
Literally Insane in Marvel

Shin is chronically insane with a severe case of schizophrenia and has been locked in a mental ward for his whole life however after going to sleep he wakes up in marvel and although he has a mental illness that wont stop him from smiling even with all the dead people around him trying to ruin his mood. Warning: My OC is a psycho he's most definitely going to do some f*cked up things.

Dextrious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Escaping

"ALRIGHT WE WILL FULLY COOPERATE SHIN PLEASE WAIT!" Detective Blair screamed and Shin just squinted, he didn't say anything but just waited for Detective Blair's follow up.

"Everyone this is order anybody who doesn't obey will take responsibility for any actions that comes of Detective Bill, now EVERYONE go to the north side of the building, I don't care if Captain Stacy ordered you to stay and try to capture Shin everyone will not obstruct Shin, and I want confirmation from everyone who is not in the north side of the building that has received my order." Detective Blair said with an authoritative tone, the walkie talkie was silent however the stragglers in front of Shin were the first to slowly walk to Detective Blair.

"Roger." x12

Twelve confirmations came from Detective Blair's walkie talkie as Shin waited and watched as twelve figures appeared one by one going behind Detective Blair and combing into the already big group of officers.

"Now throw over a pair of handcuffs." Shin said and upon the ending of his words Detective Blair immediately threw over a pair of handcuffs.

"Bill slowly pick them up and put them on." Shin commanded and Bill hesitated, the blood from Bill's wound started to slowly make its way down his arm until it started to drop onto the floor.



Bill reached down and the whole time the knife never left his throat, slowly but surely he finally cuffed his hands.

"Now I swear to the author if you guys test my patience one more time I have no problem killing Bill because at the end of the day I'll be behind bars and Bill here....well he'll be in a body bag now everyone nod their heads in confirmation that they understand." Shin said coldly, squinting his eyes.

All officers present that heard his words started to sweat knowing that the one criminal that is the worst to deal with are the ones who do not care for any repercussions that come their way.

Seeing them nod Shin started to move with Bill and with his step each officer took one step, Shin didn't trust these cops one bit but at this moment he had to just hold his breath hoping his threat tactic worked as he reached the corner with no reflective objects.

Reaching around the corner he breathed a secret sigh, the officers didn't notice anything as they just cooperated to the fullest wanting their colleague to get out of this alive as they trailed Shin with battered breath.

Shin finally reached the entrance of the police station but Shin still couldn't relax on the off chance there were officers outside.

He couldn't turn his back to the Officers inside the station nor could he take the risk and turn his back to the possible officers outside furthermore there was a small chance of there being a sniper which made his next decision even more vital.

"Now that you see he is safe in my hands please proceed to the north side of the building with your fellow compatriots." Shin said with a smile and obviously everyone hesitated.


"I said you could follow me to the car, correct?" Shin finished Detective Blair's sentence and he promptly shut his mouth waiting for Shin to finish.

"Well didn't you say that all the officers were at the north side when there were clearly sixteen that stayed back?" Shin tilted his head and Detective Blair just avoided eye contact.

Detective Blair knows that good faith in a hostage situation is fundamental as if you don't show your sincerity why should the person holding the hostage show there's?

"Man, Bill's bleeding really bad. If he doesn't get medical treatment soon he could be in real trouble." Shin just shook his head in disappointment and everyone just gulped.

Looking at Bill's complexion they realized he was starting to get pale and they all just gritted there teeth and Detective Blair let out one last breath of struggle.

"Let's go back."

Everyone of course hesitated for the last time, knowing that if they leave Bill's fate would completely be in the hands of Shin and that was the last thing they wanted so they just had to put on a silent protest but no matter how much they complained internally Detective Blair was not going to let Shin have another excuse to hurt Bill.

"GO NOW!" He shouted furiously.

They didn't immediately go right away but after one officer listened the others slowly in turn followed until there were only three people left.

"Shin I'm warning you now if something happens to Detective Bill I will make it my life's work to hunt you down." Detective Blair said, pushing his glasses upwards before turning around and walking away leaving a terrified Detective Bill and a smiling Shin.

"Are you ready to go for a drive?" Shin said, smiling looking at the terrified Bill.

Bill just gulped and after everyone was out of sight Shin moved Bill to the front of him.

Once his foot left the premises he immediately scanned everything around him and clicked his tongue seeing a sniper in the distance but what made him even more annoyed was that the sniper was facing the driver's door which would mean that once Shin put Bill in the car and headed to the driver's seat he would be shot.

'Bill's gonna have to drive until we get to a bustling street.'


We should show good faith and let him go as killing a cop is essentially putting a target on our back for the whole NYPD and don't even get me started with the media. - Voice 2

*Sniff* Why can't we just go to a secluded place and gaze at the darkness. - Voice 3

"Okay Bill here's what's gonna happen, you see that Honda Civic well you're gonna drive it so try not to pass out.....Oh and if you don't drive it I'll kill you." Shin said with enthusiasm pointing at the Honda Civic and Bill just meekly nodded.

The sniper was zoned in on Shin however he couldn't get a clear shot and Shin made sure to hide himself pretty well behind Bill.

"Are you in position?" A voice rang out of the snipers walkie talkie.

"Yes sir, I have him within my sights. Once he makes a move for the driver's seat I'll take the shot." The sniper said seeing Shin finally getting close to the car.

The sniper held his breath as his whole being was focused on this very moment not wanting to miss even the slight chance of a possible shot.

Bill opened the car door and Shin threw him in and ducked to the ground, the sniper's eyes dilated knowing what Shin might do and didn't hesitate immediately taking the shot.


The bullet shot through the muzzle of the sniper's 50 Cal zooming out with ferocious speed, the bullet's body spinning with a vigor as its mere presence made slight ripples in the air.

It traveled until it met a metallic barrier however its momentum never ceased piercing through with ease breaking through wanting to reach its target as fast as possible.

But the bullets' intended purpose would go unfulfilled as instead of a body it hit the cold asphalt with the only thing it had to show for was piercing the car's roof.

Shin after pushing Bill into the car did not get into the passenger seat but instead dodged to the back of the car.

Seeing the sniper bullet hit the cold asphalt he couldn't help but smile because if he was correct in his judgment of the bullet the sniper should take around 10 seconds and that was all he needed.

Opening the car door Shin immediately got into the car, seeing Bill trying to get situated Shin thought of giving Bill some more motivation by putting his blade back onto Bill's neck.

"Step on it Bill." Shin ordered pressing the blade a little further into his neck

Bill immediately stepped on the gas, the engine roared in excitement making its wheels turn vigorously.

The sniper this whole time was reloading anxiously, his success would have insured his colleagues life but his failure led to a number of unforeseen possibilities that he and his department didn't want to deal with.

Finally finishing his reload he saw the car start to speed off and looking down his sights he saw Shin's middle finger and he just sighed.

Knowing that shooting Shin might result in collateral damage on Bill he released his finger off the trigger.

"Sir I failed." The sniper radioed in.


"HAHAHA good job Bill." Shin laughed purposely patting Bill's hurt shoulder causing him to wince.

Shin was looking around for any cars because he only wanted to use this car to commandeer another car.

For one he knew this car had a tracker which would make escaping much more tiresome and second they probably messed with the car internally but even if they did none of those things Shin would still not trust them.


Bill immediately hit the brakes, Shin had Bill stop at a crowded stoplight and of course the drivers were not too happy at his action being met with a barrage of honks and curses.

"Get out the car." Shin instructed Bill and he got out of the car, Shin just pulled him towards the car behind him.

The lady driving was screaming at them to move their car however through her rage she spotted a bleeding handcuffed Bill and Shin who was smiling while holding a knife.

Before she could react rashly Shin threw Bill to the ground and transformed the knife to brass knuckles hitting her window with his full force.

"AHHHHHHHH!" She screamed covering her face in horror.

"Please get out of the car or I'll help you out of the car." Shin calmly said, making the lady shutter immediately complying with his demands, getting out of the car while making sure to run for her life.

Bill trying to get up was helped up by his good friend Shin and thrown into the car once more but this time through the driver's seat and not even waiting for him to get situated Shin got in the car and stepped on the gas.

'Why did the car behind me have to be a Prius?' Shin lamented in his mind going from a Honda Civic to an old red Prius.

After a while Bill finally got himself situated into his seat; it didn't help that every time he was remotely close Shin would take a sharp turn making his efforts useless.

Sitting in his seat he was feeling really dizzy from the loss of blood but all he could do was just groan at the pain.

"Dunna du dun du dun dunna." the radio started to play a familiar song and Shin smiled widely.

"I love this song." Shin turned the volume up, his eye's not paying attention to the road as he was trying to turn up the dial.

"LOOK OUT!" Bill screamed seeing a car stop in front of them.

"HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE!" Shin just started singing as he swerved to the right, narrowly avoiding the car.

The sudden movement caused Bill to grip his shoulder in pain and Shin noticed his struggles thinking he should help Bill.

Shin pulled out an automobile auxiliary power outlet (Car cigarette lighter) and immediately put it on Bill's shoulder.


The sudden sound of flesh burning made the nerves in Bill's arm scream immediately sending signals to his central nervous system then to his brain to finally process it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bill screamed in pain.

"You're welcome!" Shin smiled before turning his head back to the road.

The burning did cause some of the bleeding to stop however it only made the pain worse and Bill just gritted his teeth in anger.

From the start Bill has been suppressed by Shin on the off chance he truly does kill him but right now the only emotion he felt was fury.

He didn't know if it was the lack of blood that had him thinking this way because in truth Shin completely overwhelmed him in every way but in this exact moment Bill had enough and released all his pent up emotions.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!" Bill screamed at Shin.



Bill didn't even have time to finish before Shin, without looking, slammed Bill's head into the passenger side window causing slight cracks in the glass and his skull.

A sudden silence filled the car for an unknown amount of time with the only sounds being the occasional screams from the people outside but Shin's eyes just remained cold.


.... - Voice 2

... - Voice 3

Shin shaped the brass knuckle on his right hand into a knife once more and immediately thrust it into Bill's neck and then just as he put it in he took it out.

The blade cut into his artery and immediately after it left blood oozed out at a ferocious speed causing Bill's brain to go into a panic forcing his eyes to shoot open. .

His instincts lead his hands to grab his neck and finally realizing what happened he looked at Shin in horror.

The blood did not stop now matter how hard Bill tried, slowly his actions weakened and his eyes slowly became dull before he slumped down into his seat.

His body was becoming cold as the warm blood did not cease its flowing even after the death of its host

Bill's eyes became completely dull and Shin didn't even care because at this moment his full attention was focused on escaping.

Shin was not in a good mood right now as Bill's words made him really angry but mostly because though he did not have any cops cars trailing him on the freeway there was however a helicopter following his every move.

The darkness did help him however having a bright light shown on top of him didn't help in concealing himself.

All of a sudden Shin smiled seeing two red cars ahead driving next to each other leaving the middle lane open just for him.

"Hey, have you guys ever seen the scene in Baby driver?" Shin smiled at the reader before speeding up his car so he could fit right in-between the car's.

Waiting for the moment they reached a overpass Shin then sped up until he was in front of the red car on the right that just happened to be a red Prius and once he was in front of the car he hit the brakes making the red Prius behind him swerve to the left and honk his horn.

Once the cars were in sight the helicopter shined its light back on the red Prius not caring that the Prius on the right took an exit.

After monitoring the Prius for a while the Prius pulled over to the side of the highway and when the helicopter saw this they immediately radioed in.

"Shin has pulled over. I repeat, Shin has pulled over all units to converge!"

Cop cars started to swarm in around the car, every officer got out but did not move past their car doors but instead used it as cover.

Each officer aimed at the car, everyone was on high alert being as one of their own was captured and used as a hostage.


The door slowly opened and with it two hands raised up high seeing that some cops breathed out a sigh of relief that it was all over but they still didn't let their guards down completely.

The two hands turned into two arms then turned into a young man but upon seeing the young man the cops were all frowning and confused because what they were supposed to see was a young man with white hair and red eye's but instead they saw a scrawny brown haired crying teenager.

"*Sniff* I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T *Sniff* SHOOT I JUST WANTED TO GO OUT FOR A DRIVE WITH MY MOM'S CAR *Sniff* I PROMISE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN! *Sniff*" The teenager screamed out in tears as snot bubbles started to form while his legs started to shake.

"F*CK WHAT HAPPENED AIR SUPPORT THIS ISN'T SHIN!" A officer yelled into his walkie talkie however just as the officers on the ground were confused so were the officers in the helicopter.

Meanwhile Shin was casually driving into the deepest parts of hell's kitchen before he finally parked the car in some random alley way.

Not caring about Bill's body he got out and stretched his legs with a smile but looking at his clothes covered in Bill's blood he sighed.

Shin looked around and saw a homeless man passed out holding a 40 ounce, the homeless man's clothes looked dirty and probably smelled but at this point Shin didn't care.

Shin walked over to the homeless man and started to taking his clothes starting with his dirty trench coat then he made his way until he got to his shoes, not even realizing he was being stripped of his clothes the man continued to hold his 40 while continuing to sleep.

After finishing putting on all the necessary stolen clothes to cover himself up he put his hands in his pockets and whistled his way out of the alley.

4 hours later

A cop car pulled up to an alley after receiving an anonymous phone call about a dead body, the cops got out of the car not even looking a little remorseful at a dead body potentially being in an alleyway as they get calls like these almost everyday.

Walking up to the car they noticed how the tires were gone and replaced with cinder blocks but once again they see stuff like this all the time in hell's kitchen so they just moved on.

Officer Sam was just looking at the beat up car until he saw an almost naked homeless man clutching a 40 with yellow stained underwear and a dirty white undershirt.

"SAM!" his partner all of a sudden yelled, making him flinch and grab his gun looking around with eeriness but seeing that the coast was clear he raised an eyebrow.

"What is it Tom?" Sam said in confusion but after not hearing a reply he just sighed and holstered his gun at his dramatic partner.

Sam walked over to a shocked and pale Tom who was just looking at the passenger side window in a frozen stiff manner.

Sam just waved his hand in front of his frozen partner but after not receiving any response he turned around to look into the passenger side window to see what was the big deal and as he shined his flashlight his eyes widened in horror.

"JESUS F*CK!" Sam flinched and dropped his flashlight seeing the bloodied man who looked familiar.

They just stayed like that for a while until Sam clicked the end of his walkie talkie, his partner still didn't move an inch looking in horror at the body of the Detective they have been searching for the past 4 hours.

"Dispatch we have located Detective Bill."

Been doing stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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