
Chapter 156 - Giving birth

In the middle of the night, Xu Da Ping sat out of the tent guarding his family members. Few of the Atul family members had already joined the rounds, making sure that their surrounding was very safe for them. Occasionally few of the savage beats tried to infiltrate their camp, but the family members were able to keep them under control.

Camilla pulled away the flap of the tent and glanced out yawning. "My shift starts now..."

"I'll cover your shift. Go sleep,"

She gazed at him with her puffy eyes for a second. "okay... good night. I'll cover a few more shifts for you."


Xu Da Ping's eyes were focused on the waves of energy that was floating in the sky. One of the colorful spiritual energy was gone. That could only mean one of the elders had been taken out.

Prolonged fights like this really ended up with both sides killing themselves. It was dangerous and to be honest, very much of a sad thing.