
chapter 1- Janey

"Janey, are you ready?we are just about to leave."Slone shouts from the kitchen. We are heading to the beach for a two week vacation. It was a family vacation for Slone and her Gran. Her Gran had raised her and her older brother so Slone always tried to make time for her when we were off for the summer. This year Slone decided to kill two birds with one stone and maybe party it up a bit while taking her Gran to the beach and I was invited along. I got on really well with her family, well, her brother liked to press my buttons but that's cause we were total opposite. Jax was 6' , tanned, blonde hair, blue eyes that I swear could hypnotize you, outgoing, witty and was never seen with the same girl twice. He was everything I wasn't and it didn't bother me. I was quiet, loved to read, kept myself to myself. I didn't have any family, Slone and her family were the closet thing I had. We met when we were assigned the same dorm and surprisingly we clicked, which is crazy cause she is a lot like Jax. Shes popular and outgoing and funny and yet again everything I m not, but we get each other. Shes my best friend and I wouldn't change her for the world.

"Just coming, I'm just grabbing my bag" I shout, as I grab my bag and my phone then head to the kitchen. I can hear Slone talking to someone out by the car so I'm assuming that she's on the phone, but when I get out Jax is leaning against the old mustang with his arms crossed, laughing at something Slone said.

"There you are, come on, Gran will be waiting. I told her we'd be leaving at 8. Oh by the way Jax is coming now too. Figures he's missing out on the family vacation if he stays" she laughs and winks at Jax. They adore each other, always looking out for each other. I envied their relationship, they were real close, gave each other shit as all siblings do.

"Hey Janey, looking forward to bunking up with me for a few weeks?" he says with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him "hey Jackson, I'm sure it will be entertaining to say the least" . Jax climbs in the back as Slone and I get in the front and 10 minutes later we're outside Nita's to pick her up. She waiting on the porch with her bags ready to go.

"you're late" she shouts as we all get out the car. "Jackson, my boy, you coming with us?"

"hey Gran, that I am. couldn't let you all have fun without me" he says as he hugs her hard.

"we'll grab my bags, we've wasted enough time. I am so looking forward to this. I can't wait to get on the beach". Jax grabs the bags and heads to the trunk while Slone and I hug Nita.

"This ain't gonna fit in here. Why do you women need so much shit when go somewhere?"

Slone walks over to have a look. "It's just going to have to go on the back seat. I wasn't even thinking about the bag space. Janey you will just have to sit on jax' lap, if that's ok with you both?"

Jax looks at me with a smirk because clearly he can see the less than thrilled look on my face. Not because I don't want to sit in his lap, because honestly, I would love nothing more.I would never let him know that, or Slone for that matter. His ego is way too big for that and Slone would not be happy if she knew the unpure thoughts I had about her playboy, big brother. And that is the problem in itself. I have never been up close and personal with a guys junk. I'm a 21 year old virgin, book nerd and even the thought of sitting in Jax' lap, well, let's just say it's getting me a little hot and bothered in other ways.

"Don't worry Janey"Jax says, enjoying my discomfort a little too much for my liking."I won't bite, well, unless you ask real nice".

I narrow my eyes at him as Nita berates him. "Jackson Clay, stop winding the poor girl up and get in the car"

"yes ma'am" he replies with a smile, eyes still glues on me as he opens the back passenger door. He takes his leather jacket off, throwing it on top of Nita's cases and climbing in.

I walk to the back door where Jax is sitting while Nita and Slone are getting in the front and just before I get in, Jax says, low enough so that only I can hear, "this trip is about to be way more fun than I was expecting".

I don't say a word. I just climb in as Jax puts both of his hands on my hips to help me in and it's then that I realize, I'm wearing a skirt, sitting on Jax' lap and this is the closest proximity I've ever been to a guy. And of all the guys it had to be him. This is the first time he's ever put his hands on me and it is lighting my insides up like the 4th of July. I hold on to the 'oh shit' handle and rest my head against my arm, Jax' hands still on my hips and oh boy, I'm so fucking screwed.

"You can relax Janey" he whispered in my ear "I'll hold on to you real tight"

Did I mention that I was screwed?! Because me, good old plain Janey, was sitting on Jackson Clay, her secret fantasy, in the flesh and I was about to spend 2 weeks with him and I wasn't so sure I could resist him. I had a feeling that life was about to get real complicated and I had no idea how to stop it, I wasn't even sure I wanted to, because I wanted Jackson Clay, Bad! but there was no way I was admitting that out loud. To anyone. Especially Slone. Damn I'm so fucking screwed!