
Lila is Mine

"Lila-Rose Meyer was a 19-year-old girl who lived in the hot, tropical, beautiful, and busy city of Skyline. But beneath the city's glamor and glitz, there was a secret world filled with magical creatures. To keep these creatures in check, the Quove organization was established, with its governing body, the Quovent, setting rules and regulations. Lila was a member of the Quove, but she faced a difficult challenge - every member of the quove knew she was the daughter of a traitor. Things become even more complicated when she falls in love with the son of the leader of the rival group. Their love, which seems to be forbidden continues to bloom even with their differences.

Ber_Lyn · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 18: The Hotel by the Beach

They all retired back to their hotel rooms, waiting for the little celebration in anticipation.

Lila and Christine finally had an opportunity to explore the hotel walls. They didn't have a chance to do that because of the mission. They had been waiting for this since day one in Crestville. The girls did a little dress up game before finally choosing outfits which they will still use later in the evening for Mark's little celebration. Christine picked out a white short, flared dress, with a rope-like strap around her neck. It was similar to a bikini top, but instead of covering her torso, it covered her entire body. The dress was simple but elegant, and it perfectly matched her taste.

Lila on the other hand, selected a long, red, flared dress with a side slit. The dress had sleeves that fell just below her shoulders, and the material was soft and flowy.

After the dress selection, the girls went on to explore the hotel. Starting with the beautiful beach. The hotel was just by the beach with palm trees swaying in the breeze and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The view was wonderful.

They continued to explore the grounds, taking in the lush landscaping and the breath taking ocean views. They savored the moment and admired the beauty.

While they admired the beach, Christine took Lila off guard with a shocking revelation.

"I see the way you look at Ronald, do you like him?" Christine asked.

"What do you mean?" Lila asked shyly.

"So you're not denying it. You should tell him how you feel"She pressured.

"No Christine, no one is telling anyone anything please" Lila raised here voice a little.

"Are you scared?

He might like you too" Christine said again.

"You can't be too sure about that. Even if he does, you know what happened the last time" Lila said.

"You mean Troy?. He was just bad luck and a jerk" Christine said with a smirk.

"You shouldn't be scared of creating new bonds because of the past. Explore your life baby girl"

"Uhm…if you say so" Lila said unsure of what Christine told her.

Isabel spent the better part of her day in her room. Later, she went to taste the different dishes in the cafeteria. It was like a hobby.

Mark and Shane focused mainly on their work.

Ron decided to spend the day in his hotel room, luxuriating in the bathtub and taking his time getting ready. He then picked up his phone and dialed a number he hadn't called in a long time. As the phone rang, he felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

After a few moments, a familiar voice answered, "Hello?"

It was his father.

"Hello father" Ron spoke. "I know it's been a while but I have some important information to share with you".

"Go on" his father finally said.

"The first thing is, they have found the portal. The portal where the demons come from and they have made plans to close it"

"Where is it located" his father asked hastily.

"At the heart of Crestville City" Ron answered.

"Crestville city?" his father asked rhetorically. "So it's been there all along. This is my time to strike. I'd make sure I'm the one to expel these creatures from the face of this earth. Something the Quovent has failed to do for years".

"Three ancient tools are required to close the portal. I don't know what they are yet" Ron spoke further.

"That's good. If I close the portal I'd finally be able to prove the Quovent that my methods of handling things pertaining to demons is better" his father said letting out a laugh.

"All you have to do is let me know what those tools are when the time comes" his father spoke.

"That would be when I go back to Skyline" Ron said.

"Closing the portal won't stop me from attacking the Quove and it's agents. In fact, this is only the beginning" his father said again laughing.

Ron ends the call and lets out a deep sigh. He wished all of this would be over soon so he can go back to his normal life.

His mind kept drifting back to random things then it struck him. What would his team do if they found out he was only a spy?

What would they do when they find out who he really is?

What would they do when they find out he has demon blood in him. The same monsters they want to destroy?

He got lost deep in his thoughts not realizing when he drifted off to sleep.

After two hours asleep, he woke up remembering he had to meet the rest of the team at the beach.

He quickly scaled through his wardrobe for a good outfit. One that worked perfectly for a beach environment. He was done in time and left for the beach.

As he gazed at the beach, he took in the beauty of it. The sand was smooth and white, and the water was a sparkling blue, dotted with the occasional sailboat. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the landscape. It was a scene of perfect serenity, and it gave Ron a momentary respite from the tension of his conversation with his father. He could almost forget everything and just enjoy the moment.

He could see happy faces dancing and partying. There were lots of people.

"Ron" a voice called out to him.

He turned to see who it was. It was Lila. He let out a quick smile.

"I was starting to wonder where you were" she said with a chuckle.

"It was pretty hard to locate the team with this many people on the beach" he explained.

"You don't want to miss all the fun, do you?"she said grabbing his hand, leading him to where the rest of the team were.

"He's here" she spoke.

Everyone was seated round a table with anticipation and excitement written all over their faces.