
12. New Condition

After Dzi left them, Khalid entered the room and joined Nancy and Raharja who had finished their therapy. Raharja seemed to be sweating profusely. He sat in a chair close to Nancy, who was now peeling fruit for him.

"How about your condition, Pa? Is Papa better now? "Khalid asked, looking at Fatah and Widodo who were sitting separately.

"As you can see. I can walk without a wheelchair anymore. "

"But you must be careful. Don't be so reckless, Pa. So that Papa doesn't come back again. "

"I am healthy and better. You don't have to worry. Dad is fine. "

"Khalid wonders why Papa is so stubborn now. Are those who teach Papa like this? "

"You are stubborn. The little ones have dared to your father. Where have you been? Why do you go around without saying goodbye? Don't you want to accompany Dad on therapy at all? " Nancy said, grumpily. She was annoyed looking at her son who was so displeased with being ruled.

"Mama, you know that my business is booming. Earlier Khalid forgot to meet the client, Ma. So forced to leave after meeting with Dzi. "

"Who is a Dzi?"

"Dzi? Ah, she's my neighbor in the complex "

"Just watch out if she comes to just push your money. I am not pleased with her. "

"Uh, I don't know who has made the accusation. "

"Who also accuses. So far, all I know about the girls who approach you are girls who are crazy for your treasure. Not a sincere girl. That's why I gave an alarm so that you don't get caught up in the charm of Dzi. "

"By the way, why are you here? Isn't the therapy room at the east end? "

"It's easy if Allah wills. If you wait for you to act there will be no end. I might not have had my turn yet. "

"Don't tell me to bribe the employees here!"

"Who is also the bribe? Saifi helped us. Without us forced at all "

"Saifi? Who is Saifi? "

Ask Khalid. He did not like hearing his mother mention the name of the girl who had helped treat his father. Khalid felt intimidated by Nancy.

"You will never believe it if I told you about her."

"You always blame me, Mama. What connection is there between you and Saifi? I hesitated, maybe Saifi is a girl who is only after our property. She is worse than Dzi who only sees me as a poor man. "

"Don't speak mindlessly. Saifi is the best girl I know. You just don't know how she behaved and spoke words to Mama and Papa and the others. "

"Yes, don't be angry like that, Ma. Mama's child, I am not her. But Mama insisted on Khalid. "

"You have made Mama Ifill hear your accusations against Saifi."

"Yes, Ma. I'm sorry. Please! But don't forget that I already have a girl of my own choice. Don't try to match Khalid with the girl of Mama's choice. "

"Mom doesn't promise. You will still meet Saifi with Mama. If you didn't go out on your own, you would have seen Saifi. "

"Sorry, Mother, Father, we are finished. We excuse ourselves first. If you still want to sit and lie down in this room, please. Miss Saifi said that earlier. "

"Ok, Doctor. Thank you for all your help. Oh yes, have you been told by Saifi that we ask one of you to accompany your therapy every day? "

Fatah and Widodo shook their heads.

"Not yet, ma'am. Saifi didn't say anything to us "

"How about Saifi. How could she forget that I asked her to accompany Papa? "

"Yes, Ma. it's okay. Next time we can come here again. "

"It's lazy to come here, Pa. The queue is long, the therapy is longer. If you take Saifi to the house, you can immediately execute it. "

"You can do it at home according to our instructions. As has been trained earlier. "

Fatah tried to explain. Nancy shook her head disapprovingly. She still wants her husband's therapy to be accompanied by Saifi or another doctor referred by the hospital

"It's still more comfortable if you have a companion"

"Wow, how about it, ma'am. I also have a lot of work here. More and more patients. Even though we have added new energy, we are still overwhelmed. "

"Can I meet the owner of this hospital? To ask for power directly? '

Fatah and Widodo looked at each other. They had nothing to say to Nancy's question.

"We do not know who owns this hospital, ma'am. We're new here. "

"Never met at all? Or at least you know his name. "

"If we know, her name is Miss Dzulfikar. That is all."

"Give me the number, Miss Dzulfikar, please."

Fatah and Widodo shook their heads.

"We also apologize for that ma'am. We don't have Miss Dzulfikar's number at all "

"What about Saifi's number?"

Again they shook their heads.

"Well, even though I wanted to call Saifi and ask her Noor Miss Dzulfikar."

"Saifi also doesn't necessarily know, ma'am. Miss Dzulfikar is a mysterious figure. Only a few people know. We never saw her coming here at all. "

"How come a hospital owner never comes to the clinic. What if happened

something precarious. Therapy mistakes, for example? Will she just wash her hands? "

"Alhamdulillah, so far there has been nothing wrong with therapy. We respond to senior supervision. Several times the seniors held briefings so that we remain vigilant in the diagnosis

"Still, it is not allowed if the owner never comes."

"It's all within the control of one senior person appointed as managing director."

"Up to you. I'm dizzy to hear your answer. "

"Ok, then we excuse ourselves."

"I will also take my father out of this room."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you very much for the help. We'll go home and send our regards to Saifi. This is my business card. If you wish, you can come to this house to accompany my husband. "

"We will work according to permission from superiors, ma'am. If the boss doesn't allow us, we have to refuse and you do the therapy yourself or come here for assistance every day. "

"Alright. Then I'll come here every day and ask Saifi to come along. "

"Em, Saifi, I hope she will."

"Alright, come on Khalid, guide Papa to the car!"

"No need. I can do it myself. "


"How about the wheelchair, ma'am? Should we take it to the car? "

"Just stay here. God willing, we no longer need it "

"But, Pa"

"Never mind, Mama. Dad is okay. Alhamdulillah, Papa's body is getting better. It's not cramped like when we left. "

"Alhamdulillah. Thank you, O Allah. Thanks to Your help through Saifi, my husband can recover his health. '

"Saifi again, Saifi again."

"Leave it. Anyway, she must be Mama's daughter. "

"Don't dream, Ma. Khalid already has Dzi. "

"There is no Dzi. Mama is only happy if you marry Saifi. '

"Never mind. You are like a bridge and a cat. Shut up and focus on the road! "

"Fine Pa"