
Lila is Mine

"Lila-Rose Meyer was a 19-year-old girl who lived in the hot, tropical, beautiful, and busy city of Skyline. But beneath the city's glamor and glitz, there was a secret world filled with magical creatures. To keep these creatures in check, the Quove organization was established, with its governing body, the Quovent, setting rules and regulations. Lila was a member of the Quove, but she faced a difficult challenge - every member of the quove knew she was the daughter of a traitor. Things become even more complicated when she falls in love with the son of the leader of the rival group. Their love, which seems to be forbidden continues to bloom even with their differences.

Ber_Lyn · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 19: The Hotel by the Beach II

Mark started "You are all welcome to this little gathering. First we would make a toast to our past missions".

"Cheers" they chorused with their wine cups clicking against each other.

"Another toast to finding the portal" he continued.

"Cheers" they chorused again.

"And finally, a toast to future successes in future missions" cheers.

After that, they sat to savor the sweet taste of the wine.

"Dance with me" Mark asked Christine.

"Thought you wouldn't ask" Christine said leaving the table with Mark.

Isabel and Shane did same.

"Isa, will you?" Shane asked.

"Yeah, let's go" Isabel answered excitedly.

Ron and Lila were the only ones left at the table. Staring at each other, unsure of what to say. Until Ron finally spoke.

"Dance with me, we can't be the odd ones around here" he said and she chuckled.

"Okay then" Lila answered.

He carefully guided her from her sit. A slow, or rather romantic song was playing now. Taking one hand and placing them in his. Placing the other hands on his shoulder. He guided her steps going one, two, three with the music.

He stared immensely into her eyes. One that seemed like he could see through her soul. She wondered what thoughts ran through his mind.

A sweet smile played on his lips making her eyes to never leave his face.

Finally, she spoke. "Your smile"

"I know you like it" he said.

"I do" she replied shyly. "I would appreciate if you smiled like this for me more often"

"Anything for you, princess" He said.

"Princess" she thought. That's unusual.

His hands grabbed her waist even tighter. A quick gasp escaped her lips. They were literally locked in each other's arms now. So close she could feel his heartbeat.

After some minutes, the slow music ended. They thought it had ended there but it was just the beginning of the night.

A rather fast music began to play. Everyone began to scream, jump and dance excitedly. Raising bottles up and shaking their bodies vigorously.

After a while, they both goth tired and decided to rest. They went close to the water and sat there, watching the water dance according to the night rhythm.

"Whoa, where are you taking these bottles of alcohol to" Lila said with a chuckle.

"I'll drink 'em of course" Ron replied.

"These are too much, don't" she queried.

"Do you care about me this much?. Chill, nothing will happen" he assured her.

"Okay" she said, still doubtful.

"You know, today is our last day in Crestville. It feels like it's the last chance to do whatever you want" he said in a sad tone.

"Why would you say that" she asked. "We still have many more chances for things like this"

"I know, this just feels different" he replied.

The air between them was charged with a new energy, and they both felt it. They were both aware of the growing attraction between them, and it was impossible to ignore. But there were still so many questions left unanswered, and they both knew that before they could move forward, they had to talk about the things that were weighing on their minds. Lila took a deep breath and spoke first.

"So, don't you have any memories about your mother?" She asked.

"To be honest, the only thing I can remember is an accident which led to this scar" he said showing her the scar by the side of his neck.

"What happened" she asked again.

"I was three years old when it happened. We were at something which seemed to be a family gathering. My chin was just above the table. We all had food in front of us. I can remember hearing voices and wine glasses clicking. I also remember spilling hot soup all over my neck. The pain is something I could never forget even as a kid. I remember my mother rushing towards me, pouring cold water on my neck to relieve me of the pain. I think that is the last and only memory I have of my mother. She's just a blank space in my mind." Lila could hear the pain in his voice, and she could see the grief in his eyes. She reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "That must be so difficult for you," she said softly. "I can't even imagine what it's like."

"I feel anger and resentment whenever I think of how she abandoned me. I always wondered why she would but my father never wants to talk about it" he added.

"It's sad not to feel fatherly or motherly love" Lila said sadly. "Do you really believe your mother doesn't love you?"

"If she did love me, she would have never abandoned me. Love in general seems to be an illusion that is not real" he spoke further.

To Lila, hearing this broke her heart.

"You shouldn't say that. Love is not an illusion" she argued.

"Maybe it's real but it's not for people like me" He spoke.

"I thought so before. That I didn't deserve love" Lila said.

"Why" he asked.

"When I got heartbroken by someone I loved. Troy and I met at the institute. Everything went well until it shattered." She said.

"I'm sorry about that" he told her.

"I never really believed in falling in love" he said again.

"Why?" She asked surprised.

"When a boy and a girl meet, all they do is end up in each other's bed and everything is over" he said.

"That's not true, well not in all cases. If they love each other genuinely" she assured.

"Okay, princess" he said with a drunk look.

"You're drunk already" she said giggling. "I told you not to drink so much, you didn't listen" she laughed even harder.

"I already told you tonight is a free night" he said still gulping from the bottle in his hand.

"Give me that" she said grabbing the bottle from his hand and running.

He chased after her.

"You're drunk, you can't catch me" she said laughing.

"We'll see about that" he said.