
Living As The Almighty God

Victor Coleman was just another average 20 year old college student when he was suddenly summoned before the Almighty One himself, and that is when he would never be the same again…. This story is based off “Living as God” by Lazy_Runner Authors Note: I do not own any of the fictional characters and images used except for the ones I created, all ownership rights of the content used in this story besides the ones of my own creation belong to their original creators.

GreatKing05 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Creating Heaven and Hell

(Victor's POV)

Despite time not existing in this place, I knew it had only been a few hours since God had transferred his powers to me and disappeared.

I used my newfound power to check for any sign of him and there wasn't any, though I could bring him back, that would defeat his entire reason for having me become the new God.

Right now I am currently floating around the cosmos thinking about what I should do now that I'm the All-Powerful Omnipotent God.

(General POV)

'Alright, I think I have a good idea of what I should do' Victor thought to himself.

He had been floating around this infinite space filled with stars for hours and he had been brainstorming ideas on what to do with his newfound power.

'I'll go on adventures and explore different worlds, but before that, I'll create a system on how things are gonna go from now on concerning life, death, and souls.

'Okay, let's do this' Victor thought

Victor disappeared from the space of stars he was floating into an empty dimension. Victor decided he would create a new Heaven and new Hell. While they existed, he believed that things could be better, so he stopped time in both worlds so he could create new ones.

'Let's start with heaven, after I create it, I'll transfer all the souls in the old one there'.

A clear image of what Victor wanted the new heaven to be like appeared in his mind, like legos, the image was being built piece by piece as he wanted it to be perfect.

A few seconds later, Victor raised his right hand, and a bright light was emitted from it and it covered the entirety of the empty dimension he was currently in. A moment later, the previously empty dimension was now a dimension of paradise where good souls, humans and animals alike, would find themselves once they perished along with the Angels that would guard this paradise.

Victor was currently looking at the Heaven he created. It was a realm with a serene and beautiful appearance with a peaceful atmosphere. The clouds were a beautiful sight and the castles on the land were large and beautifully made as it was above anything that could be made with human hands. It looked futuristic and at the same time had a fantasy setting.

Another thing Victor discovered was that his original universe wasn't in a multiverse, it was by itself. There were also no other life forms besides the one on Earth. This made things easier as there were only 2 species in the universe, humans and animals. Not to mention how confusing things would be if alternate versions of everyone who died on Earth started showing up in Heaven and Hell.

'I did a damn good job' Victor praised himself as he mentally gave himself a pat on the back.

'Now it's time to create hell' Victor thought

He once again teleported himself to an empty dimension and started to create the image of Hell in his mind, this would be a place where sinners who could not be forgiven would receive their punishment for the crimes they committed on Earth. Demons would torture the souls of such sinners and make sure nobody escaped.

Victor once again raised his right hand, as he did when he created Heaven, but this time, red and black light emitted from his hand which signified the dimension of death and torture that was being created.

As the red and black light was shining across the entire empty dimension, purgatory flames started to emit everywhere and a feeling of dread was placed in the atmosphere which would make sure any sinner who was brought here would immediately become terrified of what was to come.

'This is perfect, plenty of space for the souls that will soon become trapped here for quite some time' Victor was pleased with what he was looking at as he believed he had done a good job.

Victor teleported all souls that were in the old Heaven and Hell into the new ones and the Angels and Demons got to work immediately, and with a thought Victor erased the previous Heaven and Hell from existence as they weren't needed anymore.

Victor then transported himself back to the infinite space of stars he was in when he was summoned by the old God.

'The system I created for this universe should work perfectly, not bad for my first time creating entire dimensions' Victor thought as he reflected on his creations.

The system Victor created for his original universe was simple to understand but a bit complicated.

While he was creating Heaven and Hell, he set laws upon the universe to make sure that everything would run smoothly by itself. Victor made sure to include that anyone that committed immoral acts during their time on Earth would be immediately condemned to Hell and have their souls transferred there as soon as their mortal bodies perished.

The same was for Heaven as anyone who had not committed unforgivable crimes would be sent to Heaven to live out the rest of eternity in peace unless they wanted to be reincarnated which is why Victor included a pond of reincarnation in Heaven, in which anyone who jumped in would have their memories wiped and have a new life on Earth.

Victor also made sure that someone had to have the intent of reincarnation to be reborn in case someone accidentally jumped in. In the case of families who wanted to stay together, all they had to do was hold hands so they could stay a family in their next lives.

As for the sinners in Hell, they wouldn't stay there forever as once their sentence was finished they would be reincarnated on Earth with their memories wiped and would try again as a new person as a second chance.

'I also made sure that Heaven and Hell could create Angels and Demons respectively to guard their respective dimensions, and they don't look bad either' Victor thought as he gave himself another pat on the back for a job well done.

Victor thought back to all he had done and he believes that he has done well despite being a regular human around a day ago.

'Hmmm, I guess the last thing I'll do is create concepts in human form that'll manage things for me while I travel around, they can even join me if they want' Victor thought to himself.

'The concepts shall be Space, Time, Creation, Destruction, Life, and Death, their powers second only to me and they shall be my administrators, they are…. The Primordials'.