

*Hi, I'm Littlely Kings but my friends call me Little. And yeah my parents are Jake and Mera kings, don't get me wrong guys we aren't too rich nor too poor but we are cool. My dad is a scientist while my mom is a manager or should I say HR Manager in A.K.A Ltd.Yup I got an elder brother called Ken Kings but he prefer to be called K instead so we just roll with it. He is super annoying, he is 25years old and a chammer, he is atually a Diver and he rarely comes home but this summer will be different since he be here and i'm so mad about it. mean while I'm 19years old and I wanna be a scientist like my dad and I love him alot. I'm a student at Bruchford colleage and this is my last year guys and I'm so excited about it. I just can't wait to be free and be world best scientist ever.*

Ako_Sariette_7770 · Romance
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3 Chs


On a sky scrapper building boldly written on it H.K.L Lab at the top floor in the builing.

"Please have a sit Mr Lim" Said a man wearing a black italian suite.

"Thanks Mr Bill" said Mr Lim

"Your welcome" Bill

"I hope there is progress this time " Lim

" Yes there is "Bill with a light smile

" Really"Lim holding his wine glass

"Yes. We will be importing a special formular tonight, and I believe its ganna help us to achieve our plan" Bill signaling his man to give Lim a document. " This is Doc Racheal and she will tell us more"

"The formular we will be importing is called spirit. It is a type of formular that I belive that we need it." Said Racheal entrying the office.

"So why do we need it " Lim looking at Racheal

"Mr Lim, spirit is a formular that could trigger the cells in the body to function in a super way" Racheal with a smile.

"So when will it arive " Lim crossing his legs

"Tonight" Bill

"It wouldn't work just like that " Racheal playing with her glass.

"What do you mean" Lim

"We need to mix it with the right subtance, and I and my team have been working on that".

" Thats perfect " Lim sipping his wine

"But we having been able to find what we need" Racheal

"As in " Lim droping his glass

"The result aren't as planned " Racheal looking at Lim

"What do you mean" Lim

"Spirit is made up of alot of chemical subtance that could affect the human body and we have to look for the perfect chemical to make it work. So I decide to import it here in the US so we could carryout more research on it" Racheal still playing with her glass.

"So what are we ganna do" Lim massaging his forehead with his right hand.

"I don't know " Racheal

"What do you mean you don't know" Lim raising his voice "I've spend Billions on this over the past 3years and your telling me you don't know what to do"

"Mr Lim" Racheal trying talk but was quickly cut by Lim

"I don't care about what both of you do but I want that experement to be perfect " Lim hitting the table.

"But it isn't easy Mr Lim.what you want isn't easy, we are trying to create something that is physically impossible to achieve " Racheal raising her voice

"But you said you could do it. what happen?" Lim giving a sharp stare at Racheal

"We need time " Racheal staring at Lim

"How much time do you need"Lim

" Still when we are certain we have succeded"Racheal holding her bag."and morever we aren't certain that about it effect nor sure it will work. You and I know we wanna create something unique a unique being".

"Exactly. So we have to hurry up" Lim

"You don't have to tell me and we will see when there is an improvement" Racheal going towards the exit door.