

Rissa_Kindness · Histoire
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

When Lucia woke up the next day, Aurelia told her to clean the stable, then she remembered her room would be all wet, she rushed to clean the stable, then she went to her room and she was dumbfounded by what she saw.

' What happened here, or... did I come to the wrong room ' she wondered and looked around, she went out and came back in, it was not a dream.

' There really is nothing here ' She said and there eyes were swelled up with tears.

' How is that? ' Someone said and Lucia looked back to see who it was, of course, it was no other person than her, Aurelia.

' Aurelia, why..., why did you... '

' How dare you call me by my name, it seems you have not learnt your lesson ' Aurelia replied.

' What did I do, just what in the world ' Lucia said, raising her voice a little bit higher.

Aurelia scoffed and said

' You are seriously asking me, anyway this is not it, more things are coming your way, then you'll find out why this is happening,what are you going to do now, it seems you have no bed to sleep in, there is absolutely nothing here, I'll do more and more to you till you will start to wonder why you were born '

As Aurelia said all this, Lucia's eyes streamed with tears, she was about to leave but she turned to Lucia, she looked around and continued

' I see you also have interest in reading and learning, what do you think will happen to you when mother hears of it ' Aurelia scanned Lucia from head to toe.

' I don't think that's a good idea or what do you think, henceforth, this place isn't your room anymore, so you should just go back to where you slept last night '

Then Aurelia left and Lucia sat on the floor and broke down in tears.


' Mother, can you believe what happened? '

Aurelia sat across her mother who kept sipping on her tea slowly,then she looked up after hearing Aurelia speak and she said

' What happened? '

' When you told me to vacate Lucia's belongings from her room, it turned out she had been reading and studying, she's a sly fox,all this while,she is been fooling us and making us think she is dumb, she even called me by my name ' she said with pride.

Duchess Evelyn smiled slightly, placed her tea on the table in front of her and said

' Right now I have some businesses to take care of '

' Really ' She said in her mind.

Duchess Evelyn was leaving but she turned back and said

' By the way, have two men lock her in the dungeon, that way, she could redeem herself '

Aurelia smiled when she heard this , she was glad to do what her mother said.

She called for the men to carry out the task, then she went for a walk.


Two days later.

' Any progress on what I told you? ' Fernandez said.

' I secretly placed guards in front of the house but only one young lady has been seen coming in and out of there ' James replied and Fernandez sighed.

' Any news about Lucia? '

' There are no traces of her in the house, the servants there had kept their mouth shut,it a little hard to find her because we do not know what she looks like ' James explained.

' Your highness, what will you do about the young lady, Aurelia ' he added.

' I'll think about that ' the prince sighed.

' I'm afraid we're running out of time '

' You are right but do anything and everything you can to find her Lucia '

' Your highness? '

' Go on '

' There is one maid we are yet to ask '

' What's stopping you from asking her? '

' She doesn't come outside, we only see her inside the house so it's hard to talk to her and we haven't see her in the past two days '

' Continue to try '

' Yes, your highness ' James said and went out.

' Where are you Lucia ' Fernandez said to himself.

..... Thirteen years ago....

A young girl was sitting under a large tree beside the palace, playing with rocks when a boy jumped off the fence and that made her startled, she jumped on her feet, she realized what just happened, she moved closer to the boy but he's unconscious.

She sat on the floor next to him and shook his body hoping he would wake up. After many attempts of trying, he finally opened his eyes.

' Are you okay? ' She asked, batting her eye lashes in front of him.

' Who are you? ' he asked and tried to stand up but he winced in pain when he did, he scanned the girl in front of him from toe to head, she looked fragile, he wondered what she could do for him judging by her small stature but he asked anyway.

' Help me up ' He said and reached out his hand for her but she did not answer him but turned her face elsewhere.

' Hey, I'm talking to you ' he said once again, she looked at him and said

' You did not say please '

He scoffed, ' What's wrong with her ' he thought.

' Why should I ' he said.

' My father said whenever people want to ask for help, they should say please, so I'm not helping you unless you say it ' she crossed her arms.

' You sure talk too much, anyway please help me up '

' Okay but you have to help yourself up too, I can't carry you, you are too heavy '

He smiled slightly and she helped him up, they both sat on the root of the tree.

' Look at my feet for me,I can't see it clearly ' he said but she glared at him.

' Please ' he amended.

She stooped in front of him and inspected his wound.

' What do I do, there's stick in your feet, should I pull it out? '

' What? no ' he exclaimed.

' Why are you so fearless? ' he added.

' And why are you so cowardly? ' she retorted.

' It's just a tiny little stick, what a coward ' she said under her breath.

' I can hear that '

' Let's remove it on the count of three ' she said

' Okay '

' Are you ready '

' Yes '

' One '

' One... ahhh, what happened to two and three? ' he breathed heavily.

' Well, two and three, I don't know ' she replied sarcastically.

' See, I told you it's nothing ' she showed the stick to him.

' Right '

She sat beside him again and they didn't say anything to each other for a while.

' Who is chasing you? ' she asked.

' No one, I just wanted to sneak away and what are you doing here '

' I came here to play '

' Alone?

' Yes, no one wants to play with me so I'm alone '

' You can play with me from now on ' he said and they looked at each other.

' Really? ' she asked

' Yes ' he replied and she smiled.

' What is your name? ' he asked

' Lucia '

He smiled, ' Fernandez '