
Limit break: Intertwined fates

Ryder is transmigrated into the body of someone with the same name as his. He eventually finds out that he is inside the body of one of the most powerful men in a world called Mageia. One would think things would be easy for him from here, however that turns out to be the opposite when he discovers that he has no access to his magic abilities, he has a target on his back, powerful people want him dead and he is engaged to three ladies. Join Ryder as he tries to survive in this new world and make this body his own. [This is a remake and continuation of my previous novel]

Mark_Tyler_0762 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Fiancees come first

Ryder dashing through the streets of the city, couldn't help but admire the sight in front of him. A scene he could only see in fantasy movies was in display right in front of him. All over the place, beastmen, humans and other different races could be seen. Ryder who was in awe felt this way because of the fact he hardly ever came out from his castle.

Shaking his head, he focused on the task at hand. Inside the castle, he had felt some kind of strange feeling leading him to an unknown destination. Usually the right thing was to ignore feelings like this; however, the feeling was just to strong to ignore.

'What is going on!?'

The fact that he had not gone out of the castle with his carriage drew a tone of stares his way. In the eyes of some of these people was admiration, fear and hatred. This was to be expected as the Ryder of this world had left a legacy of his own.

Coming to a stop, Ryder looked around the place only to get confused. He had reached his destination but nothing was before him. Drops of sweat formed on his face at that moment. Ryder believed it was either due to the fact that he was running for sometime or the fact that the people's stares were getting to him.

'This is why you never follow weird gut feelings! Why am I here!?' Ryder thought to himself.

Just then something strange appeared in front of his eyes causing him to shudder. In the position that was once empty appeared a massive jelly like wall of aura. It's rainbow like color enticed him for a second, causing people around to wonder what he was staring at.

[Magicules sensor is active]

'The system again.'

At some point he had forgotten that he had this with him. This was because of the fact that it only gave him notifications when it came to magic skills.

Turning his focus to the strange wall, Ryder passed his hand right through it. At first he felt some resistance but his incredible strength overwhelmed it. Passing his other hand through it, he ripped it open revealing an entirely different place.

Gasps and whispers could be heard from people around who were witnessing this; however, Ryder could not hear this as he entered this place straight away. The moment he entered the strange wall closed once again, leaving Ryder in this strange environment.

"What is this place..?" Ryder stated almost inaudibly.

His thoughts were quickly shifted though, when the place rumbled almost as if an explosion happened.

"What's that!?"

Running in the direction of the rumbling from earlier, Ryder came across a shocking scene. Right in front of him, his fiancee, Lassie, laid on the ground. Seeing a man dressed in a manner similar to that of a ninja, he put things together in his mind. Lassie was being attacked by a ninja and there was no other explanation.

Running to her position, Ryder was surprised to see that he covered the large distance within only a few seconds. This didn't distract him in anyway though, as he would land a well placed punch on the assailant's face. This resulted in him flying backwards and demolishing a solid rock wall.

Rushing to Lassie's side, he realized she was unconscious as she laid on the floor. At this point, he realized how dangerous this world could be. A place designed specifically to carry out assassination in front of people, without them even knowing.

"Lassie! Lassie!"

"It's no use. The poison has already kicked in. It is only a matter of time before she dies," the assailant stated emerging from the rubble.

Taking a glimpse at Lassie as he stood to his feet, Ryder convinced himself he was the only form of protection Lassie had. He knew this threat had to be stopped here.

"So my target just so happened to come to me. Hmm, this actually makes things a whole lot easier. I don't know how you identified and entered into my pocket orb; however, I do know I will finish you off here," the ninja like figure stated.

Forming a spear before Ryder, the man shrinked it's size down till it was like a dagger. Realizing that this weapon was like a light saber in the movies, Ryder knew it was bad news. After hearing his words he learnt that this individual was not just after Lassie; he was after him as well.

Lunging forward at high speed, the individual swung the dagger straight for his neck, however Ryder dodged this with ease. Launching several attacks of his own, the assailant blocked them effortlessly as well. Though noticing the difference in agility, the individual tried to retreat backwards only to be caught off by Ryder's superior speed.

Landing several blows on the assailant's body, Ryder was shocked to realize that he was unfazed. The figure struck back causing him to roll hard on the floor.

"You are faster and stronger than I imagined; however, your attacks are not going to harm me. If I were you I would stop underestimating my enemy and use magically attacks."

Ryder knowing this was true believed it had something to do with what he was wearing. Though magic casting was not an option for Ryder as he had no magic abilities.

Sprinting at Ryder with a zigzag motion, he attempted to cut Ryder in half with light saber like dagger. This was ultimately evaded with ease by him though making him come to a conclusion: this assailant could not land a finishing blow on him either. Knowing that this fight would likely go on if they continued like this, Ryder decided to come up with a plan. Besides, a long battle would only put him at a disadvantage as the skilled one was obviously his enemy.

"Are you going to keep on evading me like a coward, or are you going to face me like the Strageia you are!?" The assailant asked in rage.

The dagger suddenly began to shift until it came together to form a giant shuriken. Tossing the sharp weapon towards Ryder, his foe created a yellow magic symbol in his palm.

This enabled the assailant to move the already evaded shuriken as he willed over and over again. Not wanting to leave any chance for Ryder to recover, he casted another spell making multiple rock versions of himself.

'Damn it! This guy really is a friggin ninja!' Ryder thought to himself.

Even with all of this though, Ryder's superior speed enabled him to evade and overwhelm these rock clones. This left his enemy in shock.

"Even without skill he can still evade me like this, impossible!"

Using the enemy's stunned state to his advantage, Ryder dashed at him delivering another powerful punch. This was futile though as his foe unaffected, grabbed hold of his arm. Drawing the shuriken back to himself, he transformed it into a spear, aiming it at Ryder's heart.

In a state of panic, Ryder broke free from his grasp before holding the spear which was now aiming for his heart. Steam emitted his palm as his flesh burnt off rapidly. This resulted in him losing balance and falling to the ground.

Grunting violently, the ninja pushed the spear down to Ryder's heart. The pain he felt caused the spear to gradually descend to it's target. Glancing at Lassie once again, Ryder would gain the motivation to keep on fighting.

Gathering a pile of sand in his palm, he hurled it at the enemy's eyes, causing him to flinch. Now having a huge opening, Ryder drew the spear out of the assailant's hand before plunging it through him.

The ninja collapsed to his knees, leaving himself wide open. Ryder would use this opportunity to unmask his enemy. Even though he was curious about the assailant's identity, the person under the mask only ended up shocking him a little bit.

'Lynn Advans? Why am I not surprised?' Ryder questioned himself internally.

From the moment the two met, Ryder knew he was bad news. The only thing was that he didn't expect him to be the level of bad.

"Arghh! So you bested me, huh. It seems this is were I die... At least I know that I did what I did to give me and my son the life that we always deserved... A life free of oppression, inequality and most of all, free of Strageia scum like you..."

Just then the old man gave his last breath, collasping face first on the ground. After a few seconds of staring at this man, Ryder would look for a way of the pocket dimension they were in. That didn't seem to be necessary though, as the pocket orb above began to drag all the aura surrounding the place in.

Picking up the now retracted spear, Ryder went to Lassie picking her up from the ground. Just then the duo and the body came back, exposing themselves to the people around. This resulted in gasps and whispers that were even more audible than before. With the dimension closed, the pocket orb fell in Ryder's palm. Knowing that he didn't have much time to save Lassie's life, he left the scene leaving the body behind.

Not much to say. Hope you continue to support the novel more, thanks.

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