
Light Human In MHA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish. ___________________________________________________________ I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy. {I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

VeganMaster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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109 Chs

A Legend's End

I thought I would be able to easily outlast him, but it seems that All for One has gotten his hands on the American version of Trigger. Which makes things a lot more troublesome.

Even after 3 minutes of continuously being dismembered and impaled he still regenerated almost instantly. My entire costume was stained in his blood. It will be so irritating to clean up.

All of the overcharged quirks in his body were responding instinctively to protect their user.

His speed was also getting faster every minute. It seems that a battle of attrition won't really be feasible.

After regenerating the numerous holes in his body, All for One got up once again. Just as energetic as before. I don't know what combination of quirks made his this powerful, but they certainly didn't work this well together before...

He flashed in front of me. His hand expanding once again and his fist cocking backwards, preparing to deliver a powerful punch.

Just as quickly, I enlargened my arm with light, matching the villain's size. I met his fist with mine, setting a trajectory for it and accelerating it to light speed instantly.

The villain was flung backwards as the light arm I had fashioned crumpled in countless small pieces. Even with his overcharged Impact Recoil, there was little he could do when facing such a powerful punch.

But he would just regenerate and get right back up. He was by far the most annoying opponent ever. I could see him in the distance, slowly getting up. This time he just started looking around, seemingly confused.

Then he looked in my direction. And opened his mouth."It seems I've somewhat regained my composure..." A wide grin spread across his face.

I just made an irritated sound. "You are so annoying... You are no closer to beating me now than you were before." I said, borderline exasperated.

"But it seems you also didn't have much progress... Most of my old injuries have also recovered. Had I known how that drug would affect me I would've taken it sooner." His arrogant smile said it all honestly.

He seemed to be really confident now. Probably thinking that since he recovered to this extent then he can return to his old life.

This time he didn't rush at me, he pointed both of his palms to the helicopters that were still hovering above us.

I just rolled my eyes a bit. "Are you stupid or just hopeful?" Just as he was about to release the Air Cannons out of his palms. Both his hands flew off. As tow of my clones appeared by his sides.

He acted quickly, spreading around powerful black lighting and dissolving both of them. But just as the attack passed, they quickly reformed. One turned its hands into large chains, wrapping them around All for One's body.

He tried struggling, but every time he broke a chain ten more would appear, making his job much harder.

The other started shooting out needles out of its body, they all entered the immobilised villain's body. It was a process I had already done a few times against him, I wasn't planning on getting too close.

I still haven't discovered how All for One's original quirk evolved. So I just stood at a distance and observed.

Suddenly, I could feel the ground moving underneath me. I quickly flew off, in my previous spot appeared a black tendril. It tried following me around for a bit, but it quickly gave up.

All for One himself had released another wave of lighting and gotten rid of the clones once again. "All of your efforts are useless, little hero." His grin is starting to remind me of muscular, the drug is clearly still affecting his mind.

I looked at him with a sneer. "I guess I can't capture you after all..." I sighed a bit. I wanted to capture him since the beginning, I wanted Toshi to see him incarcerated.

But it seems that such a thing is no longer possible. I don't plan on spending 2 hours here, waiting for the drug to wear off.

I put my palms together in front of me. Out of them, I released a huge laser into the villain's direction.

He had no way to block or dodge this. But he still tried, he grew about 4 more hands and put them all in front of his torso.

But my beam just burned through his defences. It didn't matter if he had a fire-resistance quirk or not. This wasn't fire, after all, it was highly concentrated light.

The laser engulfed everything from his chest and down. It passed through him like a hot knife through butter.

It expanded greatly after passing through his body, creating a large hole in a random hill far away behind him.

What remained of his torso fell on the ground, I just looked at it. There was a shocked expression on what remained of All for One's face. He couldn't regenerate from this, The wounds were already burned closed.

His muscles slowly deflated, his heart slowed down significantly, his lungs no longer breathed fresh air in easily.

He was likely struggling to push every regeneration and healing quirk he had in his body to maximum output. But nothing was going to happen.

"I wasn't expecting that..." He said in a low, raspy voice, speaking probably didn't do him much good.

"You can take pride in being the strongest opponent I've faced..." I said, looking down at his face. My coat was fluttering in the wind, Justice had prevailed. But... It just felt empty. This was really letting him off easy after all of the pain he had caused...

He scoffed a bit after hearing my statement. "So... This is how I die? So much left to do..." His expression seemed somewhat fearful. Something he probably failed to realize.

The longer one lives, the more afraid they become, it was an inevitable truth. He had stolen many quirks and even extended his lifespan in order to desperately cling to life.

He had indulged himself in his own desires during his lifespan, he had done everything one could want. But he still tries to find excuses at the end, trying to cling even tighter to life.

A fruitless struggle, it was unavoidable. All life must come to an end, he has stuck along in this world for far too long.

"So desperate, so afraid... Unbecoming of the man you once were. At least die like the vermin you lived as." My tone was cold and unforgiving.

All for One seemed to not hear me at all. Completely concentrated on his quickly approaching end.

I could feel his heartbeat stopping, his last words, unheard by anyone but me. "I regret..." That was all that left his mouth.

But I'm sure it wasn't going to be something pleasant anyway. He wasn't the type of person that could repent.

I looked at him for a while, making sure that he was truly gone and not pulling off some Oscar-worthy performance. But he wasn't. He was gone for good.

Slowly, I started walking towards the mangled armoured car that held Shigaraki captive, he was still inside, still asleep.

But he was also injured. During my scuffle with his Teacher, I didn't really bother protecting it. I had greater worries during that time.

But he can also be counted as a victim of All for One's manipulation, as annoying as he is. I pried him out of the metal coffin and placed him on the ground nearby.

I could sense police cars approaching this place. Probably seeing that the fight was over.

And it truly was over. All for One's Era that is.


Hello there!

Hope you enjoyed the end to this arc.(a mistake, next chapter is the end of the arc)

Not much to say here.

Plug: https://www.patr.eon.com/VeganMaster