
Chapter Four: Doubts and Insecurities

Days turned into weeks, and Lily and Mike's relationship only seemed to grow stronger. They spent every spare moment together, studying, going on dates, and just enjoying each other's company.

But despite how happy she was, Lily couldn't shake the nagging feeling of doubt in the back of her mind. She couldn't help but wonder if Mike was too good to be true, if he would eventually get tired of her and move on.

Her insecurities only grew worse when she overheard a group of girls gossiping about her and Mike at lunch.

"I heard they're moving way too fast," one of them said. "They're practically joined at the hip."

Lily felt her heart sink. She had always struggled with feeling like she wasn't enough, like she was always one step behind everyone else.

But then, as she was walking to her next class, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Mike standing behind her, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft.

Lily felt her resolve crumble as she burst into tears. She told him everything, how she felt like she wasn't good enough, how she was scared that he would eventually leave her.

Mike held her close as she cried, his words of comfort and reassurance like a balm to her soul. He told her how much he loved her, how he never wanted to be without her, how she was everything he had ever wanted.

As Lily listened to him, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. Maybe things weren't perfect, maybe she had her doubts and insecurities, but as long as she had Mike by her side, she knew that everything would be okay.