
Lila is Mine

"Lila-Rose Meyer was a 19-year-old girl who lived in the hot, tropical, beautiful, and busy city of Skyline. But beneath the city's glamor and glitz, there was a secret world filled with magical creatures. To keep these creatures in check, the Quove organization was established, with its governing body, the Quovent, setting rules and regulations. Lila was a member of the Quove, but she faced a difficult challenge - every member of the quove knew she was the daughter of a traitor. Things become even more complicated when she falls in love with the son of the leader of the rival group. Their love, which seems to be forbidden continues to bloom even with their differences.

Ber_Lyn · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 8: The Slut

He remembered that there was a nightclub downtown that was open late. It was a place where he could go to clear his head and forget about his problems for a little while. Maybe a drink and some dancing would help him to feel better. He knew it was just a temporary solution, but it was better than sitting at home and stewing in his anger.

As he drove towards the club, his mind was racing. He couldn't stop thinking about his father and everything that had happened. He wished he could just turn back the clock and change the past, but he knew that was impossible.

After some minutes of driving, he got there. He pulled into the parking lot of the club and turned off the car. He sat there for a moment, taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself down. He knew he had to go inside and put on a brave face, even if he was feeling anything but brave.

He got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. The music was already pounding inside, and he could see people dancing and having a good time. He felt a pang of jealousy, wishing he could be like them and forget about his problems.

He finally got in and went straight to the bar area of the club for a drink. Ron sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. He looked around at the people around him, trying to focus on anything but his own thoughts. He saw people laughing and smiling, seemingly carefree. He wondered what it must be like to live a life like that, without the weight of the past and the future hanging over his head.

The bartender set a drink in front of him, and he took a sip. It burned going down, but he welcomed the sensation. Anything to help him forget.

He sat there, sipping his drink and watching people have fun. Just then a young pretty lady approached him.

Ron looked up to see a young woman standing in front of him, a smile on her face. "Hi handsome," she said, her voice friendly and inviting. "You look like you could use some company."

Ron felt a little taken aback, not expecting anyone to talk to him. "Uh, hi," he said, giving her a cold glare.

The woman laughed, putting him at ease a little. "It's okay, I'm not going to bite," she said, her eyes twinkling.

I've seen you a couple of times here, I decided to approach you because I think you're hot. She says making gestures that made it seem like she wanted to flirt with him.

She leaned in a little closer, and Ron could feel her breath on his neck. He could smell her perfume, a sweet and floral scent.

 "Ronald sitting alone. What's a handsome guy like you doing sitting here all alone?" she asked, her voice low and sultry.

Don't you have anyone to keep you company?"

"I'm just here, trying to relax. Do you know me?." He said.

The woman smiled and sat down next to him, invading his personal space. "Of course, who doesn't know Ronald, the ladies' man" She said. 

Ron couldn't deny that the woman was attractive, and her flirtatious manner was putting him off-balance. He knew he should probably say something, but he couldn't find the words. All he could do was sit there, feeling a little dumbfounded. He knew this wasn't the time for this.

"Come on, don't be shy," she said, her voice still low and seductive. "I promise I won't bite." She gave him a playful wink.

What is your name? Ron finally speaks.

"It's Carol, handsome" she replied.

"I know exactly what you want and I'm very sure you don't know what you're playing with" Ron said with a stern look.

Carol raised her eyebrows, clearly surprised by Ron's assertive response. "Is that so?" she asked, a hint of challenge in her voice. "And what is it that you think I want?"

Ron took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. "You want to be my plaything for tonight." He said with a smirk.

Carol looked a little taken aback, but she quickly recovered, a sly smile on her face.

"Anything for you handsome, I mean every girl is dying to be Ron's plaything even for a night" Carol said with a giggle.

Ron smirks.

"Where do you live?" Carol asks caressing his chest.

"At this point, it was clear to Ron what she really wanted and he decided to play along.

He stood up from his seat and headed straight outside to where his car was parked. 

Carol goes after him.
"Wait handsome," she calls out. You haven't told me where you live yet" she said again smiling.

How about we find out" Ron suggested.

"Carol rushed into the car without permission."

"Such audacity! She'll definitely get what she's looking for" Ron thought to himself.

They finally got to his house. Ron parked the car and came out of it alongside Carol and they go in.

Ron gave her a drink and in no time, she felt comfortable enough. She walks over to where he is standing and starts caressing his chest.

Ron could feel her breath on his neck once again and it was really putting him on. He gestured for her to follow him to his room upstairs and she quietly followed like an obedient sheep. 

Getting there, they both know what will happen next. Carol starts to undress seductively.

Ron's POV
I looked at the lady in front of me, Carol or whatever her name is. She looked like a slut, of course she is. 
I just needed something to take my mind off the evening's events and this slut was just the right thing.

She followed me to my room upstairs. Looking at her, she undresses in a seductive manner. Taking off her dress, panties and others things she has to take off….I didn't really care.

Soon she was naked in front of me. 
As she laid on my bed, I joined her taking off my jacket and the rest of my clothes off. My hands wandered through her body. With no need to look at her face, I turned her over. I didn't think twice before driving my cock into her. 

Ahhh…she moaned the first time.
I thrusted into her again, this time faster. I kept thrusting continuously while holding on to her waist. she held the bed sheets with a firm grip while her moans echoed the room. 

"Take it slow please, don't stop" she begged while I slammed her without concern from behind.

After some few minutes, I reached the height of it, she did too.

"Ohh Ron" she said with satisfaction before letting out a smile. 

I looked at her then rested a little on the bed without saying a word to her. After some few minutes, I went into my bathroom to take a quick bath. 

End of Ron's POV

The sound of running water could be heard from the bathroom. After some few minutes, it stopped and Ron stepped out wearing a towel on his waist. He looked at the slut still lying on his bed before speaking.

"Why are you still on my bed?" He asked. 

"What, you want me to leave" she responded.

"You're supposed to be preparing to leave, so why are you still lying there relaxed" Ron asks again.

"I'm a little tired from all that thrusting and I could use a little rest here" she said sitting up with the sheets covering her naked body.

Ron gave her a look of disgust.

"If you're tired, then leave. I'm pretty sure you have a house where you can rest." He said in a harsh manner.

"But…but I'd like to come here more often. Don't sound like you didn't enjoy what we did" she said with a giggle.

"You should leave immediately and don't come back here" Ron slammed.


"But what, if it's money you need then you can have it" Ron says as he walks over to a drawer and brings out a bundle of cash and flings it towards her.

"Now get out" he says again, his eyes filled with rage.

At that point, she knew he wasn't ready for jokes. She greedily put the bundle of cash in her bag, dresses up hurriedly and ran out of the house.

Ron sighs deeply, as he lay on his bed to rest. His mind replayed the previous events as he drifted off to sleep