

Edward and Sofia, in a conversation, began to analyze each of the aspects that developed in that family. After having had a very hectic day and full of many surprises, due to everything they had discovered, with the help of researcher Harry Miller.

Edward and Sofia are in the living room and suddenly they hear the sound of a chair being dragged and at the same time a lamp falls that is in the same place.

Edward and Sofia had never believed in such manifestations and for that reason they do not want to admit that they are facing paranormal phenomena. They both try to appear completely indifferent to what is happening, however at that moment they hear again that the chair is dragged and at the same time the keys fall from the table.

They later find a message written in blood on the wall, which says that he orders everyone to leave the house.

At that moment Edward and Sofia ask:

-- Who are you?

The spirit replied:

- I am Oliver Brown and I am protecting Carlota and Esteban, you are invading their territory, this house is theirs, therefore you must leave. If they don't, look back to see what can happen to them.

At that moment, a small, white, shirtless man appears behind them and shows him his back full of bloody sores.

Immediately Edward and Sofia try to get closer and at that moment the man disappears.

Despite the fact that Edward and Sofia do not show much astonishment at the moment, after what happened, they remain paralyzed for a long time and without saying anything at all.

Later, Sofia is left thinking about the name that the spirit had given her and immediately reflects and realizes that that name is the same that researcher Harry Miller had given her in the records they had reviewed.

Faced with this discovery, Sofia shows her interest in investigating to find out if it is the same person.

Edward begins to analyze the situation and decides to talk to his mother about what happened.

When Edward tells Mrs. Adela what happened; her mother suggests that she look into the leather book, which is owned by Chloe, to see if she can get any revelations.

Mrs. Adela knows that her son can get some information in the leather book.

Edward in order to advance in the search for an answer, he goes to Chloe's rest room and asks:

- Chloe, you can provide me with the leather book, in order to inquire about the phenomena that have been occurring in the house.

Chloe immediately replies:

- Yes, of course I do, I can provide it. In addition, you know that the important thing is to try to accumulate as much information as possible, to clarify everything regarding what has been happening.

- Then Chloe intervenes again to suggest that she start reading the book from the beginning, because if she does it in a coordinated way she will understand it more easily, because everything has a lot of relationship and coherence.

Edward is curious and asks Chloe,

- How did the book get into your hands?

Chloe immediately starts telling Edward how she got it:

- Mr. Edward, it happens that one day Mrs. Martha was selling used objects, next to my house and I was struck by a shelf with books that she had for sale and when I approached among all the copies that were there, the leather book caught my interest.

Later, Edward tells Sofia to investigate and analyze the book as well, since he assumes that there, valuable information can be obtained.

Sofia continues with the interest of continuing to investigate by herself, because she knows that with her intuition, she can discover many important aspects. However, take Edward's suggestions into consideration.