

Edward and Sofia, they want their little daughter to feel good in her new home; however Edward does not stop worrying, due to the conversation he had with his mother...

Sofia tries to take good care of the girl, when she gets home from work, she tries as much as possible to maintain good communication and please her by paying close attention to her.

In that sense, Sofia and Edward surprise Melissa with a gift, when the little girl opens the surprise box, a very beautiful "parrot" comes out. Immediately the girl is surprised and hugs the little bird.

His parents tell Melissa that: -Mike has a new friend and although he is a bird, they are sure that they will get along very well.

Melisa leaves very happy to show the little bird to her grandmother and Chloe, Melissa with the expression of tenderness and emotion that fills her face shows them the little animal.

Adela goes to Sofia and says:

- It is a very beautiful bird, now Melissa will feel more accompanied and will play more joyful and entertaining, with both pets!

-- If true. We always try to please her so that she is not affected by our estrangement and that she does not see it, as if we have forgotten her, since Edward and I have to work and we are absent for a long time.

Melissa overhears the conversation and intervenes, saying:

-I understand that my parents are working and for that reason we take advantage when we share at home, even if it is for a short time. I love my parents and I know that you try to give me the best.

Melissa continues saying, I never feel alone, my grandmother and Chloe always accompany me. And now I feel, even more protected, since now I have Mike and Doki. - What a beautiful name, they all say -

Also my friends, they keep me company, that although they seem mysterious, we play and have a lot of fun.

Sofia and Adela surprised by Melissa's comment, both immediately ask:

What little friends are those?

- Carlota and her little brother Esteban, I met them when we got to this house. They were crying, because they were very lonely and when I arrived they were very happy and since then we have played together. They just always tell me that they want to go back to their parents and that makes them very sad and they cry a lot.

Both very surprised by the girl's confession, Sofía begins to question her.

- Melissa, do we need you to clarify what you are telling us, how is it that you have some friends and we did not know?

Melissa responds:

- Yes, they are my friends. But I don't know why you don't see them...