
Little Transmigration Officer

Comiceye · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Receiving the host's memories and wish, she opened her eyes.

The sound of people scrambling and panicking fill the air. She could smell the pungent scent of blood and smoke.

Urgh, it hurts.

She flexed the body's fingers wanting to assess the damage, but there was no time. If she didn't act now, the mission's target would die and she would have failed.

Gathering the host's strength, she dragged herself off the ground and launched into flight. She had to reach her before the next strike, or nothing would change.

Stella kept herself upright through share willpower, she had reached her limit quite sometime ago, but she knew if she didn't intercept those attacks, everyone would be dead by now. So despite the voices coming through the communication device in her ear, she stayed suspended in mid air, with her light magic forming a shield in front of her.

She just had to hold on a little more, the authorities were coming, and the guys were on their way.

She readied herself again, the next attack was coming. She saw the huge beam of energy heading toward her and steadied her crumbling shield.

However, she knew that when she intercepted this blow, she would probably not survive it, so she closed her eyes.

Please someone...

She waited, but didn't feel any impact. Braving herself she opened her eyes and was stunned. The first thing she noticed was those long silver locks, then those striking icy blue eyes. A face in the shape of a heart and doll like facial features.


She couldn't believe it, in font of her was Mirabelle Heartwater, the only heir of Duke Heartwater. The girl who had tormented her daily, as if it was a fun pastime to make her cry. She was ... protecting her.

She was so shocked she couldn't do anything, then she felt a chilly embrace.

Belle looked at the stunned girl in front of her and wrapped her in her arms.

"Thank you for protecting us, Stella, but leave it to me now" she whispered into her ear, choosing the one that had the communication device in it so that those on the otherside could hear her words too.

Then with gentle strength, she wrapped the girl in her magic and pushed her away.

"CATCH HER!" she yelled to the four guys racing from the back. Then she turned to face the enemies in front of her.

The mission target had been saved, now she needed to move on to the next step, eliminate the threat. Tapping into her ice magic, she formed a shield in the shape of an enormous blooming sunflower.

The energy beam fired again, but the shield stood firm, completely blocking the enemy's attack.

On the ground, the people had stopped running about in panic. Now they all stood and watched the girl in the sky protecting them. She looked like a moon goddess.

Before, the blond haired girl had tried to protect them with golden light, and she shone like the sun, a sun goddess. But even her shield hadn't been that stable, there were stray beams that still hit the city. Now the moon had stood in front of the sun and the moon was protecting them all.

Stella brushed her blond hair out of the way, she could not take her eyes off of Mirabelle, the last person she expected to help her. Even the guys around her, who were usually hard to surprise were shocked.

For it to be Mirabelle of all people.

Belle withstood the attack, but she didn't intend to just keep defending, if she did she would likely give out Before help could arrive. Besides, if she wanted to completely blot out the past action of the host, she needed to do more than just defend.

So, knowing how much damage her next action would cause the body, she still gathered all the lighting magic she could while still maintaining her ice shield.

This was to be a one shot attack, she could waste it carelessly. So she waited. Blocking two more energy beams, she counted the time in-between attacks.

The beam lasted three minutes and then there were twenty seconds before the next one could be fired.

Twenty seconds. That was all she had and she used it well. Counting it down, as soon as the beam ended she released all her gathered lighting magic in her most powerful attack. Judgment of the gods.

The people observing the scene gasped in shock. Never in their lives had they seen a magic circle so huge. It covered almost the entire sky over the city except for the area where they were standing.

Energy crackled in the air and with the cry of a warrior, Bell unleashed her magic. The blinding like caused everyone to close their eyes or look away. With a blinding flash and a deafening sound, the earth shook.

When everyone opened their eyes, it was to see nothing in front of them but scorched land and ruble for miles.

It had all been wiped out, everything.

They all felt relief, the enemies were gone, the crisis had been averted, they were safe.

Some cried and hugged their families, others collapsed to the ground in disbelief that they had survived. Despite all the commotion, Belle stood her ground, unmoving in the air, her left arm stretched out like she was protecting the city behind it, her shield of ice slowly crumbling in front of her.

She stayed like that until the authorities arrived with carriers, battle mages and med mages. Then she allowed herself to fall.

Stella had never taken her eyes off of Belle, so she was the first to notice when Belle fell and despite being drained, she mobilized her magic and took flight.

In the nick of time, she caught Belle, and when the added weight threatened to take her down, the guys were right there, supporting her.

After that everything went black for her too.