
chapter 7

It was stella's first day of school everyone was mean to her except for Lincoln at the end of the day he walked her home the next day she was not in school so Lincolntook her homework to her after school he was about to knock on the door when he heard stella say do not worry about dinner we still have a can of beans in the fridge her dad said no we do not

Lincoln looked in his pockets and saw he had a hundred dollars in his pocket he went and got them some food then he went back to her house and knocked on the door stella answered it

Lincoln said he came here before to give her her home work and he heard that they were out of food and water so I went and got you guys some food and if you need a shower you can come to this address and me and my grandparents will let you guys take a shower stella said do you want to come in and meat my dad

Lincoln said ok he came in and stella went to get her dad she said a friend brought my homework over and it was already done and he also got us some food her dad said can I meet him she said he is down in the living room he went to meet him stella said his name is Steve than stella said this is the person I hope well be my boyfriend someday because he was the only one that was nice to me yesterday at school and he even walked me home yesterday and his name is Tommy

Lincoln said nice to meet you and yes I will be your boyfriend and if you need a shower or a place to stay you can come to the address that I gave to stellathen he told stellado not were about the homework it is all right because it is my homework she said thank you and kissed him on the lips

than he said I have to go home and do not were about paying me back I will do this every week for you then he went home and tod his grandparents that he did something nice for a girl from his class she was not in school today so I did her homework for her then I went to give it to her and overheard that they did not have food so

I got them some food and I told her if she needs a shower to come to me and I well let her use my shower and if her and her dad ever needed a place to stay that I can put them up in my room they said that was nice of you he went to do his homework 1hour later his grandpa said that there was someone to see you he said to send them up his grandpa said go up the stars and all the way down the hall and up another flit of stairs she said ok

she went to Arnold's room and knock on the door has said come in she did Lincoln said stella she asked if she can take a shower he showed her the shower he went to sit on his bed it was 10:00pm when stella was done with her shower it was to late for her to go home so he said you can stay here for the night

she said I do not have any clothes to wear he said look in the closet she did she saw 2 dresses and panties and bras in there she said How much did they cost he said 25 dollars she said thank you she said can I call my dad he said Sure here is the phone

she called her dad and said I will be staying at Arnold's for a few days he said do you have clothes to wear she said yes Lincolnbought me some on his way home tonight he said ok she was done and asked where she could sleep he pointed ot a couch and said their and pushed a button and it became a futon she went to sleep she had a nightmare she went up to Lincoln and asked if she could sleep with him he said ok they went back to bed 4 o'clock they woke up

Lincoln asked if she wanted to talk about ok she said my house Burned down Lincoln told stella that we will walk past your house and if it is true you can stay with me as long as you wont let's get ready to go they left they got to her house 30minuts before school started they saw it was nothing but rubble she started to cry he said let me call our teacher and tell him we will not be there today he called him he heard crying in the background Lincoln said stella's dad was in a fire last night and me and her are going through the rubble to see if she has any good clothes left he said give us 10minuts and we will be there to help Lincoln said ok see you in 10 he hung up the phone and

they wanted for the rest of the class they got there they went through the rubble and found nothing but a picture that was keepable he called the hospital and asked if they got a fire victim last night they said yes he said can you tell me the name they said his name is Steve ok I well be there in 10 with his daughter they said ok he asked his teacher to give them a ride back to the boarding house he said ok they got there and Lincoln said thank you for the help he told stellato sit on the step and he would be back and went to get her a smoothie then he asked his grandpa to give him a ride to the hospital he said ok they got in his car and left for the hospital once there he took stella and put her on his back and went into the hospital and went up to the desk and asked for steve they said ok and took them to the room once there he asked Lincoln to write something in his wel he did then he asked

Lincoln to take care of stella Lincoln said i told her she can move in with me in my room steve said good then the machines he was on started to beep they had to live they went to the waiting room and saw that his grandpa was there the doc came out and said he was stable for now and Lincoln asked his grandpa to stay with her he said he would they went in to the room steve asked how is this stella said he is Tommy's grandfather Lincolnhad to go get something he got to the store and asked for some help with finding some clothes for a 13 year old girl so the clerk helped him find 10 dresses and 10 pairs of panties and 10 pairs of bras he gave the clerk 100 dollars then went back to the hospital and to Steve's room he gave the bags to stella and she looked in them and said thank you and how much did they cost he said 100 dollars but it is worth it sense all of your clothes are gone she kissed him on the lips the machines that he was on started to beep and we had to live the room we went to the waiting room the doc came out and said that he didn't make it stella started to cry so

Lincoln took her in his arms and asked his grandpa to grab the bags he did they went to the car then back to the boarding house and he took her and the bags to his room he told her to go to sleep she did he went to get their homework then went to get her a nightgown then went home and to his room to do the homework he got it done when stella woke up he told her her homework is done she thanked him he said you can sleep with me tonight

Bright streaks of lighting flashed through the windows of Lincoln and Lillie 's living room, followed by deep claps of thunder. Lincoln, Lillie , Abby, dawn, and stella were sitting in a circle on the rug in front of the television. The thunder continued to boom, causing everyone, including dawn, to shudder in their seats on the floor. +

"Maybe a little TV will take our minds off of the storm," Lincoln suggested, trying to stay optimistic.

Lillie grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and began flicking through every available channel.

"It really is too bad that it had to rain today," Abby sighed. "I was looking forward to going mini golfing."

"Yeah," dawn agreed, turning to Abby. "And I was looking forward to pounding you with my golf club."

"I bet you were." Abby muttered to himself, rolling his eyes.

"I'm pretty hungry," dawn stated to Lillie . "I hope your mom and sister get back soon."

Lillie had finally found a channel that was showing their favorite zombie show, so he, dawn, and Abby decided to sit up on the couch to have a better view of the TV.

"Um," stella stuttered hesitantly. "Exactly, what show is this?"

"It's called 'Brains for Lunch.'" Lincoln answered. He then noticed that stella was beginning to tense up, so he added. "Don't worry, the quality of this show isn't very good, so it's not all that scary."

"Oh, all right." stella replied, relaxing a bit. Horror films and shows were not stella's favorite kind of entertainment. But she trusted Lincoln, and she knew she could believe anything he said to her.

As the introduction of the first episode of 'Brains for Lunch' began to play, lighting flashed outside, and thunder boomed three seconds after. stella gasped a sharp breath as she listened to the sky roar, and she felt herself beginning to tremble slightly. She looked up at her friends on the couch, who of which seemed very intrigued by the episode they were watching. She then looked to her right, and remembered that she was sitting on the floor next to Lincoln. That was definitely better than sweating all day at an old mini golf course.

stella found herself watching the TV along with her friends, although, she was not too thrilled about it. Just when she thought nothing scary was going to happen, a zombie jumped into view and started eating the actress on the screen alive. stella couldn't help but close her eyes and whimper, and as her eyes were closed, she felt a warm hand reach for her own. She opened her eyes to see Lincoln wrapping his small fingers around hers, and holding her hand tightly. This calmed her down more than she could ever imagine.

"It's ok," Lincoln whispered. "It's just a TV show."

stella looked into his eyes, and nodded her head, tightening her grip on his hand.

I can do this. she coached herself. I can show Lincoln that I can watch some TV show without being scared.

Unfortunately, it was really hard for her to focus with Lincoln Flynn gripping her hand and trailing his thumb over her knuckles.

Right when stella felt calm and relaxed, the thunder outside crashed louder than it had all day, causing her heart to jump in fear. She let a small shriek escape her lips as the power went out completely. dawn and Abby let out little yells of their own.

"Shh..." Lincoln tried to comfort her, and he reached to put an arm around her shoulder. She leaned in towards him, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Great." Lillie mumbled, as he headed off toward the kitchen to find a flashlight.

"Zombies!" dawn yelled. "The zombies are gonna find us!"

"They love coming out in storms like these!" Abby added, just as frightened as dawn.

Lincoln couldn't see very well in the darkness, so he decided to stay on the floor with stella.

She looks pretty terrified. he thought to himself. I wish there was something I could do to make her feel better. 1

He felt her shivering against him, only causing him to hold her tighter.

"Everyone calm down," Lincoln said from the floor. "It's just a power outage, everything will be alright. Lillie , grab me a flashlight too, would ya?"

The four listened to Lillie rummage around in the kitchen until he brought back three flashlights, tossing one in Lincoln' direction and dawn's direction.

dawn turned on his small, handheld flashlight, accidentally aiming it right into Abby's line of vision.

"Ow! dawn!" Abby whined, pushing the flashlight away.

By then, Lillie and Lincoln had turned their flashlights on, making the room even brighter.

"There must be a fallen power line," Lillie remarked. "I think we might just have to wait this one out."

"And by wait it out, you mean sit here and do nothing?" dawn asked. "That's too boring, I think we should do something else, like, think of 100 ways to insult Abby."

"I do not support that suggestion," Abby sighed.

"Or, I could tell one of my 'World-Famous' ghost stories," dawn offered, wiggling his fingers in front of Lillie .

"Fine," Abby gave in. "But I doubt your story is 'World-Famous.'

Lincoln could tell that stella didn't like that idea, due to the fact that she squeezed his wrist upon hearing dawn. Before Lincoln could say anything to change dawn's mind, dawn had already began spilling out words to a cheesy horror story. Lincoln pointed his flashlight down the hall and stood up saying, "stella and I are gonna sit this one out, we'll come back in a little while."

He reached out for her small hand, and intertwined his fingers with hers, before leading her down the hallway into the next room. They sat down on the couch, both of their bodies turned to face each other.

"So stella," Lincoln began. "I'm sorry, the power went out. I had no idea that it would scare you this much. I would try and fix it if I could."

"It's alright," stella sighed, trying to process that Lincoln had pulled her into a different room to try and make her feel better. "I guess I've always been slightly afraid of the dark. But, it's weird because it only gets scary when I think of something scary, like zombies."

"Oh, I see," Lincoln said. "But stella, remember when I made you that haunted house to scare away your hiccups?"


"How come that didn't really scare you, but a zombie show and power outage did?" he propped the flashlight onto the nearest coffee table.

"I guess it was because I knew the haunted house was all pretend, and put together by my friends. A scary thunder storm and power outage is real, and you never know what creepy things could happen in the dark." stella looked out the window only too see more lighting flashing into the house.

"You don't have to worry, stella," Lincoln smiled, putting an arm around her. "Because our friends are here, and I'm here, and I, I mean, we wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"You wouldn't?" stella beamed.

"Never." Lincoln nodded. "Feeling better?"

"Yes, yes I am." stella replied, closing her eyes while listening to the rain pour onto the roof.

It didn't take long for Lincoln to realize that stella had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and as soon as he did, he felt even more relaxed. Before returning to the guys, he slowly rested stella's head onto a pillow, and covered her with a blanket from the closet.

"Sweet dreams," he whispered, and once he had said it, a small smile had spread across stella's sleeping face

Years, it's been years since I seen them. It's been 20 years, but hey who's counting!? I walked into my "home" or liked others call it my mini mansion. Ever since I disbanded from the top wing things have changed. I became a famous music artist by day and a police officer by night. Yea my life's pretty complicated, no wife, no kids, just me myself and I. I always wondered what happened to the other top wing?

I shrugged it off and sat down on my couch, flipping through the channels on tv. I notice the mail on the floor, probably bills. I went up and grabbed the mail from the floor.

"Bills, bills, taxes, fan letters, hmm hello what's this." I said, It read TW reunion, I opened the letter and read what it said.

Dear Lincoln

This is mister groper, it's been the longest since I saw you guys and I wanted to make a little reunion to catch up with each other. I was hoping you can come to the reunion and meet all your friends again. If you decide to come be at the old school this Friday. I hope to see you soon.

Sincerely mister groper

A reunion? That'll be great! I get to see all the top wing again and my best friend too! I don't see why I won't attend.

I pulled out my phone and called the police station. "Hello this is the police station. How can I help you?"

"Hey Miranda this is the Officer Lincoln, I wanted to say I won't be at work for a week, I'm going back to Bubbletucky for a little reunion."

"Y-yes commander, I'll make sure the office is advised about your vacation."

"Thanks Miranda. Got to go bye." I hung up and got packing. Bubbletucky here I come.

stella POV- Friday night of the Reunion

"Hey stella, long time no see!" Janet

"Hey Janet . I just saw you yesterday. How's your acting career going?" "Pretty good!"

I was at the reunion greeted by all my friends. We all kept in touch well with almost all of us. It's been 20 years since I saw my best friend and crush Lincoln. Everything changed, the top wing everything seemed sadder and I was left heartbroken. If only he knew how I felt for him.

But that was in the past, I mean I don't have feelings for him, right? I shouldn't have feelings for him, I have a boyfriend who is kind, sweet, selfless, handsome and argh who am I kidding, I still have feelings for the goofy guppy.

But does he have the same feelings for me? Probably doubt it, he's probably married and has kids already.

All my friends seem to marry the person they loved from the beginning. Brody and peak got married 2 years ago, Janet and rod got married a year ago.

And me well I have a boyfriend who I have been dating since college. He proposed to me once but I declined. So right now me and him are on a break.

"Come on stella cheer up, it's a reunion have a drink and have fun, he'll show up." rod told me

I turned towards the other guppies and started to party.

*Ding dong* We all stopped and brody turned down the music while peak went to go answer the door.

peak s POV

I opened the door and met face to face with a tall man with blue eyes and blue hair. (Guess who's that)

"How can I help you?" I asked him, he looks strangely familiar. "peak ?" How does he know my name? "Yes and who are y- wait a minute, Lincoln!?"

The man smirked. That definitely him. "What gave it away the hair or the looks." Yup that's him.

I let out a squeal and hugged him with all my might. He hugged me back, damn he's tall.

"What's going on here? And why are you hugging my wife?" I heard brody say.

Lincoln POV

I was hugging peak until I heard a voice behind her. "What's going on here? And why are you hugging my wife?" He said.That voice sounds familiar. Wait a sec brody ? Wait hold up, they're married!?

peak let go of me and face her husband I think. "Brody, that's no way to treat a friend!" She said

"Friend!? Who is he and why is he hugging you?" He exclaimed back

Before peak could open her mouth I started to speak. "Come on brody surely you remember your friend Lincoln?" His face went from scowl to a smile.

"Lincoln! You made it!" He came up to me and hugged me very tight. "I've missed you too brody ." I said as I hugged back.

"What is going on-"Janet started until she saw me "-Lincoln! You're back!" She swam to me and hugged me very tight "Hey rod,stella , Lincoln's back! He's really back!" stella she's here?

rod suddenly came out from the corner. "Lincoln your back!" rod said give me a hug.

"Yea long time no see. How are you , you haven't aged a bit." I said

"But you have Lincoln it's nice to see you after 20 years." He said while chucking.

I look around the room looking for her, where's stella ? Before I could ask Janet beat me to it. "She's by the balcony, she said something about needing to think."

"Thanks." I started to walk towards the balcony until Janet caught my hand and whispered something in my ear. "She's been waiting for you all night, please make our girl happy again."

"I will." I whispered back and continued to walk to the balcony.

stella POV when peak went to answer the door

"Guys I'm going to be on the balcony if you need me." I said starting to walk off until Janet caught my arm.

"You okay stella ?" She asked "Yea I just need to think." I told her "Okay take your time."

She let go of my arm and I started to walk towards the balcony. I reached the ledge and saw the beautiful stars shining bright in the sky.

If only he came. Wait why are you still thinking about him. Because you love him. It's been 20 years he is probably married and has a kid already. Or the person on the door was him ready to sweep you off your feet. Or it's the pizza guy. Maybe he is the pizza guy. Lincoln wouldn't be a pizza guy.

Yup here I am arguing with myself, I must be insane. *Sign* "if only you were here Lincoln." I said to myself.

*knock* *knock* I turned around and gasped. "Hey stella ." He's back.

Lincoln's POV

"Hey stella ." I said "Lincolnl your here?" She asked. I chuckled a little "Of course why wouldn't I be here?"

"Well I thought you're probably busy and have better things to do." She said softly.

"Not really, I took a little vacation to come and see , the top wing, and you. It's been 20 years since the last time I saw you, and I just thought maybe I should come to this reunion. Catch up for old times sake, you know?" I told her I also quit playing music unless it is for you then he called officer Miranda at the station and said I well only by doing the crimes in Bubbletucky because I am not living my friend agen she said ok then he hung up the phone then stella said that was nice of you .

Then he said "You know stella , you still look gorgeous after all these years." I told her.

She blushed a bit giggling catching on the game we used to play when we were little. "And you're looking handsome like always Mr. Gordon."

"Ah I see we're using last names, well Ms. Gentilella, 2 can play that game." I smirked I usually win these games.

She giggled and playfully pushed my shoulder. "You might have changed on the outside but you haven't changed a bit on the inside Lincoln."

"Neither have you stella , that's one of the things I love about you." I told her, shoot she wasn't supposed to know that. Well Lincoln you've gone this far might as well tell her how you feel, who cares if she has a boyfriend, I'm going to sweep her off her feet.

"Love?" She said softly.

I took a deep breath, "stella even after 20 years, I haven't stopped loving you. I rejected every women, never had sex, nor get married to someone. Because I've been waiting for you, and you only. The reason why I came to this reunion is to see you again. I know you probably have a boyfriend already but that doesn't bother me. I- I just wanted to see you again and tell you, because if I didn't I'll explode. stella Gentilella I love you and I will never stop loving you." I looked straight into her eyes we were almost nose to nose.

"Lincoln,-" well rejection here I come "I feel the same way too." "Huh?" She giggled "Even though I had a boyfriend I kind of told him we're on break, meaning if you come back to me after this reunion then I won't be with him anymore. Lincoln I have been waiting for you for 20 years, hoping you'll sweep me off my feet, you're the reason I'm happy and nice all the time. You showed me the positive side of everything and that's why I love you. You're the reason why I rejected marriage Lincoln. I love you and I never ever stop loving you." She said.

I can't take it anymore, I leaned in and kissed her, wrapping my arms around her waist, while she wrapped hers around my neck. The kiss was passionate but soft, just enough to make up for 20 years.

I pulled back and put my forehead on her. "Does this mean we're a thing?" I asked her. She tapped her chin "I believe it is." I carried her bridal style and started to walk towards the others.

"Lincoln! What are you doing?" She asked. "Well you waited for me to sweep you off your feet and here I am." She giggled and I kept walking.

Then they saw me carrying stella , "Looks like you made our girl happy again." rod said.

"Yup, not only that but I swept her off her feet." I put her down but we were still hand to hand.

"So when are you going to get hitch?" Janet joked I think.well he got on one knee and said stella will you be my girlfriend and she said yes I will love to be your girlfriend they kissed then Lincolns radio went off he answered this is officer Lincoln how can I help you it was officer Miranda their is a hostage situation at the Bubbletucky bank can you deal with it he said only if my girlfriend can come with me officer Miranda said yes she can they got in his car and went to the bank he told her to stay behind him she did he got a megaphone and said come out with your hands up he did he put him in handcuffs and then took him to jail they went to stella's house she introduce him as her boyfriend her sisters said finally someone asked her to be his girlfriend he asked if he could stay with them they said yes you can he said every morning I have to go to work they asked what do you do stella said he is a police officer and he is aloud to take 1 person every day with him stella's little sister asked if she could go with him tomorrow he said if it is ok with your parents it is ok with me they said yes you can go with Lincoln he said but you have to listen to what I say so you don't get hurt she said ok I well he said ok go to bed we have to get up early she said ok they all went to bed he stayed up all night 5:00 they took off he got a call he told her to stay down and gave her his bulletproof vest he got out and went to the door and said come out with your hands up he did not know it but someone came up behind him he got hit with the butt of a gun they ran off sunny ran up to him took his radio and said officer down send back up

than she sat down and held him until the ambulance came they put him on a stretcher put him in the ambulance took her and put her in to then left for the hospital they got there she said she was staying with him they said ok they checked him out they said he just has a cushion he well be fine she called stella and told her Lincoln was in the hospital but he will be fine she asked what happened she said that he was hit with the butt of a gun i'm with him but he is in a coma but the doc said he will be good she said she will be there in 10 minutes where is Lincoln's car at a place called 7 11 stella said I will get it then I will be there she left a not for her parents then got the car then went to the hospital and asked where is Lincoln I am his girlfriend the Nurse showed her were he was she saw her sister wearing the bulletproof vest she said did he gave that to you to pricked you she said yes he did not want me to get hurt her parents called her and asked her if her sister was fine she said yes they said they will be there in a little while she said ok they got there they went to the room and saw sunny sleeping on Lincoln's lap in a bulletproof vest they asked stella if Lincoln gave her that she said yes because he didn't want her to be hurt they said your sisters want to stay here until he is better she said ok they left Lincoln came to stella's parents were on the way home when they got shot by the same guys that hit him but he had to be right his friend came in told stella the bad news Lincoln said he had to go toke to them he tried to get up but had some trouble getting up

he asked peak to help him up she did he walked to her parents room he asked them to describe their attackers they did then asked Lincoln if he could adopt the little ones he said he would then the machines that they were hacked up to started to beep he went to his room and called officer Miranda and told her that she had to come to Bubbletucky she said ok I well be there in a day peak came in and told them they did not make it the little ones cried in to Lincoln's shirt he asked peak for 2 big beads she said she would get them stella's sister sunny fell a sleep it was late peak slept with stella and one of her sisters the other sisters slept with Lincoln in the morning Miranda showed up and asked were Lincoln was she showed her he was up put all of the others were sleeping he gave Miranda the sketches of the people that killed pennies parent's he said that if you find them I want you to bring them to me so I can teach them a lesson she said can do she left he finds that stella was up she asked are you going to beat up the people who killed my parents he said yes I well she called his family and told them what happened they asked who this is she said his girlfriend stella they said they will be there in an hour they got there they asked were us Lincoln the doc showed them were he was stella said you most be Lincoln's family I'm stella his girlfriend he is sleeping and my sister keep him safe when he got it with the but of a gun by saying officer down send back up the doc said he should be able to live here in a week

Sure, here is a short fanfiction based on your request:

Stella was walking through the forest, admiring the beauty of the trees when suddenly, a loud crack filled the air. Before she knew it, a massive oak tree had fallen on top of her legs. The pain was excruciating, and she thought she would be trapped there forever. But just then, Lincoln, who happened to be passing by, saw the accident and hurried over to help her.

He carefully lifted the heavy branches off her legs and, carrying Stella in his arms, rushed her to the hospital. The doctors delivered the devastating news that her legs were paralyzed. Stella was devastated and worried about her future, but as she looked into Lincoln's eyes, she found comfort and hope.

Taking her home, Lincoln promised to support her with everything she needed. He helped her with daily tasks, and even in her family's restaurant where she worked. As time passed, Stella found herself growing closer to Lincoln, and she appreciated his unwavering support through her toughest times.

One evening, as they were closing up the restaurant, Lincoln got down on one knee and asked Stella to be his girlfriend. Overwhelmed with emotions, Stella's eyes lit up and she tearfully agreed, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."

Their relationship blossomed, and Lincoln continued to be there for her, helping her with the simplest things like putting on clothes or taking them off at the end of the day. Despite the challenges, they found strength in each other, knowing that they could face anything together.

And they did, as time went by, Stella discovered new ways to overcome her challenges and with Lincoln's endless support, she found hope and love in the midst of her adversity.Sure, here is the fanfiction:

It was a bright, sunny day, the kind where the air smelled sweet and the trees rustled gently in the breeze. Stella was out for a walk, enjoying the beauty of nature, when suddenly, she heard a creaking noise. Before she could react, a large tree came crashing down on top of her, pinning her legs underneath its weight.

Panicking and in excruciating pain, Stella felt a hand reaching out to her. It was Lincoln, a kind-hearted and strong boy from her neighborhood. He quickly assessed the situation, and with all his might, managed to lift the heavy tree off Stella's legs.

"Are you okay?" Lincoln asked with concern.

Stella shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I can't feel my legs," she sobbed.

Rushing to the hospital, the doctor delivered the devastating news: Stella's legs were paralyzed.

Lincoln, without hesitation, took Stella home, promising to help her with everything she needed. Knowing how much she loved her family's restaurant, he also made it his mission to support her there, taking care of tasks she couldn't do herself.

Despite the challenges, their bond grew even stronger. One day, as Stella sat in her wheelchair, Lincoln knelt down beside her and took her hand. "Stella, I want to be there for you always. Will you be my girlfriend?"

A huge smile bloomed on Stella's face, and tears of joy filled her eyes. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend," she whispered, feeling immense gratitude and love for the caring boy before her.

In the days that followed, Lincoln stood by Stella's side, easing her struggles. He helped her put on and take off her clothes every day, showing unwavering support, love, and dedication. Together, they faced the challenges with courage and love, knowing that their bond would only grow stronger with time.Stella loved the outdoors. The feeling of the wind blowing through her hair, the earthy scent of the trees, and the birds singing in the distance always brought her peace. One sunny afternoon, she decided to take a walk through the nearby woods.

But as she strolled, tragedy struck. Without warning, a large tree fell right in front of her, knocking her down and pinning her legs underneath it. Stella cried out in pain, hoping someone would hear her.

Fortunately, Lincoln, a longtime friend and admirer, was also walking through the same woods. He heard Stella's cries and immediately rushed to her aid. With a determined effort, he managed to lift the heavy branches and free her from the tree's grip. Seeing the fear in Stella's eyes, Lincoln tried to comfort her, promising to stay with her through it all.

Once they arrived at the hospital, the doctors delivered the heartbreaking news that Stella's legs were paralyzed. Stella was devastated, and Lincoln could hardly bear to see her so distraught. But he vowed to help her through this new reality, promising to be there for her every step of the way.

As Stella was discharged from the hospital, Lincoln took her to her family's restaurant. While at first, she was worried about how she'd be able to continue being a part of the restaurant's daily operations, Lincoln assured her that they would figure it out together. He tirelessly worked to make the restaurant more accessible for her, so she could continue to contribute her passion and expertise.

As they worked side by side, their bond deepened, and it wasn't long before Lincoln realized that his feelings for Stella had grown stronger than ever. One evening, as they were cleaning up the restaurant after a long day, he took a deep breath and got down on one knee. With trembling hands, he asked Stella to be his girlfriend, pouring out his love and admiration for her.

Stella was overcome with emotion, his kindness and support had meant so much to her during this trying time. With tears in her eyes, she said, "Yes, Lincoln. Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."

The future held many challenges for Stella, but having Lincoln by her side made every hurdle seem a little less daunting. Together, they faced the unknown with strength and determination, their love becoming an unbreakable force that carried them through it all.Stella and Lincoln had been friends for years, but it wasn't until the accident that their bond took on a new level of importance. Stella was out for a walk in the woods, enjoying the crisp autumn air, when a sudden gust of wind caused a massive oak tree to come crashing down right on top of her. She screamed out in pain as she felt her legs trapped beneath the weight of the tree.

Lincoln, who happened to be nearby, heard her cries and ran as fast as he could to the scene. Without a second thought, he started to dig and pull at the branches until he was able to free Stella from the fallen tree. His heart raced with fear as he saw the extent of her injuries, but he tried to stay calm and reassure her that everything would be okay.

With all of his strength, Lincoln carefully carried Stella in his arms all the way to the hospital. The doctors worked frantically to assess her injuries, and it was with heavy hearts that they delivered the news that Stella's legs were paralyzed. Stella was devastated, but Lincoln was by her side the entire time, promising to help her in any way that he could.

After her release from the hospital, Lincoln took Stella to his family's restaurant, where he helped her navigate the kitchen and dining area with her new challenges. He never once made her feel like a burden, and his constant support and encouragement meant the world to her.

As weeks turned into months and Stella adjusted to her new reality, she found herself falling for Lincoln in a way she hadn't expected. He was always there for her, lending a listening ear and a helping hand whenever she needed it. The more time they spent together, the more she realized just how much she cared for him.

One evening, as they were closing up the restaurant, Lincoln took Stella by the hand and led her to a quiet corner of the dining area. He got down on one knee and, with all the love and sincerity in his heart, asked Stella to be his girlfriend. His eyes shone with hope and devotion as he waited for her response.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Stella couldn't help but throw her arms around him and say "Yes, Lincoln. Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." They both knew that their newfound love would be tested in the weeks and months to come, but with each other by their side, they felt more prepared to face whatever the future held. And so, hand in hand, they stepped into a new chapter of their lives, ready to tackle anything that came their way.