
Chapter 16


Our life started to feel like a quiet backwater. Work, home, drawing practice, my brother Brent. We spend a lot of time together, talk more. I was not eager to find new friends, although at work everyone treated me well. Especially after they found out that I could draw. They often asked me to draw a portrait, which I did with pleasure. All for practice.

But I didn’t go further than that. I desperately wanted to trust. And Brent was the only one I could trust.

And I kept thinking about Jack. When the thoughts became especially strong, I drew his face from memory. And then I tore the drawing up. It seemed to me that this way I would draw him out from myself.

But two months have passed, and I've been painting his portraits still... When will this pass? After all, it must pass. I haven't seen him for a long time.

Nothing reminds of him. But still I can't forget.