
Chapter 20


It takes an incredible effort to get out of bed and go to work. It seems terribly cold outside, and I tremble under my coat.

But at work, it’s no better. There I have to see this Sean and ask myself over and over again – what was (and is) between him and Jack?

I had no idea about anything. Sean seemed to be a good guy, funny. I drew his portrait once. And now I pretend that he does not exist. Am I acting like a brat?

Well, yes. But I can't do it any other way.

I can't help but compare myself to him. Sean is older than me – both in appearance and in behavior.

Maybe he is more handsome. He probably suits Jack better.

So why did Jack come to see me then?

Maybe they are not exclusive or something like that? And Jack decided to date me too?

In my mind, the image of Jack is constantly changing – from repentant to insidious. And each time his actions completely change color. And it drives me crazy.

I don't know what to believe.