
Lion Song_

About a 5000 years ago there was an island that has nothing but forest all over it's 4 sides and there are nothing but fruits, vegetables, herbs and most of all the animals there were herbivores. The topic of carnivorous and omnivorous animals were foreign to them. There was a small village in the middle of that island and the the people inhabiting in that island have no shortage of food since it was filled with greenery on all 4 sides of the small village. Since all the animals were herbivores there was no need to think twice about hunting and poaching. But things change when people started noticing a certain animal in the forest. That animal was very agile, it had sharp claws and sharp teeth that could pierce a human skin without much effort. It had hair all over it's face and when it roared all the animals around it would cover in fear. It was the first time they saw such an animal and they were sceptical. Things got Worst when someone saw the animal eating a human when a villager went on scouting duty than they realised that there was such a thing called a carnivore. Many people went to try and kill it but never succeeded than one day someone decided to call it a "Lion" and people stuck with that name. Will the people survive the onslaught of this "Lion" or will they die in this barbaric animal's hands? If you wish to know what lies in store for these villagers than read "Lion Song". *Notice* This story is completely fictional.

Vyas_Kota · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

God & prologue

Up above in the sky, the new ruler of the world was being selected since the god of the world went missing for some reason.

A man who looked about the age of 35 was named the new ruler of the world and the man had a big grin on his face.

It wasn't a grin but an evil sinister smile as if looking to destroy the world order, and make someone or something above every other species.

That is where his big plan to reign supremacy over every living being began.


An island which was filled with greenery and was covered with water on all 4 sides of the Island, that island had all the essential necessities for living.

That Island also had a small village right In the middle of the Island. Most of the inhabitants live in that small village which had no shortage of food or anything for that matter.

People were living happily in that village poaching / hunting animals everyday and collecting fruits and vegetables from all over the forest.

They never felt starvation since they found one or the other thing to stuff their mouth. They kill more than 100 animals on everyday basis not just for food but also as a sport.

In that village there was a small house of children, more like an orphanage for children who have lost their parents.

There lived a set of 11 kids who were a bunch of rebels who were hated and out casted by the villagers and every last one were seen as no less than a nuisance.

Their warden who was an old lady who was about the age of 55 and her name was Rachael. She always looked after the kids even though she knew the villagers discarded these kids and she also knew why they did that.

She thought it wasn't right for them to get isolated from the world, so she made them strong enough to not bother with those villagers.

There were 11 kids with 6 Boys and 5 Girls and all of them were of ages 7-4 so they were too young to understand what the villagers were doing.

Worst part was that Rachael was suffering from a severe illness and would die in a year or two so who or how are these kids going to take care of themselves.

Than the first kid shows up and asks "Grandma!! you don't look so good so maybe you should go and rest for a while I'll look after the other kids so don't worry"

The kid's name was James, he seemed like the most mature one In the group and he seems to understand the responsibility of being the oldest one here, she thought.

"It's ok dear, I can keep watch for a little while longer so till than you go and play with the other kids while I make some tasty cookies"

"But grandma--"

Before he could say anything else, all the other kids ran towards her when they heard the word Cookies

"Grandmaa I want some cookies too" said the 4th kid Jack

"Mee too, Mee too" shouted everyone in unison and Rachael went to bake some for the kids

"You don't have to push yourself like this Grandma, why can't you tell them about your illness? You are suffering everyday because of their insane demands, I think they will understand if you tell them"

"I can't do that, they are still too young. They would be devestated if they heard about my illness" said Rachael

she continued " I never was gonna tell anyone about the illness but in your case I was just cought taking tablets, but none the less I am glad someone cares about me at my old age, since childhood I thought I was going to die alone but I have you kids to count on and I appreciate it"

"I don't really understand what you are talking about but I hope you get well soon" said James

"Well I hope so too" said Rachael with a bitter yet happy smile on her face. She was really happy to see that someone cares about ner, she herself was an orphan when she was young so she understands everybit of being alone and she doesn't want the kids to feel that.

After the end of the day the kids would go back to sleep and Rachael would go to every house begging for something and turns out it was so that the villagers could take those kids in and support them.

But none of them really wanted to look after those kids, for a whole year she begged for the villagers to take the kids in after she dies but no one agreed to it and soon 1 year later because of the constant fatigue

She passed away.....

All the kids were left homeless but she left them the orphanage but soon after Rachael's death the villagers burnt down the whole orphanage leaving nothing but ruins of that place.

Nobody knows what happened to the kids, were they alive or dead nobody knew because they didn't find any remains of dead bodies there and nothing but rubble remained.


The villagers were scouting the Sea and than they found a kid who looked like a 10 year old and they took him into the village, they asked the villagers if he knew who or what he was, than the kid said nothing and just looked at the villagers.

They came to a conclusion that he couldn't speak and decided to just leave him there and went to go hunting and look for food.

It took them a whole night to come back, they came back with various vegetables, fruits, herbs and animal flesh. it looked like a big feast was about to take place.

The kid didn't know for what reason or why the feast was happening but he was watering from his mouth looking at all the food after it was cooked for the feast.

He went ahead to start eating and the villagers said nothing so he thought he was permitted to eat the food so he started digging.

The villagers were all merry merry and having a lot of fun, having the greatest time of their lives but,

In the sea shore, a boat surfaced on the island and 10 people simultaneously left the boat and came out of it and than with them something else, an animal came out of the boat and when the children weren't looking it ran towards the forest.

Before the 10 people could notice it, it had run away towards the Island.

the 10 people also went towards the forest but to the other side of where the animal went towards.

In the village the feast has already started and in the middle of it a person took the wooden stool and stood on it and shouted towards everyone,

"This is the 10 year anniversary of the traitors death and also 5 years since the death of their children so cheers for that everyone" said who looked like the leader of the village

"Cheers, let's make this into another fun festival everyone eat and drink all you want" shouted a person who was next to the leader

"CHEERS" Everyone shouted in unison.

The villagers failed to realise 2 things

The first one was that, 10 people have infiltrated the village when there were no scouts on the sea shore

The second was that the kid who was in the village enjoying the feast was only eating vegetables and fruits and hasn't even touched the animal meat.

*End of chapter 1*

*edited 1*