
Live Broadcast To Become An Immortal,

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantaisie
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Live Broadcast To Become An Immortal, And Start The Game With A Reward For The Imperial Soldiers! 161

Chapter 161 Even Children Lie, Shameless!

Chapter 161 Even children lie, shameless!

"Of course, the current Jade Lake Sacred Land has long been different from what it used to be!"

Speaking of which.

Li Longxiang couldn't help showing an envious look.

"Yaochi Sacred Land, it's great luck!"

"I thought that after the catastrophe, its strength would inevitably be greatly reduced, and it would even fall directly from the position of Sacred Land and be replaced by other forces."

"But who could have imagined that Yaochi Sacred Land was actually pitied by the Emperor, and its Holy Maiden Su Qinghuang was directly given an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, the Sun God Furnace."

"That is the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, the exclusive weapon of the ancient Great Emperor!"

"Looking at the entire land of Shenzhou, I am afraid it is the only one. Because of the favor from the emperor, the Yaochi Sacred Land, which was about to fall into the mortal world, suddenly soared into the sky, and its power overwhelmed other Sacred Lands. ."

"Now, let alone the land of Shenzhou, looking at the vast world outside Shenzhou, who would dare to provoke it?"

"After all, there is an emperor behind it!"

"Everyone is suspecting that the emperor is a supreme existence that is not weaker than the Great Emperor..."

Li Longxiang looked in admiration.

In the eyes, full of hope and envy!

In this regard, Dongfang Xuan seemed very calm.

Because he made it all by himself!

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

"This guy Yu Wuji is not a simple character. You don't look at him as a gentleman and a weak scholar, but he is a powerful master."

"Otherwise, you can't be like a duck in water in the terrifying environment of the True Dragon Dynasty."

"This fellow is very good at disguising, but don't be deceived by his appearance..."

Li Longxiang whispered.


He pulled Dongfang Xuan over quickly.

"I feel that this guy seems to be eyeing the arowana."


"If you don't believe me, just watch..."

Li Longxiang looked affirmative.

Then, he hid in the crowd and paid attention quietly.


At this time, Yu Wuji had come to Li Qingyang.

There was a smile on his face!

"Little Sister, do you know how to raise this arowana?"

"I do not know."

"Well, then let me tell you that the dragon fish is generally the deepest part of the North Sea. It will only appear briefly during the millennium tide, and it has dragon blood."

"If you want to feed arowana, you must use the spiritual essence of the world, that is, something with pure Spirit Power..."

"Will the best Spirit Stones work?"

"Uh, yes."


As soon as Yu Wuji finished speaking, he saw the little guy flipped his hand and grabbed a large amount of top-quality Spirit Stones from his pocket, and threw them all into the wooden basin in one breath.

After that, he also poked the golden arowana with his little hand.

However, Arowana didn't react at all, but instead looked disgusted...

"Hey, why doesn't it eat?"

The little guy looked strange.

Seeing this, Yu Wuji also showed a wry smile.

"What I said just now is only for the most common arowanas. Arowanas with top bloodlines like golden arowana cannot be fed like that."

"It needs the power of luck!"

The power of luck?

Hearing this, the little guy showed a puzzled expression.

"Sister Yu, what is the power of luck?"

"Well, the so-called power of luck is a very illusory thing. It can't be seen or touched, but it really exists, and it has great benefits for the creatures in the world."

"In layman's terms, everyone has the power of luck to a greater or lesser extent. The more of these things, the better the luck, and it can even eliminate disasters Bixie."

Yu Xuanji explained.

Hearing this, Li Qingyang let out a sigh of understanding.

"Then how can I feed the power of luck to the dragon fish?"

"This is..."

Yu Xuanji didn't know how to answer her either.

This involves her knowledge blind spot!

On the other hand, Yu Wuji showed a smile.

"Little Sister, the power of luck in a person cannot be transferred to the dragon fish. Only by placing it in the gold pool of luck condensed by a country can it be supported."

"Otherwise, once this golden arowana leaves the North Sea, it won't take long for it to die..."


will it die?

Hearing this, the little guy immediately panicked.

"Then what should we do?"

"Don't panic!"

Yu Wuji pretended to be calm, as if he was holding a Zhizhu.

"Little Little Sister, I know a place to feed this arowana, and one of my dearest loved ones recently needed it to save his life, why don't you give it to me, how?"

"I'll exchange the treasure for you..."

talking room.

I saw Yu Wuji flipped his hand and took out an ancient bronze medal about the size of a slap. One side was engraved with the word 'Yu Ling', and the other side was engraved with an unknown animal pattern.

"what is this?"

The little guy showed a curious look.

Seeing this, Yu Wuji smiled lightly.


I saw that he poured a Spirit Power towards the bronze medal, and all of a sudden, ten thousand bright auras bloomed.


Accompanied by a barking sound.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, a little milk dog about a foot long and covered in pitch black suddenly appeared on the ground with a naive look.

Its sensitive dog nose sniffed at the surrounding space, and then ran straight to Li Qingyang, licking her little hand constantly.

"Yeah, what a cute dog~"

As soon as he saw the little black dog, Li Qingyang immediately became interested and had a great time playing.

Even the golden dragon fish next to him can't take care of it...

Seeing this appearance, Yu Wuji couldn't help secretly secretly happy, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but become more intense.

At the same time, the people who were watching around were also surprised.

"What kind of dog is this?"

"I don't know, it looks cute and doesn't have any Spirit Power fluctuations. It should be just an ordinary dog."

"Oh, an ordinary dog, I thought it was such a precious species."

"This dog is much worse than the golden dragon fish..."

"The value is not equal at all!"


There was a lot of discussion.

Because Yu Wuji himself was present, they spoke more implicitly, and they had to take his identity into consideration.

However, Yu Xuanji's live broadcast room was not so harmonious.

When they saw that Yu Wuji took out an ordinary dog ​​to fool Li Qingyang, everyone was angry...

[Yu Wuji, this dog is like something, the prince of the dignified Dragon Dynasty, just use this kind of thing to fool a child? Still not wanting face? ]

[Golden Arowana, but has a trace of the blood of a real dragon, can this be compared? ]

[One thing to say, now that the dragon gates are closed, even if the golden dragon fish has the blood of a real dragon, it is useless. Apart from watching it, what else can it do? ]

[Yu Wuji's dog is also a pet, I don't think it makes any difference...]

[Pooh! you know shit! ]

[Who told you that arowana is useless? It does more than you might think! This thing, not only the Dragon Gate can turn into a dragon, if there is enough power of luck to feed, after thousands of years, it may be able to turn into a dragon. ]

[At that time, once it succeeds, it will be a real dragon! ]

[Uh, no, that's okay too? ]

[Cut, ignorant! ]

[According to this, if you change it, wouldn't it be a big loss? ]

[Hmph, isn't this obvious? Anyone with a little common sense can tell Yu Wuji's mind. Can a useless dog compare to an arowana that can turn into a real dragon? ]

[Fuck, so this guy is so shameless...]


In the live broadcast room, everyone turned on the curse mode.

For all this, Yu Wuji did not know!

His attention was completely on Li Qingyang...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 162 Smiling Face To Face, Mmp Behind!

Chapter 162 Smiling face to face, MMP behind!

"Little Little Sister, do you like this dog?"

"Well, I like it."

"Then I'll exchange it for your arowana, okay?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Yu Wuji said in a very close tone.

like that.

People who don't know, think how close their relationship is.

"for this I..."

The little guy looked hesitant.

She first opened her innocent eyes and looked at Yu Wuji in front of her, then turned her head to look at Li Daoran behind her, obviously asking for his opinion.

"Don't look at me, this is your own thing, you have to learn to make your own decisions in everything, and you can't always rely on us."

"However, if you like it, keep it."

"If you don't like it, you can give it away!"

"In short, everything depends on your own preferences..."

Li Dao said with a smile.

I don't care how precious such a golden arowana is.

Hearing his words, Yu Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, and he was one step closer to getting the golden dragon fish.

"Little Sister, what do you think?"

"I...I don't want to change."

Seeing that everyone around him was focusing on him, Li Qingyang struggled for a moment, and finally shook his head.

Say it.

She reluctantly let go of the dog in her hands and returned to her own small bench.


Hearing Li Qingyang's words suddenly, Yu Wuji couldn't help but startled.


"Although this golden dragon fish is very good, you can't keep it alive if you keep it. Once it leaves Beihai, it will die..."

"I know."

The little guy replied in a loud voice.

"Then why did you..."

"Well, Daddy said that you can't just take other people's things. Only what you get with your own strength belongs to you. Your dog is very cute and I like it very much, but it doesn't belong to me."

"I caught this golden arowana from the North Sea, but it really belongs to me. I don't want to exchange it with you."

"If it will die if it leaves the North Sea, then I will put it back later..."


The little guy glanced at Yu Wuji, for fear that he would forcefully grab it, he pulled the tub directly in front of him.


Seeing this scene, deep in Yu Wuji's eyes, a trace of anger rose.

However, in the blink of an eye!

"Haha, it's rare to be so smart at such a young age."

"Little Sister, since you don't want to change, then even if I haven't mentioned it, how about we be friends? My family is in the real dragon dynasty of the Great Wilderness. You are welcome to come and play at any time."

"By the way, why don't we exchange the accounts of the Heavenly Dao live broadcast room and follow each other?"

"OK then."

It seems that I feel that I have rejected Yu Wuji, and I am a little embarrassed.

So, the little guy was silent for a moment, and immediately exchanged the account of the live broadcast room with him, and followed each other.

"Big brother, are you the real dragon of the Great Wilderness?"

"I heard that only the most outstanding people in the world can be crowned with the title of true dragon. Big brother, you are really powerful. You are so young that you have the money to be a true dragon."

"Hehe, it's just a name, it's nothing."

Yu Wuji waved his hand.

"By the way, since we are friends, let's give this dog to you. It's useless for me to keep it anyway. Let it be a pet and play with you."

talking room.

Yu Wuji put the bronze medal into Li Qingyang's hands involuntarily.

"Big big brother, this..."

"Don't refuse!"

"Then... well. But big brother, since you gave me something, I will give you something too."


She took out an old-fashioned black seal from her pocket.

"Big brother, I caught this from the North Sea. My dad and the others said it was a rare treasure, but it's amazing. I'll give it to you."

Say it.

She held the black seal in both hands and placed it in front of Yu Wuji.

"it is good!"

"Since it is your intention, then I will accept it, haha..."

Yu Wuji showed a happy look.

Then, he fondly touched Li Qingyang's little head, and then left slowly.

After a while, he disappeared into the crowd.

Seeing him leave, Li Qingyang immediately teased the puppy in front of him with excitement, with a smile on his face.

There are happy laughter from time to time...

[Yu Wuji, he finally has to point his face! ]

[Bah, shameless person! Coaxing a child can only be done by a shameless person like him! ]

[This is not a success. ]

[Hmph, that's Li Qingyang, that little guy is smart and has good tutoring, otherwise, he will definitely be deceived by Yu Wuji. ]

[Um...it seems to make some sense? ]

[You are so sensible at such a young age, your future is limitless...]

[This little guy is an elf ghost. ]


The crowd kept applauding.

For everything here, Yu Wuji, who has gone far, does not know.

"His Royal Highness, that golden dragon fish is a rare fetish for ten thousand years. Your Majesty's birthday is coming soon. At that time, the whole world will celebrate together, and all the other princes will be doing their best to prepare birthday gifts."

"This golden dragon fish in front of you must not be missed!"

"Our True Dragon Dynasty has always claimed to inherit the bloodline of True Dragons, but we have never been able to provide real evidence. If this golden dragon fish is dedicated to Your Majesty and fed in the golden pool of the dynasty's luck, it may be thousands of years later. A true dragon can be born."

"This birthday gift, once presented, must be very precious!"

"When the time comes, Your Majesty will definitely be delighted with Longyan's face, and your status will be more stable. The throne of the prince of the dynasty is likely to be yours..."

The old man in blue behind him said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Yu Wuji sighed.

"I don't know!"

"It's just that people won't change it. What can I do? Is it possible that I can still snatch it? If it spreads out, wouldn't it damage the reputation of this Highness?"

"Even, it will damage the face of the dynasty!"

"My brothers have been staring at me all the time, and they are always ready to find my way. They will definitely not let it go."

"So, let's stop here..."

Yu Wuji said with a straight face.

Hearing this, the old man in green behind him wanted to say something, but he was stopped by raising his hand.

Seeing this, the old man in Tsing Yi could only sigh heavily.

"It's a pity for such a good opportunity..."

Say it.

He stopped talking, just followed Yu Wuji honestly.

It's just that he doesn't know the true thoughts of Yu Wuji's heart...


Although the righteousness of the mouth is stern, the movements of Yu Wuji's hands are not slow.

After the voice fell, he immediately took out the Heavenly Dao jade wall, opened the live broadcast room, first checked Li Qingyang's account information, and then returned to the page.

From my own friend list, I found a person from the 'King of Hell'.

Then, he opened the chat interface and sent a private message over there...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 163 Divine Continent King Of Hell, Jiuli Demon Lord!

Chapter 163 Divine Continent King of Hell, Jiuli Demon Lord!

[King of Hell, are you there? Help me kill someone! ]

Yu Wuji did not talk nonsense, and said bluntly.

Soon, there was a response.

[Who to kill? ]

[A little girl, she just caught a golden arowana in the North Sea, I need that thing, you help me kill her and bring the golden arowana back. ]

[Can someone guard the other side? What are the strengths? ]

[Have her parents! There is also a woman whose origin is unclear, but their Cultivation Base is at least above the Mahayana realm, and there is also the god of liveliness - Yu Xuanji. ]

Yu Wuji continued to button words and responded.

In fact, he was just guessing and didn't know Li Daoran and Yun Suxin, as well as Tao Ji's real Cultivation Base and strength.

Just in case, they can only raise their strength a little bit.

Mahayana, it should be almost there!

[There are a lot of people around her. And they are all above the strength of Mahayana, such a character must have an extraordinary identity and origin, and it is difficult to deal with. ]

[Why, King of Hell, which is dignified in and out of Shenzhou, and Yama Hall, which is known as the No. 1 Killer Organization of Shenhuang, will also be afraid one day? ]

[It is rumored that you can even kill Deva? Are you afraid of these little ones? ]

Yu Wuji sneered.

[Not afraid, the key is the price! ]

[My Yama Temple dares to do anything, and dare to kill anyone, not to mention the mere Mahayana realm, even if it is Deva, who has passed through the fifth decline, we can kill. ]

[It's just that you can kill people, but you have to pay the price! ]

[What are you going to pay for? ]

Shenzhou King of Hell sent a private message.

Looking at the content, Yu Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and after some thought, he edited a private message and sent it.

[I have a map of the Xietian secret realm in my hand, is that enough? ]

As soon as these words came out, the opposite side obviously paused for a while.

[Evil secret realm? you sure? ]

[certainly! ]

[You Yama Hall, haven't you been looking for the whereabouts of the evil heaven secret realm? I happen to have a map of its location. As long as you help me bring back the golden dragon fish, I will give the map with both hands. ]

[However, how can I be sure that what you say is true? ]

[I can show you half of the map first...]

Say it.

Yu Wuji flipped his hand and took out a mysterious map made of mysterious leather. After cutting half of it, he teleported it through a special space channel in the Heavenly Dao live broadcast room.

After about a quarter of an hour, the Divine Continent King of Hell replied.

[Something is right, it's true! ]

[Then do you take this order? ]

[catch! ]

[Give me the information of that person, and the result will be given in three days! ]

[No, three days is too long, and I can't wait. Must be done in one day! Let me remind you, that little girl may have some background, you better kill it as Deva. ]

[With Deva's speed and strength, it shouldn't take much time to reach the North Sea, right? I think half a day is enough! ]

[I'm waiting here, can I do it? ]

Yu Wuji has a domineering attitude.

no way!

He grabbed the opponent's lifeline, and in his hand held the secret realm of Xietian that Yama Temple needed most.

This is his strength!


Not long after his private message was sent, the King of Hell in Shenzhou responded.

[Okay, just one day! ]

[I immediately arranged for people to come over, and I could reach Beihai in an hour! ]

[How many people are you going to send? ]

[Three Deva! They are all strong men who have survived twelve Heavenly Tribulations! One of them has survived the first of the five Deva declines, is that enough? ]

[Well, Yama Hall is doing business, I can rest assured! ]

[Then wait for the good news...]


Shenzhou King of Hell went offline immediately.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wuji put away the Heavenly Dao jade wall, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

He did not tell Shenzhou King of Hell Li Qingyang's identity information.

However, as long as you go to Beihai and ask about it, you will be clear!

After all, Arowana is too conspicuous...

"What I want, I have to get!"

"Little guy, since you refuse to give it, then I have to ask for it with a tough attitude. This result is not what I hope to see."

"It's just you, you don't know how to praise..."

Yu Wuji thought to himself.

Speaking of this, a trace of cold light appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he wanted to choose someone to devour.

That's not a good person!


Just when he was complacent, suddenly, a mysterious projection appeared on his soul, exuding a strange aura.

Jiuli Demon Venerable!

Feeling the projection, Yu Wuji's complexion changed, and a hint of panic instantly rose in his heart.

"Demon Lord, are you awake?"

He paid respectful respect to the Dao with his thoughts.

The other party just hummed softly.


As the eyes of Jiuli Yaozun opened, a terrifying coercion instantly descended, causing Yu Wuji's soul to tremble frantically, making him almost breathless.

"Demon Lord, you..."

"You gave away the cursed dog that the deity gave you?"

"Yes, it is."

Yu Wuji responded with a trembling voice.


Although the sound was not loud, it gave him endless fear.

"Reporting to Yaozun, that little girl accidentally caught an arowana with a true dragon bloodline in the North Sea. I originally planned to exchange it with her, but she refused."

"So, I left the cursed dog to her!"

"The cursed dog, that is the unparalleled murderous thing in the ancient era, the most terrifying and evil thing in the world. Although it is only a cub now, it is not something she can control as a child."

"As long as the cursed dog is kept by her side, she will be swallowed up sooner or later!"

"At that time, I will use the secret method to summon the cursed dog again, which can be regarded as enhancing the strength of the cursed dog. I think that little girl is very extraordinary..."

Yu Wuji explained carefully.

Extraordinary people?

Hearing this, Jiuli Yaozun narrowed his eyes slightly, as if a trace of interest arose.

At the moment, he forcibly searched for Yu Wuji's soul, and through his memory, he saw Li Qingyang's face...


"Natural Emperor Bone?"

"No, this breath... The emperor bone on her body seems to have been destroyed? It seems that it was forcibly dug up?"

"Besides, there seems to be a mysterious aura in her body that even I can't see through..."

Jiuli Yaozun muttered to himself.

Looking a little confused.

"Find a way to capture this person to the deity, it is best to live."

he coldly ordered.

Hearing this, Yu Wuji naturally did not dare to disobey.

"Yao Zun, I originally wanted to get the golden dragon fish in her hands, so I have asked the assassins of Yama Temple to assassinate them. They sent three Deva, and the results will be available within today."

Yama Hall?

Hearing the name, Jiuli Yaozun nodded.

"If you do this well, you will be rewarded with respect!"

"When the time comes, directly upgrade your Realm Cultivation Base..."


The voice fell, and the figure of Jiuli Yaozun disappeared, returning to the deepest part of the soul.

Seeing this, Yu Wuji breathed a sigh of relief.

In his own soul, such a powerful and unknowable existence lurks, for him, it is both a good thing and a disaster.

The good thing is that he can quickly become stronger with the help of Jiuli Yaozun's power.

And the calamity is that once you are not well served, you will die without a place to be buried!

For this reason, over the years, he has been cautious, walking on thin ice, for fear of angering the other party...

"Yan Luo Temple's work has always been reliable!"

"This time, they sent three Deva, and they are all strong men who have gone through twelve Heavenly Tribulations. If they want to kill a little girl, they should be sure of it."

"I just have to wait here quietly for a day!"

"After today, maybe my life will be a different scene..."

Speaking of which.

Yu Wuji couldn't help showing a look of longing.

Then, he found a random embankment, found a pair of fishing rods, and pretended to fish.


No one else knew about his actions.

However, when Yu Wuji turned to leave, Dongfang Xuan in the crowd looked at him deeply, with an inexplicable cold light hidden in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 164 The Cursed Dog, The Great Emperor Is Afraid!

Chapter 164 The cursed dog, the Great Emperor is afraid!

"Little Qingyang, I'll look elsewhere first, and I'll come to you later..."

After Yu Wuji left.

Seeing that there was no more excitement here, Yu Xuanji immediately said hello and went to other places to broadcast live.

Originally, the little guy wanted to follow along, but after looking at the golden arowana in the wooden basin and the little black dog circling around her under her feet, she couldn't help but give up this idea.

Stay where you are!

While teasing the cursed dog, I looked at the golden dragon fish from time to time, and I had a lot of fun.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Xuan walked over with a smile.

"Little Qingyang~"


A familiar voice rang out.



The little guy was having a good time when he suddenly heard Dongfang Xuan's voice, he raised his head as fast as he could, and then ran over.

Holding his arm tightly, a smile on his face...

"Uncle, why are you here?"

"Well, haven't you been talking about me all the time, so I took the time to come to Beihai to see you. When I got here, I heard that you caught a peerless treasure?"

Dongfang Xuan fondly touched her little head.

Hearing this, Li Qingyang immediately showed a proud look.

"Uncle, come and have a look. I just caught a golden dragon fish from the North Sea. They all say that it has the blood of a real dragon, but it's amazing."

talking room.

Li Qingyang immediately pulled Dongfang Xuan to the edge of the wooden basin, pointed to the three-foot-long arowana inside, and kept talking.

A small face, like a flower...

"Well, not bad!"

"You little guy is really lucky. You can even catch the rare golden arowana in the deepest part of the North Sea. It seems that you are indeed God's darling."

"Hmph, of course~"

Facing the praise, the little guy raised his head high, as if his vanity had been greatly satisfied.

"By the way, uncle, there was a guy from the True Dragon Dynasty just now. He wanted to exchange gold arowana with me. He said that once the arowana leaves the North Sea, it will die."

"If you want to feed, you must use the power of luck!"

"I said I wouldn't change it. If it's a big deal, I'll put it back in Beihai. As a result, he gave me this dog again."

"I feel like that person is weird, he doesn't look like a good person..."


Not like a nice guy?

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan's mouth curled into a smile.

"Why doesn't he look like a good guy?"

"Well, uncle, let me tell you secretly, I just saw... There is another person in that person's body. He looks very ferocious, and he is scared."

"If it's a good person, who has another person hidden in his body?"

"He must have been lying to me just now, hum..."

Speaking of which.

The little guy pouted involuntarily.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan was startled.

In Yu Wuji's body, is there another person?

And, very evil?

For Li Qingyang, he naturally believed it.

After all, this little guy can see things that even the mighty practitioners can't see...

"So, in Yu Wuji's body there is another... old grandfather?"

Dongfang Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

If this is the case, then what he is trying to do combined with what he has just done must be extraordinary.

thought here.

Dongfang Xuan was about to set his eyes on Li Qingyang, then looked at the cursed dog under her feet, his face gradually gloomy...

"Brother Dongfang, what's wrong?"

Seeing Dongfang Xuan staring straight at the little black dog, Li Longxiang, who didn't know why, couldn't help but ask curiously.

At the same time, Li Daoran also came over.

"Brother Dongfang, I thought you weren't coming, hehe..."

"I just finished my work, so I'll come and have a look."

"By the way, Boss Li, this is a friend I met on the way. His surname is also Li, and his name is Li Longxiang. Maybe you were an ancestor a long time ago."

Dongfang Xuan joked.

Li Longxiang?

Hearing this name, Li Dao was a little surprised.

"It turned out to be the master's son. Talent and Gengu are really good, but they are too lazy. If you are willing to work a little harder, with your excellent qualifications, I am afraid that the sky will be perfect now."

"You know my father?"

Li Longxiang looked surprised.

In response, Li Dao nodded with a smile.

"I still have some friendship with your father."

"Before, I was a frequent visitor to your Dahuang Town Demon Division, but you didn't know it..."


A frequent visitor to the Town Demon Division?

Hearing this, Li Longxiang's expression changed slightly, and his gaze towards Li Daoran also changed slightly.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

"By the way, Brother Dongfang, I saw you staring at this little black dog just now. Is there anything magical about it?"


"It's not just magical, it should be said... terrifying!"

When talking about the little black dog, Dongfang Xuan's expression became solemn.


When these two words were uttered, Li Daoran and Li Longxiang on the side showed a look of surprise and curiosity.

"How to say?"

Li Dao said condensedly.

"Let's talk as we walk..."

"it is good!"

While talking, the three of them glanced at Li Qingyang, who was playing, and walked to the other side on the pretext of taking a walk.

Dongfang Xuan only spoke after leaving a certain distance.

"Actually, that little black dog is not an ordinary dog, but an unparalleled ominous creature from the distant ancient era. Its name is: Cursed Dog!"

Cursed dog?

Li Longxiang frowned.

He had never heard of this species!

On the other hand, Li Dao, who was next to him, was thoughtful...

"I do know a little bit about the cursed dog."

"It is said that this is an extremely ferocious and terrifying species. It was born in an unknown place and is born with a curse. As long as it is bitten by it, it will definitely bring disaster."

"At least, Cultivation Base will also plummet!"

"Even the ancient Great Emperor is extremely jealous of this kind of thing..."

Li Dao said solemnly.

At this time, his face was also a little ugly.

Hearing his words, Li Longxiang was shocked.

"Isn't it? Is it that scary?"

"Boss Li, according to what you mean, even the Great Emperor is afraid of this cursed dog?"


"However, how powerful is the Great Emperor, and the Cursed Dog is nothing but a murderous creature. Could it still threaten the Great Emperor?"

Li Longxiang was a little unconvinced.


Facing his doubts, both Dongfang Xuan and Li Dao laughed.

"Don't think of the cursed dog with your kind of thinking!"

"The Great Emperor is powerful, but it is not invincible. The Great Emperor also has something to fear, and the cursed dog is one of them."

"Let me tell you, the cursed dog when he grows up, even if he meets the Great Emperor, he has to hide as far as possible, because in the era of the cursed dog Life, many Great Emperors were killed."

"Its teeth can easily crush the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon!"

"If the Great Emperor is bitten, the Cultivation Base will directly drop a Great Realm, do you think it's scary?"


Li Longxiang was stunned!

He couldn't believe his own ears!

The Cultivation Base of the Great Emperor will also drop?

Is this really a dog?

At this moment, he feels that his own cognition has been subverted...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 165 Heavenly Dao's Darling!

Chapter 165 Heavenly Dao's darling!


Seeing Li Longxiang's shocked appearance, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help but laugh.

"Actually, the cursed dog is scary, but it is only for growing up. Now... it is far from reaching the point where the Great Emperor is afraid of it."

"However, how can this guy Yu Wuji have a cursed dog?"

"Isn't this species extinct a long time ago? Does it still exist in this world?"

Speaking of here.

Suddenly, Dongfang Xuan thought of the mysterious old grandfather in Yu Wuji's body...

Maybe the cursed dog was given by him?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is!

At the same time, after learning the horror of the cursed dog, Li Longxiang also frowned, and his face gradually became solemn.

"Yu Wuji, I'm afraid I'm not at ease!"

"Although the little black dog is just a pup, it is a monstrous creature after all. If it can't be controlled, it will likely cause a catastrophe."

"I'm worried, this is what Yu Wuji did on purpose!"

"He didn't get the golden dragon fish. On the surface, he looked calm, but he was actually full of anger. With his narrow mind, he didn't know what he would do."

"I guess, he may come hard and grab it..."

Li Longxiang pondered.

Hearing this, Li Daoran snorted.

"He had better not think like that!"

"Otherwise, let alone a real dragon dynasty, even if the heavenly king daddy came, he would not be able to save him..."

talking room.

There was a ferocious aura in his eyes.

Li Longxiang, who was watching from the side, was secretly shocked...

"Where is this Boss Li, Sacred? On the surface, he looks like an elegant scholar, but in fact he has extremely powerful strength."

"As far as the breath he just showed, it definitely surpassed the Mahayana realm!"

"At least the myth of the fifteenth realm, or even... Deva!"


"The person who can talk to the same generation as the father is by no means a simple generation..."

Think about this.

He couldn't help feeling a little more inexplicable awe for Li Dao in his heart.

At the same time, take another look at Dongfang Xuan!

Being able to interact with a big guy like Li Daoran seems to be a very good relationship, and he is definitely not an ordinary person, at least he can't see his strength at all.

This made Li Longxiang even more curious!

For his thoughts, neither Li Daoran nor Dongfang Xuan paid any attention.

Several people pretended to take a walk on the embankment...

"Brother Dongfang, what do you think should be done with this cursed dog?"

"Well, I think it's better to keep it."

"Little Qingyang likes it very much. With that little thing, it can also be a companion. As for the threat posed by the cursed dog, this is also easy to solve."

"You can make Qingyang and the cursed dog conclude a master-servant contract to restrain it."

"Also, when Yu Wuji walked away, didn't he give him a bronze medal? That thing is actually an imperial beast card, and the brand of Qingyang on it can also act as a restraint."

Dongfang Xuan replied calmly.

Hearing this, Li Dao also nodded in agreement.

"That's a way!"

"However, since Yu Wuji gave the Cursed Dog to Qingyang, the brand of his soul must have long been left on the beast-guarding card. Unless it is erased, it cannot be re-branded."

"Oh, it's just a trivial matter!"

"Wait, I'll give Qingyang a stronger beast-fighting card. He Yu Wuji wants to figure it out. I don't know that we have already seen everything, and stealing chickens can't lose rice..."

A cold sneer came out slowly.

Say it.

The three chatted for a while, and then returned the same way.

At this time, the little guy Li Qingyang diligently prepared a fishing rod for him and Li Longxiang, not only that, but also the bait.

"Uncle, come and sit here!"

The little guy pulled Dongfang Xuan to his side.

After that, he excitedly handed the fishing rod to him...

"Uncle, there are so many treasures in the North Sea. I have only been here for a few days, and I have caught a lot of top-quality Spirit Stones and various treasures."

"Come and have a try, maybe you can catch something better."

Li Qingyang said while watching the sea closely.

Look, very focused!

Seeing this, Dongfang Xuan doted on her little head, and immediately started fishing seriously.

Anyway, idle is idle, it is better to try your luck.

What if you really caught a treasure?

He didn't believe that his own luck would be so bad...

It's just that luck is so evil!

Dongfang Xuan sat on the small bench and waited for a long time, but he didn't even see the shadow of a treasure. On the other hand, Li Qingyang, the little guy, the good things are one after another.

Such as: Top-quality Spirit Stones, Resurrection Grass, Chiyang Jinjin, Dahuitiandan...

Either a rare treasure, a panacea, or some other bizarre thing.

Not to mention him, even Li Longxiang on the side was a little dumbfounded.

"This little guy, is he lucky too?"

"Why does she catch all kinds of treasures one after another, and I don't have a single hair? God, it's so unfair..."

He sighed.

That way, it seems to have suffered a huge blow.

"Brother Li, haven't you heard a sentence, people are more mad than people!"

"Qingyang, this little guy's luck, that's really incredible..."

Dongfang Xuan praised with a smile.

Li Qingyang's luck, he really admires!

Before grabbing red envelopes, others could only grab what was left of her; now Beihai is fishing for treasures, and others can't see the shadows of treasures.

Say, Heavenly Dao's darling, it's not an exaggeration!

"Oh, if only I had the same luck."

Li Longxiang sighed with emotion.


He couldn't help but set his eyes on Li Qingyang.

"I don't believe that she can still catch the same treasure as the golden arowana. After all, the treasure in the North Sea is..."

"Yeah, I'm hooked~"


Before Li Longxiang's voice fell, Li Qingyang's excited voice sounded again.

With her call, she immediately attracted the attention of everyone around her...

call out!

When the little guy excitedly lifted the fishing rod in his hand, a thumb-sized, oval-shaped black object came into view.

"This is... a lotus seed?"

Li Longxiang glanced at it and said uncertainly.

At this time, Li Daoran also came over.

"Yes, it's lotus seeds!"

"It's just that it looks rotten, it's useless..."

Say it.

Li Dao suddenly lost interest.

lotus seeds?

Hearing this result, the little guy was obviously disappointed.

Afterwards, she grabbed the dark lotus seed, and after taking a few glances, she put it directly into her mouth, as if she planned to peel it off and eat it.


However, the moment she bit her teeth into the lotus seeds, a painful voice suddenly came out.

I saw that the little guy covered his mouth and kept screaming in pain...

But the lotus seed showed no signs of damage.

"What the hell is this~"

under anger.

The little guy immediately threw the lotus seeds out!


Seeing that the lotus seed was about to sink into the sea, Dongfang Xuan's big hand suddenly reached out and caught it in time...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 166 A Fetish From The Great Wilderness!

Chapter 166 A fetish from the Great Wilderness!

"Qingyang, some things can't be thrown around..."

Holding the lotus seed with his thumb and index finger, Dongfang Xuan chuckled.

Hearing this, Li Qingyang snorted.

"Uncle, isn't it just a lotus seed, what's the big deal."

"Besides, it hurts my teeth..."

She pouted.

While speaking, he kept rubbing his cheeks.

Seeing her unconcerned appearance, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help shaking his head.

"You little guy, you are in the midst of happiness and do not know happiness!"

"You know, the lotus seed in my hand is much more valuable than the golden arowana you caught before, and even the two are not comparable at all."

isn't it?

so precious?

Hearing Dongfang Xuan's words suddenly, not only the little guy cast a shocked look, but even Li Daoran, Yun Suxin, Tao Ji, Li Longxiang and the others on the side were also curious.

Afterwards, several people took the dark lotus seed from Dongfang Xuan's hands and examined it carefully, but no matter how they looked, they couldn't see any clues.

Not even a trace of treasure!

"Uncle, you said this is an incredible treasure?"

Li Qingyang came to his side and asked in surprise.

"Of course!"

"Just this lotus seed is comparable to an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon..."


Extreme... Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon?

As soon as these words came out, Li Qingyang had no idea, but Li Daoran and Li Longxiang suddenly widened their eyes, and they both gasped.

Even when Li Longxiang was holding the lotus seed's hand, he was shaking...

It was exciting, but also apprehensive!

Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, that is the exclusive weapon of the ancient Great Emperor, each piece has the supreme power to suppress the world, which is unimaginable for mortals.

Throughout the ages, basically not many people have seen the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon with their own eyes!

Those things have long since become legends.

However, at this time, Dongfang Xuan said that the unremarkable black lotus seed in front of him was comparable to an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, so how could they not be shocked.

"Brother Dongfang, this... what is it? It... is it really comparable to the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon?"

Li Longxiang asked tremblingly.


In an instant, Li Daoran and Yun Suxin both focused their eyes on him.

In this regard, Dongfang Xuan also showed a rare solemnity on his face.

"This thing is actually not of this world!"

"It should come from a place called Honghuang..."


Several people looked at each other.

I don't understand what Dongfang Xuan means at all!

"Boss Li, do you remember that I talked to you before, the story of the heavens and the world?"

"of course I remember!"

"You said before that within these heavens, there are ten thousand worlds, including the low-level Small Thousand Worlds and the high-level Great Thousand Worlds."

"In addition, there is a universe above the heavens!"

"Just like the Godly Desolate World we are in, outside of it, there are the worlds of the heavens and all kinds of great worlds. Are these what you call the Great Thousand Worlds?"

Li Dao was curious.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan nodded.

"Roughly so!"

"The world we are in is an independent world; in addition to our world, there are tens of millions of other worlds."

"Under each universe, there are the main world, the big world, and the minor world."

"Therefore, our gods are very, very small within a universe..."


so complicated?

Following Dongfang Xuan's narration, Li Daoran was also surprised and surprised, but after all, he had experienced strong winds and heavy rains, and he was well-informed, so he was tenacious.

Not showing too much shock.

As for Li Longxiang, his eyes widened, and he looked like he had been subverted...

It was the first time he had heard such secrets!

"This kind of discussion about the universe and the world, even my father, the big boss, is probably not clear? How did Dongfang Xuan know this?"

"And, looking at him, he seems to be very familiar."

"Is it possible that he has experienced it? Or, has he been to those places?"

"If that's the case, it's terrifying..."

Li Longxiang kept thinking about it.

In an instant, Dongfang Xuan's image became taller in his heart.



Unknown horror exists!


A series of adjectives kept emerging from the bottom of his mind.

Dongfang Xuan is not clear about his reaction, as well as all kinds of speculation and brain comprehension.

At this time, his attention was all focused on the lotus seed!

"Brother Dongfang, what exactly is this?"

Li Dao asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, Li Longxiang's mind was instantly attracted to the past. He immediately abandoned all distracting thoughts, paid 120,000 points of attention, and listened intently.

"The origin of this thing... is very big!"

"It comes from the other side of the universe, and it is transformed by the god Innate, who created the world. It is a lotus seed of the green lotus of good fortune. It has the magical power of the world of good fortune."

Dongfang Xuan said quietly.

good fortune Qinglian?

Hearing this name, whether it is Li Daoran or Li Longxiang, or Yun Suxin and Tao Ji, they are all at a loss.

They have never heard of it!

However, since Dongfang Xuan said that this is an Innate fetish, it must be very valuable.

"Then... what's the use of it?"

At this time, Li Longxiang asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"That's it."

Dongfang Xuan sold out.

Then, he put the lotus seed in his hand.

"Qingyang, let me make a magic trick for you..."


As soon as he heard these two words, Li Qingyang's eyes suddenly lit up.

It suddenly occurred to her that a magic trick Dongfang Xuan performed for her a while ago went directly from Jingyue Ancient City to Tianyuan City, where the Ziyihou Mansion is located.

That's a billion miles away!

Now, are you going to perform magic again?

Her little face couldn't help showing a look of anticipation...

"Uncle, you are changing, I want to see magic."

She kept urging.

"Then look carefully!"

"Tai Shang Lao Jun, hurry up like a law..."

Dongfang Xuan murmured something.

At the same time, he also deliberately pretended to be casting a spell.

Li Qingyang and the others were stunned for a moment!

After all, they all took it seriously.

But actually?

However, Dongfang Xuan secretly, controlled with his mind, opened the Dao Dao live broadcast room, and clicked on Lu Changsheng's account.

Exactly, he is live!

without hesitation.

Dongfang Xuan directly turned on the tipping function and tipped the green lotus seeds of good fortune in his hand.


in an unknown courtyard.

Lu Changsheng was sitting cross-legged on a piece of bluestone, as if he was practicing, but in fact a pair of eyes were watching the live broadcast room in front of him.

As if thinking about something...

[ding dong~]

[Mysterious existence, rewarded Innate fetish, a green lotus seed of good fortune! ]


The sudden prompt caught Lu Changsheng's attention.


At the moment, he came to the front of the screen at the fastest speed, and when he saw that it was a 'mysterious existence' reward, his face suddenly showed a look of incomparable surprise.

Then, the whole person fell to the ground and bowed with infinite awe...

He knew that the expert rewarded another treasure!

"Lu Changsheng pays respects to the masters!"

"Master, there is something I want to discuss with the master, I don't know..."

"This emperor is not available right now, I'll talk about it later!"

Not waiting for Lu Changsheng to react.

Dongfang Xuan immediately quit the live broadcast room!


North Sea!

Li Daoran, Li Longxiang, Yun Suxin, Tao Ji, Li Qingyang, all of them looked at Dongfang Xuan without blinking.

However, he was looking at the returned good fortune green lotus seeds at this time.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 167 Chaos Qinglianzi!

Chapter 167 Chaos Qinglianzi!

Name: Chaos Qinglianzi

Introduction: It was originally a lotus seed of good fortune Qinglian. It came from the great wilderness outside the world, through the gap of time and space, and accidentally flowed into the world of gods. After being strengthened 10,000 times, it returned to its origin and transformed into a chaotic green lotus seed.

Rank: Chaos Goddess

Function: 1. Containing the power of boundless good fortune, infinite vitality!

2. Innate's supreme method, "The Great Chaos Immortal Sutra", can be cultivated to the boundless realm of Primordial Primordial and Heavenly Dao Saint!

3. Cultivated with the Innate fetish, it can be turned into a chaotic green lotus!

4. All evils will not invade, all dharmas will not be destroyed!


A lot of information is presented.

After reading it, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help but secretly said "sure enough".

This result is not much different from what he expected!

"The heel of the good fortune green lotus seed is too strong. It is originally a lotus seed of the good fortune green lotus, and the good fortune green lotus is derived from the supreme chaotic green lotus."

"Now that it has been strengthened by the system and transformed into a chaotic green lotus seed, it is also reasonable."

"The key is that it also has the supreme potential to grow into a chaotic green lotus. Once it is really cultivated, it will be the same chaotic treasure. It is more valuable than any fairy weapon in his hands."

"Also, there is an Innate method in the chaotic green lotus seed, and the "Great Chaos Immortal Sutra" can be cultivated to Heavenly Dao Saint, which is too high."

"It should be equivalent to the Immortal King of this world..."

Dongfang Xuan secretly exclaimed.

Although he had already prepared in his heart, when he was faced with such a supreme treasure, he couldn't help being a little surprised and excited.

At the same time, there is also a hint of hesitation and struggle in my heart!

He was considering whether to give this chaotic green lotus seed to Li Qingyang...

"I can give her the original good fortune Qinglianzi, but this thing belongs to her after all. If I take it as my own, I'm afraid it will involve a huge Karma in the future."

"At that time, it will be unfavorable to my practice!"

"Forget it, when did I become so stingy, and I actually care about this with a child. Although the chaotic green lotus seeds are extremely valuable, it is not impossible for me to do so."

"Just give it to the little guy..."

There is a decision.

Dongfang Xuan opened his eyes immediately!


North Sea!

At this moment, everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at him without blinking.

Especially Li Qingyang, his face is full of expectations...

"Uncle, are you alright?"


"You can see clearly, don't blink your eyes~"

Say it.

Dongfang Xuan pretended to rub his palms, and when he spread his hands again, a golden lotus seed came into view.

On its surface, there is a mysterious Heavenly Dao pattern!

It was placed in Dongfang Xuan's palm, but it exuded an endless and vast aura...


When everyone saw it for the first time, they all felt a huge pressure.

It's as if the soul is trembling!

That kind of breath makes them unable to bear...

"This is the true face of good fortune green lotus seeds?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

There was a strong surprise in his eyes.

"Uncle, what's the use of this thing?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at Chaos Qinglianzi without blinking, Li Qingyang didn't care so much, he immediately picked it up from Dongfang Xuan's hand and pinched it between his two fingers.

Curiously looking at...

Upon seeing this, Dongfang Xuan revealed a mysterious look.

"Qingyang, do you want to cultivate?"


Hearing this suddenly, the little guy was startled at first, but then he showed an excited look.

at the same time.

Li Daoran and Yun Suxin on the side were also shaken.

"Brother Dongfang, this...this thing can help Qingyang practice?"


"The little guy's roots are damaged. According to the cultivation concept of this world, it is impossible to cultivate. However, it is enough to have this lotus seed."

"Because, there is an alternative method from the Great Desolation hidden in it!"

"That's the comprehension I talked to you before..."

Dongfang Xuan explained.


Hearing these two words, Li Dao seemed to understand, but Li Longxiang was completely confused, unable to understand what Dongfang Xuan was talking about.

However, he did not dare to ask too much!

I can only listen honestly...

"This lotus seed is an extremely valuable Innate sacred object. It has boundless good fortune. As long as Qingyang cultivates the method inside, he can embark on the road of self-cultivation."

"The future is limitless!"

"As long as there are no accidents, she can at least reach the Realm of the Great Emperor..."

Dongfang Xuan said thoughtfully.


As soon as these words came out, Li Longxiang shuddered and his mind went blank.

Likewise, there is Li Daoran.

At this time, he and Yun Suxin also clenched their fists, and their eyes were filled with strong shock.

But more than that, excited!

"So, Qingyang, she... has the capital of the Great Emperor?"

Li Dao was trembling when he spoke.

At this time, he no longer has the indifference and calmness he had before...

Great Emperor!

That is a supreme symbol!

Throughout the ages, there have been countless arrogant evildoers, but how many people have truly become Great Emperors?

Even if you have the capital of the Great Emperor, you may not be able to become an emperor!

However, there is a chance.

Others may not even have this chance...

The more he thought about it, the more excited Li Dao was!

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Li Qingyang with a hint of inexplicable emotion.

Dongfang Xuan ignored his reaction.

"Qingyang, can I teach you to cultivate immortals?"

"What is immortal cultivation?"

"Well, the so-called cultivation of immortals means that after you cultivate, you will be able to become immortals in the future, and then you will be able to live forever, even immortal."

Dongfang Xuan explained.

Hearing this, the little guy turned his big eyes and thought for a while, but he didn't seem to understand the meaning.

"Uncle, after cultivating immortals, will you become as powerful as you?"

she asked innocently.


"As long as you cultivate an immortal, you will become an immortal in the future. Not only will you become as powerful as the uncle, but even stronger than the uncle. At that time, the uncle will depend on you for protection."

"Well, I want to cultivate immortals, uncle teaches me to cultivate immortals..."

"Qingyang, I have to remind you that cultivating immortals is very hard, tiring, and very lonely. Once you cultivate immortals, you may not be able to play like you do now."

"Do you still want to cultivate immortals now?"

"I want!"


"Because in the future I will protect my father and mother, my uncle, my sister Tao Ji, and..."

The little guy snapped his fingers and kept counting.

Hearing her words, Dongfang Xuan and the others all laughed.

At this time, they didn't take it seriously!

It's just a kid's joke...

"Well, uncle will teach you to cultivate immortals!"

"Next, do as I say."

"Put the lotus seed in the palm of your hand first, then concentrate and sink your mind into your body. Remember the fire I melted into your body before?"

"Now, concentrate on the Divine General and it will be drawn out, and then blended into the lotus seeds..."

Dongfang Xuan said softly.


The little guy thought for a while with his eyes wide open, and seemed to understand something. Then, she closed her eyes and worked hard according to the method Dongfang Xuan said.


About a quarter of an hour passed.

In Li Daoran's anxious and expectant gaze, a chaotic flame was drawn out and jumped above her fingertips.

It looks like it may go out at any time!

"This fire..."

Seeing that mysterious flame, Li Daoran's pupils shrank immediately.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented threat!

It seems that as long as it touches the flame, it will immediately disappear...

What exactly is this?

He was secretly shocked!

Similarly, there is Li Longxiang.

Dongfang Xuan saw all their reactions, but ignored them.

"Okay, now you slowly approach the lotus seed..."


Under the guidance of Dongfang Xuan, Li Qingyang brought the chaotic flame on his fingertips close to Lianzi, and when the two touched, the flame was instantly attracted.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of millions of dazzling chaotic divine lights bloomed.

Like a small sun, rising above Li Qingyang's palm...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 168 I Teach You To Cultivate Immortals!

Chapter 168 I teach you to cultivate immortals!


Accompanied by the glittering divine light, the aura of chaos surged out in an instant like a big river, and the terrifying coercion made Li Daoran and others change their faces.

At this moment, they all felt boundless great fear!

In that way, it seems that the soul will be wiped out...


At the same time, the appearance of the chaotic aura also caused a heavenly change.

Above the distant sky, there are thunderstorms, and the vast and unparalleled Heavenly Dao coercion is about to come to the world...

"Not good~"

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Xuan dared to have any hesitation. His palm, which was attached to the aura of the avenue, brushed over the lotus seeds in an instant, directly covering up the vision that erupted.

In just an instant, the chaotic green lotus seeds became silent again...


And at this moment, above the vast sky, a pair of indifferent vertical eyes also appeared out of thin air, overlooking the earth with a look full of scrutiny.

After searching for a while to no avail, then slowly retreated!

Seeing this scene, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, scared me to death!"

"It's really... terrifying!"

Li Longxiang covered his chest with a look of horror.

At that moment, he felt like he was going to die!

The soul trembles wildly!

It was the first time he had come so close to Death.

Although the expressions of the others were a little better, they were also full of panic and astonishment. Then, they all looked at Dongfang Xuan with disbelief.

Cover up the sky!

Blind Heavenly Dao's perception!

There are only two words to describe this method.


At this time, Li Longxiang felt the mysterious and powerful from Dongfang Xuan.

That, completely beyond his imagination!

In the presence, only the little guy Li Qingyang looked indifferent...

"Dad, what happened to you all?"

She tilted her head and asked curiously.

"No...it's fine."

"We're happy, hehe~"

Li Daoran and Yun Suxin looked at each other and squeezed out a smile.


Hearing this, the little guy obviously didn't believe it, but she couldn't think of a reason, so she continued to focus on the Chaos Qinglianzi in her hand.

"Uncle, I saw the lotus seeds glow just now, but now... they're gone."

She kept fiddling with the lotus seeds.

However, nothing happened.

In response, Dongfang Xuan smiled lightly.

"Qingyang, this thing is very terrifying, you can't just show it to others."

"Then how do I cultivate immortals?"

"Well, it's easy~"

talking room.

Dongfang Xuan raised his hand and pointed at the center of her eyebrows. With a powerful force, he chopped off a trace of her soul, and at the same time drew out nine drops of blood.

Knead it together and blend it into the lotus seeds...

"Do you feel anything now?"

"Uncle, I feel that this lotus seed... seems to be very familiar, just like my body."

"Well, that's right!"

"I used your soul and blood to imprint this lotus seed, so that others can't take it away, and you can use it better."

"Next, you swallow the lotus seed and concentrate all your energy to perceive its existence..."

Dongfang Xuan guides him.


The little guy complied.

As before, she closed her eyes and concentrated on observing, and at the same time, she kept imagining the appearance of chaotic green lotus seeds in her mind, trying to perceive it.

"How is it, do you feel it?"

"Well, uncle, I saw it, it's right here with me..."

Li Qingyang opened his eyes and pointed at his own belly excitedly.

At this time, she felt that everything was very magical!

Hearing her words, Dongfang Xuan and several others showed smiles, especially Li Daoran and his wife, their eyes were full of excitement and joy.

"Qingyang, the first step has been completed."

"Next, you continue to concentrate on perceiving the lotus seeds. At this time, you will enter an extremely magical world, and you may also hear mysterious voices."

"Don't panic, don't be afraid, you listen to the voice carefully, and then follow its instructions, just do it..."

Dongfang Xuan said softly beside him.


He just waited patiently...

Looking at this scene, although Li Daoran and others were greatly surprised, no one disturbed them, and they just stared at Li Qingyang silently.


I don't know how long has passed.

With a soft moan from Li Qingyang's mouth, she saw an inexplicable brilliance blooming from all over her body, and her tender little face was covered with a layer of jade-like brilliance.

In addition, her whole person's temperament has also undergone significant changes!

this moment.

Li Qingyang seems to have lost the innocence and innocence in the mundane world, and looks like a banished immortal in the mundane world.

"Brother Dongfang, Qingyang this is..."

"The little guy is really extraordinary, she is enlightening."


Li Dao's eyes flashed in disbelief.

"Then... how long will it take?"

"Well, it might be possible. Maybe two or three days, maybe ten days and a half months, maybe three years or five years."

"However, for the cultivator, being able to enter this level of enlightenment is a supreme opportunity and a good fortune. It is also her life for Xiao Qingyang to have this opportunity."

"Let's not disturb her!"

"As long as her enlightenment is over, she will naturally wake up..."

Dongfang Xuan said with a small smile.

Hearing this, Li Daoran and his wife immediately felt relieved.

"Brother Dongfang, Qingyang has received your great kindness one after another. We really don't know how to thank you. From now on, if there is anything, just tell me, I will be bound."

"Hehe, Boss Li is serious!"

"The reason why I help Xiao Qingyang is because I feel like I have a relationship with this little guy; what's more, I actually like this little thing quite a bit. With her by my side, I won't feel lonely."

"Besides, this is just a small matter, there is no need for this..."

Dongfang Xuan waved his hand.

In fact, he didn't take these things to heart at all.

As he said, hit it off!

Fate is amazing!

Some people, when they meet for the first time, can hit the ground running, so they can talk about everything; some people, even if they have been with each other for a lifetime, will become strangers.

Life is so amazing!

Dongfang Xuan believes in fate and Karma. Meeting Li Qingyang is the cause, and helping her is also the result.

As for the future, he didn't think so much...

However, Li Dao doesn't think so!

In his eyes, Dongfang Xuan bestowed Li Qingyang with great kindness one after another, first saving her life, and now helping her to start her spiritual path.

These are all great graces!

Can not fail to report!

Although he could not repay for the time being, he firmly remembered this great kindness in his heart. No matter what in the future, he will do everything to repay it.

Dongfang Xuan ignored Li Daoran's thoughts.

After observing Li Qingyang's state for a while, he focused his eyes on the sea in front of him.


At this time, along with the sound of the mountains and the sea, I saw that there were layers of waves on the distant sea level, and as time passed, they became more and more violent.

The North Sea Tide is finally here...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 169 Deva Of The 12 Tribulations? Rubbish!

Chapter 169 Deva of the Twelve Tribulations? Rubbish!

The North Sea tide, once in a thousand years!


Accompanied by the majestic tidal sound and the monstrous momentum of the mountains and seas, when I looked up, I saw layers and layers of earth-shattering tides coming from the sky.

Its appearance also brings a rich world of Spiritual Qi!

At this moment, everyone including Dongfang Xuan could clearly feel that the Spiritual Qi in the ten-square space was more than a hundred times richer than before.

Seeing this scene, everyone is overjoyed!

Many people immediately gave up fishing for treasures, but sat cross-legged on the embankment, frantically absorbing the surging Spirit Power, for fear of missing this once-in-a-millennium opportunity.

Even Li Longxiang couldn't help showing a look of yearning.

However, he is lazy.

I don't care much about cultivation!

Therefore, even if he saw the rich Spirit Power, he only showed his yearning, but he did not take actual action.

As for Dongfang Xuan, he didn't take it seriously at all.

He doesn't lack that Spirit Power!

"The North Sea tide is truly a wonder of the world..."

Looking at the mighty North Sea.

Dongfang Xuan showed admiration.

In the same way, Li Dao was the same, with a strange light floating in his eyes.

It was his first time seeing him!

"It is said that whenever the tide comes, it is also the time when the treasures are the most, Bufan, let's try our luck? Maybe, we can really catch good things..."

Li Dao suddenly suggested.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan and Li Longxiang looked at each other and both shook their heads and laughed.

"Let's borrow Boss Li's auspicious words, then try it."

"it is good!"

"Although I don't have the heaven-defying luck of Xiao Qingyang, I won't get anything for nothing, right? I don't believe it anymore today, I have to catch something..."


Li Longxiang sat on the embankment in a fit of anger, holding a fishing rod, his eyes fixed on the sea.

It's like waiting for the treasure to be hooked!

His focused appearance made Dongfang Xuan burst into laughter.

However, he was not idle either.

After watching the tide for a while, he also returned to his own small bench, while carrying the fishing rod, he carefully observed Li Qingyang's situation.

Just like that, time passed little by little...


I don't know how long it has been!


Suddenly, Dongfang Xuan, who was fishing, frowned slightly and glanced at the distant space calmly.

He felt an inexplicable murderous aura!

at the same time.

Li Dao, who was beside him, also glanced at the sky in the distance.

"someone is coming!"

"And it's Deva who has survived twelve Heavenly Tribulations..."

A whisper came out of his mouth.

Although it was very light, it was clearly heard by Dongfang Xuan, Tao Ji, Yun Suxin, and Li Longxiang.

However, they did not have any strange expressions.

The look is as flat as ever!

On the other hand, Li Longxiang's expression froze, and then he showed a look of surprise.

"Deva? Where?"

"It's in the north, about one hundred and eighty miles away from you..."

Li Dao replied without looking back.


One hundred and eighty miles north?

Hearing this, Li Longxiang was shocked.

People are far away 180 miles away, you know?

To be so powerful?

At this point, he could no longer imagine Li Daoran's Cultivation Base and strength...

"Those people seem to be coming for us."

Dongfang Xuan went on to say.

"It's okay!"

"Isn't it the Deva who has gone through the twelve Heavenly Tribulations, it's no big deal, they should be the first killer organization of the gods, the killers sent by the Yama Temple."

"Wait and leave it to me!"

"Like this kind of little ants, I killed a lot of them by hand..."

Li Dao said calmly.

With that casual look, it seemed that he didn't take the opponent's strength through twelve Heavenly Tribulations to heart at all.

Hearing this, Li Longxiang was quite speechless.

Deva, that is the existence of the Sixteen Realms!

In particular, Deva, who has gone through twelve Heavenly Tribulations, is a major overhaul, not to mention the land of Shenzhou, even outside Shenzhou, he is an absolute powerhouse.

However, in your eyes, it is not worth mentioning at all?

Can only be counted as ants!

How strong are you?

Li Longxiang secretly complained.

Thinking of this, he immediately became alert, and then turned his attention to the north...


At this time, there was a big tide on the sea, and the terrifying waves slapped the embankment frantically.

The sound is earth-shattering!


It was at this time, while the stormy waves were hitting the shore, two strange and unpredictable black shadows suddenly emerged from the void, wrapped in terrifying momentum and power, and moved towards them with lightning speed. Li Qingyang, who was comprehending Dao, killed the past.


The momentum revealed by these two people is very terrifying.

Moreover, the shot is extremely fierce.

Incredibly fierce!

They have very clear goals, Li Qingyang!

One of them, carrying a long black skeleton sword, came to Li Qingyang without any hesitation and hesitation, and slashed her neck with a ruthless sword.

In that way, it seems that her head will be chopped off with a sword...

The other person reached out and grabbed the golden arowana in the wooden basin.


For their actions, several people are watching.

Even, it has already been prepared.

Just wait for them to arrive!

"Tigers don't show their power, they really treat me as a sick cat..."

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Say it.

Li Dao didn't even look at it, he waved his sleeves, and suddenly, a majestic force suddenly descended, like the unparalleled mountain on Nine Heavens, and fell directly on Deva who was holding the sword.


The man's body was directly blasted away.

In mid-air, blood surged...

"The idea is tricky, withdraw~"

If you miss a hit, you will retreat a thousand miles away!

At this time, the sword-wielding Deva felt the terrifying power from Li Daoran, and his heart was full of fear. He had no time to think about why the opponent had such a powerful power.

He only had one thought, and that was to escape from this place immediately!

Li Qingyang, they can't kill him.

However, it is easy to come; but it is difficult to leave...


Just when the sword-wielding Deva was just shot, Li Daoran's big hand suddenly fell from the sky, not giving him any time or opportunity to resist, and directly pinched him in his hand.

"Too weak, completely uninterested."

"Next time, remember to send someone stronger..."


The voice fell, and his five fingers suddenly came together.

Before the sword-wielding Deva could scream, his whole body was wiped out by the terrifying might, and his body turned into a handful of blood-colored powder.

Then, Li Daoran waved his sleeves lightly and disappeared completely.

As for the other Deva.

At this point, I was completely frightened...

Because a cold palm had already pinched his neck.

He turned his head and saw that it was an indifferent woman in white.

"Do you want arowana?"

Her cold voice came out softly.



However, in the ears of this Deva, it is no less than the voice of the dead.


"This thing belongs to Xiao Qingyang, it doesn't belong to you! You can't take it away!"

Say it.

Her jade hand flicked through the air, but there was no movement.

However, that Deva's body was weird like glass, with countless cracks opening, and then dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into nothingness...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 170 Li Longxiang: Am I Cursed?

Chapter 170 Li Longxiang: Am I Cursed?

isn't it?

Is it so scary?

Seeing that Deva realm overhaul, his entire body instantly turned into dust and dissipated between heaven and earth. This scene completely shocked Li Longxiang.

He involuntarily took a deep breath!

There is still an inexplicable shock in his eyes...

At this time, the eyes looking at Tao Ji are full of awe!

Originally, in his imagination and cognition, although Tao Ji had a peerless beauty and an independent Immortal Qi, she did not have any Spirit Power aura.

The whole person presents a cold goddess style!

must be a weak woman...

However, the fact actually gave Li Longxiang a slap in the face, which directly swelled his joints.

Tao Ji is not as weak as he imagined.

On the contrary, incomparably powerful!

With a slight wave of his jade hand, he went through twelve Heavenly Tribulation's Deva overhaul, and was completely wiped out. Li Longxiang was shocked by this result.

He couldn't imagine Tao Ji's strength at all!

"I'm surrounded by experts?"

"I'm the only one, the ants..."


Such a thought appeared in his heart, and then a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Before, he was a little complacent!

But now, I have been hit so hard that I don't have any self-confidence...

In front of the big guys, his Cultivation Base in the middle stage of Tongtianjing is simply a joke; as for the identity of the eighth son of the Great Wilderness Town Demon Division, do people care?

Will not pay attention at all!

"Brother Dongfang, I'm going to do something first, I'll trouble you to take care of it here..."


Li Dao's flat voice sounded softly.

"it is good!"

Dongfang Xuan nodded.


As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't see any movement from Li Daoran. He disappeared in place in an instant, and Li Longxiang was stunned for a moment.

"What is Boss Li doing?"


Dongfang Xuan chuckled and responded.



Li Longxiang was puzzled.

"Aren't the two Deva killers already killed? Boss Li, where is he going to kill? Is it possible, go to Yama Hall?"

"Heh, who told you that the killers were all dead? There's another one who escaped..."

one left?

Hearing this, Li Longxiang couldn't help but shudder. He didn't notice it at all just now, and he didn't even notice it at all.

Now, he turned his head to look, it was too late.

"Don't look, people have already left thousands of miles away!"

"However, with Boss Li's strength, he can't run away. I believe he will be back soon..."

Dongfang Xuan said without looking back.

He didn't give a damn about the escaped Deva killer.

"Hey, I'm hooked~"

was talking.

He suddenly lifted the fishing rod in his hand, and saw something hooked up from the sea.

A closer look, but it is a dark box!

"Look at what's in there."

Seeing that Dongfang Xuan caught the treasure, Li Longxiang's attention shifted from the Deva killer to the chest.

The box is simple and dark!

With the naked eye, it is impossible to tell what kind of material it is made of.

And, it's still completely closed!

Li Longxiang looked at it carefully for a long time, but still couldn't find any gaps or paths that could be opened...

"How does this open?"

He was in trouble.

Upon seeing this, Dongfang Xuan's deep eyes also fell on the ancient and mysterious box in front of him. With the insight of the real eye, he knew more than Li Longxiang.

This box is made with extremely superb means, and if you want to open it, you need to cooperate with a special secret method.

It's just, how does he know the specific secret method?

So, there is only one way.

Violence on!

Thinking of this, Dongfang Xuan pondered for a while, and then under the pull of his mind, a wisp of Dao Smelting Furnace's fire appeared on his fingertips.

Then, he raised his hand and stroked the box lightly.


A sound like cracked silk sounded.

Then, under Li Longxiang's astonished gaze, he saw that the whole box was blooming like a lotus flower.

The things sealed inside came into view at the same time...

A fist-sized golden stone!

An ancient, mysterious, and eerie black jade book!

A mysterious ancient scroll of unknown material!

"What are these things? Are they treasures?"

Li Longxiang's eyes were full of curiosity.

Say it.

He first picked up the golden diamond-shaped stone. Although he felt a strong aura of time and years on it, with his knowledge and vision, he couldn't tell where it came from.

Even more unclear, what is it good for!

After that, he put down the golden stone and wanted to see the black jade book that exuded a strange atmosphere.


The moment he touched the jade book, his palm immediately retracted.

There was a trace of pain on his face...

Taking a closer look, I saw that the palm of his hand had been corroded by an inexplicable force, and it was still extending frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wherever he went, his soul seemed to be torn apart.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Longxiang tried his best to get rid of it.

However, that strange black light was like a gangrene attached to the bones, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't suppress it, let alone remove it.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but look at Dongfang Xuan for help.

"Brother Li, this is the most evil thing, with a terrifying curse attached to it, not everyone can touch it..."



When he heard these two words, Li Longxiang panicked.

"Then... what should I do?"

He was pale.

Cursing terrifying and evil things, he has only heard the relevant legends, and he had always thought that the distance was very far away, and it was unlikely that it would happen to him.

However, the more afraid of what, what to come!

Li Longxiang never imagined that he would one day be infected with such things as curses.

For a time, he was really scared.


Dongfang Xuan couldn't help but smile when he looked at his terrified look.

At the moment, he raised his hand and brushed it lightly.

In an instant, under the breath of Dao Smelting Furnace, the black gas in his palm, which was like gangrene, dissipated in an instant, as if it had encountered a nemesis.

"Thank you Dongfang Brothers~"

Seeing that it was all right, Li Longxiang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"By the way, what the hell is this? Why is there a curse attached to it?"

"It's just a touch, and it turned out like this, if you open it up..."

"Oh, luckily you didn't do that!"

"If you opened it just now, I'm afraid you'd have no life to stand here and talk to me now, and there won't even be a little bit of bone residue left."

"No, it's so scary?"

Hearing Dongfang Xuan's words, Li Longxiang showed an extremely frightened look.

At this time, he desperately wanted to know what that jade book was...

Just, face his curiosity.

Dongfang Xuan didn't say much!

There are some things that Li Longxiang still doesn't know.

Of course.

These three are all treasures that are hard to come by!

Under the insight of the true eye, all the information about them is presented...

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 171 Daluo Holy St1! Spellbook! The Ancient Art Of Military Refinement!

Chapter 171 Daluo Holy Stone! Spellbook! The ancient art of military refinement!

First of all, that golden stone!

Name: Daluo Holy Stone

Rank: Innate Relic

Introduction: Adhering to the innate sacred object nurtured by heaven and earth, it can be integrated into the body of any living being in the world, turning into the heart of Daluo, thus creating the Sacred Body of Daluo.

Function: 1. Create Innate physique, Da Luo Sacred Body!

2. Derive a Supreme Talent!

3. Life is endless, and the battle is endless. As long as the physical body is not destroyed, it can be restored to its original state with time!


Daluo Holy Stone?

Integrating into the flesh can create an Innate physique, Da Luo Sacred Body?

This seems very powerful!

Looking at the information presented, Dongfang Xuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Unfortunately, I already have the Heavenly Dao Supreme body."

"This Daluo holy stone is useless to me, but I can give it to Zhao Tathagata to enhance his strength and heritage."

"As my number one general, I can't be too weak..."

Dongfang Xuan thought to himself.

With a decision, he immediately set his eyes on the black jade book.

This thing is very evil!

For him, it doesn't have much effect; but there is one person who is very suitable, and that is the cloudy sky.

He is the curse master!

And this jade book is one of the strange books in the world, the Book of Curses!

"I remember that Lu Changsheng seems to have a "Burning Book" in his hands. Now I have encountered the "Curse Book" which is known for being weird and evil, and maybe I can see the rest of the strange books in the future."

"Legend, like this, there are nine books in total..."

Dongfang Xuan whispered to himself.

"Curse Book", as one of the nine strange books!

It was born from the source of evil, and recorded various evil and terrifying curses in it. Ordinary people will be cursed even if they touch it.

In this world, the only person who can open it without being cursed is the curser with a cursed body.

Among the people Dongfang Xuan knows, Yun Tianjue is the best person!

"It seems to be another thing that has no relationship with me..."

He sighed.


Then he focused his eyes on the last mysterious ancient scroll.

After browsing for a while, Dongfang Xuan's eyes lit up with divine light...

This thing is of great use to him!

Name: Desolate Ancient Weaponry

Rank: Humanity Arcane

Introduction: In the ancient era, a humanistic secret method created by a generation of the god of military refinement. After cultivation is completed, it can refine the humanistic emperor weapon. If it goes further, it can refine the semi-Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

Function: Refine all kinds of weapons in the world, including: Spirit Armament, Heaven Armament, Divine Armament, Holy Armament, Imperial Armament.


"good stuff!"

Looking at the introduction about the ancient art of refining weapons, Dongfang Xuan couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He just happened to be missing a Divine Armament weapon!

With this "Desolate Ancient Weapon Refinement", as long as you reward it, and then strengthen it 10,000 times through the system, you will definitely pass it and refine the ultimate weapon.

This is what he needs most!

"I cultivated the "Ji Dao Xianjing", my body has condensed fourteen Innate spiritual restraints, and my combat power has reached the limit of the Deva realm. Now the only thing missing is a Ji Dao weapon."

"At that time, the physical body and the extreme weapons will be combined, and the combat power will inevitably ascend another step, breaking the limit of The Mortal Realm."

"In the past, I didn't know how to refine it, but now I have this "Armor Refining Technique of the Ancients", but I can start preparing..."

Dongfang Xuan took a deep breath.

The eyes are bright!

"Ji Dao Xianjing", which records the detailed arc rune, only need to find suitable arc material, and then cooperate with special military refining skills, you can refine arc weapons.

Xiao Mingyue has the materials of the extreme way!

Now it's time to refine the secret method of extreme weapons...

"I'll reward it later!"

"Then start refining my own extreme weapons!"

make up one's mind.

Dongfang Xuan waved his hand, and immediately put the three items away together with the black box.

"By the way, doesn't it mean that there will be a dragon gate after the tide, why is there no sign?"

"Uh, it's still early!"

"According to the past tradition, the Dragon Gate will appear at the peak of the tide. If there is no accident, it should be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow..."

Li Longxiang replied.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan nodded.

He didn't ask much.

After a few glances, he pretended to focus on the North Sea, but in fact, his mind sank into the live broadcast room of the avenue, and found Lu Changsheng in a large posture.

He remembered that Lu Changsheng seemed to have something to discuss with him before?

It just so happened that he also needed to reward the treasure in his hand...


In an unknown garden!

Lu Changsheng was still sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, staring at the Heavenly Dao jade wall in front of him without blinking, not knowing what he was thinking.

All in all, his face looked a little sad.

"Oh, I don't know when I can see the master..."

He groaned.

Just now, the long-awaited "mysterious existence" of an expert came to the live broadcast room, but after rewarding an unremarkable black lotus seed, it disappeared.

"This lotus seed can be valued by experts, it should be a treasure, right?"

"The reason why I can't see the clue is that I don't have enough vision and knowledge..."

He pinched the good fortune green lotus seed with his two fingers and whispered.


After looking at it for a while, I put it away.

It was at this time that a sudden notification sound made Lu Changsheng instantly refreshed...

[ding dong~]

[Welcome the big guy 'Mysterious Existence' to the live broadcast room! ]


Accompanied by the prompt, a supreme and majestic phantom appeared out of thin air in the live broadcast room. Although it did not have any powerful special effects, it was impossible to ignore.

[Boy Lu Changsheng, meet the master! Welcome to the coming of the master~]

talking room.

He fell to the ground with an extremely respectful and devout attitude.

The original sadness dissipated in an instant.

Instead, an intense boost!

[Get up! ]

[Yes! ]

After receiving the response, Lu Changsheng dared to stand up, and then he respectfully stood aside.

[As you said before, there is something to discuss with this emperor? ]

[Yes! ]

[Say! ]

[The first thing, recently, because of your reward, Wanbaolou has accumulated a batch of peerless treasures. If possible, I would like to hold a grand event and publicize it well. ]

[Strive to be able to sell a few treasures out! ]

Lu Changsheng said respectfully.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan's expression was flat.

[This emperor has said that you can make your own decisions about all matters related to Wanbaolou, and you do not need to seek the permission or consent of this emperor for everything. ]

[Now that Wanbaolou has lived up to its name, it is really time to publicize it. ]

[However, Wanbaolou can sell treasures, but does not accept Spirit Stones. If you want to buy it, you need to exchange it for something, or exchange it with things such as luck, lifespan, soul, etc. ]

[In addition, no credit is allowed! Once purchased, it is non-refundable! ]

Dongfang Xuan said after hesitating for a while.

In this regard, Lu Changsheng naturally did not dare to disobey, and immediately bowed.

[Well, this emperor has thought about it, your popularity is still a little low now, you can find a well-known anchor to cooperate with you and promote Wanbaolou. ]

[In my opinion, the Yu Xuanji who was with you before is very good! ]

[She is very popular, and her status is okay. As long as you find her to promote it, it will definitely have good results...]

Fish mystery?

Hearing this, Lu Changsheng nodded.

In fact, he thought so too!

[Anything else? ]

[Umm, yes! ]

[Just now, Martial Sage Xiao Mingyue, daughter of Martial King Dynasty of Qingshan Region, she found me and wanted me to do something for her, which was a little tricky, and...]

Lu Changsheng said hesitantly.


Xiao Mingyue asked you to help?

Hearing this, Dongfang Xuan suddenly became interested...

(End of this chapter)