

A group of counselors and a doctor specialize and experts in certain fields, bringing of new era in school system established for improving students and teachers' living condition in all aspects in countryside and outskirts' schools. Lighthearted and warm heart, with various attitudes and personalities far different from those of elite schools students and conditions, Seiran Ryu, having blast choosing theater and soap opera presented to him day by day without board to uncover hidden truth and intentions.

nhscl · Urbain
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8 Chs

Childhood Arrangment

Seiran Ryu noticed a few drops of the rain falling on leaves. Afternoon rain? By looks of it, it's drizzle rain. It will stop anytime soon. Nevertheless, he's still with the decision to drink a few cans of cold beverage. Otherwise, he'll have it hard to handle trouble running by Akatsuki Saya's mouth, as the little brat already spoken his mind by threat.

Opening the fridge, it's certain foods and drinks suit the taste and age of adult in sense and none for the 16 years old kid. Giving an order to have a cooked home meal, sure, that's how suppose many kids around Akatsuki Saya should behave and asking for. Still, a premium milk coffee should do it fine for bratty brat. 

Taking out few canned drinks and arrange them in rattan round oversized tray, as well as few slices of brown bread and peanut jam, he's putting them on the table. Seiran Ryu well aware of Akatsuki Saya's melancholy eyes fond of like of soporific rendezvous between the meeting of spring and the rain.

Seiran's hand put can drink with cold ice droplets dribbling from it to Akatsuki's lips. "This should wake up you from daydreaming just because it's raining outside, Saya-sama."

He could dodge it, but subdue by chilled feelings from can drink in perfect timing after warm and hot afternoon time. "Let me praise how you're a maven especially to ridicule a person,"

"No worries, should I not get nonflammable easily by your tumid praises, as I'm incorruptible to such things as you yourself making worthy of your value lesson than it's."

"I think I'm going to have lots of disagreement with you later on." Akatsuki pulled up open can drink's lid with Seiran's eyes watching it. Afraid precious liar in front of him would hurt himself as the young boy was raised in a shell oyster. The young master is a precious pearl himself.

"Focusing on the next task is trouble, Saya, if you're going to interfere with much of my affairs, Saya."

Akatsuki remain silent of perturbing thunderstruck because he just realizes the miser in his life is having an impromptu doctor counselor go along with the breeze in flipping up and down at every word he said.

Thanking God, he's here for a moment, living temporarily because it's school vacation at his grandparents' house before going back to the city for the new semester. The school system has undergone change by Council School Education System.

Who knows, how many times, he's grateful not be chosen as one of batch of students going to have illimitable new implement said to begin in this year for Council's chosen schools especially a few schools in countryside.

"Can't we have our way to home instead of me going tirelessly here talking to you because sincerely I want to have napping time or something else that could save from talking to you any second?" sputtered Akatsuki Saya in time to be honest since he's quite eager for en famille time. 

"Saya-sama, I didn't fill in the foods' tray for you to waste your time talking to me but to fill your stomach since I can't afford you to have lazy time to excuse your stomach is empty and your body to be tired because of it." ranted Seiran.

He clicked the pen and back to pen spinning again in beginner mode as he lean against the leather high back chair. Reasoning he liked fountain pen because they're light, ink are quick to dry, and easy to write in any kind of papers type. As well as an excellent pen to draw anything that comes to mind.

Quite a few imaginations of gallimaufry kitchen tools, ingredients, and way to cooking to complement to creates dishes come to mind since Akatsuki demanded for him to have a change of career for dinner time. A chef.

Seiran's quaint inveterate self to write in papers or mini pocket notebooks rather than smartphone. 

The only Seiran's word in Akatsuki's mind after his tortuous words is 'lazy time'. "Somehow, I got no jubilation from your kind words and great care." 

"Don't worry, I simply want to care about overall health since I'm a long time your guardian, and simply we'll have duende at home and school." Seiran spread thick peanuts jam across thick brown bread, putting chopped diced nuts on it, and last fruit salad jam to top it with another thick brown bread to make it sandwich like. 

"In advance, don't think about defenestrate anything justly just because you'll see my face as long you're in Shiraie High School." Seiran's intimidated hush, warning softly.

Akatsuki not hoping, a bit of intuition to understand a bit of it. He's bewildered, with a question marks in the head. It was the largess he could offer to himself if he's implying underlying intention, how much in an instant lets the business be finished as he's crave to be homebody than talking with Seiran. 

Seiran with his smirky and lofty smile for a foolishness of a fool in front of him. Nothing more elevated than it. 

Seiran shove sandwich or tourtiere to Akatsuki's mouth. Looking at it, brownish thick layers of peanuts and salad jam looks like a ground meat. It's worthy as well to call it tourtiere sandwich. "Eat it. You should be able to have energy to move your other body parts other than your mouth whenever you're with me."

"Thank you," said Akatsuki. He downright doesn't want to know what's it behind Seiran Ryu's words or actions, as long as his stomach is fulfilled. As to what incoming later, will deal to it later as idiom saying cross the bridge when you come to it. Anything can be dealt as long as his stomach don't make a fuss discord music of dissonance. 

He has yet to found bit and pieces to discombobulate time apart time together with Ryu, despite found himself being a susurrus jannock sycophant every time in unnecessary cavil as tussie-mussie in his spare time to have Ryu's aplomb crush. 

A Career Counselor is different of Family Counselor since Career Counselor is all about advising students about their chosen prospective career based on their academic and co-curriculum, club, competitions, and invitations times participating in national and international events and courses.