
Chapter one: Faithful Meeting

The year was 2016 in Tokyo Japan, in the midst of winter. The time to be at home with a warm cup of hot chocolate and sitting by a nice warm fire. The Blake's were enjoying just that. Sitting in front of their fire, enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. Their house sits at the end of a very long road; it's snowing so hard that all you see is the little light by the front door. As they are in their living room they hear a faint noise coming from the front of the house. "Mary! Do you hear that?" A male voice was heard from inside the house. "Really Josh, I think that cold of yours is making you hear things." Mary thought she heard something as well, but thought it was all in her head. "Who would be outside of our house at this time of the night? " Josh asks. Mary slowly got up from her Lazy boy recliner chair and started walking towards the door. Mary was a young woman somewhere in her late twenty's with short black hair and lovey brown eyes. She was also wearing a blue nightgown with a green robe. As she opened the door she could hear the faint sound of a small child. She looked outside and to her surprise she sees a simple brown basket. In the basket is a baby blue blanket. She could see that there was movement under the blanket. She slowly approaches the basket and gently lifts off the blanket to discover a beautiful little baby girl. Who looked no more than two days old. She had soft peach skin and two beautiful different coloured eyes. One was as red as fire, while the other was as blue as the ocean. Her hair was as white as the freshly fallen snow around her. On the blanket in gold lettering was the name Phoenix written on it.

Little Phoenix was crying up a storm from being out in the cold air for so long. The cold air was very brisk. This child could not have been out here for too long as her skin still felt slightly warm to the touch."Oh my goodness!" Was all Mary could say when she saw the baby in the basket. "Mary? What's wrong honey?" Josh asked from the living room. "Josh get over here right now! You might want to see this!" Mary yelled out to her husband.

There was a loud groan before a middle aged man wearing plaid pants a gray shirt and dark blue housecoat; sporting a short brown hair and light green eyes. "Mary what's going on?" Mary just smiled before turning around and showing him Phoenix, who had cried herself to sleep, "Where did you get the baby Mary?" "She was left out on our porch in a basket, and her name is Phoenix." Josh looked confused before he saw the name on the blanket.

"What was she doing out here? And in this weather." Josh asked a little horrified that someone would leave a baby in this weather. "Well we can't just leave her here." Mary said to her husband who gave a nod in understanding. "First things first let's get you two inside; you'll both catch your deaths out here." Mary laughed at Josh's comment and walked back inside the house.

"You know if I remember correctly the name Phoenix means Dark red, deep scarlet and a mythical bird that rises from the ashes right?" Josh asked Mary as they made their way into the living room, "I think your right about that. And what a lovely name for such a beautiful little thing." By then Phoenix had woken up from her nap and let out a cute little laugh, which caused Mary to gush at how cute she was being.

"Ok I'll get a hold of the orphanage and see if they could come and get her." As Josh suggested this Mary looked at him in shock. "Oh no you don't we're going to keep her josh." Josh was shocked at first but then thought of a solution, "What If we adopt her then." Mary looked at Josh in surprise. "What?" "Well think about Mary we always wanted to be parents, and she has nowhere else to go but the orphanage, and I guess now that I think about it she won't get adopted by anyone because of how she looks. What do you say Mary?" Mary was shocked into silence by what was just said but none the less she was happy about it, "We could get the paperwork done tomorrow morning." Mary said happy to be a mom to little Phoenix who was too busy looking around her surroundings, "Well let's all get some sleep its getting late." With a nod they all went upstairs and into the bedroom which had a nice cream colored wall paper, there was an oak wood dresser and desk. The bed had light red and dark green sheets and was in the middle of the room and underneath the bed was a coopered colored carpet.

"Ok Josh bring the chair over by the bed please, we can put her basket there." Doing what he was told Josh moved the chair to their bed while Mary put the basket on, then put a sleepy Phoenix in and rapped the blanket around her so she won't be cold while sleeping.

"Oh she looks so adorable." Mary gushed at the sight of phoenix sleeping while Josh just laughed, "I swear if you could and knowing you, you would try and keep her inside for the rest of her life." Mary hit Josh jokingly but he just laughed harder. "And what about you mister, when she's older she going to have a boyfriend what are you going to then." Josh stopped laughing and looked at Phoenix for a minute and shook his head. "Oh no, I don't think so she's not allowed to get a boyfriend unless I'm dead then wait a few months just to make sure." Mary just laughed at what josh was implying, "Ok you big goof let's get some sleep." "Yeah ok, good night Mary." Josh said before kissing his wife's cheek then got under the covers to sleep. "Good night Josh and good night to you to Phoenix." Mary gave Phoenix a kiss on the forehead and went to bed also.

That night both Mary and josh were the happiest people ever, they got a daughter to love and care for and for Phoenix well she found a home to call her own. The future seemed bright for the three of them but darkness was about to turn theirlives upside down.

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