
First Day

♕Next Morning♕

I wake up to yelling coming from the room next to mine "MAYA, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE?!" I look at the alarm clock to see that Tyler got up early today to do god knows what before school.

I chuckle knowing what he's talking about but then go back to sleep making sure the door is locked so he can't come into my room and try to get revenge.

My alarm goes off, I groan as I roll out of bed and check what time it is. 6:25 am. that just makes me want to go back to bed more. I get up, get dressed -outfit up top- and go downstairs for breakfast. I sleepily pour myself a cup of coffee and make a piece of toast. As I go to take a bite I hear, " Maya let's go!" , Tyler yells. "Coming" , I yell back with a bite of toast in my mouth.

Turns out he did get the marker off off his face -well not completely he might get some questions later- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

♕15 minutes later♕

As we pull up to the school I look around. There are way to many people here.

"Don't look like that you'll be fine." , Tyler assured me ever so nicely. I guess he saw the worried expression on my face. Then, he proceeds to get out of the car. 'Well here goes nothing', I thought. Some people started walking up to us.... more like Tyler.

"Hey Ty, who's this" A tall blonde boy said as he looked over Ty's shoulder and looked at me with a suspicious but kind look on his face.

" This is my sister Maya." Ty explains.

"Hey...", I said sounding a little more nervous than I intended.

"The rest of the group around us looks at me then back at Ty and says, " Sister?!"

" I'm gonna take a guess and say Tyler never talked about me." I stated.

I got a mixture of responses that were all 'nope' and 'not at all's. "Ok then...." I say.

"How come we never saw you or heard about you?" The short and blonde girl asks.

" I went to school abroad so I wasn't around much." , I say to answer there question. Their faces all turned to ones of understanding.

" Oh uh well, hi I'm Matt." The tall blonde boy speaks again.

"Caroline Forbes" The blonde female states.

" Elena Gilbert, nice to meet you." A girl with pin straight black hair and brown eyes says.

" Hey, I'm Stefan." A guy with short brown hair greets politely.

" Bonnie Bennett." A girl with curly brown hair and a sweet smile said being polite.

" As a tall guy with short brown hair walks by the girl I now know as Elena grabs him, " And this is my younger brother Jeremy." She introduces him.

" Oh, hi." I say with a small grin and a wave.

"Hey" he says then just walks away. I follow him with my eyes for a little bit before looking back at the group in front of me. Then Ty speaks up and interrupts my thoughts, " Well I better get her to her class by guys. Come on Maya." , he says the last part to me tugging on my arm a little bit and leading my to my class.

" Well here's your class." Tyler says as we come up to a door.

" Thanks Ty see you at lunch." I say moving toward the door.

" No problem sis see you at lunch." He says then walks away to his class I'm guessing.

I go to walk to the door of my class but bump into somebody. I hold onto their arms to not fall to the ground. "Sorry" I say a little embarrassed that I clumsily bumped into someone that quickly. I haven't even been here that long!

"It's alright" the person says. I look up to see Jeremy. And just my luck he's walking into the same class as me so I guess that means we have the same class right now. Lord help me. He helps me pick up my books and then we accidentally bump heads while going to go pick up the same book at the same time.

"Ow" we said simultaneously. "Sorry" I said again. "No it was my fault this time, wasn't paying attention" we smiled at each other, stood up and walked into class sitting near but not next to each other.

My best friend from when j use to stay at home came into the class. She seen me and did a double take while I just looked at her and smirked. She had grow up a lot since that last time I seen her but what did I expect it's been a couple years. "Maya?! What are you doing here?" "Surprise!! Guess who moved back home because of a little mishap at the old school"

"I missed your ugly self" she said with her famous smirk.

"Missed you too Lia"

"I'm not even going to ask right now but your going to tell me later." She said. Then ran over and gave me a hug. "What classes do you have?" was her first question after the hug that was almost to tight to the point where I couldn't breathe but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Um... After this history class I have math, music, lunch, chemistry, art then a free period why what do you have?"

"We only have chemistry and math together" she said a little disappointed.

"That's alright we can always hang out at the house or the grill. We don't only have to see each other in school." I said and she agreed. We were going to talk more but then the bell rang and kids started piling in to the classroom.

Half way through class I get a message. I look at it and it's a message, 'Cutie staring you down 4 'o clock'. I look and low and behold it's Jeremy I just smile and wave. He waves back, I turn back around and can't help but think about the boy staring at me.