

Alicia Chen is a young lady of 21 years old. She works at the Star Empire as a software engineer. She is having a younger sister Bella, suffering from tumor and an old mother. Her father is dead before Bella was born and her mother have to be the breadwinner of the family. Alicia vowed to be successful and help her family.

Miguel Star is the only male child among four siblings in the prestigious Star family. He is the CEO of the Star Empire. He is a spoilt brat who always get what he wants.

Then one day, Alicia accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation between Diego Star, Miguel's father and Amy, his aunt. It is a conversation that no one apart from these two ever heard, the biggest secret of the Star family, the pillar that held the family together, what Miguel and the rest never have knowledge of.


Alicia wake up by the bright sun that shine on her face. She tiptoe to the room fearing not to wake Miguel up. Luckily, he is not even in the room. She looks around wondering what to do, she have nothing with her, neither her brush nor any clothes. She sigh and walk out to the parlour.

" Here comes the damsel finally" Amy mocked her. " no the sleeping beauty". Mira added while rubbing butter on her bread without even looking at Alicia's direction.

* Hope my son had a wonderful sleep last night.... Meg ask as she looked at Alicia's direction.

Alicia just stand there without saying a word. She look around like a confused chicken.

" Alicia come and have a sit" Kelly, the youngest and most gentle member of the Star family offer her a sit. " come on and have your breakfast" she said again. " Thank you" Alicia finally speak as she made her way to the dining table.

"WAIT" they all turn to see who it is. " There is no space for a servant in the dining table, she can go to the kitchen" Miguel said coming back from office. " But Miguel she is your wi... " Kelly is cut off by Amy " she is not worth been a daughter in law in the Star family, she just got lucky" Mira and meg support her while Kelly look worried. She ignores Amy and continue pleading " please Miguel let her sit" " Servants always waits for their Masters to finish eating before they eat the leftovers, fit yourself" Miguel said not listening to Kelly. Alicia's jaw drop, she doesn't know what to do. ' oh Lord what have I done to witness this. she cried silently in her heart.

" My son welcome back. meg make her way to Miguel. why are you early today"

"Actually I forgot a file at home"

" ok but you should have send your secretary to get it" Mira make her way to him

" Is ok Mira since am back I'll just get it"

" Awwwn, such an innocent child, i don't know how you are stuck with this servant" Amy mocked glaring at Alicia.

Kelly went to Alicia and said" come let's go" as she leads her to the kitchen.