and smiled at the child.

"But yo-"

He was going to say something but was cut down by a voice calling him. The child hurriedly runs over her and hugs calling her "mother". Lady smiles at me from far and took the child. Now, every child was leaving and some of them running and playing. But a small girl, who has blue eyes and orange wavy long hair keeps hugging my leg. She looks like she was four or five years old. She looked at me and keep laughing purely. I carefully pick up her and put them in my lap and start rubbing her head. She laughed and nuzzle like she was enjoying it. She was such a sweet child.

"Brother" her voice was sweet as she.

"Yes, little one"

"Can I play with your hands?" she asked shyly.

"Sure" I chuckle and let her play with my hands. And I heard the sound coming from behind me.

"There you are, Daisy. Come over to sister now" the voice was pleasant. I quickly turn to see who was and a young girl with ocean-like eyes with a charming appearance was standing behind me. She was stunning. The child on my lap quickly run toward her.

"I am sorry if my sister troubled you?"

"No-no, she was keeping me company" I flustered a bit.

"I am glad then, I am Marina. Elder daughter of Village Chief and she is the youngest child, Daisy" she smiled warmly.

"Ah, I see" I wanted to say my name to her but I didn't think it's a good idea. I don't wish everyone know my name because John was famous for being trash all over the empire. I hesitate to say my name and Marina also didn't seem to care.  

"I hope you are enjoying our small place" Marina. 

"Yes, I am" I smiled 

"If you don't mind, Can I show you around the place?" 

"Sure" I quickly answer. I wanted to look around the place and make myself refresh since I have been laying down on the bed for such a long time. Marina asked me to meet her after she takes Daisy to her mother. I nodded and waited for her. Like after twenty minutes Marina returns. She guides me all over the village and introduces everyone in the village. It was fun. Then she took me to a village nearby hill. From the hill, the small village was seen clearly. The group of forty-five or sixty families was living in the village. 

"I forget to welcome you to our place" Marina smiled and she sits down on the short green grass blanket "Welcome to Sunny Village". 

"Thank you" I looked at the village, the village has its unique beauty. Surrounded by the green forest, and the yellow-colored painted mud houses with the decoration of sun diagram everywhere. The children were running and flying kites, women and men were busy preparing for the feast, and the elderly were gathering and singing. Everything can be seen from this hill, it was wonderful. "This is beautiful" I ponder. 

After an hour we went back to the village. The time I spend with Marina was craved into one of my memories. She was delightful, strong, and pure like the people in the village. When we reached the gate of the village, everyone was standing there waiting for us. The Chief was standing in the front gate. 

"EVERYONE BE READY" Chief shouted.

Four strong men stepped forward standing right face to face of mine. "Good luck" Marina patted my shoulder and she laughed. I was confused about what's going on here. I thought there was a feast not carrying people like this. The four men were carrying me with their strong arms toward a small hut. They put me on a big bucket full of golden-colored warm water. They washed me up and they dress me up with their traditional clothes. I looked at the mirror, I was looking extra handsome on their dress. The purest fur coat showing my bare chest and the black cloth wrapped below my waist with an unknown method. The white stone bangles on my left hand and the teeth of the beast as a necklace, and my wavy hair braided at the smallest and attaching the accessories of feather on my forehead. It was getting hard to recognize my appearance. 

The four men showed me the way to the area of the feast. When I reached there, I was amazed at the decoration. The area was decorated with many beautiful lights and there was a huge camping fire burning in the middle. The Young and olds were dancing around it. While at the huge throne made of the beast skulls and feathers and with the diagram of the sun in the throne head, the Village Chief and his wife were sitting there. Marina and her three siblings were sitting side by side in the similarly decorated seats. 

"Welcome, Welcome to my small place" Chief walk toward me. "Today feast is specially prepared for you our savior" 

"Huh? savior? Me?" I looked at Chief face looking confused. 

He laughed and took me to my seat. My seat was prepared along with them. He raised his glass and stand in the middle of the stage "My dear people, today we are celebrating to thank you our savior. So, everyone celebrates with your purest sincerity and always keep you're loyal toward our Savior" Chief drink the beer.

Everyone raised their glass "For our savior" and they drink at once. They all bowed toward me together and in one voice everyone thanked me. I was not expecting this kind of thing and most importantly I couldn't think of why they are showing me this much respect. I put my gentle appearance and smiled toward them warmly, "Thank you for your beautiful hospitality and the effort you took to treatment me. I won't forget in my whole life and I wish for everyone a long healthy life without any difficulties in the coming future." I raised my glass and gulp at once. "At last, Enjoy the feast with your whole heart." 

Everyone cheered up and they started dancing. Some were singing and some were playing different types of games. From the elder ages to the children were enjoying the feast. I was feeling happy and enjoying the feast looking at them. Marina asked me for dance, and I accept her offer. We danced among the people, and around the camping fire. Later, the Chief and his wife also joined us along with their other three children. I carried Daisy on my arm and danced with her. Daisy was enjoying it the most and I was too. 

The beautiful feast continues until everyone felt tired and sleepy and drunk. The feast ended. I was there sitting on my seat looking at the people and filled with amazing feelings. I never had a chance to see or celebrated a feast like in my past life. I was always alone and everyone used to avoid me. "No one accepted me like these people" a radiant

smile appeared. 

"Enjoying child" Chief patted my shoulder.

"Yes, I am" 

"Haha, they are happier than I excepted" Chief sat beside me with the two glasses of beer "Thank you. Child, without you, we wouldn't be here today. The day Roza appeared in the jungle we thought we will die. As you can see, our people are mostly elders or children. We didn't have any hope but you slay down Roza and saved all of our lives. We are grateful my child, we won't forget the new lives you have given us" Chief laughed and drank more beer. I was sitting there quietly listening to him until he falls asleep. Later, his wife came and take him home. I returned to my room and lay down on the bed thinking about the whole day. "What a wonderful day" I smiled and raised my right hand. I saw a small sword-shaped tattoo on my wrist.