

Entering the office Haruki took note of the desk and the various papers stack about it. The office held an air of refinement that belied the subtle signs of chaos that anyone that wasn't used to hectic office life would miss. There was a small couch and coffee table to the right where the gifts they had brought sat.

Hiashi caught Haruki's glance at them as he turned and stood in front of his desk. He resist the urge to smile.

"Thank you for those by the way."

Haruki quickly looked away as if a child caught in a cookie jar. The comment hadn't been made to embarrass the red head, but rather to try and break the tension in the air. It appeared to have work because not a moment later the Jonin opened his mouth.

"I will not apologize for stepping in, or take back the words I said. I will not bother making my opinion of these traditions and clan practices a secret, and I will not apologize for them. And I definitely not going to stand idly by and allow this type of treatment to continue. And-"

"And I wouldn't expect you too." Hiashi interrupted once Haruki started pace. He couldn't quite keep the wry smile off his face as he did so.

Haruki just stopped and blinked for a moment before tilting his head side way almost as if confused by the statement. "You don't?"

Well apparently, he is confused.

"Not at all. In fact, I would be thoroughly surprised if you did, given what I've concluded about you." Hiashi answered smirk still firmly in place shaking his head. Seeing Haruki's slightly surprised look Hiashi continued and leaned back against his desk. The change in posture seemed to through the red head off even more.

"Haruki, it is clear to anyone who would bother to pay attention that you have a very strong sense of duty and morality that supersedes the status quo. You are obviously a powerful ninja given what you've demonstrated and if whatever has been claimed about you proves correct. You are diplomatic when you need to be even when formality isn't what you are most comfortable with. However, because you have so much power it is easy for you to loose sight in the balance of your decisions. That more than just your opinion matter and just because you can beat the other person up doesn't mean you should always get your way. That's called a bully. Furthermore you are very guarded and secretive individual, which could be explained as your time away but the particulars and depth of it don't add up to just that. And though whatever trauma or burden you bare may very well call for such secrecy it doesn't stop the resulting consequence that it's hard for others to trust you because they simply can't get to know you. You are reckless in your aid to other, if you hand is any indication of your usual behavior. And before you ask both my brother and I were there and had our byakugan active. Of course, we saw the damage. In the end, I don't quite completely know what to make of you. Which I suppose may be your goal, but I know enough to know that you are a good man. I don't even know why I feel comfortable enough to speak so blatantly but I think you prefer it that way. Besides you seem to have a knack for bringing out the unexpected in people."

To say that Haruki was surprised was probably an understatement. Of all the things he was planning for this encounter this was not one of them. And if he was honest he had absolutely no idea what to say or do. The Hiashi he knew NEVER would do this. Apparently, his sheepish stunned silence lasted too long and Hiashi chuckle before beginning again. "So Haruki I have taken this opportunity to privately ask for a favor and perhaps increase the debt I owe you already. Can you remove the Caged-Bird seal or at least alter it to not cause pain?"

Suddenly sensing that weight of the question, Haruki snaps out of his reflective stunned contemplation and looks at the clan head thoughtfully for a moment as if weighing options. In actuality, Haruki probably could already remove it; though altering it was out of the question. They had never had a chance to come up with a replacement seal before. There wasn't much need for one with the extinction of the Hyuga.

Haruki, after a quick discussion with Kurama about his options, decides to go with a delay tactic. "I can't currently but given enough time and study I should be able to help. The hardest part is going to be coming up with a replacement. I find it doubtful that we will find a way to alter the seal so completely, and it still have its primary function intact. If you are willing to wait, I will help how I can. I'm sure at some other time I can explain to you the details of the sealing involved."

Hiashi whose expression had fallen initially sprung back to life with hope at the possibility. He bowed to Haruki at the waste. "Thank you Haruki-sama. I can't express to you how grateful I am at your consent. If there is any way I can be of assistance do not hesitate to ask."

"Hiashi I'm not doing this for a favor or anything like that. I'm doing this because not only do I believe it's right, but I also because it was asked of me by someone I could consider a friend. (His mind drifting back to his own dear friend, the woman he thought would be the love of his life). The fact that it would help increase Konoha's stability is just a bonus."

Hiashi eyes widen a bit before a small smile appears on his serious face, "You are full of surprises Haruki."

Haruki just shrugs and try's not to make eye contact. He had had enough emotional personal engagements for one day. It was then that an idea popped into his head courteously of a giant fox chakra monster.

"There is one thing I would ask of you Hiashi. And let me clarify, I would ask this regardless of what you have asked of me." Haruki said suddenly completely serious eyes focused on Hiashi with heavy intent.

Hiashi, detecting the obvious shift, give Haruki his full attention.

"Lay off Hinata." The red head states with absolute seriousness with an edge of non-negotiable command.

Hiashi frowns and makes to speak but the red head interrupts quickly.

"Let me finish." He says with a raised hand. "I am not saying don't challenge her or don't be strict or don't raise your own daughter how you see fit. What I'm saying is that the confidence I am trying to foster that you want does not require sacrificing yourself to be the object of her opposition. It also doesn't require insults and beratement beyond honest critique. I don't need my work undone because you decided to intensify your… emotional conditioning." He nearly spat the last bit but refrained, barely.

Hiashi stares at Haruki for a long moment before nodding, "I will keep that in mind Haruki-san."

Haruki nods and follows the man out of his office and back to the others, their business having been concluded

The two men rejoined the party and immediately the prevailing tension that had remained under the surface collapsed. The other jonin guest visibly relaxed upon seeing Haruki return relatively calm.

It was not long after this point that the jonin bid there farewells to their students and left the compound together. Upon their departure they children were dismissed to their own rooms where each reflected on the events and insights of the evening. None more so than Hanabi.

It was after the party had been cleared and the atmosphere returned to normal, that two Hyuga men sat in Hiashi's office sake in hand in the depths of the night.

Hiashi for his part was still trying to make sense of all of the pieces that he had learned that night about Haruki. He honestly thought he should thank the elders in part as they provided him with an avenue to gather information on his newest ally. It was ironic really. The collective fools had back themselves into a corner with this stunt and he was going to enjoy hammering them with it tomorrow. But that was really a side point of the current subject that captured his mind. Who was Kazuma Haruki? Where did he come from? Why was he here? What was he a party of? He had been so tempted to press for answers in there meeting, but after the way dinner had gone he had decided that may not be the wisest course of action. Whoever he was, it was clear that Hizashi knew some of the details that were crucial given how partial he was to the man. Granted anyone who saved your life from beyond hope could have that effect but something about Hizashi's comments struck him as knowing and meaning more. As if trying to send a message without saying words. It was this fact that had the two tired men still awake in the first place. If Hiashi couldn't get all the answers he would like from Haruki then he would have to go with the next best thing. His brother.

"So do you think he will actually be able to find a solution?" the clan head asked his brother while pouring him another dish of sake. It was just the two of them now as most of the others had long been asleep.

"I think he already has part of it, or he wouldn't have agreed so readily, but I think he is worried about other factors and effects it will have on Konoha as a whole. More of a timing issue than anything else." Replied the twin as he sipped at his glass.

"He certainly is an interesting man. A good one but fll of mystery. The fact that he gifted me with sake of my favorite brand from my favorite year is too convenient to trust to happenstance but for the life of me I cannot fathom how he would have known. Did you tell him?" The older brother asked as he nursed his own saucer.

"No I am just as surprised as you are. I honestly didn't think he would even bring gifts. That's not really his style from what I understand. As too how he could know well the man was a deep cover spy in the most militarized village on the continent. I'm not surprise he found out." Hizashi replied evenly without hesitation. His brother eyed him for a second not seemingly convinced. It wasn't a fact he shared with anyone since his wife's passing since it had been the drink at their wedding. Still It was gift he appreciated greatly so he would drop the issue for now.

"His power is unmistakable. A storm cloud almost formed inside that hall just from his chakra reacting to his anger. Does he have a kekkei genkai?" The clan head asked honest curiosity seeping into his voice.

"I do not know, but it would not surprise me if he did." Hiashi replied. He truly didn't though, but, given what he knew about the man's title and background, it was not out of the realm of possibility even if he didn't know what to make of the abilities shown tonight.

Hiashi convinced that his brother knew nothing more decided to try a different line of questioning. Hoping to make more sense of the red head's mannerisms and behaviors.

"I can see what you meant by broken." He continued of downing the rest of his glass. "It's almost as if he's crying for help but at the same time resisting every attempt to do so. What must he have been through to have that level of hollow pain bleed into his words? Was he an orphan of war? Was he a member of the anbu black ops S-division?"

Internal smirking at his own brother's attempts to fish out information from him, Hizashi decides to through his brother a bone. "I am fairly certain he is an orphan more than that I cannot say, but I know he burden is heavy. It is for all those that carry the weight of others on their shoulders. Though I don't really know how we can help. For now we just watch him and see if more clues present themselves."

Hiashi made no effort to hide the role in his eyes at his brothers attempt to feign ignorance. Deciding to lay his cards on the table Hiashi set his glass down an looked at hi brother in the eyes.

"I know you know more than you are letting on, and I know that if you will not even tell me in absolute privacy it is something big and something crucially important. And I trust you with that, even if I'm unsure of what to think of our mysterious friend. Just promise to tell me what you can. Kami knows I owe him a debt even more than you for what he has done for my daughter." He couldn't help the sincerity and pride that entered his voice. He truly was grateful.

"More than you know ni-san. More than you know." Hizashi replied confirming all he knew he could for his brother before downing the rest of his saucer as well

"I intend to partner with him." Hizashi continued, "There is a task he has to do. Something I honestly don't know many of the details about. And knowing him he's going to try and handle it all himself. I refuse to allow that, I owe that man my life."

Hiashi didn't seem surprised by that in the slightest and just nodded.

"If he leaves I will be going with him." Hizashi said stressing his commitment.

"What about Neji?" His brother asked curious about his reasoning.

"It is for Neji that I would go. If Haruki doesn't succeed it could be the doom for all of us. Haruki will need the help, but I will have to be strong enough to help. It's only thanks to that man that I can even see Neji. For now though, I think it is just time to prepare. The mission Haruki has is just the first step and he still has to get passed the duel first… if only there was another way."

The two men continue to sit in silence each thinking on the moving pieces and how they would affect their lives and Konoha. Neither one heard the small footsteps as they quietly retreated down the hall.


The Three jonin had barely made their way around their block before Haruki relaxed and sighed. "Well that went better than expected."

His two companions snorted almost at his candid summation of the evening.

"What did Hiashi want with you?" Kurenai asked curious as they continues to walk.

The red head turned to her before looking up at the clear night sky. The moon was clearly visible just over the tops of the buildings just beginning its nightly passage across the sky. "He just wanted to talk and asked a small favor. But I kinda promised we keep it a secret for now." He hadn't really but somehow he doubted seriously that Hiashi wanted him blabbing what they had discussed to anyone. Honestly he was happy people didn't know. The last thing he wanted was more attention.

Seemingly, accepting of his answer Kurenai turned back to the path and the trio travelled together each wrestling with their own thoughts.

Guy was concerned about his red head friend. Proud, but still very concerned for him. There was no question that tonight the man had made some enemies. Unfortunately some fairly powerful ones too. Politically speaking that is. He did not like the way the elders are pressed the man but he had not intervened because the red head had looked to have everything in hand. He was sure now that Neji's admiration for the main would be beyond cemented by now and after tonight would probably explode. He learned tonight that Haruki was an orphan, which probably contributed in some ways to the loner mentality if he had grown up that way and his mission to Kumo probably compounded that further. Then there was haruki's training, they all knew what he would be facing soon and his opponent was no joke. With the pressure of the council on him, Haruki would have to pull off a solid victory against the leader of their village. Gai wasn't sure he could do that himself without using his ace and their wasn't much point in doing that since the cost is his life. This left Gai with a final nagging question that culminated from all the tensions surrounding his newest friend. 'How prepared are you, Haruki?' It was upon reaching this conclusion that an idea began forming in his mind. Perhaps there was a way to be sure Haruki was prepared after all. He'd have to put it by the others of course but Gai didn't think they would be opposed.

The group after a good ways of walking in fretful but companionable silence came to a crossroads and Gai realizing where they were stopped walking. It took the others a moment to realize it but when they did, they too stopped and looked back at their arguably most eccentric friend. Gai just smiled at them and gave a thumbs up, moonlight reflecting off his teeth.

"Thank you Kurenai, Haruki for a most youthful evening. It was a pleasure to accompany you both. Kurenai you look absolutely stunning in that dress and Haruki thank you for my gift and for a wonderful day of training I hope your own continues to go well. Now I must bid you both good night." The man then made a small bow.

Before he could leave however they others gratefully replied with their ow thanks and Haruki saying further. "No need to worry, Gai. I will be ready when the time comes."

With a nod and a farewell Gai turned down his street and disappeared into the night.

Kurenai and Haruki continue on as the turn to her own home had yet to arrive. After minute more of quiet reflection, one of the two came to a decision.

Glancing to her right at the red headed man that walked brooding quietly as if no one else would notice so long as he didn't say anything. Kurenai decided it was time to share an observation of her own.

"Thank you Haruki for my dress."

Suffice to say that little statement had all the effect she was going for. The red head whips his head to face her his eyes slightly wide mind probably racing for some deflection or excuse. Well Kurenai was going to have none of that. Just as he made to open his mouth, Kurenai cut him off. "And don't bother denying it. I know for a fact that Asuma didn't pick the gift out even if it was gift from him."

Shoulders slumping in defeat Haruki sighed, "How did you know? And for the record he did buy it even if I helped him get a present."

Kurenai frowned at the worry and disappointment that seeped into his voice. The man sounded defeated of all things. That's not what she had meant to accomplish with her revelation. This would need to be addressed immediately.

"Haruki don't get me wrong, it doesn't lessen the magnitude of Asuma's effort that he had help, and I honestly was expecting something like a candle or chocolates from him. That he got help to get me something I truly would love is a point in his favor." Haruki seemed to relax considerably then which only served to further confuse her. Why did Haruki care so much?

"That still doesn't answer how you knew though." Haruki's reply broke her from her thoughts.

"Well you aren't the only one that has shopping to do Haruki and you also aren't the only one who knows how to stay out of sight. I was across the street when I saw the three of you enter the store. I was going to go in and join you when I noticed you and Asuma go towards the Konoichi section. I know because I had been to that shop earlier and had already look through it. If I could have afforded it, I honestly was considering purchasing the dress you selected. After that, it wasn't very hard to figure out and I left so as to not ruin his surprise to me. I don't know how but you knew exactly what I wanted and help Asuma do something special for me. I just wanted to thank you for it."

She finished with a soft smile and then realized they had stopped walking. In fact, this was the intersection for her turn.

'Perfect timing.' she thought.

The red head looked at her sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. "Well it's what any friend would do. It wasn't a big deal but your welcome I guess."

Averting his eyes and beginning to feel awkward. He didn't exactly know how to deal with this sort of thing but he didn't want to be rude and just rush off that would only make them more persistent. Thankfully though he was saved from any further reply when his red eyed friend continued.

"Anyway there is something I would like to ask you about." Kurenai said hesitance evident in her body language.

Curious as to what she could be asking about the red head gave her his full attention and a small smile.

"You see being team 8's sensei was not my first time being sensei. While you were gone, a girl was born in the Kurama clan that had their unique bloodline limit. The ability to make genjutsu real. Her name was-"

"Yakumo," the red head finished for her with a sincere smile on hi face and understanding in his glittering cerulean eyes.

Kurenai's eyes widen in shock as her mouth hangs open very unladylike. "H-How did you-" she stopped when he raised his hand.

"Well you see as the head of the new Sealing division it's my job to know who has what seals and why. I was given her file this morning and am completely aware of the situation and the role that you played in it. I am truly sorry for the burden you had to bear in that. If I had been here, things could have been different. Please forgive me for that." He finished with a bow at the waist.

"Haruki please don't do that there is no way you could have known. Please get up." She says grabbing his shoulders and forcing him straight. He flinched slightly when she touched him causing her to feel the coiled power in his shoulders. Had this been a different time, she might have even blushed at the contact.

"B-But does this mean that you can help? Can she be a ninja again?" She asks her voice betraying her. Perhaps she had been around Hinata to much.

The red head looks at her smiles. "Absolutely! It's a promise. And I never go back on my word that's my nindo. It may take some time but I promise Kurenai-chan. She will conquer her demons once and for all."

There wasn't much of a point in hiding what he was planning since there was no doubt she would find out later, and if he was lucky this would keep her distracted and away from what he really wanted kept hidden.

Kurenai trembled a bit, eyes glistening with tears of relief in the moonlight. And in that moment she kissed him on the cheek enough to leave a lipstick mark. "Thank you, Haruki-kun"

Suffice to say Haruki had not been expecting that. He immediately started stammering and his face became as red as his hair. This only made Kurenai giggle a bit. One thing was for sure this man had a heart of gold. Something tugged at the back of her mind but for the time being she didn't really care.

"Goodnight Haruki. Thank you for being such a gentleman but I can make it home from here. I will see you soon." She said as she began walking down her road. After all Asuma was no doubt waiting for her back at the apartment and it would just be simpler if she remained the only person who knew that.

Haruki whose mind was still trying to recover from all the emotions that were waylaying him was frozen in place as he watched her beautiful form disappear around the corner. Well at least know one was here to see that. The last thing he wanted to do was complicate things with Asuma. Or so he thought.

As Haruki turns to walk down his road, a presence makes itself known just to the side of a light pole at the edge of the street. He knows immediately who it is and turns in the man's direction sighing to himself. 'What does he want?'

"Good evening Genma."

Standing there leaning against the pole in his standard jonin attire was the man himself his traditional sebon needle in his mouth.

"Yo what's up?" the man replies with a half wave and a smirk.

"How long have you been there?" Haruki asks with just a hint of nervousness.

"Long enough to know you still got a few miracles in your pocket." The sebon jonin replies casually as he points to his cheek.

Haruki blushes as he tries to whip her mark of his cheek condensing water from the air a bit to help wash it away. "You know that was a private conversation and I don't think Kurenai would really appreciate rumors."

Genma took a second to tear his eyes away from the impressive display of affinity manipulation to look into the red heads annoyed, accusatory cerulean gaze. Holding up his hands in a placating gesture, "Hey I'm not gonna say anything I know she wasn't doing anything that wasn't on the up and up and I am not one for drama anyway. Too much work. Besides the last thing I want to do is cause problems for you or Asuma." That seemed to calm the red head down a little but only a little.

Rubbing his forehead Haruki tried not to say. He really had had enough of all theses interactions for one day. "I swear Genma you are part Nara. Why were you out here anyway?"

Seeing the red head joke a little Genma relaxed a bit. Perhaps he hadn't blown it after all.

"Well, it's a nice clear night and I had a lot on my mind so I was out for a walk when I ran across you two. I didn't want to interrupt but I remembered there was something I wanted to ask you and sometimes you're a hard man to find so I decided to wait."

When the red head didn't react one way or another Genma pressed on. "Do you mind if I walk with you for a bit."

Haruki desperately want to say yes. He was tired, stressed and his emotions were all over the place and he had a growing suspicion that whatever the man wanted it was leaning toward answers more than favors. And answer was not something he wanted to give right now. So it was with great frustration and confusion that he found himself say, "Sure I still got a little bit to go."

And with an abrupt turn and quick measured steps the red head departed down the road. Genma a little surprised by the sudden change in pace leans of the pole and rushes to catch up with the red head. Walking in sort of a tense calm Gemma decides to make his move. "So how long have you been a medical ninja?"

At the sidelong questioning look, Genma clarifies. "I heard about what happened with you and Yamanaka-sama this morning. When I asked him about it he mentioned your hand and how you were supposedly going to heal it on your own, which means you a fairly skilled medinija to be able to do so. And judging by the state it's in now in comparison to how it was describes to me. I can confirm you weren't lying to him."

After stuffing his hands in his pockets at that comment and seeing that Genma is too informed to deny Haruki decides to be as vague as possible. "I've always been good at healing just something about my body. I was taught by a friend of my when we were younger. She's dead now. I don't consider myself a medical ninja. To say so wouldn't be giving the title its proper respect." He was of course frustrated people knew about his confrontation with Inochi but the again it wasn't exactly a secret encounter. Perhaps it was a bit much to hope for.

Genma nodded to himself and saw an opening in that statement he could pursue as they walked a gentle breeze had started up. "Well you seem pretty skilled to be able to heal a chakra burn that bad. But if you don't feel confident then I know someone you could get a second opinion from. His name is Dr. Takumi ever heard of him?" Genma asked eyeing the red head. 'How are you going to weasel your way out of this one?'

On the outside Haruki seems to remain calm though a bit of what could be taken as frustration seeps into his voice when he replies "I suppose I've heard of him in passing. Isn't that Hayate-san's doctor? How is he by the way?"

Genma would have laughed if there wasn't so much tension at the moment. 'Really Haruki I don't know how you became a ninja because you couldn't lie to save your life. Deflection? That's the best you've got?'

"Yeah he really knows his stuff. And Hayate's doing ever since he got you cure." Genma dropped casually while watching the red head out of the corner of his eye for any reaction.

Still completely stony face but now with seemingly all of his muscles coiled it was obvious that the man was uncomfortable though that was not about to dissuade Genma in the slightest.

"Why in the world would you think I had anything to do with that whatsoever?"

"Well for starters that wasn't a denial. Then there's the fact the all the doctor would tell us was that the person who helped him was friend and someone who looked like they needed help. Of all of us you were the most recent to become aware of his condition. You're a guy so you fit the 'he' part. And you fit the description perfectly plus the timing of your arrival and all you involved in and I'm sure you're underplaying your skill considering what you thought about helping Anko. Then there is Hayate's recent promotion on the same night that you appear to be the Hokage's right hand man. And…"

Finally Haruki stops walking. The wind that had been but a gentle breeze begins to blow in earnest. Genma unaware of the source of the sudden change and not paying to close attention decide to make his final case.

"And when I asked the receptionist who had been by to see the good doctor your name was on the list just hours before Hayate was treated. Quite a coincidence don't you think Haruki?"

Gritting his teeth the red head as so frustrated he wanted to explode. Why couldn't they just leave it alone? How had he been so careless? He was so tired of this cornering crap. He didn't even look to meet Genma's eyes as he tried to control to trebling in his limbs. His chakra leaking just a bit in his agitated state.

"Haruki. Were you the one that-" He was cut off when the man snarled and turned pinning his soul with his stormy blue eyes, a boom of thunder clapping over head and its then that he feels the saturation of static in the air. The entire area had changed into a sudden storm and the wind seemed to blow in every direction. Yet despite all the commotion none of it hinder the single word the left the red head's lips.

"Yes!" Haruki shouted in his face.

Genma began to realize that perhaps backing the red head into a corner wasn't his greatest plan. What kind of power did this man have that the weather response to his chakra?

Haruki snaps out again clearly not satisfied with the silence and asks, "Why do you want to know so bad? Why does it matter? I asked for it to be kept secret! If you were so certain of it why ask me? Why go through all this?" More chakra began to be released with each word before the tempest began to really boom and the winds howl. They were of course alone of the street, but Genma was sure anyone still out was hurrying indoors at this rate."

Genma responds with controlled calm though internal almost panics, "It matters, because I want to understand you. Because even though I will guard your secret, I want to understand and help the man that saved my friends life. A man I hope will become a friend to me. A man who I know is clearly hurting himself that needs help but avoids it. Your hand is a perfect example. I want to help we all do. You saved Hayte's life but don't want us to know? It doesn't make sense. So please why?"

Haruki looks at Gemma with a mixture of surprise, pain, frustration, and small amount of hope maybe? There was so much turmoil that could be seen in the weary man's eyes that it practically mirrored the storm he had unknowingly created. As if desperate to release himself from the concern and gratitude of the Genma and his friends, Haruki pleaded, "It wasn't even my cure, but something a dear friend who's long dead made. I couldn't just not do something."

Gemma replies pointedly getting frustrated himself and a little bit afraid if he was honest. "And yet you expect us to do nothing concerning you?" He tries to reach out to the red head but the man just recoils and turns away. The wind howling all the more now carrying a mist.

Haruki sighs in exasperation, "You just don't understand, you can't-"

But before Gemma can reply another presence makes itself known.

"Are you alright Haruki?" asked Kakashi in a light tone. The silver haired jonin was glaring pointedly at Genma with a look that said 'You had better hope he says yes for your sake.' To which Genma gulped slightly and immediately withdrew his hand.

Upon hearing the voice. Haruki looks up eyes wide and the wind stops completely.

Taking a moment to settle his voice he looks at the cyclops in relief. "Yes, I'm fine I'm just a block away from home. What are you doing here?"

Staring at the two of them with a look that doubted every word that just left the red heads mouth Kakashi replied, "Well I had walked Naruto home after training today and decided to wait for you to see how your fancy dinner had gone and it was a lovely evening to be out. When that began to change I came looking for you." He said emphasizing that he was well aware why exactly the evening had changed. Turning to Genma he asked again, "So are you both alright?"

Gemma sensing the dismissal decides he had gotten enough of what he came for at that it was as good a time as any to bow out. "No nothing's wrong. Was just out for a walk when a ran into Haruki-san. It's about time I was headed back anyway. Have a goodnight Haruki, Kakashi." He had a lot to think about. Whatever was wrong with Haruki was much more complicated and ran much deeper than he initially thought. And if this was a potential outcome of the man's emotions getting stirred up. Well… It was no small wonder the Kakashi had looked at him with a death glare.

Allowing the man to disappear down the road Kakashi then closed the remaining distance from the light pole he had been leaning on until he stood next to Haruki. He didn't say a word and seemed content just to wait for the red head to begin the remainder of his journey home. It was clear he was not going to be dissuaded from joining.

Haruki didn't disappoint. As soon as he was able, the man began walking down the road toward his apartment trying his best to not think about the confrontation that had just occurred. But no matter how much he tried he couldn't get that damned look of concern on Genma's face out of his head. And he swore if Kakashi so much as said a peep before he actually made it through his door the man was going to be sneezing icicles for a week.

They made it the rest of the way in complete and somehow pleasant silence without anyone stopping them. Haruki quickly opened the door and stepped inside leaving it open for his friend to follow which of course he did. As soon as the door was closed and one hand seal latter. Haruki completely released his suppressed chakra and let its agitated flow envelope him. It was so nice to finally have a release that he almost forgot the other person in the room. Turning and looking at Kakashi he found the man standing there shuddering as a cold sweat broke out on his body.

"I'm not sure I'll ever get used to that. The feeling is just too unreal." Seriously though no one should have chakra that potent or that much of the stuff. Only Kage tier shinobi and Jinchuriki had that kind of raw power at their disposal.

Haruki had the decency to look at least a little sheepish. "Sorry about that I just could quite wait till I got to my room. And I had already activated the masking and suppression seals so I kinda just went for it."

Waving him off Kakashi took a seat at the table as Haruki went and began making tea, Kakashi decide it was now time to see what was up.

"So what did Genma want to talk to you about?"

Setting the kettle down on the eye before turning and leaning agisnst the stove so he could face him, arms crossed, "He wanted to know How long I had been a medical ninja?"

Kakashi just kept looking at him, "Ok and what did he ask that actually bothered you?"

Haruki looked at him before sighing, if Genma already knew then there wasn't much of a point in not telling Kakashi. Who knows who else knew by now? "He anted to know if I was the person that provided Hayate's cure?"

Kakashi just nodded, "And were you?"

Haruki averted his eyes from the man to the clock on the wall which read 1:05. "Yes." He said quietly though he was sure the other man had heard him.

"Hmmm" was all Kakashi said.

Haruki looked up at him eyes slightly narrow at the lack of reaction. "You knew?"

Kakashi could help but eye smile. "Yes I did. I went by the hospital the day after Hayate was cured and checked the record and found your name. I wasn't hard to connect the dot after that." Seeing the red head tense up again he quickly continued. "Don't worry though I knew you would want it kept secret so I classified the record. Genma must have gotten their before me and seen it if he was sure enough to confront you about it."

Haruki just nodded before smiling and tilting his head almost in a question, "Wait you actually covered for me?"

Kakashi just shrugged. "It's no one else's business really if you don't want anyone to know and I was fairly sure that was the case. It was least I could do since your plate at the time was kinda full. Still is by the way I don't know how you do it." He finished shaking his head.

The red head just chuckled as the kettle sounded that the water was ready. "Kagebushin are truly wondrous things." He said pouring them each a glass before setting the kettle back on the deactivated eye.

They each enjoyed their tea in silence for a minute or so enjoying the others company before Kakashi decided to speak again, "So what was it that really upset you. I know that storm was you. Now that I know what to look for I can feel it. What did Genma say after you told him."

Haruki continued to look at his tea glass as he thought over how best to respond. He couldn't quite bring himself to lie to the man but he couldn't tell him the whole truth.

"He asked me why?" He said softly.

"Oh, why what?"

"Why I helped them? Why I am "in need of help" as he says? Why do I not really on the strength of others?" Continued his voice betraying him a bit still looking at the steaming cup in front of him.

"Ah. I see. And these questions bother you," he got silence as his answer which told him all he needed to know.

"Can I ask why they bother you?" Kakashi asks gently and pauses giving him a chance to respond when he doesn't, "Is it because the answers are things you don't like or do you not know the answer?"

More silence. 'So a bit of both then.'

Choosing that moment to drink his tea and placing his mask firmly back in place pleased that Haruki didn't even try to look as he did so. "Well I can see why that would not be pleasant. Though I think I have an idea if you would hear it," the man offers with a hidden smile.

Haruki looks up from his glass, eyes with but a flicker of light in them.

Taking that as his cue the copy ninja continues, "It's the source of Konoha's strength. The power of the will of fire. And the reason why he asked those questions…. Bonds"

Cerulean eyes widen in shock as the spark inside them dances and grows.

Kakashi smiles to himself even as he continues, "It's obvious to me and perhaps to a few others that you've been through a lot more than what you've let on and perhaps those things will stay your secrets forever Haruki but that doesn't mean that you can't have friends. Whatever it is or has happened to you. Your strength will only increase with others be your side. It is the way of our village. Haha don't tell me you've been away so long that you've forgotten that?" He finished with a joke and an eye smile.

Haruki smiled a bit at that to a chuckled lightly even though he felt like he'd been hit by all nine of Kurama's tails.

"If only it were that easy," The red head answered softly.

Sensing the internal turmoil inside his new friend, Kakashi elaborated, "Haruki no one expects you to form bonds over night. All I'm saying is be open to the chance to form them. Try and you'll find that things just might get easier." He finished and looked at the clock. "It's late we've had a long day and tomorrow will probably be one too. I would ask about the dinner but I think you've had enough stressful cryptic conversations for one day." He stood and cleared the table while the red head got up and stretched. They made their way back to the living rom where Kakashi went over to the couch and hruki headed to the bedroom.

"You know at the rate I'm over here it would be far more convenient if I just moved in." Kakashi said as Haruki made it to the door. He doesn't see the interested look in the red heads eyes or the sincere smile on his face as he closes the door, hoping for a good night's rest.