

Snowy's pov:

Just another day in this hell hole, Octavia and her slaves always found a way to get under my skin and honestly I didn't give a shit.

"Ahaha look at you freak I'm getting adopted today unlike you."said Octavia.

I remain emotionless and quite,not wanting to give here the satisfaction of seeing me respond.

"Miss snow please come with me." Said the caretaker,she was nice unlike most people in this hell hole.I get up and follow her only to find the world's most richest and royalest man William Oprah himself,at first I didn't understand what he was doing here until...

"You must be Snowy it's nice to meet you,my child." William said,I was completely confused out of my ass firstly I meet the William Oprah himself in real time and now he's calling me his child.

"You must be confused I'm going to be your new adoptive father " William says with a smile.

At this point I might as well just drop dead on the spot.