
Lion Song_

About a 5000 years ago there was an island that has nothing but forest all over it's 4 sides and there are nothing but fruits, vegetables, herbs and most of all the animals there were herbivores. The topic of carnivorous and omnivorous animals were foreign to them. There was a small village in the middle of that island and the the people inhabiting in that island have no shortage of food since it was filled with greenery on all 4 sides of the small village. Since all the animals were herbivores there was no need to think twice about hunting and poaching. But things change when people started noticing a certain animal in the forest. That animal was very agile, it had sharp claws and sharp teeth that could pierce a human skin without much effort. It had hair all over it's face and when it roared all the animals around it would cover in fear. It was the first time they saw such an animal and they were sceptical. Things got Worst when someone saw the animal eating a human when a villager went on scouting duty than they realised that there was such a thing called a carnivore. Many people went to try and kill it but never succeeded than one day someone decided to call it a "Lion" and people stuck with that name. Will the people survive the onslaught of this "Lion" or will they die in this barbaric animal's hands? If you wish to know what lies in store for these villagers than read "Lion Song". *Notice* This story is completely fictional.

Vyas_Kota · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Rachael and The 11 Kids

Why were the villagers treating us like we are nothing but a bunch of trouble makers, I never really understood that.

What have we done to deserve the cruel fate of almost being killed by the villagers, I never really understood that.

Why, why, why, why!!

Why did it have to be us? I never really understood that, until now that is.


There was an old women in front of a house asking for something.

"Please, I won't live for long so why don't you people take care of the kids for me? please."

asked the old grandma

"I am sorry but after betraying us 7 years ago you expect me to look after your kids, plus they aren't even your kids. They are those traitorous bastards kids, serves them right."

"But, they are just kids. They had nothing to do with what their parents did, right?"

"Listen here you wretched bitch, the reason we even let you live is because you were brain washed by those demons, I won't listen to any more of your shit, I have better things to do" said the resident and pushed the lady down.

"Grandmaa, are you alright" said a kid while running towards her.

"I am alright John, it's nothing much. What are you doing up so late at night, you should go to sleep" said the grandma

"What is wrong with the villagers, why are they treating us like we were the actual perpetrators of the incident, we had nothing to do with what our parents did."

"They are foolish and cowardly to not understand that, they are just scared that you would do the exact thing your parents tried to do" said the old grandma

"I don't understand, what wrong did they do for them to deserve being killed and to outcast their kids, I just can't understand."

he continued " Whatever the case, I hate them because they were the reason why we can't even live our lives properly"

"You are too young to understand son, maybe someday you will know who is right and who is wrong but until then, don't bad mouth your parents" said the old lady.

"Grand ma, what's brainwashing? is it like washing your brain or something, how do you do it?" asked the kid

Grandma chuckled and said "Haha, it's when someone makes you believe what they want you to believe, it's like controlling your mind"

"I don't really understand it well but I think you have been brainwashed pretty badly by our parents haven't you grandma" asked the kid innocently yet questioningly

The grandma said "Well that excuse is what has helped me stay alive for this long"

"what do--"

"Hey grandma, James what are you guys doing out so late" said a kid walking towards them while rubbing his eyes

"John, what are you doing here, we were just chatting" said James

"What were you talking about? *yawn*"

"We were just talking about our parents"

"You were talking about grand ma with grand ma? I don't really understand brother"

"No we were talking about our parents, grandma isn't our parents she is the warden of the orphanage"

"Oh yeah, I forgot haha anyway I'm going back to sleep so why don't you people also come with me, I'm scared"

The grandma chuckled and said "Alright let's go back to the orphanage"

They left to the orphanage together and went back and slept.

(John's pov starts)

Parent's haa, I wonder why they abandoned us like this and left without a trace. I also don't understand why the villagers treat us like we are nothing more than trouble

Is it because we were abandoned by our parents and left in the orphanage that the people also abandoned us, I cannot understand.

The next day me and the other kids were playing with each other when I saw James the oldest one going to grandma and talking to her.

Than I heard the word Cookies and I ran with the other kids because I was feeling hungry and asked for some myself.

Lately grand ma's looks very skinny and it's funny how creepy she looks now but I wouldn't dare make fun of her or else she will hit me a lot.

In the back of my mind I think it's wrong to do so and als I am worried about how she looks, I wonder if she is alright.

1 year later

me and the other kids don't usually go to the village and we live in the outskirts of the village so I never had the opportunity of seeing how the villagers nor any other kids.

Grandma always said that there were ghosts and scary animals on the way so we never stepped foot out of the orphanage and also the orphanage was very big so there was a lot of room to play around.

One day I decided to leave out of the house to see just how deadly these animals were because I was curious.

There was forest everywhere and I couldn't see a Village anywhere, I walked for about 5 to 10 minutes and realised that I was lost.

When I was walking, I hit a rock and fell down a long way, there I saw a very weird looking place which had nothing but broken houses.

It was deserted and there were no people present there, I looked around and saw an animal there, it had horns and looked very thin when I saw it I ran in panic and went a long way back.

after running for around 3 minutes I came across a Village, it was the village which treated us like outcasts and there I saw something really weird.

The people were cooking those scary animals and eating them, at first glance it looked really disgusting eating another living animal.

I ran back home after witnessing something really disgusting and than I ran without knowing where I was going and than I came across the orphanage.

There I saw the grandma and I shouted "Grandma, the people in the village are eating animals, they... they... they"

"Calm down John, what are you saying be clear with me, what did you see again" she looked worried but not surprised

"The humans, they are eating the animals"

"Why!!! why did you go into the village when I clearly told you not to?"

""you said there were scary animals and ghosts but there were none, but a bunch of brute disgusting people eating animals. Were they the ghosts you were referring to?"

"The reason I told you not to go into the village was so you wouldn't see such a scene, just forget everything kid" *cough* *cough* *cough* she kept coughing than she fell down.

Every one were gathered near the bedroom and grand mother was sleeping in the bed bug brother James was crying profusely.

"Children" said grand ma and everyone looked at her, she looked very pale as if she would turn yo dust at any moment. Everyone ran towards the bed where grandma was there.

"Listen here everyone there are two things I have to say, you have to find the real truth about your parents and stay away from the villagers as much as possible and make sure they don't know about my death and run away before they realise it alright"

she continued " 1000 years ago the animals you see now used to reign supremacy over us, they were the ones who ruled over us but their barberic acts towards the humans has caused the predicament that happens now. A man named Shawn made a promise with a goddess to turn all the animals into harmless beings and because of what she did she was jailed for a 1000 years, but few years later the humans used the chance to reign supremacy over the animals and they started killing the animals one by one, they broke the promise with the goddess and now it is time for her to come back, and if she sees what is going on with the village she will be furious, she won't leave the village alone so I want you people to run as far away from the village as possible so you won't get affected by this please"

She said that and she passed away, everyone listening yo that story were astonished and couldn't understand very much of what she was saying.

They worked hard and buried her body and that was when they all matured or something inside them lit up and they forged a plan to get out of the village.

When they were near the shore they saw fire coming from somewhere and on closer inspection it was from the orphanage, that meant the villagers burnt down the orphanage.

The only memory with their grandma Her name was Rachael she was 56 years old and she passed away.

They buried her near the sea shore and than left towards a nearby deserted island.

10 years later

John came back alone and was found on the desert shore by the villagers and they bought him into the village, now he was 16 years old old.

The same night 10 people and an animal infiltrated the village on a boat, the 10 people didn't know about the animal, because the animal didn't let itself bee seen by the 10 people.

and when they came to the sea shore it ran away towards the forest.

This is where it would all start.

The villagers were partying like there was no tomorrow.

Than they suddenly started hearing crying from somewhere, was it really crying, it also sounded like a song or even the roar of a fierce animal whatever it was the villagers didn't pay it any mind.

But that roar was the roar of something that was about destroy the whole village.

It was the cry/song of betrayal

because it sounded melodious yet it sounded like a cry.

People in the not so far future would start calling it

"The lion song" - the doom of everything.

*end of chapter 2*