
Literally Insane in Marvel

Shin is chronically insane with a severe case of schizophrenia and has been locked in a mental ward for his whole life however after going to sleep he wakes up in marvel and although he has a mental illness that wont stop him from smiling even with all the dead people around him trying to ruin his mood. Warning: My OC is a psycho he's most definitely going to do some f*cked up things.

Dextrious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Being A Homeless Man Part 2

Shin suddenly stopped at the doorway causing Fred to raise an eyebrow at his sudden movement.

"Seth ar-"

"I need to take a leak!" Shin immediately ran to a nearby alley making Fred tilt his head.

"I guess he really had to take a leak." Fred shrugged before walking in.

"You bastard!" Shin yelled at the author who flinched.

"I was growing a fanbase. I HAD COMMENTS AND ALREADY 5 REVIEWS! 5! AND THEY WEREN'T LIKE THOSE STUPID ONES WHERE THEY LEAVE A BUNCH OF EMOJIS BUT REAL FEEDBACK FOR THE NEXT READER!" Shin started crying as the author scratched the back of his head at his character's dismay.



The author started to panic at Shin's sudden reaction to his long hiatus, the author being the idiot he was started talking to the screen.

"Promise." Shin gazed up hearing the author say 'I won't do it again I'll be consistent'.

Seeing the author nod his head, Shin immediately smiled, throwing away the previous state and gave him a thumbs up.

"7 chaps a week right!" Shin gave the author a toothy smile and the author choked on his water.

"NO 7!" Shin pulled out the transfigure thing pointing it at the author though he didn't even flinch.



"If it's below four I'll burn down a children's hospital." The author froze upon hearing his proclamation.

The author squinted his eyes at Shin giving him the 'You wouldn't' look and Shin returned his gesture with an evil smile turning the transfigure thing into flint.

"I've killed a person in broad daylight in the middle of New York, you think I'll hesitate to burn down a hospital! I've done worse!" Shin had a crazed look in his eyes and the author held his hands up.

"Alright 4 and we'll go from there." Shin nodded, putting the transfigure thing back into his coat.


Author, it shows what kind of person you are if you go back on your word - Voice 2

Maybe not existing isn't so bad - Voice 3

"SHUT THE FUCK UP VOICE 3!" Shin screamed at his inner voice, the third one to be exact.


Don't make me lecture you on how worthless you are voice 3 - Voice 2

I'm sorry - Voice 3

"Good anyways, reader's sorry about that hiatus, if you're back then you should also rejoice because the author's punctuation has also gotten better so that means more commas!" Shin rejoiced towards the readers while the author had a scowl on his face.


"Now let us commence with chapter 5!" Shin held his arms into the air while scurrying back to the shelter.

"Over here Seth!" Fred called out to Shin who jerked his head in a certain direction where a line was formed.

"Hey Fred I'm finally back, I missed you." Shin smiled rushing up to Fred who tilted his head.

"Missed you too bud." Fred didn't think too much about it and patted Shin's shoulder.

The line moved slowly as Shin picked up a tray and chatted with Fred until he made his way in front of the woman who was serving everyone.

"Hello dear, what would you like today?" The old woman gave Shin a heartfelt smile causing a mirroring smile to form on Shin's face.

"Whatever a pretty lady like yourself would recommend." Shin words made the woman chuckle while giving him some eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, and gravy.

"What a kind young lad you are." The old woman made small talk while putting all the food on his tray.

"Not as kind as you miss. Going out of your way to help people in need is a respectable thing as not many people are willing to wake up so early to help people." The old woman heard his words and paused for a little before showing a look of remembrance on her face.

"I'm not that kind, my husband however was the kindest man I knew, he was the one that dragged me to do things like this and it sort of became a habit after that." The woman choked on her words and Shin grabbed her hand.

Looking up she saw his caring smile and her swollen heart subsided a little bit feeling the solace in Shin's genuine smile.

"Miss, you don't need to bring up such hard things for someone like me." The woman wiped her eyes a little bit, showing him a bright smile.

"You're such a kind young man, I'm May by the way." May held out her wrinkled hand and Shin immediately shook it.

"Sh-*Cough*Seth it is a pleasure to meet you and make sure to take care of yourself, people who always help others tend to forget to help themselves." May chuckled at his words, patting his hand with her other hand.

"I will sweety, I will." They both chuckled before Seth made his way over to Fred who was giving him a smile.

"What took you so long Seth? Did you finally find the one?" Fred joked at Shin who chuckled.

"She is really nice and I like people who don't judge me based on society's standards." After saying those words Shin started eating and Fred had a sad look on his face though he didn't delve too deep into Shin's life.

The meal was delightful for Shin who had been eating crappy food at the mental hospital for so long that he eventually got used to the idea that all food tastes bland.

His taste buds relished in delight at the bustling flavors he was constantly shoveling into his mouth.

"Slow down Seth, you're gonna choke." Fred joked and Shin smiled with some egg stuck in his teeth.

"It's just really good!" Shin stuffed more bacon into his mouth in delight even going so far as to lick the tray clean.

"Alright Seth, turn in your tray since everyones finishing up since we got to start collecting cans cause winters a coming." Fred instructed, prompting Shin to nod his head.

Happily walking over to the designated place where everyone was putting their trays, Shin was about to place his tray before his ear twitched.

"Peter you promised." May frowned while holding the phone to her ear.

"I know Aunt May but I'm really busy with this internship with Doc Ock I'll-"

"You'll make it up to me I know Peter *Sigh* be safe ok." May rubbed her forehead showing a knowing smile at her nephew's antics.

"I will Aunt May, love you."

"Love you too."

"Oooooooo is that your boyfriend."

"Ah!" May shrieked, making Shin who peered his head around the corner also yell.



They went back and forth for a while until May recognized the young man from eailer and grabbed her heart shaking her head.

"You scared me Seth." May took a deep breath before gathering herself.

"Oh! I'm sorry it's just I overheard your sad tone and peeked around the corner while eavesdropping on you." Shin explained without an ounce of shame.

"You're a real character Seth." May chuckled at his boldness.

"Y'know you look prettier when you smile." Shin moved from the corner.

"And you're such a flirt." They both chuckled at that before Shin noticed all the dirty trays in the background.

"Do you need any help cleaning up?" Shin asked and May hesitated.

"Well it is just me but I wo-"

"Ok I'm helping whether you like it or not!"

"Seth wha-wait Seth."

"Helping!" Shin ignored May's persuasion and went to carry all the dirty trays to the back.

"Fred, I'm going to help May so go on without me!" Shin shouted, carrying an unbelievable amount of trays.

"What?" Fred didn't understand how Shin went from turning in a tray to cleaning them all.

"I'll meet you back at the spot we slept at last!" Shin shouted to the face palming Fred.


"You're such a character kid." Fred shook his head with a smile.

"Alright everyone let's head out and start collecting!" The homeless man in all raised their hands at this and Fred turned back to SHin who came back to collect the rest.

"Hey Seth we'll be here at dinner so just wait for us, I don't want you wandering the street alone!" Fred shouted and upon seeing Shin's thumbs up he nodded and led the men out of the kitchen.

"Seth, don't hurt yourself." May worriedly commented seeing Shin carry large stacks of trays at a time until he gathered all of them.

"Don't worry, May I'm strong." Shin patted his thin bisceps causing May to laugh.

"You are so strong!" May and Shin both laughed at this before getting to work.

The more Shin talked to May the more he started to like her, she seemed to be around her late 50s early 60s and had this grandmotherly charm that made Shin want to help her.

"Seth you're already doing so much and F.E.A.S.T doesn't pay he-"

"I don't want money but instead you can pay me with your smile." Hearing his words May motioned him to stop while giving him a smile.

"How are you single Seth?" May patted his shoulder complimenting him and Shin shrugged.

"I've heard that I'm a little possessive." Shin, who had finished cleaning, started unloading all the ingredients for dinner.

"Well you seem like a stand up young man, I'm sure you'll find a good girl sooner or later." May nodded while organizing all the food Shin put on the counter.

"What about you, seeing anybody recently?" Shin asked, setting down a heavy box.

"Well...…no nevermind I haven't, no." May blushed at Shin's comment clearly thinking of someone.

"Oh ho?" Shin raised an eyebrow shuffling closer to May.

"May you're a really bad liar y'know that right?" May jerked her head to the side and Shin ran to the other side.

"Who is it? You can tell me, c'mon tell me?" Shin's persistence made May finally give in.

"His name is William Lunmpkin and he's our mailman.....I think he is flirting with me." May's blush became heavier once she said William's name.

"Has he asked you out yet?" Shin gave a knowing smile and May looked away.

"No, not yet." May whispered and Shin chuckled while unpacking a box.

"If he does what will you say?" Hearing this, May choked on her words showing a sad look and Shin sighed.

"May you remember what I said about taking care of yourself? You're someone who deserves happiness so why run from it?" Shin's words hit deep causing May to set down the vegetables in her hand before taking a sigh.

"I used to be married to a wonderful man but he...….he died and I-"

"If he was as caring and as wonderful as you say, then he would want you to be happy." Shin put the contents of the box onto the table while giving May some advice.

"May loving the past is one thing but stopping yourself from enjoying the present is something else. Sometimes moving on is a way to honor the people you once loved in the past but what do I know." Shin shrugged, finishing laying out the contents of the box.

"You're such a kind young man." May walked up to Shin and gave him a hug, throwing him off guard for a second.

He didn't know what to do since the number of times someone has hugged him could be counted on one hand.

After a couple seconds Shin put his arms around her before completely leaning into the hug relishing in the warm feeling.


"Ah sorry!" Seth released the hug and May saw the expression on his face causing the dots to connect in her head.

"No, don't be sorry, this old woman just needed a hug and if it's ok maybe in the future I might ask for another one." May heartfelt smile left Shin speechless for a second.

"Ok." Shin didn't know what to say but the one word was enough.

The atmosphere was very pleasant after that as the time passed fast, but for the two it felt like only minutes.

"Seth!" Fred called out and Shin turned his head around finishing up all the preparations.

"Hey Fred!" Shin cheerfully waved at him.

"C'mon grab a tray and tell me about your day."

Shin boisterously told Fred about what happened with his day and Fred listened to his whole speech without interruptions.

"Wow you two really got a lot done." Fred nodded his head while eating his corn.

"Yeah though it sucks that today was such a low manning type of day, they really were going to let her prepare all of this by herself. Can you believe that!" Shin also put some corn in his mouth causing Fred to chuckle.

"No I can't."

"May I'm here!" A young man in his late teens, maybe early twenties shouted, rushing into the shelter.

"Oh Peter! It's so good that you came!" May clasped her hands together before hugging Peter.

"I'm so sorry you had to do this by yourself today but it looks like it all worked out." Peter was a little surprised May did this by herself while putting on an apron.

"Oh I didn't though, that young man over there helped me." May pointed towards Shin which made Peter follow her finger seeing a young homeless man waving at them.

"Really?" Peter looked back for confirmation and upon seeing her nod he gazed back at Shin who was finishing the food.

"Who is he?" Peter asked while multitasking serving the next person in line.

"His name is Seth and he is the sweetest kid I have ever met after you of course, and it's such a shame someone like him ended up on the streets at such a young age." May had a sad look on his face causing Peter to have a look of surprise as not everyone can get his aunt's praise.

"Oh look he's coming up here now, I'll introduce you." May tugged on Peter's apron seeing Shin waddle over to turn in his tray.

"Hi May, I came here to say goodbye since I'm leaving with Fred." Shin gave her a toothy smile while gesturing to Fred.

"Alright, thank you for everything, truly." May gave him a warm smile seeing him place his tray with the others.

"This is my nephew who I was talking about earlier." May gestured to Peter who waved at Shin.

"Hi Seth, my name is Peter and thank you for helping my aunt." Peter stuck out his hand and Shin shook his hand.

Omg were really shaking Spider-man's hand, I don't think I could ever think of us killing him - Voice 1

Wow what a nice guy just like his aunt - Voice 2

He also doesn't have that look in his eyes like everyone else - Voice 3

"Hi Peter, it's nice to meet you too and don't worry about it. It was a delight to help May!" Shin smiled, causing Peter to also smile.

"Anyways May, good luck with William." Shin winked at May causing her to become as red as a tomato.

"William?" Peter tilted his head making Shin chuckle.

"See ya later May." Shin waved, running back to the group.

"Alright Seth you ready?" Fred asked, seeing Shin approach.

"Yep, let's get going." Shin nodded following Fred out the doors but not before waving goodbye to May.

"May, who's William?" Peter asked once Shin left prompting May to choke on air.

"No one." May jerked her head to the right, hiding the blush on her face.

Peter raised an eyebrow but shrugged his shoulders never imagining in a million years that his aunt would have a crush on someone.

Shin was walking with the group until they made it back to their spot, all the homeless men started to get comfy as Fred handed Shin a blanket.

"Thanks Fred." Shin took the blanket before wrapping it around himself.

"No problem Seth, I always help people like us." Fred reassured him while sitting down next to Shin.

"Why?" Shin tilted his head and Fred just laughed.

"Well not everyone is blessed with a safe place to sleep and a full belly so I like to help people who can't get both." Fred explained and Shin listened.

"Why?" Shin tilted his head the other way not understanding why Fred did these things.

"When I left the military I got screwed over multiple times leaving me with nothing but the clothes on my back." Fred gazed up at the moon as a sad expression eclipsed his face.

"Then this guy named Joe helped me when I was shivering in an alleyway trying to stay warm, it was the first time in a while someone reached out a helping hand."

"He took care of me and helped me survive on the streets and I asked him one day why he did this and he said something that changed my life." Fred had a warm smile on his face.

"He said 'Ya looked like me when I was left on the streets, and I was about to walk away before I remembered how painful it was figuring life out on my own so I decided to reach out because no one reached out to me' I cried really hard that day, me a guy whos didn't even flinch at death cried at his words, and it was that day that I decided I wouldn't ignore people like they ignored Joe." Fred wiped his eyes and patted Shin.

"Lifes hard as it is but it's harder when you have to go at it alone." Fred's words stuck in Shin's head resulting in him nodding.

"Rest up we gotta go collect more cans for winter, alright." Shin nodded and pulled the blanket farther up looking up into the sky.

'Joe seemed like a cool guy.' Shin thought before closing his eyes, letting his mind rest.

In a undisclosed location

There sat an abnormally big man holding a piece of paper with a ring encompassing each and every finger on both hands.

"What is the situation?" The man put the paper down gazing upon a person dressed in a suit.

"The Cartels are pushing on the dogs of hell territory causing a dip in sales from a recent event that happened to the Cartel." The man reported, the huge man raised an eyebrow at this.

"What event?"

"Boss, a man known as Shin killed a Cartel member before escaping and they think it was the dogs of hell's fault." The man immediately spoke, not missing a single word.

"Hmmmmmm alright you're free to go." The man gestured resulting in the other man politely scurrying off.

"Bullseye." The man spoke out without turning his head.

"Yes Mr. Fisk?" Bulleye who was polishing his pistol smiled already knowing what he was going to say.

"Find this Shin and bring me his head so I can quell this misunderstanding." The man revealed to be Fisk the notorious boss of the underworld ordered towards the psychotic murder known as Bullseye.

"Of course, if it means I can kill then I'll even put in some overtime." Bullseye jumped to his feet with a vicious grin on his face.

"I want him found and dead within two weeks." Fisk ordered knowing how capable he was.

"A week should be fine." Bullseye holsted his gun while strolling for the door.

Fisk watched Bullseye calmly walk out the door before closing it behind him leaving Fisk alone with only his thoughts.

Reaching for a drawer he pulled out a cigar while also bringing out the corresponding lighter, after lighting it he took a couple puffs before the end of the cigar had a red hue.

Breathing the smoke out he stood there for a while as he repeated the motion a couple more times before gazing down at the report again.

"What an interesting fellow, it's sad his story will be cut short due to a chain of events, however someone has to pay for my losses."