
Limitless The Strongest Revenant

“Stop being a fucking pussy! If you wanna die, take someone with you!” What kind of sick bastard would suggest that? That’s a fucking crime! “Not the living, you dumb fuck! Zombies! Take as many zombies with you as you can!” Zombies? They’re real? “So real we’ll pay you $200 for each one.” But I can’t fight. “What kind of American are you? Use guns! What? You want a mobility scooter? This racist fuck… “If you join in the next 5 minutes, I’ll throw in a harem!” Do I even have a choice? “You do. Stay dead.” Never mind. I accept. “Welcome to the Revenants! By the way, you like video games?” Yeah. Why? “Congratulations, you’re now in one. And it’s so real you get hurt and die just like real life!” … “Oh! You got a unique perk for joining. Let’s see…Limitless! Your perk grants you unlimited ammunition and respawns. Now you can die on repeat! Congratulations!” ... “Good luck and have fun!!” FUUUUCK! *** I own the copyrights for all official art used in the novel. Official Discord link https://discord.gg/7yxSzd3szy, See you there!

Yinghuo_392 · Urbain
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670 Chs

Heroine Chapter: Never a player [1/2]

Chapter POV: Isabella Taurus


The warp knocked me to the ground. I landed like a superhero, just like Honey suggested. It didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable.

'I guess that is the least of my worries.'


[Welcome to the Defender Network for Zone 1033-1, downloading situational data]

"Tsk, such a rudimentary map, even the models are shit."

I analyzed the battlefield and saw over 100 Rank F undead and a single Rank E. If someone had told me a month ago that I would be fighting zombies in hell, I would have told them they had little monkeys in their brains. 

Yet here I was, fighting a horde of zombies with a .44 Magnum. 

"[Inventory] 629."

I drew the chrome revolver I got from Honey. This was one of the guns that accompanied him in his battles. Just how much courage and will did he have to muster to fight as Formless. Unlike us who simply followed, he was the one who led the way.