
Light 7 - BTS reverse harem soulmate au

What if you're about to meet your Idols. And one turns out to be your soulmate. Would you be willing to risk it all, to have it all? Soulmates in this universe share a mark, You can get it with a first kiss, but only one of you. The other has no clue, unless you tell them. Nadja is about to find out, come and follow her journey The only thing I own is the storyline. A BTS soulmate au fanfic BTS x Reader(sort of, just image yourself if you want, it's what I do :) There'll be a lot, and I mean a lot of mature content, like talking about sex, profanities(maybe), swearing, smut, violence So read at your own risk. Oh and I'm new to writing, so it's absolutely not perfect. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Have a happy life

Diddlfanaat · Célébrités
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37 Chs


The next morning when I wake, I'm alone. Thinking back on last night has me sighing in pleasure. It was unbelievable, the best sexual experience so far. The way he pounded into me has me still seeing stars, and both tasted delicious, craving more. It's Monday, so practice today. I get up, take a shower, and do the rest of my morning routine, finishing dressing in some loose dance clothes, maybe they are a little revealing, but I don't care. I go downstairs and meet the boys all seated at the table, eating breakfast. "Good morning. Everyone slept well last night?", they nod and two are very enthusiastic, although the others don't notice, just me. I giggle at their antics. I help myself to some food and eat. A comfortable silence settles over the eight of us. After breakfast we clean and drive towards the studio. The boys' practice for the day and I correct them when needed, they're making excellent progress, just a couple of days on this one and then on to the next one. After practice we drive home and one of us cooks dinner while the rest freshens up and relaxes. After dinner it's either a movie or video games, then to bed. And at night I get a visit, either one of them or both. Usually it's both, resulting in a night full of sex. I barely get time for sleep, sometimes they allow me sleep for a couple hours, always waking me for a last goodbye fuck from both of them. They always leave, I don't know why the secrecy, but I'm not going to say anything. And so are our days filled and the time flows by stretching into weeks.

One of the members POV

I just opened the door of the bathroom when I heard voices coming down the hallway. They can't see me, but I stop and listen. I woke up because I had to pee, having relieved myself I was on my way back to bed, it's 5.58 am. 'Who is up at this hour, and two of them'. I hold my breath, straining my ears to catch everything. "God that looked so sexy when her lips closed around my cock, almost choking. I want to go back and go again", one whispers with a lust laced voice. The other chuckles, "slow down, give her some rest, you're insatiable, but so is she, isn't she?" The other groans, "don't, I can't take it, I miss her, I want her in my arms. You?" The other groans now, "God yes, desperately. I just want her scent all over me and feel her snug warmth around me. Quiet now, let's get to bed." I wait, and when it's quiet after hearing a door close, I creep out and back to my room. As I lay in bed, I had difficulty falling asleep, 'so they have sex, and we know nothing. 'I'm a little jealous, but more disappointed they kept me out. I'm going to confront the weakest, the one who can't keep a secret, tomorrow. It's Saturday tomorrow, and at night I join them'. That thought made me happy with anticipation, I've been having wet dreams about her almost every night, waking up with cum stained boxers. I want to fuck her so badly, but I haven't been able to find an opening, I can't seem to get her alone, so I could make a move. Sure, during the day everyone flirts with her, and she reciprocates. Raising the sexual tension between us and her, thinking back on the days it's obvious there's more between those three. They are always the most daring with their flirting. The sneaky evil little shits. And with that thought I fall finally asleep. I get woken up three hours later by my roommate, "you awake?", I rub my face with a hand and groan, "I am now", I get up and get clothes, before opening the door and leaving for the bathroom. I hear him laughing behind me as he says, "morning to you too, grouch," I ignore him and proceed towards the bathroom, as I open the door, I'm greeted by hot steam exiting through the door. I quickly step inside and close the door to keep the warmth in, "it's just me, I'll wait here till you're finished." It's just the person I want to talk to, 'should I do it now? Why not', I thought, "so, I heard an interesting conversation this morning," I start , and I see his silhouette freeze. I smile in satisfaction, 'yes I caught you'. "This morning?" He asked, gulping audibly, even through the shower I can hear it. "Yes, I was on my way back to bed after peeing, standing just behind this door here, you and your roommate coming down the hallway. And boy, what I heard would turn anyone's ears red," I tsk and shake my head, I know he can't see clearly, "so how long have you two been fucking her?" He stays silent, breath increased, "I'm only asking, you see", and I chuckle, "because the next time I want to join, tonight preferably." His reaction isn't one I anticipated but he laughs out loud, chuckling low in his throat, "that's exactly what I said to him when I caught him three weeks ago coming from her room. Okay tonight it is, let's surprise her, I know the perfect plan. Listen!" While I listen to his plan the smile on my face grows big, she doesn't know what she's in for. He turns the shower off and comes out, a towel already around his waist, I strip and get under the shower turning it on again, he dries himself, dresses and leaves, "I'll tell his part of the plan and I'll signal you when it's time to begin. Oh, and try to drive her crazy today, stealing kisses and touches. Make her crave you. We'll try to occupy the rest, okay?",

"Okay, make it easy for me", I say laughing, happy at the thought of kissing her again. Once he's gone I wash my hair and body, jerking myself off at the thought of the plan. My cum washes down the drain, but the release is only temporarily, I sigh and get out of the shower. I dry myself with the towel and slip my clothes on, I brush my hair and teeth. Once I'm finished I head for the kitchen in search of food. Grabbing breakfast, I only find Nadja seated at the table, I sit down next to her, "good morning Nadja. Where are the others", I take a bite, chew and look at her, " they're taking a walk", she giggles cutely. Yes finally, her, me, alone. Okay calm down, what am I going to do, say? I swallow, trying to dislodge the lump in my throat. She has finished her breakfast already and is on her phone reading, she shifts, leaning closer to me, I drop my hand in my lap and wait, before placing it on her thigh. She looks down at my hand then at my face, unconsciously licking her lips. Her eyes stray to my lips, then slowly back up to my eyes, her breathing increases, and her lips part on a breathy exhale. I squeeze her thigh, pushing my fingers into her skin through her jeans. I pull on her leg, forcing her to turn her body towards me, bringing my face as close to hers without touching, her breath hitches and my eyes dip to her lips, slowly licking my own. I bring my hands to her face and cup both cheeks, pulling her gently to my lips, until they connect. Fireworks explode again at the touch. Slowly dragging my lips across hers my fingers caress her down her neck, to her collarbones, pushing my hands into her shirt. I nibble my way right behind her ear and suck, she moans at the feeling, grabbing the collar of my shirt, tugging me closer, but the contact apparently isn't enough because she pulls back with a groan, gets up and plants herself on my lap, straddling me. She connects our lips again and this time she holds my face in her hands, she parts her lips and invites me in, by licking the inside of my upper lip. I dive right in, deepening the kiss hard and roughly, my hands hold her waist and I squeeze, leaving probably a couple of bruises. I grab her ass with both hands and pull her into me over my cock, hardening rapidly. Her pussy sliding over the hard bulge I press her on with my movements, has her moaning right into my mouth, then she sucks my tongue into her mouth, like she is sucking my cock. The feeling creates a phantom feeling, and when I close my eyes, I can clearly picture her doing just that. It makes the anticipation for tonight grow even more, I'm about to orgasm, she feels that good, I take control back with the kiss and sweep it around her mouth one last time. I pull back and lean my forehead on her shoulders, breathing heavy, face layered with a sheen of sweat. Her chest heaves with deep breaths making her shoulders rise up and down, and with it my head, "sorry, any longer and I would need a change of clothes", I chuckle. She giggles and strokes her hands through my hair, her touch soft and loving, "that's okay, we can continue any time you want." She gets off my lap and before leaving, gives me a peck and strokes my hair one last time. Then she goes away and I try to eat, but no matter what I put in my mouth, it tastes like nothing.

When the others get back, I'm sitting on the couch, checking social media on my phone. They plop themselves down and start to tell me how beautiful it is outside. I barely listen, my mind preoccupied with what might happen tonight, and when I finally look up I see two pairs of eyes filled with mischief, smirking slightly at me. The others are too occupied with their storytelling to notice. I smirk back, before looking down at my phone again. Suddenly my phone vibrates, luckily I turned the sound off. Three notifications, I open the app and laugh mentally at the two.

Brother 4: You excited yet?

Brother 6: Of course he is. Ready to get your cock sucked good?

Me: Stop it. The others will find out if you two don't wipe that ridiculous grin of your face.

Brother 6: Nah, they won't notice. We've been grinning like this since we got up three weeks ago ;)

Me: Seriously stop. I can't explain the blush away if you make me think of dirty things.

Brother 6: Fine. Take all the fun out of it.

Brother 4: We'll stop, you just do what I told you to do, okay?

Me: Already on it. The kiss this morning had me almost orgasming, so all is good.

I click out of the app, shoot angry glares at the two, and continue looking through social media. I'm so horny, the text conversation has me hard again. Now I can't get up without anyone noticing. 'Fuck it', I thought, and get up and make my way out as quickly as I can. I don't think anyone noticed. I go down another level and head to the gym. I need to expel all this energy, so I'm going to work out and lose a couple of hours.

Once my muscles ache and the sweat is running down my frame, I stop. I go upstairs, get clean clothes and go take a shower. Under the shower my thoughts go back to tonight, and I relieve myself again, washing it away down the drain. I get out and dry myself, dress and brush my hair. Then I go in search of Nadja. If I need to make her crave me, I should drive her crazy with want, right?

I find her in the studio, dancing. I watch quietly from my spot. I'm not going to tell Jay, but I think she is a better dancer than him. Emotional, precise, sharp, clean, intuitive, graceful. When she notices me, she waves her hand, inviting me to dance with her. I got up right away, "wanna come up with a dance, just the two of us, you can pick a song", she asked, swaying her hips lightly to the music. I'm completely mesmerized and it takes a while for the question to sink in. Once I registered what she asked me, "sure, give me your phone and I'll pick a song." I pick a song, with a slow beat and sexy lyrics, forcing her to make sexy moves. She has a smile on her face and her eyes light up in mirth. We work together for two hours, and the result is a slow, sexy dance, a lot of touches and close dancing, almost like a ballroom dance. She heads to the refrigerator for some water and brings me a bottle too. I thank her and drain half in one go. She sips slowly, watching me with unreadable eyes, focused on my adams apple bobbing up and down while I swallow. I slowly take the bottle down and put the cap on it, I let it drop to the floor and stalk towards her. When she sees me coming closer, she visibly swallows and licks her lips. I smirk at her and lick my own drawing her eyes again to my lips. "You know, I can't stop thinking about the kiss this morning", I say, edging closer still. "Oh", is all she says, her eyes never leaving mine. "Yeah, it just makes me want to do it again", I whisper into the quiet room. She takes a step closer to me, "I just keep thinking about what you said on the day we met." I stop, confusion clouding my eyes, thinking back on the day in question. "You know, in the kitchen", when I keep staring blankly back at her, I still don't know what she meant. She giggles, "think back, when I asked Vere how he would tell if I was horny or not." My eyes grow big and I can feel a blush staining my cheeks. I'm still not used to her directness, but I find it refreshing, no guessing. "Oh, is that so?", I asked with a smirk, eyes zeroing on the top button of her jeans. "Care to find out now?", she whispers seductively, taking another step closer. I gulp and the sweat breaks out on my hands, I furiously try to wipe them, but it's no use. I'm not as experienced as the others, not because I didn't have the opportunity, but I just didn't feel like it, somehow it made me feel guilty, using girls for one night, and then never talking to them again. Not saying I don't know anything, it's not like that, I've had my fair share, but foreplay never was that important. From what I witnessed so far, Nadja definitely likes foreplay, a lot. I take the final step closer, and put my hands on her waist and tug her closer, flush up against me. She grabs my waist and we stand like that, just staring, her eyes, mesmerizing blue pools of burning water. I'll happily drown in them. While staring I'm wondering what she sees in my eyes. I know how I feel, I love her, she's mine, my soulmate, but it's too soon to tell her that. I don't want to scare her away. I know she's also soulmates with the others, except one, I think. I'm not sure, I haven't asked him about it, and I won't. The need to kiss her is burning through me, slightly making me tremble with anticipation. "You're beautiful", I push my head forward, inching closer to her mouth.

When our lips finally connect, her reaction is instant, she grabs the collar of my shirt, tugs hard and growls, kissing me hard. Her tongue pushes into my mouth forcefully, I'm a little shocked. It looks like I've been on her mind during the day. I internally smile, maybe even with my mouth as well, I don't know. I'm transported away on a cloud of pleasure, the mark shooting sparks through my body, electrifying me alive. I welcome the burn, in fact I crave it. I crave her. "Dinner's ready", comes floating through the door and I jump away from her, like in pain. Our breathing ragged and heavy. She giggles, "you scared? Can't they know?" I shake my head, "no it's not that. It just startled me, I laughed and she joined me, almost falling down, she laughed so hard. "Sorry, so sorry, it was just too funny", she says when her laughing subsided. She smiles at me, never letting her eyes leave mine, hers filled with humor. She looks beautiful, happy. It makes me happy and I smile back, "Let's have dinner", and I take her hand and lead her to the house. The others are already seated and when we reach the table all eyes zero in on us holding hands.

Nadja's POV

I giggle, seeing their faces from seeing us holding hands. I reluctantly let him go and took one of the remaining seats, "what's for dinner?", I cheerfully asked at the table. "I made spaghetti Bolognese", Xavier answers. I clap my hands in delight and beam at him, smiling brightly. I get a soft smile in return, "thank you again for cooking, I'm sure it'll taste delicious", and I portion the food out for everyone. The leftovers land on my plate, I'm not that hungry anyway. "That's not enough for you", Xavier exclaims pointing at my plate, "here take some of mine." His statement and offer are followed by the others right away. I laugh loudly holding my belly, they look too funny, with silly faces and the plates hovering in front of them, "no, no, I got plenty. Thank you", and I lift my fork and start to eat. They put the plate back on the table and start to eat too, eyeing me, and Xavier has worry all over his face. "Relax, you just could have told me I was too thin", I say putting my fork down and eyeing them now, barely keeping the smile off my face. I don't mean what I said, but their faces are hilarious. Ranging from outright shock and horror, to smiles. At least some know I don't mean it, that it's a joke. Xavier's face was the best, horror-shock to understanding, seeing some smile. When he finally understands I can't take it anymore and let my laugh free. It burst from my belly, loudly, my whole body shaking, and eventually I slid off my chair and landed with a thud on my ass. This makes me laugh even more, the others finally joining in. When I have cramps in my belly from laughing I stop. I'm the last to stop, I get back on my chair and eating resumes and casual chatter accompanies the rest of dinner. After dinner we clean up and retire to one of the living rooms.

Lounging, I'm seated between Tyler and Quinn, the other next to them and so on, sitting in a circle. "How about tonight we play a game again?", Adam asked the circle, some nod enthusiastically, others said yes, me too. I like playing games, "which one?", I ask Adam. He looks at me, "questions", I've never heard of it, "how do you play?", I ask him again. "Well, we all take a turn and ask you a question", okay, and then what? "What do I do then?", he chuckles, "answer them." The others laugh at my stupid question, me included. I get up and head to the kitchen, "I'll be right back", when I return I have paper, pens, and a bowl. "Okay, let's make it a little more interesting. You all write your question down on a piece of paper, fold them and put them in the bowl. Then the first of you, let's pick Tyler. He picks a piece of paper from the bowl and reads it aloud. It could be his question, but it also can be someone else's. I answer the question and then guess who wrote it." I rip the paper in smaller pieces and hold them out with the pens, waiting. "Oh, and if I guess right, the person gets a kiss", Adam gets up, takes what I offer and passes everyone a piece and a pen. They write their question, fold the paper and put it in the bowl. Once all seven pieces of paper are in, I hustle and hand the bowl to Tyler. I look him in the eyes, when he picks, folds the paper open and reads aloud, "you kissed all of us, who kisses the best?" I giggle, I have a fairly good idea who wrote that. "Wow, right to the juicy stuff. Unfortunately I can't answer that one. Not because I don't want to, it's just that a kiss is, in my opinion, the most personal, so every person kisses differently. So I can't pick, and I don't want to. I can tell you that I didn't hate any of them, quite the opposite actually." They look at me, disbelief written all over their face. "Ah come on, one of…...", but I cut him off, "no, no other questions besides the one in the bowl. If you want to know more, you wait for the next round. Should the same question come up in the next round, a new question can the added instead", vere pouts, he clearly doesn't want to wait, but being the sweet boy that he is, he doesn't argue, just pouts cutely. Tyler passes the bowl to Xavier, but I still need to guess of course, "so I think that was Xavier's question", Tyler groans while Xavier happily claps. "Correct", he says with glee. I can play too, so I get up, get in front of him and bend down. I grab his chin and tilt his head down, planting a kiss on his forehead. I stand upright and turn to walk back to my place, I get one step away , before I'm yanked back, right into Xavier's arms, "oh no you don't", he breathes, "you owe me a kiss, a real kiss", he leans closer but I stop him by placing my finger on his lips. "I never said anything about a real kiss", he growls low in his throat, the sound turning me on, "then", I whisper seductively, "you know what to do about it, don't you?", I lick my lower lip slowly and his eyes catch the action, "just kiss me Xavier."

He closes his eyes before he connects our lips, deep and hard, like he has waited years. His soft lips molding with mine in sync. His tongue is strong but soft, dominant, but gentle. The kiss is a piece of art, having me sigh and moan into his mouth, hands feeling through his hair. His hands on my shoulders, holding me to him, leaning a little over me. It makes my back arch, and pushes my breasts against his wide chest. The kiss continues and continues until someone clears their throat, ripping me from the haze placed over me. Xavier giggles seeing my dazed look, a smug smile grazing his beautiful lips. I shake my head to get rid of the clouds in my brains and take my place between Tyler and Quinn. Xavier picks a piece and reads, ���Have you sucked any of us yet?" Xavier chuckles and looks at me expectantly, as do the others. I nod my head, "Yes, but let me say this right away, the question doesn't ask who, so I'm not going to say." They grumble, but as I'm right they can't argue. Xavier passes the bowl to Kaiden, "I believe Adam wrote that one", and I look at him to see if I'm right. He nods his head, a big smile on his face. He gets up and pulls me up too, he pats the back of my thigh and I know what he wants, so I give it to him. I jump, and he catches me, holding me firmly, my arms around his neck for balance. "You like this very much, don't you?", I giggle leaning to his ear, "I like it too, so strong and your engorged cock hits the right spot deliciously", I whisper huskily, so only he can hear. "It makes me want to suck you off, and by the question I can only assume you want me too." He groans, nods and takes my breath right out of my mouth, sliding his tongue in slowly, tasting and exploring. The kiss is heady, making me dizzy with want and need. His hands glide to my ass and he squeezes it hard, moaning in his mouth, I tighten my grip on his hair and try to pull him closer. He tastes like strawberries and lime. Very refreshing, how silly that may sound. Again we're broken apart by someone clearing their throat. I let my legs down, and slide down his body right over the bulge in his pants. He's panting, as he sits down again. He swipes his forehead and fans his face with his hands to cool down. I sit back down and look at Kaiden. It's his turn, he picks a piece and reads aloud, but first he chuckles, "have you ever had anal sex." they all look with great interest at me. I laugh, "that's easy, no", shaking my head to emphasize my answer. "My guess, Tyler, but he looks sadly at my lips and shakes his head. "Ooops, sorry", I apologize with a cheeky grin. Kaiden passes the bowl to Jay, and after drawing one he reads, "ever had a threesome, or gangbang?", he throws the paper on the table before looking at me, waiting. "Also easy, and no again", I shrug my shoulders. "So this one is from Kaiden?", hoping I'm right, those two kisses today have me reeling with dizziness, our first kiss wasn't as heated as the ones from today. My mind strays back to it every time I start to day dream. He pats his lap, answering my question. I practically jump up, but I don't. Can't show the others how eager I am. I walk slowly over to him when I get up, he sits in the middle, so there is room on the sides of him, so I crawl on top of him, making sure to touch him as much as possible with every part of my body, when I'm seated on his lap, I grab both of his cheeks, and whisper, only for him, "do you want to know what you do to me?" His yes comes out as a moan, and the others can hear it, he wasn't very quiet. "I just want to rip the clothes from your body and lick you all over, ending with your cock down my throat. I want to taste you badly", to emphasize I suck his earlobe. He moans again, and when I look at him, his eyes are closed, he bites his lower lip, and his eyebrows are furrowed as in pain. I lightly kiss his cheek, and glide my lips over it towards his ear again, "you okay?" He takes a deep breath and nods, "yeah, I just...the visual you painted, it was very…..let's just say I want it very much." I giggle, "me too, so much", the others hear the end only so, they don't understand completely what it is about. "So, what are you waiting for?", I stare at his eyes, they sparkle with an emotion I can't name. He just stares back, breathing calmly, his hands on my hips, not holding, just laying there. After a few minutes, I nudge his nose with my nose, his eyes move a little, like he is coming out of a trance. "Are you here, or still thinking about what I said?", I ask with a big smile. He shakes his head. And looks questingly, "what?", he squeaks. I giggle again, he is so cute, like a lion cub discovering the world for the first time. "I asked you why are you waiting?", I ask again, he furrows his brows in thought, "waiting for what?", he asked after clearing his throat to lose the squeak in his voice. "Silly", I giggle, "why did I crawl onto your lap again?" His eyes light up in understanding, and fill with lust while his eyes travel to my lips. He gives me a silly smile while shrugging his shoulders, "just enjoying the view." Then he places one hand on the back of my neck and the other below my neck between my shoulderblades. He tugs me closer as he scoots more to the edge of the couch, this way he can lean forward, making me bend my back, I grab his biceps to keep in place, and not fall. His lips descend on mine with force, almost bruising, he's impatient and pulls my lips apart with his, before sliding his tongue over mine, so slowly and delicately. A shiver running all over my body. Suddenly he stands up, turns around, and places me on my back, on the couch. My head is in someone's lap, I don't open my eyes to see who, he makes himself comfortable lying on top of me, and nicely snuggled between my legs. Without the fear of falling off him gone, my hands roam all over him, till I find the hem of his shirt. I put my hands under and explore his bare torso. He feels smooth and hard, but soft too at the same time, his skin burning my fingers. His pelvis and bulge grind against my core, stoking the fire raging through me. In desperate need of oxygen, I pull away as much as possible, breath ragged and panting, "stop, stop", I manage to push through my throat, he growls burying his face in the crook of my neck, "no, let's continue." He starts to suck on my neck, and an involuntary moan slips out, and the haze settles once more over me, making me lose my train of thought. The next moment of clarity comes when he bites on my shoulder, and I grab his hair in my fist and yank his head back. He groans and his eyes are completely glazed over with lust, "stop or I'm gonna do what I said", I take a breath and lick my lips, "as much as I want that we have to finish the game. It's not fair to the others." He sighs and drops his head on my shoulder, calming himself. He throbs against my core and he feels big and hard. Making me want to do all kinds of things to it. I look up right into Adam's eyes, an amused expression on his face, "enjoying yourself a little too much?", he chuckles. "Way too much", I giggle, I stroke through Kaiden's hair and finally I push him up and off me. He resists at first but eventually he gives in. I return to my spot, I don't bother smoothing my clothes. It's Adam's turn to read the next question.

"Ever kissed a girl?", he says, folding the paper back and disposing of it. "Another easy one, the answer is yes", I fold my hands in my lap and regard them quietly, "Jay, your question?" He nods and makes his way over to me instantly, he climbs on my lap and tilts my chin all the way up, and doing so my head rests on the back of the couch. His fingers trail down my throat, tickling. I sigh at the feeling, feeling his weight on my lap, keeping me in place. I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of him. I don't see him leaning closer, but I feel his lips press against mine. He is not in a hurry, and doesn't deepen the kiss right away, just simply learning my lips with his. He licks just below the lower lip, in the middle, before sucking my lower lip into his mouth, I gasp at the feeling, and he pushes his tongue between my lips, deepening the kiss finally. I moan, and grab his head, holding him to me. At this point, I'm completely lost in a sexual haze, created by these boys. These kisses can sustain me for a couple of months. The memory of them is enough to get me off. His fingers still trail up and down my throat and when he pulls back he smiles at me. I smile back and caress his cheeks with my thumbs. I see reluctance all over his face when he gets up and takes his place again. Adam passes the bowl to Vere, who picks one of the two remaining in the bowl. He unfolds it and snickers, "Weirdest place to have had sex?" I tap my lower lip with my finger, thinking back, should I tell them or not. "The backseat of a police car", leaves my mouth, still not sure if I should tell them this. I'm not going to elaborate, it's not that I was arrested, the father of the guy I had sex with was a police officer, that's all. So, I'm a little scared how they are going to react. It stays quiet and it looks like they're not going to ask now. "This was Tyler then?", I say looking at him again, but still no luck and he shakes his head again. "Shit, wrong again. Sorry", I smile and look at Quinn with the last question in his hand, contemplating me with dark unreadable eyes. "If we were to blindfold you, would you be able to recognize us by a kiss of 30 seconds?" I silently stare at him, I know it's his question, I'm just not sure how to answer. I haven't kissed all equally as much. "I believe so", I whisper quietly. "And this was your question I believe" He nods once, dark look stays the same, his eyes never leaving mine. "Would you be willing to try?", he then asked, lifting his arm and gliding his thumb over my lower lip. "Sure, this'll be fun, and more kisses", I breathe against his thumb, afterwards licking it with my tongue peeking out between my lips. His eyes turn black, he grabs my right wrist with his left hand and pulls me on top of him, spinning me in the process so I'm straddling his lap. "But first I claim my reward", he whispers seductively. I moan at the sound and promise, bringing my lips next to his ear, I whisper for him only, "I want you. I want you to fuck me senseless, I don't think I'll ever have my fill of you. And now, kiss me please?" His breath hitched listening to me and his hand on my wrist tightens, the other resumes the stroking of my lower lip when I look at him again. He wets his lip before pulling my face closer to his. When our lips connect I sigh in bliss, feeling his soft plump lips press against mine. I can feel him harden beneath me and it fuels my desire for him, and I moan in his mouth, breaths mingling. He grabs my ass when he deepens the kiss again, squeezing, and pushing me down on his hard on, grinding my core over it. The pleasure it gives has me trembling in his arms and he holds on tighter. Our tongues feeling each other, pushing, pulling, and suckling. Suddenly my head is pulled backwards, and I look at Tyler, who has a strong hold on my hair, titling my head back, Quinn follows and attacks my throat with licks and kisses, I moan and close my eyes. "Eager are we?", locking eyes with Tyler, a small smile on my face. Then Vere is standing above me, a tie in his hand. Tyler moves his hand to my neck and Vere ties it around my eyes, making sure I don't see anything. I climb off Quinn and take a seat on the couch. They all are standing so I don't know who is where.


Sorry if the kissing is too much. I like kissing so that is why the focus is so heavy.

Have a happy life

Sorry if the kissing is too much. I like kissing so the focus is so heavy.

Have a happy life

Diddlfanaatcreators' thoughts