
Living as Celebrity and Falling In Love

"Be professional for this drama to be a success! If your acting is poor like that, what will the people who have been waiting for this drama say?! It will ruin my career!" 24-year-old Celine Evergreen, the winner of this year's Rookie Artist Award, has to face tough times after being paired with Jayden in a new drama. Jayden Hugo has been the most successful actor in the country for the past few years. All the dramas he starred in always got high ratings, and also he often won prestigious awards because of his qualified acting skills. Celine felt tremendous pressure to compete with Jayden's acting, so all her abilities could not come out fully. Expecting that, the director asked Celine to stay at Jayden's house to build good chemistry so she would no longer act awkward. Despite her heavy heart, she agreed. But what if the director asks for something else? Something much crazier than that? Something like... wanting Celine and Jayden to be fake couple during the drama's promotional run! "Celine Evergreen, don't try to like me or fall in love with me. Do not involve your feelings in this because this is nothing more than professionalism in work!" Jayden warned. At first, Celine felt silly because Jayden could speak so confidently like that. Even without being asked, she would not fall in love with him! However, along with the intensity of their meeting, will Celine be able to keep her promise to Jayden not to fall in love with him? Or maybe Jayden couldn't keep his word and fell in love with Celine first? Will Jayden discover Celine's trauma and help her cope with her dark past?

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A Sensual Kiss

Jayden doesn't know how to have such a magical night when he always expects to have a typical day.

For most of the day, he has spent energy responding to Lewis's rambling remarks. And when he was about to take a break to recover his depleted energy, why did Celine appear and ask such an unreasonable request?!

"I told you to stay calm. If you are tense, the kiss will look awkward and unnatural," Jayden sighed tiredly after giving Celine a short material on 'How To Kiss' fifteen minutes ago. 

Yes, in the end, he agreed to Celine's request, even with a feeling of incoherence. Especially after hearing Celine's reasons, he couldn't refuse her because it was all for the good of their drama. 

Tomorrow, one of the filming scenes has a romantic kiss scene that is quite sensual, different from the crispy kiss scene during the premiere shooting they did a few weeks ago.