

In those days, Abraham decided to move with his work team to the haunted house in order to help the Hamilton brothers climb to the other plane. However, the procedure did not go as he expected, because the affected person was Abraham. , causing death.

The experts who camped Abraham considered that on some occasions this could happen for that reason it is important to have perfectly established the moment through which this type of practice is carried out.

In this sense, one of Abraham's collaborators told Martha that he had become obsessed with helping the Hamilton children, since on successive occasions the little ones had stated that they wanted to reunite with their parents and in their desperate cries they were very confused. and with much restlessness.

Abraham considered that in these cases when knowing these phenomena it was essential to experience them personally, since in this way the arguments could justify the reasons to convince of a truth that must serve as the basis for the new discoveries.

In his research, Abraham explained that when leaving the physical body, the soul went into deep sleep or a state, similar to that of the fetus in the mother's cloister, and thus predisposes itself to being born in the astral world, since it needs time to adapt to new conditions. and to gain the strength and vigor required by the new phase of existence.

When the person dies, little by little he detaches himself from his physical body and when he expires, the soul remains clothed with the astral body, which is the exact counterpart of the physical body, with which it coincides during earthly life. The astral body is a form of matter much more subtle than the physical one, so that it escapes all the evidence that ordinary matter reveals. It was precisely in that period of time where the energies were exchanged causing the death of Abraham.

Abraham in his research I consider that the energy that attracts the soul to the body is accompanied by the mental strength that the person possesses. In his records he considered it as a secondary hypothesis, without imagining that later he himself would be a victim of said procedure.

Abraham discovered that people who could speak with the dead or spirits were due to fractures between body and soul, which were made at birth. These abilities can be preserved when the child is born and during its development it can retain that ability and all these phenomena can give rise to contact with the spiritual world.

During the investigations, Abraham was focused on several events that occurred in the town "Little Hope", since often, the people who most claimed to see spirits or ghosts were children. However, the case was raised that adults also reaffirmed that spirits exist and that they could see them.