
• The story writing day •

On that day i realised everyone rush behind talenters . She and her teacher, both named as ' Dimpi ' . Dimpi was a teen aged girl , was not too long and too short , she was curious about everything. one day when she went to school she got to know that her teacher has been conducting a story writing competition . She participated in that competition along with her friends . She gave her full effort because she wanted to won that competition and even her story was fabulous but she lost !

It was not fault of dimpi (the student ) but it happened so because of her teacher . That teacher was biosed..she used to create differences between the students ... between the toppers , the midiocer and the failures. She never tried to teach the failures even she gave extra knowledge to the toppers just for the shake of impression in front of the authority .

Actually this was the mentality of that generation to compare the students with others they didn't knew that everyone has his own kind of beauty , his own kind of talent . ..

So the topic was that who won the competition... actually the competition was won by tarikha . she was friend of Dimpi as well as the daughter of the principal of the school. she was talented, no doubt and she won..now what about dimpi...

later on dimpi done a lot of hard work for the next year competition . As she was taught that hard work beats the talent .

An accident happens next year and the Dimpi got a substitute of her teacher . She participated in the competition and she won that even the interesting thing is tha tarikha lost the competition because her biosed teacher was not there to announce the results .