
Literally Insane in Marvel

Shin is chronically insane with a severe case of schizophrenia and has been locked in a mental ward for his whole life however after going to sleep he wakes up in marvel and although he has a mental illness that wont stop him from smiling even with all the dead people around him trying to ruin his mood. Warning: My OC is a psycho he's most definitely going to do some f*cked up things.

Dextrious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Being A Homeless Man Part 3

"Alright everyone, let's start collecting!" Fred shouted, causing the other homeless to scatter all around.

Shin wandered over to an alley that had a lot of cans and started collecting them, realizing that the amount was too much he started stacking the cans before going deeper into the alleyway to collect the others.


While Shin was collecting he heard the sound of aluminum hitting a hard surface and turned his gaze back to see a homeless man taking his cans.

"What are you looking at?" The man scoffed while stealing more of Shin's cans.

Shin immediately grabbed the transfigure thing and turned it into a knife before throwing it right into the man's forehead.

The homeless man dropped what was in his hands as he shakenly reached for the knife embedded into his head but as he touched it his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Falling down to the ground Shin called back the transfigure thing as he stared at the body bleeding slowly as if lost in a trance seeing the scarlet red color grow as it encompassed even the ground he was standing on.

Wake up, It's not real - Voice 3

Shin flinched at this proclamation as the surroundings around him started to melt until reality showed the man still stealing his cans.


All the money goes to all of us for winter so it doesn't make sense to get mad since it still benefits us - Voice 2

Shin suddenly grabbed his head as he stumbled to the wall, the man raised his eyebrow before shrugging and walking out the alley.

Shin's head started pounding as his breath became fast, the world felt like it was spinning as blood started to fall as his nails dug into his skin.


Voice 3, I apologize for what I said earlier please help him - Voice 2

Shin - Voice 3

Tears started falling from Shin's eyes not truly knowing if this is reality or if he was still in a hallucination and would suddenly wake up in the hospital, the thought of being back in that cold place made him start to hyperventilate.

We are no longer in that place every emotion you feel proves that, including the pain your feeling in your heart and body - Voice 3

Voice 3's comfort let Shin grab a hold of his breathing before it could be completely lost as his chest started breathing at normal intervals.

Your safe now, no one is going to force you too be any less than you are, no more drugs will drown us out anymore, and we certainly won't leave you - Voice 3


We will construct a logical plan so that we don't have to end up back their - Voice 2

The spinning started to become easier as his mind started to ease at the comforting words flowing into his subconscious.

Stand up Shin we will not fall for something like this - Voice 3

The sudden proclamation let Shin nod his head as he used the wall to move himself back to his feet.

'I'm safe, I'm not there.' Shin always had brief thoughts that this was all one big hallucination and upon having a sudden hallucination those fears all bubbled to the surface.

However Voice 3 the only voice that could see through these sudden hallucinations brought Shin back into reality as this was his job.

You will no longer suffer alone through these hallucinations alone Shin, as long as I'm here - Voice 3

Shin's anioxus heart alleviated at Voice 3's words as those days of suffering constant hallucinations alone were long in the past, gone were the days when reality was confusing and the present felt like an illusion.

'That's right, I can see through them.' Shin's relieving thoughts finally brought his mental state back to what it previously was as he took another deep breath.

It wasn't always like this though even though he had Voice 1 and Voice 2 they were always focusing on reality and unlike the two Shin would sometimes get lost in it.


A swirling darkness that bent into a million different pathways stretched out for what seemed like forever showed itself before Shin.

Shin knew it was a lie, everything he was seeing for the last hour had been a lie however he could never break through no matter how much he tried.

The tears had all dried up at this point as his eyes were lifeless as he started aimlessly walking down a random path in front of him knowing it didn't matter in the end since he would always wind back up at the start again.

'Stop.' A voice suddenly echoed in the darkness all around Shin who just gazed around him though his feet kept stumbling forward.

'You are going the wrong way.' The voice spoke out as Shin finally stopped his feet as a sad smile formed on his face.

"How do you even know? I don't even know who you are SO HOW CAN I KNOW YOU AREN'T SPEAKING TO LET ME FEEL MORE MISERY!" Shin yelled before turning his words into screams gripping onto his hair as his words showed all he wanted was mercy.

"I CAN'T ESCAPE MY OWN MIND! I'M TRAPPED AND YOUR JUST HERE TO HELP IT MAKE ME SUFFER!" Shin screamed into the abyss knowing his mind was responsible for this yet he couldn't do anything about it and that's why it hurt so much.

'You are right you cannot trust me however these paths in front of you are all false, the only real path is the one that isn't shown.' The words caused Shin to instinctively take a couple steps back as he stood at the very start of the endless amount of paths once again.

"Please! Please help me. Please save me from this illusion." Shin got on his knees as he pleaded knowing it wouldn't matter regardless as his pleas always went unanswered.

'Turn around.' The voice spoke as if it was nurturing his ears.

Shin turned around but all he saw was darkness for what seemed like miles, fearing the unknown he turned his head back to the paths that were the only thing illuminated in this abyss as he reached out.

'If you want to be free then you must make your own path.'

Shin closed his fist as he turned back to the darkness before stumbling to his feet, knowing it didn't matter anyways since it never mattered before.


The step under his feet lit up as life started to form in Shin's eyes as well as tears as his knees gave out.



More steps became illuminated in the sea of darkness in front of him until the darkness in front of him started to rip revealing the reality he so desperately wished for.

I'm glad I finally found you, I'm Voice 3 it's nice to meet you - Voice 3

The calm voice let a smile form on the broken Shin's face as he started laughing before it turned into a sad sob.

"It's nice to meet you." Shin reached out as he broke through the mental barriers seeing the white space he hated so much.

We will no longer suffer from our own mind anymore - Voice 3

*Flashback end*

Holding onto the wall Shin took one step after another until he no longer needed the crutch, gazing up into the air his wobbly legs hardened until he could walk perfectly fine.

This is reality - Voice 3

Hearing the reassurance once more, Shin took another deep breath walking out of the alley, the light hitting his face as he started smiling.

"Seth you okay?" Fred called out not seeing any cans in his hands but instead Seth smiling while gazing at the sun.

"Yeah I'm fine." Shin turned his head towards the concerned Fred.

"I just need a bag." Shin answered and Fred chuckled as he reached below him grabbing a lone bag.

"Why didn't you just ask buddy? Here take this." Fred handed him an empty bag and Shin graciously took it.

"Thanks!" Shin thanked him, brandishing a wider smile.

"No problem, anyways we still got a lot of work to do so remember to manage yourself alright." Fred patted his shoulder while returning to collect more cans.

"Ok I will." Shin nodded his head before turning around.

Seeing the alley he just came out of he smiled, marching into it to resume his collecting, even though it was dark the light still shone down from the ceiling and that was enough for him.

5 hours later




Shin after a long day of picking up cans, he was now eating his hard fought meal at F.E.A.S.T and Fred just shook his head at Shin's actions.

"Seth chew with your mouth closed." Fred chuckled while calmly guiding him on proper manners.

"Oh sorry Fred-SORRY!" Shin started to speak with his mouth open until he realized what he did and covered his mouth then swallowed before he eventually apologized.

The other guys around them started laughing including Fred who immediately forgave him and Shin continued eating until he was finished.

Standing up he returned his tray and saw May alone again making him frown, May seeing his expression laughed a little.

"Seth I'm fine rea-"

"No, I'm helping." Shin stubbornly voiced out making May sigh yet her smile never left her face.

Shin started picking up the dirty trays and Fred had an anxious look on his face knowing what She was going to do.

"Wait Seth not today." Fred stood up while rushing over to him.

"Why not?" Seeing Fred's concerned look, Shin only tilted his head.

"Because word on the street is that the Cartel and Hell hounds are going at each other's throat an-"

"I'm fine Fred, you worry too much." Shin waved him off though May tapped Fred's shoulder.

"Don't worry my grandson will come later and he can escort Seth back." May assured Fred who hesitated for a while until he nodded.

"Alright but don't be too long." Fred relented and Shin nodded.

"Got it Fred." Shin held out a thumbs up as he took in more trays.

Shin then took more trays into his free arm before walking into the back, May reassured Fred that she would make sure Seth would be okay until Fred conceded and walked back to the group.

Plopping the trays into the sink Shin began washing them one by one as if he was an expert, cleaning four by the time May walked in.

"Fred is such a nice man." May complimented Fred to which Shin nodded his head.

"Yeah he's a good guy and really cares about people." Shin showed a toothy smile as he washed more trays and May seeing this formed a heartfelt smile on her face knowing Shin was in good hands.

May went to the sink next to Shin and began mirroring his actions and even though she was not as fast May was still making a dent in the numerous trays.

They conversed for around an hour until Shin heard the front door swing open, proning him to raise his guard.

"Seth its fine that probably Peter-"

"May I'm here!" Peter yelled out rushing into the kitchen while huffing a couple of breaths.

"Oh? Seth was it?" Peter saw Shin and recalled their introduction from yesterday and Shin smiled.

"Yep, that's me!" Shin gave his oscar winning thumbs up showing his acting performance at giving false names.

"Peter, you're late." May squinted and Peter showed a guilty smile while rubbing his head.

"Yeah I lost track of time and I'm sorry." Peter mixed in a guilty chuckle with his smile as May sighed at his usual antics.

"Fine, I forgive you now grab a tray." May couldn't stay mad at her nephew and gave into his apology, causing a genuine smile to form on Peter's face as he waddled in between both of them.

"Thank you again Seth for helping Aunt May." Peter thanked and Seth gave him another thumbs up.

"No problem Peter!" Shin gave him a toothy smile making Peter laugh a little.

"So Peter, why were you late?" May asked while washing another tray as a evil smile formed on her face

"Well when-"

"Was it MJ."

"WHAT!" Peter's face immediately turned red, dropping the soap in his hand into the sink.

"Oooooooooooooo who's MJ?" Shin saw May's look, deciding to help her intentions.

"No one!" Peter tried to hide his blush stammering to grab the sponge.

"Oh that's right Seth you wouldn't know, she's been Peter's crush since he was in elementary school." May and Shin both showed evil smiles, stem started to blow out of Peter's ears indirectly showing how his aunt was right.

"May!" Peter whined to May who only chuckled at this.

"So are you two like together or?" Peter flinched at Shin's question.

"What! No way! I don't even know if she likes me." Peter's voice went from high to quiet really quick as Shin shook his head.

"Like aunt, like nephew." Peter's ears perked at this while May flinched.


"What do you mean by that?" Peter leaned in blocking May's sudden shout as an evil smile threatened to form on his face.

"Oh you didn't know? Your aunt has the hots for your mailman." Shin threw May under the bus as this time it was May's turn to blush and Peter's turn to show an evil smile.

"Ooooooooooooo so you like William?" Peter slowly turned his face showing a dastardly smile as May immediately cocked her head away.

"No he's just." May didn't finish her sentence as Peter's smile reached its peak.

"It's shocking how similar you two are when it comes to love." Both flinched at this as they looked down seemingly quiet at the remark.

"Shut up Seth." They both said in a pout and Shin started laughing until they joined in.

The conversation became light after that until they finished cleaning, washing, and ending the night with drying.

"Peter! Before I forget I promised Fred you would walk Seth back." May, who was about to get into the taxi stopped Peter right as he was about to follow her.


"Ah, he's the leader of my hobo group." Shin clarified and Peter nodded his head.

"Be careful alright it's dangerous, however I know Seth will be fine with you." May showed him a knowing look that caused Peter to smile.

"Of course I'll make sure he gets back safe then grab some ice cream." May nodded at his words while putting her purse on her lap.

"Mint chocolate chip."

"Mint chocolate chip."

Peter closed the door while watching the taxi pull away until he turned back to a smiling Shin.

"Lead the way." Peter gave him a toothy smile as he was in Shin's debt for how much he helped his Aunt May.

Shin led the way as Peter raised his guard without showing it on his face knowing how dangerous hell's kitchen really was knowing first hand as a vigilante.

"So Seth, if you don't mind me asking, how did you wind up on the streets?" Peter said after a while not knowing how someone so kind hearted like Shin could be dealt a bad hand.

"Um well, after I escaped from the mental hospital I found myself on the streets until Fred took me in." Shin nodded his head as the smile on Peter's face turned into a frown.

Peter knew how bad the system was which is why he wanted to change it however a look of concern appeared on his face.

"They are bad people Peter, they think they can help me by making me numb to everything." Shin, seeing that look on so many people in the past, held up his hand showing he would not go back.

"Alright Seth if this is what is best for you then I'll respect your choice." Peter nodded his head knowing he wouldn't want Shin to go back if he truly hated it that much.

"Well life isn't so bad anymore now that I met Fred!" Shin smiled, throwing away the previous sad tone he had just seconds before.

"Oh yeah?" Peter also started smiling seeing Shin's mood elevate as he listened to Shin talk about all the good things that have happened to him recently.

"Oh, we're here." Shin stopped as he pointed to an alley that led to the lot.

"Do you need me to go with you or-"

"No you'll get attacked if you're dressed like that." Shin answered having already seen nicely dressed people get jumped by other homeless men and even though he knew Peter would be fine he still warned him out of courtesy.

"Well be safe Seth." Peter waved and Shin nodded.

"Alright you too Peter see you tomorrow!"