
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 20

The first thing I felt was Lily's gentle shake rousing me from my fitful slumber. Disoriented for a moment, I blinked away the remnants of sleep and focused on her face, lit faintly by the first hints of dawn's light creeping through the windows. She whispered, "It's time for your shift."

I nodded, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The classroom was still shrouded in darkness, but the beginning of a new day was evident in the soft light that was beginning to filter in. Feeling the stiffness from sleeping on the hard floor, I stretched and offered Lily a small, tired smile. "Good almost morning," I murmured, my voice still thick with sleep.

"How are you holding up?" I asked.

Lily shrugged, a subtle smile touching her lips. "As well as can be expected, I guess," she replied, her voice low but steady. "Thanks for the food last night, by the way. It really helped."

I waved off her thanks light-heartedly, "You're welcome." It felt good to know that my efforts had made a difference, however small.

As Lily made her way to her chosen spot to rest, I settled into my position for the final watch. The classroom was quiet, the only sounds were the soft breathing of my companions and the occasional rustle of someone shifting in their sleep. I let my gaze slowly wander over each of them, making sure that they were safe and undisturbed.

As the quiet of the early morning settled around me, my thoughts turned to the day ahead and the decisions that lay before me. With the safety of the classroom enveloping my companions, I knew that today's challenges were once again mine to face alone.

The first consideration was whether to continue farming zombies solo. This strategy served me well so far, offering a steady but increasingly meager supply of experience and resources. However, the lower-level zombies were no longer providing as much level gains as I needed. Their effectiveness was diminishing, and I felt the urgency to adapt my strategy.

Furthermore, the more formidable challenge of the Elite Zombie Boss loomed in my mind. With just five free stat points at my disposal, devising an effective plan to confront this adversary was needed. The risk was high, but the potential rewards were too much to ignore. Defeating the elite boss would finally let us leave this dungeon, as well as give me a large boost in experience.

I contemplated the options, weighing the risks and rewards. A plan began to form, revolving around the Elite Zombie Boss. My recent improvements to my speed could be the key. I envisioned using this advantage to bait the boss, drawing it towards a carefully chosen location — the restroom. This place, a sanctuary where the boss couldn't follow, would be the perfect place to fight it.

The idea was to lure the zombie boss with a high-speed chase, leading it as close to the restroom as possible. Once there, I could slip inside, using the confined space to my advantage. The restroom's sanctuary status would prevent the boss from entering, allowing me to attack from relative safety. I could just use my javelins to throw at the creature from inside the safety of the restroom.

The plan was audacious, requiring precise execution and a bit of luck. Any misstep could mean disaster, not just for me but for my companions back in the classroom as well if the zombie boss managed to defeat me. However, this strategy offered a chance to significantly shift our situation for the better, if it worked.

Resolved, I decided to first test the waters by farming more zombies. If they still provided worthwhile experience, I might delay the confrontation with the elite boss. But if not, I would proceed with the plan, leveraging my speed and fighting within the safety of the restroom.

As I mulled over the final nuances of my plan, Tim stirred from his restless sleep. He gave me a quick, awkward nod as he sat up and saw me on watch. There was a faint, almost imperceptible glint of hostility in his eyes, likely a reflection of the suspicions that had been simmering beneath the surface of his thoughts.

Despite the tension, Tim proceeded with a sense of duty. He moved quietly across the classroom, his steps measured and deliberate. He gently shook Sara and Lily, rousing them from their sleep. They both woke up with a start, momentarily disoriented before their surroundings came into focus.

As Sara and Lily sat up, rubbing the sleep from their eyes, I took the opportunity to update them on the plan for the day. Their expressions shifted from grogginess to concern as they listened. I explained my intention to farm more zombies and potentially confront the Elite Zombie Boss. I reassured them that I would be taking all the necessary precautions.

Sara nodded, her eyes reflecting worry. "Just be careful," she said softly, her voice laced with genuine concern. Lily, still quiet, offered a small nod of agreement, her face solemn.

Tim, having listened to the plan, shifted uncomfortably. His voice, when he finally spoke, carried an edge that hadn't been there before. "Must be nice, getting to be the hero all the time," he muttered, almost under his breath. The words, tinged with what sounded like jealousy, hung awkwardly in the air.

I paused for a moment, considering how to respond. The tension between Tim and myself had been growing, and his comment seemed to be a manifestation of that. However, I recognized that this wasn't the time or place for such confrontations.

Choosing to ignore the remark, I gave Tim a brief, non-committal nod. There was no benefit in addressing his comment directly, especially not with the day's challenges looming ahead. It was better for us to maintain a sense of composure and purpose, for the group's sake.

Turning my attention back to Sara and Lily, I offered them a final reassuring smile. "I'll be as careful as I can," I promised, my tone firm yet calm. "Keep the fort safe while I'm gone, okay?"

Sara and Lily nodded in response to my parting words, their expressions slightly worried. "We'll hold down the fort," Sara assured me, her voice steady despite the clear concern in her eyes. Lily, maintaining a composed demeanor, added, "We'll be waiting for your safe return."

With these final words of encouragement, I shouldered my gear and turned toward the door. I stepped out of the classroom and gently closed the door behind me. It was time to hunt.


Author's Note:

Hi, there, my reader! While you're waiting for the next chapter, if you're interested in checking out another one of the stories I've written titled "A Peasant's Fury: A Wrathful Road to Vengeance", feel free to take a look here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CMCVX9G5

Here's a synopsis: Darian's tranquil life as a farmer in Valehart was brutally disrupted when the ruthless Blackveil Kingdom's soldiers suddenly raided his village, killing his family and the love of his life. He managed to narrowly escape with his life. Fueled by fury, he joined the ranks of Valehart Kingdom's army, his eyes set on vengeance. Will he rise as a warrior or fall as a forgotten foot soldier? Embark on a medieval saga of revenge and courage in "A Peasant's Fury: A Wrathful Road to Vengeance."