
Chapter Eleven: Moving Forward

With her father's cancer in remission, Lily felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew that her family was not completely out of the woods yet, but for the first time in a long time, she felt like she could breathe again.

Life started to settle into a new routine for Lily. She continued to work hard at her job and volunteer at the cancer center in her spare time. She and Mike continued to grow closer, and Lily found herself falling more and more in love with him.

But as much as she loved her life in California, Lily knew that it was time for her to start thinking about the future. She had been living in California for almost two years, and while she loved it, she knew that she couldn't stay there forever.

One day, while she and Mike were out for a walk, Lily brought up the topic of their future.

"Mike, I love living here with you, but I can't help but think about what's next for us. Do you ever think about that?"

Mike looked at her, a small smile on his face. "Of course I do, Lily. I think about our future all the time."

Lily felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been nervous about bringing up the topic, but she was happy to know that Mike was on the same page.

"So, what do you think we should do?" Lily asked.

Mike took a deep breath. "Well, I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think we should move."

Lily's heart skipped a beat. "Move? Where?"

Mike took her hand. "I was thinking about moving back to Maine."

Lily felt a lump form in her throat. She had left Maine to escape her past, but she also knew that it was where her heart belonged.

"Mike, I don't know. I left Maine for a reason. I don't know if I'm ready to go back."

Mike squeezed her hand. "I know it's scary, Lily. But think about it. Maine is where your family is, where your roots are. We could start fresh there, together."

Lily felt torn. She loved Mike, but the thought of going back to Maine was daunting. But as she thought about it more, she realized that Mike was right. Maine was where her family was, and it was where she had grown up. Maybe it was time for her to go back and face her past.

"Okay," Lily said finally. "Let's do it."

Mike grinned. "Really?"

Lily nodded. "Really. Let's go back to Maine."

Over the next few months, Lily and Mike started to plan their move. They found a place to live in Portland, and Lily started looking for a new job. The thought of starting over was daunting, but Lily knew that she had Mike by her side.

As they packed up their belongings and said goodbye to their friends in California, Lily felt a mix of excitement and sadness. She was sad to leave the life she had built in California, but she was also excited to start a new chapter of her life in Maine.

When they finally arrived in Portland, Lily felt a sense of nostalgia wash over her. It was strange to be back in the place where she had grown up, but it also felt like coming home.

Over the next few weeks, Lily settled into her new job and started to explore the city. She also started to reconnect with her family, something that she had been longing for.

One day, Lily's mother called her and asked her to come over for dinner. When Lily arrived, she found her entire family waiting for her.

As they sat down to eat, Lily felt a sense of belonging that she

hadn't felt in years. She was surrounded by the people who loved her, and she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

After dinner, Lily's father pulled her aside. "Lily, I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. You've been through so much, and you've come out on the other side stronger than ever."

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes. Her father had never been one to express his emotions, and his words meant more to her than he could ever know.

"Thank you, Dad," she said softly.

Over the next few months, Lily continued to settle into her new life in Maine. She and Mike grew closer than ever, and Lily started to feel like she had finally found her place in the world.

One day, as she and Mike were out for a walk along the beach, he turned to her and took her hand.

"Lily, I know that we've only been together for a short time, but I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?"

Lily's heart skipped a beat. She had never been one to believe in fairy tale romances, but she knew in that moment that she had found her happily ever after.

"Yes, Mike," she said, tears streaming down her face. "I will marry you."

As they hugged each other tightly, Lily knew that everything was going to be okay. She had come full circle, from running away from her past to embracing her future. And she knew that with Mike by her side, she could handle anything that came her way.