

A group of counselors and a doctor specialize and experts in certain fields, bringing of new era in school system established for improving students and teachers' living condition in all aspects in countryside and outskirts' schools. Lighthearted and warm heart, with various attitudes and personalities far different from those of elite schools students and conditions, Seiran Ryu, having blast choosing theater and soap opera presented to him day by day without board to uncover hidden truth and intentions.

nhscl · Urbain
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8 Chs

Once and One

A house that becomes an onsen ryokan during high season. Once the season ends, it back to a person home. Seiran's list of other lodgings is very much tempted, but the only he made is he didn't mention onsen ryokan. Thus, the one he didn't say became his choice despite rebellion.

 Setting it all apart, a guest having his room in the living room? That was never unheard of in any way of other onsen ryokan history or time. Certainly, the owner is treatment is quite bizarre in for his most special guest. As time relaying to night coming deep and deeper telling him to sleep, somehow crepuscular light swaying his eyes heavier and heavier.

 A home that's not stingy, exuding haimish feels every time he's back. Wondering why feeling so? He remembered going about on and on adventuring around the neighborhood.

 It's the kind to call nostalgia?

 A golden field of tall, vast, and abundant rice paddy that's always in wave in course of evening time, he's always running everywhere because of excitement exploring whole field. It was foolish. He's just a kid, yet there's ambition lie beyond his capability for his age and strength.

 Can't help it but chuckle, come into small laughter.

 Afraid he will wake up others. But his laugh, always soft and smooth. A childlike laughter. Who, say it again? So much he's been busy, what was the time he got to laugh like how he's right now?

 And if he laughs and smile, when and wondering where that coming from? He's sure to remember the place he laughs and smile the most time.


 It's the kitchen.

 No mistaken it.

 A French cuisine.

 A cuisine he always eager and love to cook. At first, because it's it level of difficulty, required tons of high patience, not mostly it's time-consuming cuisine to cook. It's three things he's not good at.

 Precisely, because he's rather spending time on easy and relaxing things so much Seiran Ryu would call it things that make one lifeless and not challenging.

 Baking one of cakes french styled, in comparison, in no meantime he could cook 5 serving of omurice. He forgets french cuisine quickly since japanese cuisine is pleasant and dainty to his stomach. The only reason he could spend hours in a kitchen for french cuisine is because a man named Seiran Ryu is there. That man has much patience than him on back-breaking and noble task.

 Don't know why, but Ryu-sama could turn everything smooth flow trickle of water easily on things he finds burdensome.

It's warmth temperature. Slightly blown breeze outside bring comfort to sleep soundly tonight. He didn't close shut the shoji sliding doors.

Getting up from the snug futon, he walks over to engawa. Lucky for grandmother to be at her house friend, otherwise, he'll be forced to change into traditional clothe since he's at traditional onsen ryokan.

The breeze welcoming him and spring is breezy.

Various kinds of flower petals blowing up on air and falling everywhere on ground flower dapple like a beautiful painting canvas unconcealed of early spring embodiment nature flawlessly. He looks up to the sky. 

The full moon is bright and shone its light blindly.

It could be the full moon in the countryside hasn't polluted yet.

"What rubbish poetry could you create by looking at the moon?" Seiran's voice from behind.

"And what rubbish thing you talk first thing to a person?" He didn't look back. Has the owner come back to look after the tenant who he dumped to live in the living room?

"It's precisely how rubbish its look like?" 

Akatsuki pondering back on his thought. "Maybe it's half rubbish and half a garbage?"

Seiran's snickering in the back. He's holding back a small laughter.

"Then, state your purpose because I don't want to see the face that deserted me like I'm looking like a beggar praying earnestly for lodging in your onsen ryokan," bellowed Akatsuki in a calm and low voice.

"Don't traipse in the night. Rest well," advised Seiran.

"I'm not doing anything yet for you to be hairsplitting earlier than it suppose to be," countered Akatsuki. A bit of madness rouse up since him to be treated like an imp kid. 

"I'll get a cold drink to calm you down since you seem busying in trashy literature in the middle of the night," declared Seiran. 

The onsen ryokan owner left before he knew he'll be right back to deliver his drink as extra thanks for him to be willing to stay in onsen ryokan where his privilege at the cost limited only to living room. 

Guarantee it's not lekker foolish folklore about that one thought. It's forsooth invaluable regret experience not him to requisition especial services as he's an extra special guest in the Seiran Ryu's onsen ryokan. 

Thank goodness where he's always in an airy person whenever he step his foot in this onsen ryokan. 

He's profligate upbringing in onsen ryokan differ from others kid in normal house. Grandmother took over the onsen ryokan from her old friend and bring along him to befriend grandson of her friend, Seiran Ryu.

The most unforgettable catastrophe disaster he created was mistakenly he couldn't differentiate whether Saya is a name for girl or boy. The letter from his family stated a childhood arrangement between Ryu and unborn child in his mother belly. An unborn child for Seiran Ryu future fiancée. An oral agreement between two families became invalid since the newborn is a boy. 

And he unknowingly continues bragging without up-to-date information. 

It takes him 5 years to realize the garrulous Seiran Ryu made in front of him about his name, Sora. It's indirectly implying to Saya name as well. He took it modicum likely not to be selcouth in judging Ryu's unique personality.

As time passes, truth come to light, and of course, he becomes awkwardly eudemonia non-responsible in front of both of them.

Soon as he promotes himself as so, Seiran Ryu's light walk coming close from behind. He's still not done yet to compile stories from the past.