
baby boy

"Hey Haru can you see whos calling me?" she nodded and picked up your phone , reading the caller ID " It says baby boy. Do you want me to answer it?" you put your hand out and she put the phone in your hand, you quickly answered and took it of of Bluetooth " hey baby boy why you calling so late? anything wrong?" You heard some heavy breathing for a few seconds then a answer " Um in in a little predicament, they can back again and have been chasing me around, they said they want another rematch and wont leave me alone unless you come, I'm at the usual spot at the park" you let out a frustrated sigh, this was not something you felt like dealing with right now but you had no choice. if they wanted to fight you'd make sure it was their last time "Ok I'm on the way don't do anything stupid." Not giving him the time to answer back, you hung up the phone.

" Hey is everything ok, it seemed like it was an emergency" not wanting to giving to much information to the two animals in the car " yea it was, we have to do a slight detour, louis can you hand me that bag?" you pulled the car over and the bag was given to you. stepping out the car you went around the back and opened it. in it where a giant hoodie, leggings and some boots. quickly putting it one you pulled out the last thing which was a license plate. you put it over the current one and quickly got back in the car before anyone saw what you did. "alright everyone fasten your seatbelts and hold on." Not waiting on them to wonder why you speed off " y/n slow down! not only will you get us in a accident but you'll get a ticket as well!" all you did was ignore them, you knew that you had to get to the park and fast. Thankfully the park wasn't that far away about 5 minuets if you where going the speed limit.

you got about two blocks away from the park, when you decided to pull over. it was best to stay a good bit away for the safety of louis and haru. " ok guys ill be back, don't get out the car if someone walks up to the car just say your waiting on me." they both seemed very confused as to what was happening. louis decided to speak up "y/n what's the meaning of this? its getting close to curfew we are going to get in trouble" you got out the car and quickly closed the door.

you ran the two blocks and got to the park. there you saw 4 people 2 of them where male lions one was a panda and the other was your baby boy. walking up to the park you let out a low growl alerting the men that you where hear. " well look who it is, miss famous." you where so done with this before it even started. you just ate and you kind of wanted to go to sleep now. " cut the crap panpan we all know you're here to settle old score, its just gonna end in me whooping your ass like the last time". For a little back story here you and the three animals in front of you always had a rivalry with each other for seemingly no reason, Panpan just never liked y/n and how much power she had and would always challenge her for power at the park they are at right at this moment. the panda bear in front of you faired his nose in anger. At this point baby boy had stood behind you, knowing this was going to be a bad fight it was probably the best he did. " So waddaya say y/n how about one more fight for the road?" you started to chuckle and that chuckle turned into a laugh. The panda was more than confused then the confusion turned into anger " what's so fucking funny?" you stopped laughing " well what are you waiting for, lets turn this fight into your fucking last!"

back in the car...

The two sat in the car worried, neither knew who should talk first. " I think we should get out and leave, this is too suspicious" Louis decided to break the silence " No I think we should stay in, from what y/n said it will be safer in here" letting out a frustrated sigh louis rubbed his temples " I don't now what if its not, we don't even know who she was talking to on the phone. all we have is a name and that could mean anyone! Haru we need to go"

" Well I'm not going, When y/n comes back we can just ask her what happened. it seemed pretty important. you really need to stop being so suspicious of others" Not expecting Haru to call louis out for something he thought he was hiding well, he decided not to say anything because that would only prove her right. haru turned back around and started to play some music to prevent more tension in the car. they both patiently waited for y/n's return.

back with you

The first two lackies charged first. you dogged the first one and punched the other one in the gut as he tried to deliver a punch as well. you shook you hand " One down and two go" you turned around and started fighting the second animal. You threw a punch but he managed to block and he threw one right back. you backed away avoided being punched but he managed to get a punch on your stomach. stumbling back a bit you honestly didn't expect him to land a punch. the fact that he did got you pissed. The animal got cocky and let his guard down just enough for you to land a punch and a hard one too. He ended up falling to the ground and wasn't getting back up, instant knock out.

"come one panpan you telling me after all these years you still try to wear me out with two of your weak ass lackies? come on you know its not gonna work, now come fight me like a fucking man" you started to laugh at him. it was honestly funny, every couple of years he would try to fight you because he was jealous that you had more power over him. " or what, is your dick to fucking small to actually fight?" that officially angered the bear. he charged at you, you thought he was going to go for a punch so you put up your arms to block but you then heard baby boy show " watch out y/n!!!" you quickly backed away not knowing what was going to happen but you didn't move fast enough, all you felt was a pain on your arm. letting out a grunt you took looked at your arm to see three large scratches on them. thankfully it wasn't too deep to scar but will take some time for the fur to grow back. " so you're fighting like a coward now and not using fist.. well two can play at that game. lets go all out shall we" and with that you ran at him.

back to the car

The two where still waiting in the car, they where stating to get worried it was past a hour now and they had yet to see their classmate come back. " wait that's y/n running to the car now but whos that with her wearing her hoodie?" haru exclaimed seeing as louis was falling asleep from how late it was. running up to the car they both got in and y/n started driving. "Oh my god y/n what happened you're bleeding and who is that sitting with louis?" you continued to driving, you just wanted to get back to school. you had about 20 minutes before you where late for curfew . "I'm fine haru just some scratches.. plus the blood isn't fine" "WHAT" haru yelled. you told her it was just the blood from they guy you had to fight and that was about it. " also the animal in the back is who i was talking to on the phone. go ahead and introduce yourself if you want to"

both haru and louis looked at the figure. " hi my name is shika but as you probably know y/n calls me baby boy as I'm a little brother to her" he then proceeded to take off his hood and louis was more shocked as he was not expecting the species in front of him to be the same as his. Shika saw the look of surprise on louis face and chuckled a little. " as you can probably guess me and y/n where.....adopted together." haru seemed to be taking the information well. " well its nice to meet you shika I'm haru and the speechless deer next to you is louis we are classmates of y/n" louis cleared his throat from the shock and composed himself. "yes its nice to meet you shika." shika nodded and the ride was silent from there.

not too long after everyone reached the school and you told them that you where going to sneak shika in for the night and drop him off home in the morning. louis was going to protest talking about the school rules but you honestly didn't give two shits about the rules and you and baby boy went back to your dorm room to clean up your wounds