
Living As The Almighty God

Victor Coleman was just another average 20 year old college student when he was suddenly summoned before the Almighty One himself, and that is when he would never be the same again…. This story is based off “Living as God” by Lazy_Runner Authors Note: I do not own any of the fictional characters and images used except for the ones I created, all ownership rights of the content used in this story besides the ones of my own creation belong to their original creators.

GreatKing05 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Primordials Information

The Primordials are the concepts of Space, Time, Creation, Destruction, Life, and Death in living form. They are the most powerful cosmic entities in all omniverses and beyond, the only one more powerful than them being Victor. Each Primordial has complete and total authority over their respective domains, the only one being capable of overruling them being Victor himself. As such, they are capable of using their powers on anything and everything, even beings who would normally be immune to such powers. The Primordials, despite having different domains, powers, and a couple having a few more, are all on the same level of strength. While the Primordial's main abilities lay in their concepts, they all have access to powers such as Absolute Condition, Absolute Immortality, Omnifarious, Meta Power Immunity, and more. They are also able to know the whereabouts of each other at any given time.

Despite the similarities in the concepts of the Primordials, they have different responsibilities. For example, while Oriana and Daxon have similar powers, Oriana is responsible for creating the worlds and multiverses that the life Daxon creates lives.

Due to the Primordials' status as the closest beings to the Supreme God, they are worshipped by many pantheons, respected by all lower cosmic entities, and feared because of their power. The power of the Primordials compared to gods is like the weakest mortal compared to the strongest god, the difference in power is simply infinite which is why they are feared and respected by all.

Name: Horace Coleman

Race: Primordial Of Time

Titles: Temporal Lord/ Father Time/ Keeper Of Time/ Time Incarnate/ Temporal Embodiment/ Source Of All Time

Powers: Nigh-Omnipotent

Temporal Lordship

Time Force Manipulation

Temporal Source

Meta Time Manipulation

Higher-Temporal Manipulation

Time Embodiment

Infinite Energy

Omnichronal Perception

Time Energy Generation

Time Energy Manipulation

Temporal Presence

Time Magic


Temporal Transcendence

Meta Power Immunity

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Condition

Energy Lordship

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Flawless Indestructibility

Meta Teleportation


Transcendent-Cosmic Entity

Personality: Horace is the eldest brother of the Primordials and as such is their unofficial leader. He spends most of his time reading and watching several universes' timelines. Horace is quiet but always has a friendly smile on his face as he is very kind to others, even if he has just met them. He doesn't do much besides his hobbies and duties, though he enjoys traveling worlds and exploring with his family. Horace takes his duties as the guardian of time seriously and doesn't like it when mortals interfere with their world's timestream so much and therefore dislikes beings who constantly tamper with time for their personal reasons.

Name: Astra Coleman

Race: Primordial Of Space

Titles: Guardian Of Space/ Mother Of The Stars/ Creator Of Nebulas/ Queen Of Universes/ God's Right-Hand Woman/ Administrator Of All Verses

Powers: Nigh-Omnipotent

Spatial Lordship

Meta Space Manipulation

Higher-Spatial Manipulation

Space Embodiment

Infinite Energy

Absolute Storage

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Condition


Energy Lordship


Meta Teleportation

Flawless Indestructibility

Meta Power Immunity

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Spatial Magic

Spatial Presence

Spatial Distortion

Spatial Perception

Spatial Pressure Generation

Spatial Transcendence

Transcendent-Cosmic Entity

Personality: Astra is the administrator of all the verses in existence and is quite proud that Victor trusts her with such an important role. She is always smiling and has a soft spot for children and small animals. Astra loves and cares for her family and enjoys creating new galaxies and stars which would be filled with planets and life created by her young brother and sister Daxan and Oriana. Astra due to her administration role is considered to be Victor's right hand and sort of secretary as she informs him of planets that have been created by Oriana or planets that have been destroyed by Abbadon.

Name: Abbadon Coleman

Race: Primordial Of Destruction

Titles: Great King Of Ruin/ Lord Of Disasters/ God's Strongest Child/ Strongest God Of Destruction/ Primal Chaos/ Wrath Of God

Powers: Nigh-Omnipotent

Infinite Energy

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Condition

Energy Lordship

Meta Teleportation



Flawless Indestructibility

Meta Power Immunity

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Transcendent-Cosmic Entity

Absolute Destruction

Omniverse Destruction

Irreversible Destruction

Destruction Embodiment

Destruction Magic

Meta Power Destruction

Destructive Energy Manipulation

Absolute Decay


Apocalyptic Force Manipulation

Totality Destruction

Destructive Force Manipulation

Meta Disaster Manipulation

Calamity Embodiment

Chaos Magic

Primordial Chaos Manipulation

Personality: Abbadon has an apathetic face and keeps to himself, even with his family. He believes his purpose in destruction is to maintain balance as before Creation there must be Destruction, therefore he takes his job seriously and doesn't like it when someone interferes in his work. He cares for his family but rarely shows it as he is always in his own world and listening to music. Abbadon is aware that he is the strongest of the Primordials due to him being the very embodiment of Destruction but it's very arrogant as he was only created that way by his Father and didn't do anything to obtain his power. Though he rarely shows emotion similar to Victor, if someone gets close enough to him they will find a kind and fair young man.

Name: Oriana Coleman

Race: Primordial Of Creation

Titles: Queen Of Creation/ Creator Of Worlds/ Embodiment Of Creation/ Goddess Of The Universe/ Guardian Of Worlds/ God's Golden Child

Powers: Nigh-Omnipotent

Infinite Energy

Meta Power Immunity

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Condition

Energy Lordship

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Flawless Indestructibility

Meta Teleportation



Creation Embodiment

Creation Magic


Absolute Recreation

Almighty Object Manifestation

Omniverse Creation

Meta Ability Creation

Grand Design Construction

Omni-Reality Creation

Transcendent-Cosmic Entity

Personality: Oriana takes great pride in her powers that were gifted to her by Victor. She is very formal, even more so when speaking to her father, and speaks like a princess or even a queen. As the Primordial of Creation, Oriana enjoys creating universe and multiverses that will then have galaxies created by her sister Astra who she respects due to her position as Victor's right-hand woman. Oriana has great respect for her twin brother Abbadon because of his position as the strongest Primordial. While Oriana can create multiverses and races she does acknowledge that she cannot create life as properly as Daxon which is why she needs his help as he is the Primordial of Life.

Name: Daxon Coleman

Race: Primordial Of Life

Titles: Creator Of Souls/ Muscle Man/ Man Of Peace/ Father Nature/ God Of Life And Nature/ God's most peaceful child

Powers: Nigh-Omnipotent

Infinite Energy


Meta Power Immunity

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Condition

Energy Lordship

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Flawless Indestructibility

Meta Teleportation


Life Embodiment

Life Magic

Absolute Restoration

Absolute Life Manipulation

Absolute Life Inducement

Absolute Soul Manipulation

Meta Resurrection

Meta Life-Force Manipulation

Life Lordship

Life Transcendence

Nature Magic

Nature Embodiment

Nature Lordship

Meta Nature Manipulation

Transcendent-Cosmic Entity

Personality: Daxon is a peaceful man that always has a calm mind and heart. He is never an aggressor and is usually around an animal or two due to his status as the Primordial of Life. Despite him being the Primordial of Life, Daxon's domain also lies in nature as he not only creates mortal souls but animal ones as well. Daxon has a hobby of reading, enjoys starting at beautiful lakes or ocean views, and loves spending time with his siblings and Father. Daxon gets along very well with his twin sister as he knows there must be a time when the life he has created must come to an end and he doesn't mind that his sister takes the souls of his creations to the afterlife when the time comes.

Name: Morrigan Coleman

Race: Primordial Of Death

Titles: Lady Death/ Soul Taker/ Lady Of The End/ Guide To The After Life/ Gothic Queen/ God's Reaper

Powers: Nigh-Omnipotent

Infinite Energy


Meta Power Immunity

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Condition

Energy Lordship

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Flawless Indestructibility

Meta Teleportation


Death Embodiment

Death Magic

Absolute Decay

Afterlife Transport

Absolute Soul Manipulation

Absolute Death Manipulation

Absolute Death Inducement

Meta Silence Manipulation

Death Lordship

Meta Death-Force Manipulation

Death Transcendence


Transcendent-Cosmic Entity

Personality: Morrigan is a woman of proper stature and is as formal as her older sister Oriana. Morrigan takes her role as the end of all life seriously and doesn't appreciate it when mortals try to escape her. She hates it when people try to "cheat death" as she feels insulted though nobody has ever succeeded. Morrigan never smiles, at first glance it may seem that she doesn't like her job but she does love the important role that her Father has given her, she doesn't smile as she likes to replicate the stoic look Victor usually has on his face. Morrigan gets along well with all of her siblings and loves her Father as she is thankful for her creation and her role in existence.